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Finally got back onto my dream AU - Horizon zero dawn 

I wanna make as many characters designs as possible but damn god knows my concentration is wack. Let's hope we at least get to Hanzo. 

Jesse is from Oseram but most of his life he lived as a Carja. I'm lazy on the backstory so i just took the original - he was in a gang and got in trouble with Carja forces. Later he was recruited in the same forces (you can sure as hell guess it was Jack and Gabe who got him in). Later in the ark Gabe turns to Shadow Carja and with Jack going missing Jesse leaves the force and becomes a mercenary. 

Everything happens 12 years after the original game, so the situation with the machines got better. Humans finally started learning from the machines and some of the smartest even managed to modify it to the human advantage. One of those geniuses is Angela. She practically lived in cauldrons to study the machinery to be able to help treat people and one of her works' examples is Jesse's hand. 




Good design