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The June is here and that means a new thread of requests shall begin! 

But first of all let me wish you a Happy Pride Month! A great time to support each other and be proud! <3 I love ya'll and wish you strength, love and all the best!!

Second of all - there are a lot of new folk here, which makes me very happy! Thank you for your support, that means SO MUCH to me you cannot even imagine! So, welcome and let's begin!

The drill is the same but I will explain it every time anyway for new fellas - you write a comment on this post or send me a DM with your request, which quite literally can be anything  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I'll try to do all of them, but as your number grows I might have troubles with this, so plz don't take it personally. If that happens, and I don't do your request, I'll definitely do yours next month to keep it fare <33333

Stay safe, drink water, love yourself! 




Hello new here, so if I can request anaything can I request Sterek (Stiles and derek from Teen wolf)????


You sure can! Is there any specific details apart from the ship? :)


this is kinda late and i’m new here, but i was wondering if I could still request trans!hanzo getting the absolutely railed by mccree? :’)

severeni (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 10:06:13 You sure as hell can! &gt;:3ccc
2019-06-08 19:26:57 You sure as hell can! >:3ccc

You sure as hell can! >:3ccc