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The winter is finally over and it's time to heat this place up! As you may remember I mentioned that I want to try to change things around and instead of monthly reward we will have ourselves some requests! Now, I will do my best to make all of them, but please keep in mind that it is possible that sometimes I will fail to do so, especially if there will be lots of them. I will also do some other pieces, most of which will be patron exclusive (I already have a list of what I want to do hehehe) so it should be fun! 

So yeah, the rule is simple - in the comments here please leave your requests! Other fandoms aside from Overwatch are super welcome! If you are shy to write your request in the comments - you can DM me :)

Let's roll! 



UhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH Jesse on a fucking machine while Hanzo watches?


hmmm Jesse performing frottage on a fully-dressed and overwhelmed Hanzo?