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Hello everyone! I hope this week has been going well for all! I have managed to make some more art progress in the last week! At my other workplace there has been some staff shortages so I have been doing a few extra days than normal, this has pushed my progress back a bit more but I will continue to work on art whenever possible!

Merch + ZOR store
I have begun working on some new merch designs for bossmonsta.com! Plush Club sticker pack is now complete and a new pin + shirts are on the way! We will also be offering more Proto Bean plush colours soon as well! New discount codes will be available to Patrons once these new designs are up! The merch designs have been a good outlet to studying new styles / techniques as well as making awesome stuff for people to enjoy!

Commission Slots

With my current schedule and owing work still I am still not in a position where I am comfortable taking on another commission intake. I do greatly apologize for this delay but I want to ensure I can provide quality work at a reasonable timeframe. Again, I will be offering priority slots to Patrons first as soon as I am able to handle the work intake!

Personal Update
I have not been in the best condition mentally and physically for the past 2 /3 months unfortunately. Moving house and unexpected events have taken a large toll on me which has scrambled a lot of the plans I had for this quarter of the year.  As always. I want to be open and honest to ya'll about my expectations and what I can provide content wise. I will still continue to meet the rewards offered here (Streams & bases etc) as much as I possibly can! I will be looking at taking some time off in the next couple of months but will make sure to give advance notice!

Sneak Peaks!

/Above/ MERCH - Proto Planet Pin design concept: Glow in the dark parts included!

/Above/ MERCH - Proto Planet Pin design concept: Alternative palettes

/Above/ MERCH - Research Division shirt

/Above/ MERCH - Plush Club Sticker pack

/Above/ MERCH - Plush Club Sticker pack

/Above/ MERCH - Plush Club Sticker pack

Progress Shots!

/Header/  PSD BASE + TILE WALLPAPER: Loungeroom Companions! *Available later this month for download

/Above/ ICON - DARTH



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