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Hey everyone, thanks for waiting for the end of week progress update. I've also included a little personal update as I want to be open about my ability to progress and make sure I'm not disappointing anyone by not meeting expectations.

Schedule is a couple days behind as planned, this week had a few hick-ups but I will be continuing progress on owing pieces. Earlier this week I was facing a few issues that became too much for me to handle, this has left me in a bid of an unsteady head-space. I have also  been putting quite a bit of pressure on myself which has lead to me feeling extremely over-exhausted and lacking passion for what I do.

To make sure this doesn't effect the quality of my work I will be slowing down a little. I will still be making monthly goals,holding  weekly streams and 2 new downloadable pieces each month ( PSD and Wallpaper) but I will be working at a pace that gives me more time to work on my issues.

I will also be doing some more personal / vent pieces to help cope with my emotions, I found this to be helpful for me to express myself and move on. This will still be quite limited in quantity, I don't want anyone to feel I am pushing their work aside for my own. I find these pieces help bring back creative flowing thoughts as well as giving me more time to experiment with rougher styles.

As much as a possible extended break is needed, I am not comfortable taking time off with such a large queue and do not want to disregard my obligations to Patrons. A lot of my internal stress is related to having such a huge queue so its something I need to continue to work on. I will be looking at taking a couple of weeks off later in the year but only when I have reached a comfortable work load for me to put on hold. In the mean time I only ask for a bit more patience and understanding.

What to expect for July remainder & August

Stream schedules will continue weekly as normal. I was trying to hold a few extra mid week sessions but in my current state I don't think I will be able to do extras next month.

Art wise I will be slowing down, originally I was trying to work by 1x completed piece each day but I don't want to force progression so I will just be making daily progress instead of met completion goals.

PSD and wallpaper downloads will be back to 2 per month instead of 4. I was trying to get 1 weekly download out each week but the stress of trying to muster up a new idea every 7 days was getting a bit tough. I'm hoping that these changes will result in quality over quantity. Next month's art and content schedule will be available early next week!

Thank you to everyone for the continued support and kind words in the last few days, it has really helped motivating me to continue to work through everything.

- - - - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  - - -  /Header/ JULY RARE - Dark Arcai Mage /SHADE Adopt - Available soon 

 /Above/ ICON REWARD -  Void 

 /Above/ ICON REWARD -  Void 

 /Above/ ZOR: Panel arrangement example and Floating horns example (Arcai Mage) /Completed

  /Above/ Vent / Personal Artwork - untitled




I understand, Koinu. I'm not feeling good either. Vent art is a good outlet I think 🤍

Missy Metcalf

Totally understand! You need to do what's best for you and your health, including mental health. I'd love to see how you vent through art, don't feel obligated to keep to old schedules as things change. We care about you and you should go at your own pace <3