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Hey everyone! Here's the asset files from the appliance piece that was done a little while ago! Many of you really enjoyed the Protogen appliance designs so I'd like to give you all the asset files which you can use as a base! I have two versions below, please check out which one best fits your needs:


This file contains just the appliance pieces all separated in individual folders. This file is good if you only want the appliance base assets to make your own Protogen into one of the available designs!

4x Appliance types (Shown)


This file contains all the appliance folders as well as the original tile assets. This file is good if you would like to re-create the entire tile piece with your Protogen of choice. If you would like to re-create the tile please take in mind you may need a program that has a feature called 'offset'. You can still make your tile image without this feature but it may not have the same 'seamless effect' that you see in some time pieces.

4x Appliance types (Shown)
Tile asset objects - Toast / Cup / Cord / Outlet (Not shown)

For Photoshop users, you can get to this feature via: Filter > Other > Offset *Adjust to personal preference then test it by setting it as your wallpaper on tile*

For other programs you may have to search online to see if it has an offset like function / feature. I have also included one of the tile completed pieces to show an example of how the image will look with the offset on.

Tips for this base
- Since there is not a lot of individual parts / removable sections in this base it may be easier to trace over if your design varies differently to the original base design.
- Please feel free to remove / modify / change the properties of any layers to get your desired effects!

- File is PSD, should work in most drawing programs
- Do not redistribute the base outside of Patreon
- You are free to either 'colour in' the base or redraw the piece (Trace over)
- You are free to add/ change / remove features of the character to resemble desired look! - You are free to change the species from the original base
- You are free to ask a colleague / artist to help with the base so long as its within our members.
- Make sure to check if the layer is locked/unlocked if you are experiencing issues.         

- Completed compressed copy of the base can be shared online. (Your completed copy)
- PSD file can only be shared among Patreon members / Modified by Patrons only. 

*Make sure to check the layer properties if you feel like there is an error with the layer! Some of the layers may be locked or set to particular layer filter (Example - normal, multiply, screen etc) You can easily adjust or change these setting in SAI / Photoshop and similar programs. 



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