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Hey everyone! I had a good weekend off to recharge and catch up on some stuff at home! This week is going to be a little bit of a busy one, I am working on a small video project which Patrons will have early access too, hoping to be up by Thurs/Fri! I also will have a base download available this week too!

Small update with the Minecraft server too! I have been looking at some alternative hosting services such as Apex MC hosting, will do my best to get this organised this week I apologize on these delays!

Our next VC Art Stream & Event is also at the end of the week! Come stop by for some little art requests and chill / fun chats!

ART STREAM+EVENT:  Friday 12th June 10pm UTC |  My time: 13/06 8am AEST / GMT+10

/Header/ ICON REWARD -  Zephyrz 

/Above/ ZOR: Tail Examples * handful of examples, more designs are open to interpretation! 

/Above/ ZOR: Hand/Feet Examples * handful of examples, more designs are open to interpretation!  

 /Above/ ZOR: Visor Nanite Functionality / ability

  /Above/ ZOR: Nanite Limb functionality / Example of complex functionality

 /Above/ ZOR: Protogen Tank - Growth & Development




Dat biohazard decal on the blue proto's forehead looks just like the one on my Princedom Fighter here. x3 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/775098948693268107/86EDF4E04725A411984A8F76AFDEF845DD58AB8D/


Indeed, it was a concept by me of a pre-existing fight in the game franchise "R-TYPE". Originally the fighter used internal devices to create hardlight copies of itself for increased firepower, but in this picture, those devices were replaced by fluid tanks to give it's weapons a corrosive tinge.