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Hey everyone! Another PSD base for May, I hope you guys like this icon base! This base includes a square and rounded Protogen copy, I have also separated the pink/purple so you can choose your hypnotic colour of choice!

Animation Tutorial
Please visit my animation tutorial for a general idea / understanding of the frame work and how to use the base. With this base you do not need to redraw the line art as mentioned in the example piece. To get a smooth transition between the frames I have chosen 3 frames set to 0.1 seconds.

-  https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-step-tutorial-37049876

To animated this base you just need to switch between the hypno layers. Have hypno 1 turned on/ visible for frame 1, hypno 2 turned on for frame 2 & same for 3. 

X - Turn off/hide these layers during the specified frames

For this animation I set each frame to 0.1 sec but please choose the speed of your choice!

- File is PSD, should work in most drawing programs
- Do not redistribute the base outside of Patreon
- You are free to either 'colour in' the base or redraw the piece (Trace over)
- You are free to add/ change / remove features of the character to resemble desired look! - You are free to change the species from the original base
- You are free to ask a colleague / artist to help with the base so long as its within our members.
- Make sure to check if the layer is locked/unlocked if you are experiencing issues.     

- Completed compressed copy of the base can be shared online. (Your completed copy)
- PSD file can only be shared among Patreon members / Modified by Patrons only.  

If you have any trouble using the base or need further explanation on a particular part of the tutorial please comment below! Enjoy!! ^^




I'm having a bit of trouble figuring this out, does this work in Gimp?


Hey! So unfortunetly I will have some difficult helping with other programs but I will do my best to help troubleshoot and get it working for you! Here's a couple of tips to try and afterwards if you have any specific problems I can try and help you out a little more! What I would advise first before editing the base is to test it with the template already available. Your program of choice will require some kind of animation window which you may be able to search for basic tutorials for. Once you are familiar with your programs tools you just need to change the 'hypnotic blue/pink' layers by having the correct one turned on for each individual frame. Once you have tested the frame speed you can save that info for when you make your final. As for Gimp I am not entirely sure but a quick search took me here: https://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/#:~:text=Unlike%20it's%20default%20composite%20function,as%20of%20an%20animation%20frame.&text=For%20now%20let%20us%20think,as%20of%20a%20separate%20frame. As another free alternative you could possibly look at firealpaca you should be able to find more info here: http://firealpaca.com/en/douga/#:~:text=By%20using%20the%20%E2%80%9COnion%20Skin,animation%20with%20FireAlpaca%20and%20AlpacaDouga!&text=Drop%20files%20to%20upload%20(.,gif%2F. Sorry I am a little limited on other programs but if there's anything unclear in the guide I will do my best to help you out!