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Hey everyone! Just wanted to share some lore progress I've made on the new site. This is extracted from the Protogen guide, I hope it better explains some of the backstory and reason for the Protogen species!

I am also open to feedback and critique so if you have any suggestions or notice any grammatical / sentence structure errors I am open to improvement as story building is not my forte! Hope you guys like what I have so far!

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The production and creation of Protogens started in the 12th cycle of ZOR, the Primogenitors wanted to create a sentient modular being with the ability to learn and adapt to the universe without the constant upkeep needed for robotic life and AI. At the time AI while being very efficient, struggled to learn and adapt to a forever changing world and would conclude biological life to be inefficient. Scientists turned to biological and cybernetic fusion as an alternative.

The DNA of Protogens originates from a Synapsid species located within the Reddus Nebula. The specifics of this species have been classified by Primogenitor scientists, but available extracts of research show that these creatures were adaptable to most environments making them the most optimal choice for space & planetary exploration. Once the ideal DNA was acquired, Primogenitor scientists worked on 'PROJECT ARC'; ARC - Artificial Remote Control. Scientists infused Micro Crystalline 'Arcaites' in the cerebral fluid of the Protogen, allowing total mind control over the specimen. This allowed Primogenitors total domination and control over the new species and halted the AI uprisings. 

By the beginning of the 13th Cycle of ZOR, Protogen production had increased as a demand for manual labor and military use peaked. Protogen's were very efficient in filling these drone like roles as the Arcaites kept them in a subservient state, dubbing them the worker bee of the universe. They were treated very similar to AI as the stigma around their artificial creation and lack of free will gave them no individual rights. This unfortunately resulted in many Protogen's being abandoned or destroyed after their purpose was served. 

During this Cycle it was observed that some abandoned Protogen had started small colonies. These communities had very little resources and were seen as harmless to the Primogenitors. Over time some of these Protogens had started to develop skills in Arcai; an ancient magical power that allows the user to manifest energy which allowed Protogens to nullify the infused Arcaites and reach a state of consciousness. This lead to the uprising of the age and many Protogen's rebelled against their creators. The Primogenitors faced with both the Protogen's uprising and their own division on the subject lead to a segregation between scientists and 'Advancers'.

While the turbulence between the two main factions of Primogenitor's (Syantika and Nehixim Advancers) continues, Protogen's have created their own society on one of ESMIRE 4's moons. The moon known as E1 was terraformed and became the home capitol for the Protogen species. Protogen's have been able to freely live and thrive on the moon allowing them to continue to master and study Arcai. Mutual agreements made between the Protogen and the Primogenitors have allowed a semi peaceful symbiotic relationship. The Syantika faction appealed to giving Protogen sentient status allowing the species to form their own society and individual rights. The Nehixim wish to regain control and use Protogen for planet colonization -




So far, the lore/history sounds very lovely and extremely interesting about what the Protogens/Primagens were created for and over time learned about themselves and creators, therefore, becoming rebellious. Very interesting ^^ (This obviously took a lot of time and thinking)


Looks like the Traveller won't need to kill himself to choose between Proto/Primagen or Primagenitors after all.


This is really cool! I love the idea that abandoned protogens learned arcai magic all on their own. That is badass, if I say so myself!


I can foresee so much good RP from this XD


Oh wow, this is super interesting! I'd love to learn more about the Primogenitors ^^