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Before going to 0.14, I want to release another update that will finish the Daisy Lewd Reward art. It is currently a sketch, I will go back and finish it and add it in update 0.13.5B. Sorry, the update was already big enough as it was, so from now on I will be limited the size of future updates to 4 lewd scenes per update.

This week I will be relaxing and working on some improvements to the game.

For 0.14 my plan is

-New nabokov boss

-New nabokov lewd scenes

-Allowing Homura to cum. Might make it into 0.13.5B.

-New lewd scenes, maps, story, etc.

I would say more, but I am afraid the more plan reveal only half might make into the next update. You'll have to stay tuned for more. I will also create a poll later for the next characters to appear in the game, and what Lolita is going to wear in one of the bad ends.

Thank you for the support and have a nice day.


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