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Yay! this one is finish and here some little description of this things: These boobs are actually Sticky Milk Machineguns that can immobilize a White Angel in a few shots. The projectiles are fast and flexible, and stick the target to the ground. They can also fire long-range ballistic cum projectiles from the main cannon, and their visors provide anti-flash and night-vision to engage targets in any environment. Their mouths are sealed to prevent sleeping gas attacks by a rubber gag.

Now 2 left enemies to draw is next is Super Arch Mage. Am aiming to finish these two in 7 (Sunday) or 8 (Monday) then on 9 Tuesday I take a days off for 2 days since I haven't take any days off yet when the game release, for those who's is new I only take days off after each new updates release for around 2 or 4 days off. I be working on the next updates 0.8D on wednesday it be the final battle between Lolita and Gaymax after that next threat is Queen Irina together with her Knight and friends should be finally showing themself on 0.9D.

This is for now and have a nice days.

This is the roadmap for those that don't know: Roadmap 1.0

Reveal: Drive 



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