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I will change the name Lolita Adventures to Swan song of the White Angels because almost every weeks there always 2 or 3 people chat/email to me asking if this a Pedo game or does this based on the famous books of child predators? this game is actually NOT about a pedo game or from that's books I pick Lolita because it a cute name, Before game release I don't know the true meaning of Lolita in other countries/nations, BUT the protagonist name will still be the same, and this also to avoid a future Ban from Patreon one day when a stupid SJW Person see this or review this game her/he will instant ban this game just because the name Lolita, there already a 18+ Artist who got Ban or suspended just because their have many Lewd/nudity arts so I try to avoid this issues, I hope your guys can understand the situations and very sorry for the inconvenience.
The version is now is 0.3D newest bug fix, If there is a bug that I miss please report to me


524.33 MB file on MEGA