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Here a monster girls that is plan to be a Princess that are the most unluckiest to be the first princess to be capture by the Angels and she will be cleanse from all the sin her have!...

On the left is her name Hasuni Sisith and the right will be her “new” form that be doing the Suci Trial. Depending on each person mental strength it can took couple of month to years or decade to finally cleanse them and be true good civil and pure dron- citizens.

That Cross tattoo plan to be the one that prevent those girls to cum or orgasm and it going to turn the white color into a gold bright color when the cleanse is complete.

Every person’s that become the Putih Sister Nun will still have the same design and hair but the “important” one be have different hair color to prevent confusion. Also not every sinful monster girls be like this, there be... different way too...

Sketch: MEGA

Below here is a brief explanation of Suci Trial, Let me know what’s your thought on this.

Suci Trial:

A person who has committed multiple sins of degeneracy must do a journey of purity and solitude by doing the suci trials. When it starts, a new personality will take hold of a person's body to cleanse the impurity of their soul, making them saintly, while the tainted part of them must endure exile from their own body. They must reject their sinful desires and learn from their new personality how to be a righteous person. Only then will they return to their body, and live a life of balance with the gates of heaven open to them.



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