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Hey guys, how are your holidays? I hope you're enjoying this amazing time of the year! ^^

Sadly, I neither have fluffy white beard nor a personal herd of reindeers but I do have a present for you today: 

Finally, the next game "A Day With D. Va" is finished and ready to be released. And as always, you guys are the first to play it!

Just like the last games, this one rapidly got bigger and more complicated as I was working on it. I constantly had new ideas and things I wanted to implement. 

As a result of that, the game includes many new features which I've never used before. One of the most interesting additions is the new chastity option. I don't know about you guys, but I talked to a lot people who enjoy chastity as an element in these games. Whether I'll continue to work with that in the future depends mostly on the feedback on it in this game.

In general, I really look forward to your feedback and critiques. It'd be particularly important for me to know how difficult you found it, as I was constantly tweaking the difficulty and I'm not sure it worked out well. As you all know, this game is fairly special as it's my first non-clop game and I hope you guys like it as much as the previous games. ^^

The public release of "A Day With D. Va" will probably be on Monday. I'll release some more content about "ADWD" a bit later. The brainstorming phase for the next game begins shortly after.

Well, that's all for now. I look forward to your feedback and wish all of you happy holidays and a lot of fun with the new game. :D


A Day With D.Va


Uncreative Anonymous Name

Just thought I'd mention a bug, the metronome doesn't stop after the widow ending, so if you continue with D.Va, you have to wait until her next timer ends for it to stop making noise.


Oh, that's a common issue but, luckily, it's easy to fix once I know it exists. Thanks for pointing it out, the metronome should stop properly now. :)


First off, D. Va is a tease (a good one). The voice lines add to the experience and the setting helps immersion a lot. Even though the widowmaker parts were not really my cup of tea, they seem fun if you're into that. I have to say though, the timers, where you hold your breath, seem a bit too long. I don't think I could hold my breath for that long under normal circumstances. I also noticed I got chastity dialogue at the end even though I disabled the option (D.Va -> Widowmaker -> D.Va route).


I'm glad you like it! Thanks for telling me about the chastity issue, I accidentally had both options in the settings enable chastity. Also, I decreased the breath holding time to 25 seconds. Thanks for the feedback! ^^