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After the release of "The Mystical Maze" we've gained some new patrons and passed multiple goals! One of those goals was a Q&A thread in which you guys can ask me anything that's on your mind.

Whether it's regarding my working process, my ideas, upcoming games or anything else, I'll try to answer all questions you might have. ^^

I will add a link to this thread in my description so that you and new visitors can always easily find it.



What inspirited you to start making these games?


As it happens so often, I noticed that there weren't any JOIP games for the clop fandom and decided to create one myself. Back then, I didn't plan to continue making them but after the first game was received very well and a lot of people liked it, I decided to make more. I myself have played and enjoyed all kinds of instruction games for quite a while now. I think they're a lot of fun and it's a shame not many people know about them. Because of that, it makes me really happy when people who have never played any of these games before tell me that they enjoyed it. :)