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Sorry this one is late, I had so many last minute things to get done during February and really didn't finish them. Hopefully my application to go back to school is still valid seeing as the school never got back to me after multiple attempts to ask them questions about the status of my application. It was only two days ago my advisor got back to me through email just to say I had a hold on my account and I had to remove it before the application could be processed. That's all well and good but, I emailed you at the start of February. The cutoff date for applications for the 2022-23 school year were March 2nd. Its now mid March and you're only now getting back to me. My head hurts. Its like the world is preventing me from getting back on track. Just yesterday I got a letter for jury summons for next month, I have therapist appointments on each day I'm supposed to appear in court. Jobs I apply to don't return my calls or emails. I thought that being depressed was hard, trying to get your life back together after you recover is enough to make you depressed again.

Anyways, the word B and J together is forbidden by patreon so you guys get the fancy redacted title. I will also be trying something new for the next couple of pin up polls. For March and foreseeably April and May, I want to try using a template like more successful artists on twitter do with their patreon polls. March will be some suggestions from my discord server along with a few of my own. April will be your character suggestions instead of prompts, and May will be only my suggestions. I will probably do a poll seeing how its received once May is finished.

Thank you everyone for dealing with my problems as I try to get through my weird life



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