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Merry Christmas everyone! For those that don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays. I hope everyone is safe and doing well this Christmas Eve. I continue my own Christmas tradition of being either hurt or sick on Christmas. For those who haven't been keeping up with me on Deviantart, I recently had surgery at the end of November to remove a tumor on my leg. It's ok it was benign, but its still scary to think about. Well last week my stitches ripped and I only found out about it going into the Dr.'s to see about the pain I was still having in my leg. Come to find out there was a gaping hole in my leg still. So now here I am Christmas Eve, resting in bed taking an antibiotic to help with infection.

Anyways, enough about me and my pain.

Patreon tiers might see a change going into the New Year, I don't have a concrete plan in mind but expect the higher tiers to change in price and possibly a new one be added somewhere in the mix. All depends on if I get back into college and my work takes me back.



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