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I want to make a short story for this one later (I know I say that but this time I think I mean it). I think a short story about what's happening in the drawing would not only be helpful but also get me to stretch my writing legs since I haven't actually written anything since Halloween of last year.

After letting my teaser for the NSFW Pack sit for a week, I think I'll be adding it to my schedule of drawing so many of those a week/month. Expect something either Monday or Tuesday of next week depending on how my work hours go. Not all my ideas are NSFW, I just want to use that as an excuse to empty off that list of idea's I've been building for over a year now (as well as be more active here).

Edit 8/25: The unfinished story that I lost motivation halfway through so something is better than nothing, I might continue it if I get the motivation

It was a tight fit, but that’s what she was hoping for. Mercury, Emerald and Neo watched on as their team leader pulled and stretched on what would hopefully net them some information on the Fall Maiden. The room was filled with low grumbles and faint moans as each member on the team looked on, awestruck with what they were witnessing before them.

Mercury interjected, “And you’re sure this will get us the upper hand?”
Cinder turned around slowly from where she was standing in the middle of the room, her naked body that wasn’t her own, the empty face of a bright orange haired girl lay between her pert breasts.

“Would Salem ever disappoint us, Mercury?” Cinder cooed, her fingers slowly filling Nora’s empty ones, holding one up to her face to admire it.
Mercury flustered, not wanting to further question his mistress.
“N-no… she always has a plan…”
His face blushed bright red as his teammate, Emerald, snorted at his clear uncomfortableness in the situation. She found herself ogling at the transformation happening before her, amazed by how lifelike whatever magic Salem whipped up to create this thing, this suit, of JNPR’s Nora body. Neo sat to herself in a corner of the room, cross-legged, not paying attention to the spectacle in front of her.

Cinder, reached up to grab the empty face of the girl she was currently wearing, judging the empty eye sockets with a certain scrutiny before turning it around and opening the slit on the back. Ducking her face into the mask, she felt sensations wash over her. The sudden pain of the suit only dulled by the pleasure it brought after. Collapsing to the floor, all three teammates rushed to her side, wary of whatever magic taking affect on Cinder. As she wailed and screamed, her voice began to change, going down a couple of octaves, slowly becoming an exact match to Nora’s. She jerked on the floor, before coming to a rest as whatever magic subsided inside the costume.

Cinder panted heavily until she felt someone’s hand on her shoulder. She could actually feel it, as if it were her real skin. She looked over her shoulder and saw Emerald’s caring face hovering over her.

“Uggh… I’m fine…” Cinder said, sitting up and clutching her head.
After the mugginess subsided, she started to admire her new body.

She got up and moved to a nearby mirror. She looked exactly like Nora, down to the pores. She turned around, looking at her backside, noticing an excited Mercury in her reflection. She smirked, about to pursue the advantage when she noticed a seam running up her back. She curiously reached behind her and ran her fingers over it, to her surprise, wherever she touched it, it would fade away, disappearing from sight. Only going back over it with her fingers again would bring it back into view.

Looking back at her reflection, seeing Mercury still shifting in his seat, she decided to take advantage of it. Still facing the mirror, she struck pose after pose, flexing various muscles, and finally bending over, presenting Nora’s bare ass to the group. Only stopping when Mercury hurriedly excused himself to the restroom.

She smiled to herself, Mercury was right, this plan wouldn’t fail.




I would very much appreciate a story, I'm curious who's suiting as who~