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I had checked DA at least 20 times yesterday waiting someone to follow me to make 599 into the nice and even 600. I got my last watcher as soon as I said I was waiting for it in Discord. I had talked to my girlfriend about what to do and my genius brain came up with the idea of a face reveal. It's been a year and some change since I started and a milestone seemed like the perfect opportunity for you all to see the artist behind the art. 

Anyways, please excuse my look, I had to get out of bed at 12am and throw on something to make myself look presentable for a selfie. 

I decided to pick some drawings of the past year that I thought showed some special significance or ones that I was really proud of. It all began with Tracer disguising herself as Sombra. I got noticed by a big name in this community, LemonxChanh redrew it in their style. And from there, it only would get better. A few months later I decided to change my art style and have loved it ever since. I made the Ahsoka unmasking sequence, which still remains my most favorited work to this day, and decided that I needed to expand, I made a discord server and built up a small community of my own who have supported me through thick and thin, especially now as I make my way through this mental state I find myself in. Fast forward to the summer, I spend three days on one of my masterpieces, a Safijiva suit up sequence. Later on I try my hand in "high quality" backgrounds for my Shark Week appreciation and Sonia as Nessa drawings, both of which are my proudest backgrounds I've done so far. And now Inktober, where I find time in my day to draw quality daily drawings, of which day 3 and 7 are my favorites, only rivaled by day 24 because ass. I didn't really show my appreciation to you all on my actual anniversary, so I'm choosing now to be good time to. I definitely couldn't have made it this far without all the kind and insightful things you all have thrown my way throughout the year I've been on DA. I realize that no one really is gonna read this whole thing because fuck reading am I right? But this really has been a great year for me drawing wise, mentally... thats another story, but this does help me get through it and I hope to continue to work through it throughout the next year.

Thank you all so much for 600 watchers!



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