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Sup everyone! Time for one of these again!

Work-Life Situation

My job situation is stable. I uhm... might be moving out soon so I need to get my act together quick and get some money stat.

Art & Commissions

I will be reinstating stream commissions next week.

Full commissions will stay paused just because of the sheer amount of things I wanna do before taking that stuff upon myself again.

Personal work and side projects

I've been working on video games and I want to work on OC comics, my plate's kinda full ngl xD

But it's fun honest work. Can't wait to show all of you when it's done.


After I'm done with personal projects, I'll likely be bringing back headshot rewards for patrons 10$ and up. Stay tuned for that.

If I can get my stack clear by the end on February, I'll be pausing billing for March as penance.

With that being said, thanks for reading and have a good one.


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