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Nope not dead. 

Like I said on Discord:

I live and I'm learning how to post art once more.. Man my art's crusty rn xD Fixed a bug with my rig which caused my drawing tablet to skip frames when streaming so I'll finally be able to draw publicly in the near future as well

I'm mostly done catching up with all due art and rewards, thanks for bearing with me y'all.

Lost a lot of Patreons due to inactivity and just poeple being tight on money, and no hard feelings there.


It has come to my attention that it is really difficult to upload and keep multiple platforms up to date, especially with how frivolous my mind and self-confidence can get.

So to make it clear, most of my rewards are posted on my discord server.

If you don't know where to find it, it should come with your Patron confirmation email amongst other things. If that doesn't work, feel free to contact me directly

I'll (try to) post the bigger update and art pieces here.


So due to the previous poll, I'm working on a Yanuna/Pardonne & Clarance comic to get myself back into comic making. we'll see how that goes.

Anyhow thanks for the support and I can't wait to draw for all of you again.



Woot, Clarance!