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After a lot of considerations, I'll be changing how I handle Patreon content.

I'll be making a new Discord server to coincide with the new reward changes. 

I've been highly inactive in my current on and after thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that I have a lot of negative emotional baggage associated with it and I want a clean slate.

I'll be adopting the model of posting my art in dedicated channels instead of spamming y'all's Patreon inboxes 24/7h.

Fyi I'll still be posting here, just that a lot more private sketches will be posted on the Server.

With my second year of university coming up in September, I need to get my head back in the game quick. 

Good news is, most of my side projects have concluded and my art confidence is mostly back. So August billing will be cancelled as well and I will catch up on due art.

-2 Nogitsune commission comics and a bunch of Patreon stuff.

Also the Patreon TF comic idea is back on the table and I have a few ideas cooking up. So expect a poll coming soon.

Also full disclosure. There is a chance that sketch rewards might disappear by the end on 2021. Either that or they'll be massively revamped to more accurately allow a proper output.

Hindsight being 20/20 (ha.) they're a lot to manage and a LOT of people either forget or send in their request late, which kind of results in stressing me out.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments and thanks for the support fams. You're amazing!



Does this mean I should call off the assassins?