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"You know... This whole thing sucked but... getting to know you this intimately... Maybe there was some good to come out of this after all."

The end of an Era. My 4th Major TF story.

I posted on the Patreon Discord a while ago but forgot to put it here, oops.

3 whole months of my life on these two goobers, how time flies. I'll likely be making an author's note depending on if I've got the time and based on how salty some of the shippers might get.

I won't really apologize if this isn't the ending you expected or wanted but I hope you've enjoyed the ride regardless.

I'm even more excited to work on my next big project now. Feel free to let me know what you think of this ending and your interpretation of it ^^




This is too cute. I love these two too much and would love to see more of them.


Hah, I'd been wondering when the last part was gonna drop and the truth is you'd been holding out on us. :p Fun ride and a messy, awkward relationship where, for better or worse, they both seem happier and closer to each other. It is a fine finale that leaves just enough wiggle room for people to imagine whatever kind of "in the future" ending they really want (because who can stop shippers?) even if the intent does seem to be, in the end, a platonic, imperfect, but nevertheless happy ending.