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"You know what... I'll be paying for that cleric out of pocket..."

For the kick of it, I decided to make an actual cursed item for this, enjoy~

Earring of the Goblin Queen + 6 [Cursed Artifact]


 This golden jewel is quite big with a green streak going across it. It has a tribal look with a deceptively high quality material but it has a mysterious aura.

Goblette Boon.

 Your height, skin tone and other physical traits gain their equivalence for a mature individual of your new species (i.e. if a member of a species is seen a desirable, they would have possess desirable goblin traits). Your body also becomes female in every way and grows hair at ▀▀▀▀▀▀ the rate. The changes take effect gradually over the course of 1d10 day at varying speeds. If your morphology is already that of a female, the changes occur in 1d10 hours and gain 1d6 charisma as long as you have this item equipped.

 Magical and attuned equipment morphs to accommodate your new form and preferences.

Scavenger Lord's Wisdom.

 You gain the ability to speak and understand Goblin. The knowledge and skill of powerful past Goblin rulers and previous wearers who have died wearing this item are stored inside of it. You must either speak Goblin or refer to yourself in 3rd person when speaking in Common. Failure to comply, runs the risk of those memories merging and overtaking yours for 2d10 days. The save DC is ▀▀ + the item's level. Once you succeed the save, you are immune to this effect for 12h and the DC is increased by 1 by the next offense. On fail, the GM takes over your character for the duration of this effect.

 You get to bypass the save and gain free access to the item's stored power and wisdom by forgoing the ability to explain the details of the curse to others and behaving goblin-like of your own accord.

Refer to the Chaosborne, Mastermind (CR + )  Boss template and add 1 trait from the list to your character for every 24h this effect is active. Adjust your class and levels accordingly.

Curse Amnesia.

 Roll a D6 everyday when not under the effect Scavenger's Wisdom, whether it is willfully or on a failed save. On a 6, you get to behave normally for 24h while remaining a Goblin physically. However, you forget everything you know about curses you have during that time span.

Needless to say, this is a cursed item so you can't willingly take it off without the proper channels.

Would you wear this?

This was a fun side project. I'm glad people liked this.
Expect more, once I clear my backlog. (Or another random idea pops up)




Do you get any boons for using it willingly? Also does that mean if i put it on after going trough a fast food binch instead of fat i get a bigger ass? XD Wait does that mean if I'm a solid one three even as a gob i be plain as heck?.q.q


I'd suggest rereading then. Also if you just gained random fat, it wouldn't necessarily look good on you most likely. ^^; This is a cursed item after all, it's not supposed to be desirable in most cases.

Val Salia

Great success!