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So good news, the comic is getting a 6th page

Bad news (for me), the comic is getting a 6th page.

The epilogue comic's reception has been amazing and because of that, turns out there a LOT more questions that people want answered that the initial 5 pages wouldn't've allowed for. Thank you all for that, genuinely. xD

I'll be taking a slight break from my usual workflow as well.

On top of having to redo thumbnailing, as some of you might already know, a little under half of my comic files have been corrupted due to my PC borking pretty hard. I pushed myself to reconstruct page 3 and that has left me a bit sapped.

I've been having fun making these though, so no risk of me dropping this or anything. So mostly good news all around (at least for you guys and gals. :V

That is all. Take care everyone!


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