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After "Sticky commitment", I'll be creating a proper channel for [TF Stories] on the Discord and I'll be bumping access to early comic WIPs to the $5 Tier starting next month.

I'll also be starting to actively block people who display suspicious behavior with joining, leaving & billing.
P-S: I can tell who'd been billed, declined or not, so I can deny access to individuals with scrutiny.

Once I'm back on top of rewards and due art, I'm thinking of starting polls for TF stories going forward ($5+).

In regards to Eevee Now Live,

That side thing really exploded. Never again will I posting 3 comic pages in a single day (ESPECAILLY while sick) xD

If you've been reading and paying attention, I'll be working on a epilogue after getting some other stuff in order first. Should be about a page long, maybe 2. We'll see.

With finals week and my birthday looming upon me, I'll also try to get stream commissions open once again on Tuesdays.

Should be all for now, take care.


Berrie bun

happy birthday :O! ... also I thought patreon pulls money automatically every month. or was I wrong??


Vanilla Patreon bills at the end/beginning of the month. If you join the middle, you're not charged. You CAN force it to bill upon joining but I chose against that.