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  • Dark Angel season 1 (wanted to give it a try for such a long time now + it was one of the recommendations I've received back when I started the channel 😁) 
  • The OA season 2 (thank you once again Shashank Singh for introducing me to this show 😃)



Reds Reactions

I loved dark angel. Sad it only had a few seasons

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!! I enjoy Dark Angel too! I absolutely love Michael Weatherly in this show. He's a fantastic actor, and I absolutely love his character in Dark Angel too. :) I'm looking forward to it!

Barbara Ann Baker

So exciting! Maybe I'll check out the subsequent literature so I can answer any questions at the end or point you towards it.


So excited that you’re starting S2 of The OA. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on it. I still can’t believe it got cancelled 🙄


Looking forward to both but really curious to hear your thoughts on season 2 of the OA.

Chris Nowak

They were really ramping into some excellent stuff too. And it took me awhile to get used to Jensen Ackles in Supernatural without seeing Alec!


Oh nice! Dark Angel was a show with high potential, but I think it had networking issues, so it had a short life. Definitely a show that pairs well with Charmed and Xena. :D Thank you!

Samantha Single

just wondering when you will be posting more of your reactions to Xena