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1. Elinor (Our Evolved Undead Warlord!)

Undying Empire Index

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Inside her spacious stagecoach, Elinor took the far seat to study the bustling morning traffic as the City Guard escorted her up Main Street to reach the Noble District.  Runners had been sent ahead to inform Alix that she had requested his immediate attention, which, given her displayed personality, was tantamount to a demand expected to be followed.

Her entertained emerald eyes drifted between the various parties going about their daily tasks, and the food shops were a blaze of activity, bringing tantalizing aromas to those going about their business.

She really needed to get Butter a body so she could taste food again.  It was such a strange thought; she hadn’t had a meal in months, yet she’d been so preoccupied with the survival of the people who relied on her that it had hardly been a thought.

The well-established kingdom and its commerce sparked a fire within her; this was what she was working toward.  No, her empire would become a beacon of intellectual and technological advancement that would pull weight all across her new world.  First, as was natural with any budding nation, she had to focus on their ability to defend themselves and the resources to expand, which this Legend Quest provided an excellent window of opportunity to provide.

Elinor’s gaze wandered to the leather pouch of buried coins Charlie had dug up for her.  Opening it, she took out a few coins the guards had commented on, informing her of their value and shocked at their ancient origin.  Well, ancient for these people was two centuries.

Apparently, certain collectors in the Noble District would be willing to part with modern currency for the old coins at a moderate upscale in profit, which was more than acceptable to her.  She could get a small fortune from these buried treasures, which could jumpstart Lilya’s activities.  After all, their House currently relied on the goodwill of the nobility, and the costs of running a House were not to be underestimated.

Her mind was pulled inward as her cautious father made contact, and she began her ascent up the ramps to the Upper District.  “Elinor… we may have a problem with your shopping trip.  Nungal is playing games and laughing at us.”

“Oh?”  Tiffany asked, joining with a bit of interest.  “What makes you say that?  Has she asked for something unreasonable, like twelve spotless rams as a burnt sacrifice?  If so, I can find a way to make it work!”

“No,” her father sighed, his short pause drawing Lilya and Castria into the call, wanting to know if there were any issues that they could help with.  “Nungal is going to go shopping with you all… using Grace as an avatar, which means this entire job that I’ve been doing has been a colossal waste of time.”

Tiffany snorted with laughter.  “Oh, what a little troll this goddess is; I love it!  Does that mean we will actually be able to speak to this goddess ourselves?  The secrets we could learn!”

“Should she be willing to impart them,” Lilya smoothly interjected, projecting a thoughtful vibe through the Nexus.  “This is… very strange for Nungal.  Legends within the Quiltra tribe do speak of the ability of their goddess to use her chosen avatars to enact judgment on the battlefield… but for shopping?  Nungal is a very noble and elegant goddess to the Quiltra, yet also crafty and unpredictable.”

Castria’s strained laughter came through as Elinor quietly placed the coins in her hand back into the pouch, considering how this would change things.  “I’m still lost on this idea of a ‘goddess,’ or whatever you call her.  What are gods and goddesses?  Why is everyone talking like she’s stronger than the Grand Duke?”

“Oh, honey, honey!  You should find a seat,” Tiffany chortled, thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to educate the young Tempest, who grew up in a totally nontheistic kingdom.  “Allow me to explain to you in private.  Be back in a bit!”

She pulled the Sorceress into a private chat, leaving Elinor to sigh and rest her chin against the back of her hand.  Her searching eyes scanned the crowd of citizens, not really seeing them as her thoughts turned inward.

Nungal specifically demanded that Heather be there to replicate her size.  I doubt that is the only reason she wants the abused princess to be nearby.  It seems our assumptions that this was just some frivolous divine wish was turned on its head.  Nungal made me think light of her and now is holding a fingernail to my neck, forcing my attention.  Not bad…

Her father further clarified, still sounding mildly upset that he’d spent much of the night jotting down details about the goddess.  “Grace’s body may take on the illusion of Nungal’s appearance but his body has not transformed.  You could say that is the reason why she insisted Heather be brought, so she can act as a mannequin for her to use in her fashion trip.”

Elinor chuckled and felt her anticipation growing.  I think she’s successfully black-pilled you, Dad.  Let’s not forget that she is a goddess, or at the very least, a higher being who is smart enough to garner faith like Grace’s.  Tell Grace that I look forward to meeting his goddess.  Why don’t you meet me at the newly founded House of Ravens?  I needed to inspect the property in any case since High Lord Tarnash was so kind as to gift it to me.

Lilya’s soft, somewhat entertained laugh followed.  “Empress, isn’t it a tad cruel to make Lord Drake guide you around his former home in Lumina?  I am sure he lived there and away from their family lands to our west for much of his life.”

Hmm.  Who better to show me, then?  Don’t you think it is a beautiful excuse to force Anala and Drake to confront the misunderstanding the fire-haired girl has?  Plus, there are new plots involving his family I need to investigate.

Her focus locked onto the towering district divide between the High District and Noble District, a smile twisting her lips.  Speaking of which, I have a short meeting to attend.

“Very well, I will await your visit, Empress.  I hope your conversation proves fruitful.”

I doubt it, Elinor whispered.  She felt the horses stop as the guards checked in with the Magic Knights on duty to open the gate.  It is what he does after that will be of interest.  I will see you shortly.

Waiting a few more minutes in silence, Elinor’s gaze lowered to Lieutenant Cole as he approached her window.  “High Lord Alix Tarnash is awaiting you, Empress.”

“Good.  Have him join me.  I will be heading to his old family estate in any case.”


It wasn’t long until the door opened, the guards outside communicating to one another to return to their journey.  The tall, handsome, black-haired older brother of Drake entered with a respectful bow before taking his seat on the opposite side of the stagecoach to give her space.

“Empress, I was told that you wished to see me and noticed you had some rather… shabby-looking cargo with our family crest on it.  Am I to assume you’ve bought something from our sponsored merchants and found something unsatisfactory?”

Elinor only acknowledged him with a single glance before returning to staring out of the window; his fancy attire and well-groomed appearance mirrored his father, but she instantly got the vibe of an aristocrat from him, which wasn’t the same feeling she had from his father or little brother.

“Before I get into why I’ve called you here, High Lord Alix, would you indulge me and tell me where you came from?  I would hate to pull you away from your daily activities for my little side project.”

“A side project?”  Alix repeated, sitting back and sounding interested.  “I was getting better acquainted with the students of your House, Empress.  In truth, you pulled me away from a rather frustrating debate I was having with Lady Idalia about her older brother’s… achievements.”

Elinor’s smile raised a tad at the mention of the 25-year-old oldest daughter of the Tarkov Great House; she wasn’t the current heir since she had two older brothers, but she was seen as quite the firecracker in the public eye, much like her youngest sister, Anala.  It seemed Alix shared a similar kind of rivalry with the other Great House that his father had.

“With that being the subject,” she inserted, “what do you think about your youngest brother joining the House of Tempest?”

Tone notably souring, Alix shifted uncomfortably and turned his gaze toward his open window, glaring at the road and buildings.  “Drake and I have never been… close, I suppose you could say.  He believes I focus more on politics than upholding our family name, but he does not understand the fine wire our House balances on.  Many would love to see Tarnash… tarnish and break.  I aim to see them frustrated in that goal.”

“Honesty and the admittance of one’s perceived shortcomings is something I value,” Elinor whispered, noting the various Tempest flying around that instantly dropped to the street when they saw her stagecoach.  “Would you clarify something for me?”

“Whatever you desire, Empress,” Alix said, directing a charming smile her way and sweeping back his loose bangs behind his ear.  “I am at your disposal.”

“Hmm…  The First Queen in history is your ancestor, isn’t she?  The pendant of nilth metal, fitted with a celiera gem that I obtained for Castria, originally belonged to your ancestor.  Correct?”

Alix fell silent for several seconds as he processed her question, cupping his chin and staring into the street again.  “…Nilth metal, hmm?  I have not heard of that name since my early education at my mother's lap, Empress.  Most nobles today think it is a myth.  I am glad to know it exists if you verify it.”

He turned a calculating eye toward her passive face.  “When The First Queen died, there was a split within the nobility since her children were far too young, and all of her relatives died early.  Then, the Autumn Family drew prominence and, through a union to the youngest daughter of the Royal Tarnash line to the new Head of House, joined our bloodlines.

“Through… unusual circumstances over the next two decades—after five children were born—all of them would become sickly and unfit to rule.  It was then that the Autumn Family took control over the kingdom’s governance, and… in a miraculous recovery a generation later, the Tarnash children were as strong as could be.”

Elinor noted a bitterness in the man as he folded his fingers in his lap.  “Not wishing to upset the balance of the kingdom in such a turbulent time, my family stepped aside so long as we could have a say in who was to be titled as king and become the bride of the Autumn Family Head since his wife had passed away.”

Nodding, her eyes narrowed while shifting to look into the man’s gray irises.  “Naturally, you would have thought it would be someone from your House, and you would retake the throne… but that didn’t happen, did it?”

Alix put on a fake smile.  “History is spotty in the public record, but the Tarnash Family Heads have kept a well-documented recount after our ancestor’s betrayal.  Our sickened Family Head at the time… chose the Alciel Duchy’s eldest daughter to rule and marry the Autumn Family Head.  And that is the story about how the Alciels became the monarchs over Kaspir.”

Thus, the hag fulfilled her promise to Evelyn Autumn.  Her son did rule Kaspir for a decade or two before their line slowly got pruned off for the Alciel line, which the hag needed to fulfill her breeding project.  Was two decades of rule worth all the things you did, Evelyn?  Including allowing yourself to be skinned alive by the creature and to use your children as batteries?  I suppose the desperate will do anything for power.

Elinor’s eyes sparkled as she brought his gaze to the closed pouch of coins beside her.  “Tell me, did your parents ever mention… burying anything out in the countryside?  I think you might find these quite interesting.”

Tossing the bag at him as they turned down a new street to reach the estate, Alix took the bag and opened it.  “These are pre-Alciel coins… marked with the Tarnash seal?  The cargo you’re carrying…”  It clicked in his eyes as he looked at the back, where the wagon with the goods rolled.  “You found… these buried in the countryside?  Empress, I…”

He paused, mouth pulling in as he thought better of whatever he was about to ask.  Likely, he’d wanted to sort through it, expecting to find something of worth to him, but he wasn’t dealing with someone he could throw his privilege and authority at.  Elinor was after a solid connection, though, and not theories, so she gave him a nudge.

“I understand this is a monumental find, and not everything I’ve discovered is from your House.  I called you here to handle this discreetly.  Perhaps you should inform your father; he is currently within the palace, if I am not mistaken.  All your goods will be stored in the House of Raven’s vault, logged, and ready for inspection.  I will await his response.”

Alix gulped and gave a swift nod, leaning out the window and raising his voice to address one of the men escorting them.  “Guard, I will be exiting!”

“Stop the stagecoach!”  the man shouted, getting calls from the driver and Cole to confirm the report.  “Stop the stagecoach!  High Lord Tarnash is leaving!”

Elinor watched him enter the sky before returning the way they’d come, flying low along the roads.  Black?

“I’m keeping an eye on him from the wall, Empress.  He is… ducking into an alley.”

Give me the report later, but keep my father appraised of the situation; he needs something to focus on.


Turning her thoughts away from the matter, she instructed Lilya on what to do with the goods they’d found.  The Grandmaster would make a detailed record of the items and put them into storage, conscripting Lady Idalia into helping her with the ‘heavy load’ since the Alchemist couldn’t handle the weight herself.

Lilya’s gentle giggles came through the Nexus as Elinor entered the estate's large, extravagant front entrance, showing quite the property with its well-maintained greenery.

“What a devious and dangerous game you are playing, Empress.  Am I to keep a close eye on our new, fire-haired instructor to not miss anything she may… slip underneath her dress?”

Not necessarily, Elinor sighed.  I doubt Idalia has the kind of knowledge that Alix has as the next Head of House.  On the off-chance she does react to anything or has heard rumors passed through her family, then she may be more loose-lipped about it than her older brothers or parents.  These Machiavellian plots keep getting deeper and deeper… and I suspect all of them tie in somewhere with our friend Autumn.   Thoughts, Dad?

Exiting the stagecoach as it stopped before the colossal mansion, she examined its structure, sprawling out on both sides and featuring two wings.  Standing out front, Elinor smiled upon spotting all 50 students who had taken the invitation to join her House.

Lilya was out front with the instructors, and as she stood in front of them, every person gave her a respectful bow, welcoming her to the House.  Elinor felt a twitch at the corner of her mouth upon seeing a few noble boys and girls still dressed in their nightgowns or silky shorts, obviously sleeping in and being awoken at the last minute.

Slowly walking down the line, she could see their cheeks turn bright red, trying to hide it with their messy hair.  “Welcome to the House of Raven, Empress!”

Chuckling at the unexpected greeting, Elinor singled out Heather, Castria, and Anala side-by-side, clearly forming the upper-echelon click group.  Julian was among the boys on their side of the building, separated by gender.

“What a joyful surprise,” she commented, stopping in front of the younger redhead.

Her focus darted to Captain Flera and a few other staff, who looked somewhat nervous, including Idalia.  Idalia couldn’t help but glance between her youngest sister and her, unsure if her baby sister had done something wrong to have Elinor standing before the girl.  Elinor swiftly dismissed the tense atmosphere, though.

“Lady Idalia, Grandmaster Lilya requires your support in unloading and sorting through many of the items I found buried in your surrounding fields; it was quite the treasure trove…  Everyone else besides may go about your day.”

Murmurs passed between the throng as Castria gave her a tight-lipped smile.

“Did you have to stand in front of Anala, Empress?  She’s shaking!”

Good, Elinor whispered, illuminated emerald eyes drifting to the shorter redhead; Heather was a bit taller than the girl.  It means my lesson stuck, and her body remembers our fight.

“Where is Drake?”  she asked, shifting to observe the retreating students, acting as if she were about to snare them in another web to devour their souls.  “Shouldn’t he be here by now?”

Idalia gave her little sister an encouraging smile and pounded her chest twice before directing a V-symbol as she went to help Lilya with the luggage; Elinor didn’t understand the action, but Anala seemed to take heart from her big sister’s action.  The younger redhead clasped her fingers at her front and plowed forward before Heather or Castria could respond.

“Lord Drake must inform Grandmaster Vesta of his departure and absence from the Tempest House competition for the day.  House rooms are determined by competence in a show of skill and assigned to each individual for half a year, where mid-year tests will determine the next placement.  He should be here within the next ten minutes at most, Empress.”

“Very well, that gives us time to go over… other things,” she said, turning to see another stagecoach making its way down the road; Grace and her father had arrived.  “Follow me.”

Taking the lead, she caught Julian jogging over to join the three girls, asking what was happening.  Elinor’s attention was centered on the real battle ahead, and her eyebrows came together as Grace’s large, muscular frame stepped out of the stagecoach, a swirl of purple energy encircling the elegant hare.

All movement around the manor came to a halt, the rush of light accompanied by a hair-raising clink of rattling chains.  The veil flowed upward into a whirlwind of flowery petals, revealing black boots, tight leather leggings, and a fitted, royal-looking blouse that framed the violet-haired goddess’ shapely figure.

Her unbound locks fluttered as her toes touched the stone ground, and her bright lilac eyes swept the area, fingers brushing back her bangs with a mysterious smile that settled on her.  Elinor could visibly see the lump that lodged into every throat present as she pinched her dress on either side and gave the divine woman a formal curtsy.

“Welcome to this planet, Goddess Nungal.  It is my pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.  What are—”

Elinor’s mind blanked as the young woman promptly strode forward without an ounce of hesitation, hair fluttering behind her, and threw her arms around her shoulders in an embrace.  Her hot embrace was like fireworks going off within her chest as an ungodly amount of potent Death Energy smothered her, making her feel like an ant adrift in a boundless universe.

Yet, again, this goddess felt so familiar, but she knew for a fact it wasn’t her; without a doubt, somehow, she knew Nungal from a previous life.

“Empress Elinor, I’m a massive fan!  You have no idea how troublesome it was for me to make this happen.  So, shall we get a tour from your lovely Tempest?  I have the whole day to enjoy this fun outing!  Maybe we could spar a little, Raven Empress!”  she chortled, pulling away and revealing galaxy-like swirling eyes.

Nungal almost appeared to have a gravitational pull, outlined by violet light that shimmered off her black, white, and gold-themed outfit.  “Oh, it feels so good not to be so cramped, trying to fit inside this tiny Seed—well, it’s relative—like this, I feel free!  Cat got your tongue?  You can drop the honorifics, as well.  After all, we are well acquainted.  Aren’t we?”

Restraining a shiver at what she’d just felt before it was hidden away and the indomitable power beyond anything she could fathom collected tightly around the woman, Elinor put on a dubious smile.  “That… has yet to be seen, Nungal.  Shall we tour my new House while we wait for Lord Drake?”

Nungal’s sparkling eyes hid endless chains, spinning into oblivion as she smiled and tilted to her side to look at the stunned nobles behind her.  “I think we will have fun.”

“Excuse me, Nungal, but can we speak in private for a moment?”

The goddess’ sporadic and upbeat charm didn’t falter as she flipped around on her heel to address the tall Death Knight that had exited after her.  “King Edmon!  Absolutely,” she winked, finding her hands behind her back.  “And no need to worry about listening ears while I am around.  We have a deal.  I am here to spend a splendid time away from my exhausting life as of late to relish this rare opportunity.  Shall we talk through your Nexus?”

You can do that?  Elinor asked, finding her feet again.

Nungal’s crafty irises drifted to her, giving her a sidelong look.  “I can do many, many things, Empress, and I am yours to entertain for the day.  Grace’s dedication and fortitude have allowed me this moment of freedom.  Be attentive, and maybe I will impart a few little secrets.  I will tell you now that you do not have enough time to focus on this plot with your buried treasure.  Your mind is better spent with me and collecting items to return home with.”

The woman’s words impressed on her within a fraction of a second, and without skipping a beat, she turned to her father.  “I know what you’re going to ask me, and I am more than willing to dance around the question for my amusement.  Besides, it will be answered by the end of the night.  Satisfied?”

Her dad’s frosty blue eyes lingered on the smiling goddess before nodding, and Elinor felt off her game for the first time as the girl took her by the hand and pulled her toward the manor, leaving everyone in shock.

“C’mon, Elinor, my time is limited!  I kind of wish Butter was here.  Do you think she’ll be jealous?  Hehehe.  It really is like her, isn’t it?  Let’s go, girls!”

Castria, Hannah, and Anala stumbled after them, but it was Julian who became their tour guide upon entering the giant entryway, leaving the three to demand answers from Castria.  Julian introduced the four lavish stories, the main basement, and two sub-basements with 40 bedrooms.  Each would have two to three occupants, Castria, Hannah, and Anala having already been given a larger space to call their own.

Halfway through the swift tour, Drake showed up, meeting them inside the dining hall in the back, open to the weather since Tempest could counter whatever forecast assaulted them.  Elinor grew more accustomed to the goddess’ antics as time progressed.

Drake tried to put off a professional demeanor on approach, but it faltered slightly upon seeing Anala’s spiteful face, not so much as acknowledging the ice-boy.

“Empress, I apologize for my tardiness.  You asked for me?  I understand if you are angry that I did not choose the House of Ravens.”

Elinor crossed her arms and looked toward the smiling goddess next to her, expecting to go shopping now; her claim about not getting to the bottom of this drama regarding the boy’s Great House picked at her brain.  It was more or less a side project, in any case.  To make matters worse, Black made contact.

“I’ve lost him, Empress.  He went into the alleys.  Without a doubt, he is up to something suspicious, but what that is, I cannot say.  I’m not built for stealth missions.  Sorry.”

It’s fine.  Return to your original task.  We will spend the rest of our days preparing to leave this world.  Obtain as much information as possible about the other unique items of the First Queen.  I suspect they have some kind of connection to this city…  If only someone would give me the cheat sheet, she muttered, glancing at Nungal, who gave her a dazzling smile and broke into the conversation.

“Don’t rush the surprise!  No empire was built in a night.  Brick by brick, you lay the foundations.  Use the extra funds you obtained from the buried treasures you’ve pillaged, and I will make my own comments as we go through the day.  Please, don’t feel threatened, Elinor.  I truly want to have a fun day with you.  So, lead the way, my undead empress of chains!

A small smile lifted Elinor’s lips as she let her anxiety slip away; it was too obvious that this goddess could smite her without a second thought.  Whatever she was after, there was no reason she couldn’t enjoy the game the violet-haired young woman was playing.

Giving the young noble boy her attention, Elinor shook her head.  “Why would you think I was angry at you?  I quite approve of the statement.  However, what I cannot abide by is misunderstandings.  So, I will finish this tour that you should have given me, and by the time I am finished, you will have made things clear to Lady Anala.  Do not disappoint my expectations because I will not be an excuse either of you use for this dying ember in the future.”

Promptly turning to Julian, Elinor motioned to the two princesses to join them.  “We will leave our two blossoming lovebirds to discuss their issues.  Lady Anala,” she stated as the girl’s spine jolted as if lightning shot through it at the word, “use that temper and beat it out of him if you like.  Hehe.  You have my permission.”

Conceding the dining area to the two pink-faced teens, Elinor left the scene of the train wreck she’d caused.  “Good luck, you two.  I hope you are brave enough to be honest with one another.  Know that you have my support, for whatever that’s worth.”

“Mine, as well!”  Nungal called back, waving at the embarrassed pair.  “No one else needs to know.  I’ve kept a sound bubble around us, so your secret is safe—at least for now.  Please try to whisper!  There are listening ears, looking for gossip.  Oh, and an early congratulations!”

Elinor gave the beaming woman a sidelong stare.  What was that ‘early congratulations’ about?

“Not relevant at this time,” she returned, showing a secretive smile.  “By the way, answer me this…  How does one get a soul-locked entity through a dimensional filter field when they don’t have exit permits?”

Slowing to a stop, her eyes widened at the conversation topic, air locking in her lungs as Nungal leaned in, lips moving yet speaking directly to her spirit.

“You make them property earned as a reward from the Greater Seed Arbiter.  Part of that reward is how I bargained my way into having this time with you because I am very lonely and a tad bit rebelious, I will handily admit.  Yes!  I did use part of your Legend Quest reward to insert myself!”

That seems presumptuous and forced, Elinor dryly replied.

“Quit pulling my hair,” the goddess huffed.  “I have given you Grace and answers you would not have been able to come by otherwise.  Now, how to make the hag said property will come at the end of the night because you know she will resist!  Half upfront, half later.  Will you show me a good time now, Empress?”

Elinor’s gut cramped at the wealth of information that actually was; an Arbiter of the Greater Seed meant someone was directing things behind the scenes.  In the ensuing tense atmosphere, her father a hair’s breadth away from throwing the goddess away, Elinor looked into the teasing goddess’ cosmic eyes and laughed.

“I think we might become great friends, Nungal.  I can see why Grace is so dedicated to you.  Julian, continue the tour.  I’m starting to have fun.”


Next Chapter 



Thanks for the chapter can't wait for more looking forward to it