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1. Scarlet (Our Little Fang Has Popularity Problems!)

2. Maria (Our Gangster Lie Detector!)

3. Rachel (Our Lunar Hare's Back In Action!)

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The wet pavement met Scarlet’s one-inch heels as she exited the business building, a light and unusually cool breeze coming from the ocean, carrying a thickening mist.  Filtering through the fog blanketing Miami, her fingernails bit into her palm when she hit a veil of white; her vampiric eyes could only cut so far through the magical clouds.  That was fine; she trusted Rachel.

Illa held onto her arm, and the pressure against her palm eased at the ginger’s nervous chuckle, helping to bring Scarlet back to reality.  “Umm.  Cássia, is this your car—it’s, umm, fancy?  It’s like a limousine… but not.  Right, Scarlet?”

“Yeah,” she mumbled, seeing Cássia’s own blood exit from underneath her coat to defend against the pattering rain.  “Won’t the military stop the ship we’re going on if it has a bunch of vampires on it…  And, of course, your driver is a vampire.  Ah-heh.  Why wouldn’t he?”

Why do these vampires always have to bring the classy, ominous vibe?!  This girl looks like she is 13 years old, and she acts like she’s been doing this stuff since she was in the 1800s!  Vampire Feats, I guess?  Is this what it felt like for Rachel when she was helping me through The Oscillation?

The rather butler-looking chauffeur in his sixties stood outside the chic, old-fashioned half-limousine in a tailored suit, umbrella in hand, as he opened the doors for them to enter; he didn’t say a word, as could be expected from the stereotypical, old stoic servant-type.

Cássia smoothly moved to enter the vehicle with a child-like, mischievous twist to her rosy lips.  “As The Countess instructs, presentation and appearances are critical in the art of first introductions.  This is an authentic 50s-style limousine that has been modified for a more modern experience.  We have bottles of blood inside for us to enjoy for our short journey to the docks.”

Illa’s blue eyes lit up.  “Oh, why didn’t you say so?!  C’mon, Scarlet, she seems legit.”

Scarlet sighed as the girl pulled her after the teen.  “You’re just thirsty.”

“Scarlet!”  Illa giggled, showing a slight blush and wink while entering the car.  “We don’t need to say it out loud.  Girls have needs, too!  Don’t you agree, Cássia?”

“Wha—you’re ridiculous, Illa,”  she huffed, rolling her eyes and getting inside; she was starting to get used to the 16-year-old’s nervous humor.  “Wow… this is pretty fancy…”

Illa didn’t bother tugging down her dress, letting her shorts be seen as Scarlet sat at the back, where there was a separator to give herself some space from the ginger, giving her breathing room to scan the interior; plus, she had a door seat, which gave her an easy exit, which seemed like a Rachel thing to do.

On the other hand, their brown-haired, young-looking escort had somehow removed her coat in the short interval they’d been out of sight, displaying her fancy red and black gown that matched the limo’s theme.

“Eh… a bit too gothic for my taste,” the ginger absently stated, giving her a pout for not joining her on the side seats.  “I’d add a bunch of colors, but the theme matches you, Cássia, which is cool, too.  Oh, can you tell us stories?”

The door shut just when the Miami warning sirens filled the night, and their driver moved around the vehicle to the front.  Scarlet held her purse against her stomach, keeping the brunette vampire in her sight; she couldn’t even hear the pattering of the rain against the roof, sirens, or instructions that followed as an isolating field closed them in.

“Huh…   What do you think that was about?  Not us, right?!”  Illa panicked, peering out of the heavily tinted window and scooting closer to the 13-year-old.

Cássia crossed her legs in a way that prevented Illa from scooting too close and pressed a cabinet to pop it out, revealing three warmed bottles.  “I suspect Rachel has told the military that there will be a vampire attack, and she will be joining us soon with the rest of your budding organization.”

Removing one of them, she handed it to Illa, practically bouncing with excitement while reading the label.  “So classy!  Oh, uh… a 45-year-old male with O- blood?  Do you have anything, ahem… younger?”  she asked with a strained smile.

“Unfortunately not; the stock is relatively new,” the brunette responded, keeping her flickering ruby eyes on Scarlet while taking a crystal cup off of a rack and handing it to the ginger.  The chauffeur entered the separated cabin and pulled them away from the curb.  “As for your inquiry about being stopped at the port, I would say it is unlikely since Rachel has a vested interest in confronting the Scarlet Hand and retrieving your father’s corpse.”

Scarlet’s vision narrowed, questions now blooming in her mind regarding this teenager and the mistress she served.  It had only been three weeks since The Oscillation, so how did Elizabeth Báthory get resources and plan for this Legend Quest?

“Your countess knew my parents and that she would change into a vampire, didn’t she?  My mom was obsessed with Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, so it makes sense that she’d want to know who would become her legend.  You planned for this party, but I was supposed to have already destroyed Miami by now, wasn’t I?”

Illa’s eyes grew big as she used a corkscrew the brunette handed her to pop the seal and pour herself a cup.  “Ooooh!  The plot thickens…”

The ruby-eyed teen’s child-like demeanor returned as she hid her mouth, her attitude becoming slightly less formal and enigmatic; it was like she was trying hard to put on an act and failing at times.

“I wouldn’t doubt it.  Hehe.  You are so unlike—ahem,” her poise returned, “The Countess gave each of her emissaries detailed reports of what to anticipate when serving our guests, and initially, I half-expected to be a sacrificial lamb, sent to deliver a message and die.”

Scarlet’s arms tightened against her purse, unable to imagine herself harming a 13-year-old girl; maybe Rachel was right to worry about her because of how soft she was.

“I… was supposed to murder you?  You don’t have to act old and mysterious.  I’d rather you speak to me as you normally would.”

“I agree!”  Illa chirped, leaning over to bump shoulders with the younger teen.  “Why can’t we all be friends?  Mmm.  This is actually pretty good…  That’s O- blood for you!  Virgin blood, too, from a 45-year-old?  Huh.”

You can tell that by taste?!  Scarlet internally cried.  Did I slurp my blood packs down too fast to notice the flavors?  Rachel’s was the only live blood I’ve had… and that was like I’d been pulled into an intoxicating dream before that goddess told me to back down…  No, don’t think about it!

Cássia’s face softened, yet her foot was still positioned to defend herself from the touchy-feely ginger, and the brunette displayed her cute, tiny fangs again.

“I do appreciate the sentiment, Lady Scarlet, but The Countess is quite strict when it comes to the expectations of her servants.  Misbehavior and the inability to meet expectations are punished harshly, and appropriately so.”

Scarlet fidgeted a little with her purse strap, figuring this was a trained response since Cássia was a child.  The stories about the Countess of Blood and her ‘alleged’ torturous acts toward over 650 virgin teenage girls around the brunette’s age made her stomach squirm.

Peering through the young vampire’s body to her bloody interior, she now had to wonder if the missing pieces were previous acts of torture done to the girl that she had to replace with outside blood sources in order to survive.  From what she’d come to know through fiction, Elizabeth was among the most powerful and feared vampires in history.

“Umm…   What’s she like?”  she mumbled, drawing Illa’s interest; it seemed the best way to shut the ginger up was to give her a bottle of blood.  “Is Elizabeth working with the Scarlet Hand?  Is she… like her legend?  Do… you participate in the torture like some of her servants did?”

Surprisingly, Cássia’s charm and smile drifted into a melancholy, downcast frown as she selected a second bottle of warmed blood.  Lifting a finger, the crimson liquid inside forced the cork out with a slight hiss before the floating blood dropped it into the trash compartment.  She didn’t consume the shimmering liquid, though, staring into the hovering pool that had Illa salivating.

“Hmm.  You have a similar false impression of The Countess as much of the world…  I have known my mistress for my entire life.  It makes me feel… ill.  It seems your cavalry has arrived.”

The car slowed to a stop, and the door opposite Scarlet’s opened before the driver managed to get out; a thoroughly soaked white-haired bunny woman sat in the divided seat, water being rejected out of her gown to slide down a stream between her bust, stomach, and fold in her dress to pool on the asphalt before Nia pulled her muscular legs inside.

Wearing a curious smile, the Living Denier leaned out to wring out her long, braided hair before slamming the door shut and leaning against the divider between them.  “Sorry, I’m late, Scarlet.  Rachel is taking care of some things.  She’ll meet us at the docks when the others arrive by helicopter.”

Relief filled Scarlet’s heavy heart now that she wasn’t alone, and she shifted to get a better look between the two vampires and the bunny.  “You’re still pretty soaked, Nia; I can dry you off if you want,” she offered, trying to be helpful.

Nia crossed her slick legs, dripping water onto the carpet as they pulled away from the curb again, her skin shining under the red light interior.  “I’m not bothered by a little rain; I can filter it out of my outfit in any…”  she trailed off, vision centered on Cássia’s chest as the ginger leaned forward to shake her hand.

“Hi!  I’m Illa, Scarlet’s number one… fan?”

Legs uncrossing, the bunny sat straighter, tone lowering.  “What… kind of Soul Item are you wearing?  Why does it feel… dead?  Where did you get that dress?”  she demanded, narrowed, eclipse-like eyes and voice creating a tense atmosphere.

Illa’s cheeks puffed out while returning to her blood.  “Why does everyone ignore me…  So rude.  I just want to be friends.”

Cássia’s wistful attitude didn’t lift with her forced smile, fingers tracing the black lace on her bust.  “You must be the Soul Item I was told about last minute…  It is a base fabric used in the structure of Soul Items, or so The Countess was told when she engaged in a trade with Empress Wu of China.  They have no spirit like you and are used to imbue magical properties into items, permanently infusing the affixes into the fabric instead of temporary enchantments that will fade… or so I’m told.  Are you satisfied with that explanation, Lady Nia?”

The bunny took a less combative posture, leaning against the armrest while taking in the 13-year-old’s appearance.  “For now…  I’m sorry to interrupt your question, Scarlet.  You wanted to know more about the countess?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, now also interested in the topic Nia had brought up, “but… does that mean the clothes Elizabeth is going to have made for us… is made out of this… soul cloth?”

“Spirit Cloth, as Empress Wu called it,” Cássia responded, drawing in her bottom lip and staring at her hands in her lap; something was really bothering her, pulling out more of her teenage mannerisms.

“Hmm.  The Countess has had dealings with the Scarlet Hand, including this Legend Quest, yet… The Countess refused to ally with the organization.  She agreed to invite them and allow them passage, but her plans have changed since The Oscillation.  I only follow the instructions I was given.”

Scarlet’s arms loosened around her purse, a smile lifting her mouth.  “Okay, tell me what you think about your mistress.  How did you come into Countess Elizabeth’s service?  If you are comfortable telling me, of course.  I only want to hear the truth and not lies, so don’t tell me if you’ll lie.  All I’ve heard is terrible things about her.”

A quick scan outside, filtering out the fog as best she could, showed that they were nearing the pier, but it would still be a few minutes until they reached the parking lot.  The military was out in force, already mobilized by the fear of vampires already in the city—a.k.a. some fanged teens arguing in a diner—and setting up barriers to block off traffic from reaching the docks, except for their path.  They were shifting their activities, though; Rachel’s work, no doubt.

The brunette adjusted how her dress framed her legs, the floating blood lowering so she could stare into the shiny liquid as Illa settled in for an exciting tale.

“If you wish to know my history, then at the age of six, I entered a strict education program.  I didn’t know much before that point… I had… medical issues, I’m told, but excellence was expected of me, and mediocre performance was punished.  By the age of eight, I’d learned four languages and learned various subjects in all of them.”

“Crazy,” Illa mumbled, now drinking from the bottle itself.  “What kind of punishments does the Countess of Blood do?  I heard she likes to use needles.”

Cássia ruby eyes drifted to the window, where droplets of rain wiggled across the glass.  “There were always rumors that The Countess was cruel to the girls she raised… even tortured, despite little to no evidence.  The world is cruel to women, especially as they age.  She only wished to strengthen the girls under her care in order to confront the harsh reality of the world.

“Was she strict?  Yes,” the brunette chuckled, looking into the past.  “She was very strict.  The Countess hates little girls who waste the opportunities offered to them and who won’t confront a cruel world, living off the sympathy of men because she was able to rise above the expectations they had of her.  The Countess is an inspiration to girls—empowering… perhaps a little tyrannical, but certainly not a hideous mistress of death.  At least… not until The Oscillation.”

A shiver ran down Scarlet’s frame as they pulled off the freeway to reach the street that would take them to the docks, remembering the conversations Barbara, Jeanne, and Rachel had throughout the previous weeks.

“My… mom did talk a lot about the pop culture stuff with Elizabeth, but I do remember on a flight one time that she told me that the inaccuracies in her legend were one of the greatest lies accepted by the media and historians.  I guess my mind goes right to what I saw in all the media my parents watched, and pop culture does play a major role in how The Oscillation affected people, so… Elizabeth did change for the worst?”

Cássia swallowed, closed hands pressing against her thighs as she looked up with a hopeful smile.  “You’ll need to judge The Countess’ conduct for yourself…  I know who she really is, and that is all that matters to me.  Regardless of your opinions, I will serve you to the best of my ability…  Would you like some, Lady Scarlet?”

She slowly shook her head, knowing she should strengthen herself, or maybe she shouldn’t because the blood could be cursed and a trap.  “I’ll wait.”

“Understood.  Hmm.  Can’t the fog be beautiful… hiding the possibilities that lie just beyond sight?  It can be mesmerizing.  Please, do not cause a conflict with the other guests until introductions are made at the Grand Hall.”

They stopped at the edge of the shipping port docks, allowing them to enter the storm and fog; Rachel waited with the others just behind the veil.

* — * — *

Pulling the headphones out a little to scratch her itching ear, Maria winced as the loud hum of slapping blades struck her mind.  The magically enhanced military helicopter fought through the hail of rain to carry them to Miami at a break-neck speed; apparently, the Army had wizards now that could enchant equipment, which changed the name of the game.

Fiona was tucked away in her bust to protect her weak body and dampen the brain-rattling sound while cushioning against the extreme vibrations due to her vulnerable size.  It gave her more to make fun of the Fairy for later since it embarrassed her; the Irish girl could be fun and often punched back in her own non-swearing way.

However, it wasn’t the woman tucked between her breasts that caused the pressure against her chest; it had been utter chaos since Rachel got off the phone with her mom, and a whirl of insanity ensued, the biggest of which lay with the red-haired Legend sitting across from them.

Barbara was glaring daggers at the man, Anthony refusing to look at the Marine while staring out of the window at the land rushing by below them.  Of course, she, as a damn living lie detector, had to be brought into the conflict because why wouldn’t she be?

The auburn-haired woman’s heated voice passed between their shared headsets, pulling Selvaria’s suspicious gaze.  “What the hell do you mean you don’t want to be by Amelia’s side when vampires are attacking Miami?  Maria, tell me if there’s a single lie out of this asshole’s mouth.  What the hell happened with you and that Ciara chick?”

“I told you, she’s not in danger, and I need to go with Rachel to get stronger,” he mumbled, clearly not wanting to engage on the subject.  “I’ve got my reasons.”

“I don’t give a damn about your decisions or reasons,” the woman flatly stated.  “Let me make this shit clear, bud.  I thought we were chill over the last few weeks, but I’m not the kind of woman to bitch with.  This isn’t a fantasy novel where you get a bitch and say jack shit because you’re the main character, and this is me being polite.

“I’m a Marine Raider Captain, bitch.  So don’t try to be slick with me.  You’re my dog to order around and ask for treats.  You’re in my helicopter because you’re associated with Rachel, who has a connection with the US Military.  And I could give a damn what Rachel thinks; she answers to me, not the other way around.  So try that again.  My patience is running thin; after the shit you’ve told me, why shouldn’t I bench you?”

Now looking like a teenager with her lost water volume, Selvaria crossed her arms, looking at the Legend for answers.  “You didn’t cheat on Amelia, right?  Say you didn’t!”

Anthony continued to study the ground, keeping his voice unusually cool for the accusations being levied against him.  “It’s complicated.  I can’t talk about Ciara.”

Maria popped her tongue, annoyed that she had to be a part of this interrogation.  Her home was about to be attacked by a literal swarm of vampires, and this was the shit they were focusing on?

“True.  Okay, güey, if ya can’t say shit about this chica, then what can ya spill?  Is she blackmailing you or some shit?”

“This is so messed up!  I thought you loved Amelia,” Selvaria growled, Coral in her lap mirroring the Leviathan’s scowl.  “Is she charming you or something?  Can’t you break it, Maria?”

Barbara’s intense and focused yellow irises darted to his hand, where the tattoo of a detailed black dove had appeared.  He rubbed it, causing Maria to rub her neck, horn illuminating the space for the second time.

“Like I said, chica, it’s not a curse or anything like that; I don’t sense anything negative or harmful.  Shit.”  Maria wished she could be in Fiona’s position right now, oblivious to the conversation; she was probably anxious about not knowing all the details, though.  “He’s clean.”

“Then why can’t you tell me anything about her, Anthony?”  Barbara growled.  “If you can’t tell me something now, I’m just going to throw your ass in jail under armed guard because I have to know I can trust my people.  We’re on the verge of a literal war-like scenario with an attack on American soil, and you’re putting this shit on me less than thirty minutes before the attack happens?

“You look at it from my perspective, asshole.  I’m about to let a group walk into what is most likely a giant ambush with some of the biggest vampire names in fiction and history.  There’s going to be an attack with civilians inside the city that we can’t warn, or else it could cause a colossal cluster f—mmmgm.  You could be an asset, but I won’t put someone I don’t trust in a position to get my people killed.”

Reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, Anthony displayed the mark on the back of his hand.  “I… get it, Barb.  I’m not trying to be difficult.  I just can’t talk about anything dealing with this.”

Maria consciously crossed her arms under her bust, trying not to put pressure on her Fairy friend.  “False.”

He hissed through his teeth at the damning expression on the faces around him.  “Wait, wait, Barb!  I… can’t talk about this with any of you.  Am I telling the truth, Maria?”

“Sure…  Okay, easy.  Who the hell is this Ciara chick; you knew her before this?  No skimming the truth either, tío.  You know Rach is gonna to go ballistic and dig a hella more than Barb on this shit.  Best ta get some support, ya know?”

“Yes, I can roughly talk about her,” Anthony said, now maintaining eye contact with Barbara, a thread’s breadth away from throwing the man behind bars until the end of this conflict.  “Just… give me a second…  It’s not easy for me,” he mumbled, rubbing his face.

“Mmm…  As I said, it’s complicated,” he groaned.  “Ciara is… she’s a girl I knew very well when I was growing up in the UK… more importantly, our Ireland property—where my uncle lived—and where I mostly grew up…  We were close.  Ask me questions, I’ll answer what I can, Barb.  I’m sorry this happened…  I hate myself more than you’ll ever know…

“Tell me what you’re having problems with, Barb.  What do you want me to say?  I will answer the big questions: I am not charmed.  I am not doing anything without full consent.  I am not Rachel or your enemy.  I wish and have no intent to harm the United States.  I do want to support and help Rachel.  I need to get stronger.  I am not working for the Scarlet Hand or anyone who wants to harm the United States or Rachel.  I care for Amelia more than anyone—more than my own life—including Ciara.”

Barbara linked her fingers and leaned forward, pressing her thumbs against her forehead as he spoke.  When he finished, her steely golden eyes rose to fixate on the man.  “Let’s get this out of the way then.  I get you love Amelia.  Do you love Ciara?”

Maria’s chest tightened, making Fiona wiggle a little as Anthony streamed out a long breath and broke eye contact, arms folding against his chest; it wasn’t a question about the past.  His voice was thick as his nose turned red, sealing his fate and throwing up a million more questions.


Eyebrow lifting, she got a look from Selvaria, who wanted to know more details as Barbara asked the next question that dug his grave.

“If you don’t want to join this operation.  I’m fine with that.  If you do, then you’re going to answer my questions, no matter how hard they are…  Understand?”

“Loud and clear…”  he swallowed, lips pulled into a line and making Maria curse her lie detector ability.  “This… is what she wanted anyway.”

Barbara slid right past the comment and went for the jugular.  “Have you slept with Ciara?”


Selvaria looked like she wanted to punch him.  “Wait, wait—before or during your relationship with Amelia—you know, the woman fighting cancer that you claim to love?!”

Anthony didn’t answer for several seconds, which was all any of them needed before the excuses or explanation came.

“…Ciara and I had a relationship that I kept hidden from my family when we were teenagers because… they wouldn’t have approved.  I left the UK and Ireland… and she didn’t come with me because she was scared… then I met Amelia.  A few weeks after I started dating Amelia, Ciara came to Miami, and… yes, we went out drinking, and before I knew what was happening, the past came back, and we were in bed.”

“Cheater!”  Selvaria shouted.  “Did you tell Amelia, huh?!”

Anthony rubbed between his eyes, puffing out the air in his chest.  “I did…”

“Huh?”  Selvaria stiffened.  “Maria?!  He’s lying, right?”

Maria shook her head, rubbing her arm.  “Naaa.  Dude’s real.  Shit.  That must have been rough.  Obviously, ya got over that bullshit, but dick move, bro.  A one-off at a moment of weakness, though?  Shit.  No one’s perfect, ya know.  She accepted it, so not like we can judge.  Not our life.”

“But…  Mgmmm.”  Selvaria growled, teeth grinding while leveling her accusing aquamarine eyes on the Legend.  “I guess… and you do treat her like a queen.”

“Not enough…”  Anthony whispered, making Maria sigh.

Damn.  Guy can’t forgive himself for hurting the girls he cares for.  Inner demons are real.

Barbara’s fingers tightened, elbows resting on her knees as she pressed her knuckles against her chin.  “I get this isn’t easy to talk about personal issues, but these are things I have to know if I’m going to trust you, and your honesty does go a long way.  Hell, I’m military, I know shit gets hot and heavy with old flings.  I don’t take this shit lightly because people’s lives are in my hands, and we’re running out of time for you to restore my faith in you.”

She pushed herself up to look at the uncomfortable fire-haired man.  “Did you cheat on Amelia after that, with Ciara or anyone else?”

He shook his head, regaining control over his emotions.  “No.  Ciara was jealous of Amelia when she learned about her and was hurt that I’d go back to her after we slept together…  She wanted me to go back to Ireland with her, and…  Well, let’s say that yes, she was hurt that I turned her down.  Amelia was hurt.  I never wanted to do that to either of them.”

“But you made your choice,” Maria said with respect.  “Relationship shit ain’t easy.  Shit’s tough.  I’ve seen every sin under the sun on the streets, güey, but few men have the balls to face that shit.  No cap.”

Barbara wasn’t finished, though.  “Clearly, Ciara was affected by The Oscillation and has her own powers.  I have my own suspicions as to who she is, based on the legends of Diarmuid, but I won’t try to pry…

“I just need to know if you have the slightest concern that you will compromise this mission or harm the people relying on you—not Amelia or Ciara—Rachel, Selvaria, Maria, Fiona, Nia, and Scarlet… these women who could use your undivided loyalty and support.”

Anthony’s glowing green eyes lifted to hers, his voice steady and firm.  “I wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice myself for any one of them.  Like I said, I know Amelia will be safe.  I have to get stronger.  I will do everything in my power to make sure this mission is a success.”

“Get it done.”  Barbara nodded and flipped the channel to get updates on the Coast Guard’s mobilization on the waters.  “Where are we at?”

“Facts,” Maria held up her fist, tuning out the woman’s voice.  “Respect for being a man.  Ride or die, eh?”

“Ride or die.”

Selvaria grinned and joined them.  “I’m still fuming, but I guess I shouldn’t be if Amelia isn’t.  Let’s be heroes!”

Anthony grinned, rubbing his slightly red eyes as he leaned back.  “I’m glad Rachel brought us together.”

* — * — *

Rachel scratched the base of her left ear, hearing the limo Scarlet was in getting on the freeway on-ramp; Cássia had a lot of interesting things to say, but they’d have plenty of time to dig into juicier topics when things really kicked off.

Back against the rails of the townhome they were occupying, Rachel sighed as Mateo finished coordinating with the other platoons around Miami.  “So, the Coast Guard is going to let the ship Nia marked past the barricade…  I’m kind of shocked Barb and Tom allowed this plot in the first place.”

Mateo took a drag of his third cigarette before letting it out, most of his men taking supplies down to their vehicles as his communications team coordinated movements with SOCOM.  “To be fair, you’ve got a positive track record against gods.  You’ve staked your reputation on this operation.”

“Heh.  No pressure,” Rachel muttered, scratching her neck and twisting to stare into the thickening, magical fog; it had a slight dampening effect on her hearing.  “I doubt we’ll come out of this totally unscathed…  Something feels off, and I’m trying to pinpoint where it is, but I can’t see it yet.  Be careful out there, Lieutenant.”

The Latino officer chuckled and put out his smoke.  “You have the brass to be a soldier.  Watch out for Scarlet, a girl like her shouldn’t be in this life, but I guess her parents took that choice out of her hands.  Do you really think she can pull the trigger when the time comes?”

Rachel turned to look into the swirling fog, the pattering of rain filtering into the foreground with the loudspeakers of military units, telling citizens to remain indoors or directing people to recreational facilities to lock themselves inside.

Perhaps it was good that this happened in Miami due to the military presence around it.  An Army Colonel was taking over the overall Brigade organization as Barbara coordinated with the initial contact platoons under her command to meet the first wave.  Thousands of reserve and servicemen around the area were being mobilized to join in and fill into needed areas.

Her ears tilted to the left, hearing over coms that Barbara’s helicopter would be arriving in their air space soon.  “I think so.  Scarlet’s tough…  Remember, she saved me against the alien toad; she acted without thinking.  That’s not something taught.  She just needs to trust and believe in herself.  Good luck, Lieutenant.”

“Let the good times roll.  Hooah!”

He turned to coordinate his men as drones and helicopters entered the storm, with naval military vessels being pulled into the command center, data began to be shared between the various units.  The mission was a go.

Jumping over the rail, a quick prompt had Nia change her dress to her jogging outfit.  Water splashed around her as her running shoes met the soaked grass, and she launched toward the road, a wall of rain sliding over her skin.  Speeding up, Nia rejected the liquid peppering her body, leaving a trail of water in her wake as the world slowed further with every step, picking up her pace.

It felt so liberating to be able to move like this again, her heart rate rising by the second.  It was like her muscles had been screaming to be exercised, and it was so natural to leap several meters into the air to land on the two-story house in her way, racing across the roof to jump to the next building.

[Divine Beast Empowerment II - Advanced to A-tier]

[Beastial Instincts II - Advanced to A-tier]

[Blessed Lunar Grace I - Advanced to B-tier]

Her sharp vision cut past the magical haze and rain to give her enough to find her way through, and more of the city opened up with her increasing Feat Tier Level.  She was back on the hunt, and she couldn’t wait to see what moons would be in this Legend Quest for her to exploit.  This was when she felt awake and alive.

Becoming a blur through the fog, leaving a drag effect that carried the mist along with her, she marveled at how fast she could run after gaining [Blessed Lunar Grace I] from Chang’e; the +1 to her overall Dexterity was massive.

Let’s see what I can do!

Taking to the air, she soared over ten meters in the air to land on the freeway and applied pressure to her thighs; she launched into a sprint, [Mental Acceleration II] bringing the world to a crawl as her wide field of vision gave her a full view of the dangers to avoid.

She became a bullet, making a few soldiers in a convoy freak out a little as she zipped past them, kicking up the mist.  Nia moved the air and water hitting her outfit through herself like a circulatory system, pushing it out the back to propel her faster; they were so in sync when she was an adult, the rabbit sending her updates on the state of things inside the limousine.

…I agree: let Scarlet take the point and give her room to grow.  Keep an eye on Illa, though.  She’s too manipulative for Scarlet at this point.

Nia’s tense emotions fed through their connection, sharing her discomfort regarding the 13-year-old brunette vampire.

“I get you’re concerned about Illa due to Scarlet’s emotional vulnerability, but I’m here with Scarlet, and she can sense the same thing I can from your [Beastial Instincts II] Feat…  Cássia is far more dangerous than her age suggests.  It may just be her Spirit Item that is upsetting me, but… I don’t know.  Illa is a Noble Vampire, and she’d get bodied by Cássia.”

Rachel outpaced their car, feeling tingly and ready for action while coming to a stop inside the downpour on the shipping pier between Miami and Miami Beach.  The expansive ocean between the land and the island was covered in fog, and she heard flapping wings high overhead, where Fairies generated the veil that fell over the city.

Ahead of her was the FONERS superyacht, a 41.5 meter, 1,280 raw horsepower monster of a sailing vessel that had a few foremen on the dock salivating, having been paid under the table to allow it to dock in the area typically reserved for cargo ships.

A half-smile lifting her lips and hands held in her gym short pockets, she looked up at the top deck, where a few figures could be seen with her enhanced vision, each one focused on her.

One particular stole her attention: a silver-haired woman, her modest green gown fluttering in the light breeze.  Her fangless, dazzling grin demanded attention as she leaned against the side of the glass barrier, twinkling lights dancing around her in a sort of aura: Lady Aurora Bain, the Fae Mythickin.

“It took you long enough, Rachel.  I’ve heard so much about you,” she sang in a mature, luring Scottish tone.  “It seems you brought an uninvited friend.”

A strong and sharply-dressed, long-nailed vampire tipped his glass of blood over the edge, crimson eyes staring at her as if she were an animal to be skinned; his German accent was thick and cold while brushing his white ponytail over his shoulder.  “She doesn’t live up to the hype, Aurora.  Fang feels like more of a threat.  Perhaps this ‘vampire messiah’ will be less of a disappointment,” he grunted while walking below deck.

“First appearances can be deceiving, Dear.  From what I’ve heard, a Lesser God met his end by making the same mistake.”

“A fairytale.”

“We shall see.”

Rachel half-turned, hearing the clicking of boots against concrete bringing a hooded figure through the veil, revealing the reason she’d let Nia handle Scarlet, giving her time to read over the file Tom had emailed her.

“Red, it’s a pleasure,” she greeted, vision lifting to the sounds of cutting air as the helicopter touched down just out of sight, allowing her people to hop out; Scarlet’s party would arrive last.  “You look a lot younger than your military profile suggests.  Congratulations!  Where’s Black?”

The brown-haired girl held a long firefighter’s ax over her shoulder, unimpressed amber eyes sweeping the boat; this woman was hiding a lot of power with her innocent appearance.  “If it isn’t the wannabe Fable.  What were you going by again?  Omen.  Humph.  Just stay out of our way, and we won’t have any problems.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to murder a Vampire Lord to get an invitation to the party…  Maybe I’ll take the Nosferatu’s.”

A dark chuckle came from within the 2nd level of the ship.  “I’d like to see you try, Crimson Hunter.  I’m not so easily killed by your weapons.  It seems you aren’t so stupid, though, Hare…  I’ll give you that.”

Rachel stepped back to let Red pass, a smirk on the girl’s lips making her wonder if she’d heard the vampire.  This is going to be fun!

Shouts came from beyond the veil as her team jogged forward to join her, Selvaria making herself an easy target; then again, her whole theme was Defense, so a vampire would probably break their teeth on her skin.

“Rachel!  Rachel!  Where are…  Oh, there you are,” she chimed in her monotone way, the teenager skipping forward with her swaying tail.  “You won’t believe the story we got from Anthony on the way over.  It’s—”

“Ahem.  I’ll talk to her myself, Selv,” the green-eyed man said with a forced smile.  “Shouldn’t you be buffing up before joining us on the deck?”

Somewhat interested in the unusual topic after catching Barbara’s parting words on the helicopter to talk to the man in private, Rachel first had to shoot down the Leviathan before she ran off.  “Unfortunately, Selv, you won’t be joining us in this one.”

“I almost for—huh?!”  Tail going completely stiff, the sea monster’s cheeks puffed out while squinting up at the waving silver-haired woman.  “Nuh-uh!  You need me, Boss.  I’m, like, totally indispensable—indestructible—invincible.  I’m a kaiju…  Why can’t I come?”

Rachel leaned to the side to give a two-fingered salute to Maria and Fiona as the glowing Fairy got a chance to breathe again after being snuggly tucked away inside the Unicorn’s bra for her safety.  “Yo, girls!  And, sorry, Selv, but that’s the reason why we need you on the outside for insurance.”


“Hold up!  A moment of your time, Warrior of the Sea.  Listening?”

She swiftly nodded.  “I get an important mission?”

“Super important!”

“I’m on it.  What’s the special OP, Captain Ears?”

“You’ll be circling the ship and making sure they don’t do any funny business, or someone tries to double-cross all the vamps and blow up the ship or something.  You’re the last defense.  Get it?  I’m trusting you to have our way home not totally ruined or changing locations to some weird place.  Who knows what their goons will do when we go into the Legend Quest.”

Selvaria’s pout turned into a beaming grin.  “So, I’m your heroine.  I’m the only one you’d trust to do this job because I’m awesome!  No one will do any funny business with a giant Leviathan hanging around.  Count on me, Captain!”  she saluted.


“Oh!  Can I keep Coral?  Pleeease!  We’re spook buddies.”

“Again, sorry,” she said, holding out her arm for the orange ghost bunny to hop over to plant herself on her head.  “We’re going to a spooky place and need a ghost.”

“Aww…  Okay.”

The sea monster jogged toward the edge of the pier and dove into the water.  Moments later, a giant fin emerged to push Selvaria into deeper waters, causing a large splash and sending a small wave over the side for a few centimeters of water to flow around their feet before rushing back into the ocean.

Scarlet showed a toothy smile as they came together, the suddenly shy ginger teen now latching onto her arm; yet another manipulation tactic that had Fiona beaming as if Scarlet had found a little sister to coddle.

“Hey, guys, thanks for helping me…  This is Illa, a, uh… maybe friend?”  she winced, working through the words and making the pumpkin-themed girl groan with downcast eyes.  “She’s been nice!  Uh, and this is the—eesh…  Servant sounds so bad, Cássia…  You’re our guide that Countess Elizabeth sent to serve us?”

The 13-year-old brunette gave a smooth curtsey, unfastened coat draped around her like a cape.  “No need to make it seem awkward, Lady Scarlet.  Think of me as your personal attendant or maid, if it pleases you.  Please, let us board.  Lord Dracula’s forces will be here shortly.”

“Proper little thing, huh?”  Maria smirked.  “My block bought a load of garlic and shit; boys are ready to pop off, so I’m ready to go.  You, Fi?”

Fiona had zipped over to leave a twinkling trail around Scarlet and Illa.  “Hello!  I’m Fiona, and you can look at me like your big sister.  If you’re a good vampire and on the team, then I’m all for friendly faces.  Let’s go meet the competition!”


The whimsical Fairy giggled as a light green aura surrounded all of them, pulling them into the air with a rush of wind, carrying them up to meet Aurora.  “I wonder if they have any candy.  Wait, is there a dress code?”

Rachel gave Nia a smile as the bunny promptly responded.

“They will be providing outfits for all of us…  We’ll need to discuss that topic further, Cássia.  To me, you’re practically wearing the dead skin of Living Denier.”

The brunette’s lips fell into a thoughtful frown, Fiona now looking utterly confused as they touched down on the upper deck.  “Hmm.  My apologies, Lady Nia, perhaps I didn’t explain it well enough.  Would you give me some time to articulate better what Empress Wu told The Countess?  We do need to leave as soon as Charles makes it onboard.”

Rachel answered for her upset outfit, spotting the driver of their limousine carrying two suitcases to the ship.  “Absolutely.  In the meantime, we’ll get to know the guests,” she said, shooting a small smile at the white-haired Fae, now sitting comfortably on one of the cushioned seats, sipping a bloody cocktail.  “Let the party begin.”


Next Chapter 


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