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1. Rachel Park (Our Lunar Hare!)

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Taking the comfortable and extravagant chair Mei had created, Rachel crossed her legs and glanced between the two powerful entities as a wave of pressure made her dizzy.  The elegant moon bunny’s soft words were somewhat muffled as Anthony mirrored her momentary nausea.

“Take your time to adjust; you have entered a higher domain than your spirits are accustomed to.  It will pass as your mother balances the equilibrium between us.”

Tintreach chuckled, two electric fingers held against his temple.  “This shaman is skilled; I have yet to hear of one capable of meditation at this level at this stage of the Sundering.”

Mei didn’t respond, returning to her kneeling position, closing her ruby eyes, and sipping at a cup of hot tea that Rachel was sure hadn’t been there a moment before.

Evening out her breathing, her vision went black as she harkened back to the respiratory exercises her grandfather had taught her growing up, where his instilled Taoist Neidan principles had helped her a lot in her early martial arts days to process her internalized anger.

Gradually, her thoughts cleared, and the pressure binding her chest eased.  The chime of her mother’s bell dispelled the sea closing in around her, and she opened her eyes to the majestic cosmic view with its nebulous clouds and void-like holes spiraling around them.

She sat for a time, studying the two creatures before her.  Mei’s grace and radiance were beyond words, yet it wasn’t as if she’d changed.  Instead, her perception of the elegant moon bunny was what had altered due to her more balanced spiritual medium.

Her thoughts slowly filtered back, bringing with it a new perspective to the Legend Quest.  Conner’s Seed had acted as a bridge between the dimensional differences, like a translator, but that couldn’t account for actually basking in these entities’ actual presence.

Rachel may be looking right at Tintreach, but the Lightning Lord was practically the living embodiment of a colossal hurricane in size and power that could single-handedly devastate continents, which put Moongmor and Mei’s power into perspective.

Yet, the one thing her mind latched onto was Tintreach’s comment about her mother.  Her gut cramped while observing the cloudy, electrified storm entity that looked down on them with mild enthusiasm.

How powerful is Mom as a shaman if someone like this living storm is complimenting her?  She knew about The Oscillation—or The Sundering to these creatures—long before it happened…  When did she find out?  Or did Grandma know about it first and pass the knowledge down?

So many questions were now budding inside her regarding her mother’s side of the family, which also made her question her grandfather’s adherence to Taoist principles.  After Tom’s revelation regarding China, she’d scoured her Asian historical memory and recalled Empress Wu had something to do with Taoism, but perhaps she was picking at threads that didn’t exist.

Anthony was the first to speak after her declaration of discussing business, his voice a tad hoarse at first before picking up speed.  “What… are you two?  You aren’t gods, as far as I understand, but are you really spirits?  What kind of deals can you offer, or goals do you have?”

Tintreach’s chest shook as he yawned—the sound rumbling through them like thunder—and took a more casual posture.  “Do you want to tackle that one, Moon Bunny?”

Mei’s illuminated crimson eyes slowly slid open, gaze resting on the steaming cup in her hands.  “It is a challenging concept for you to understand, so I will make a simile:

“Think of my use of dimensions as giant stone gates, each one requiring certain certifications to pass.  Between each gate are numerous veils that one must pass to reach beyond the barrier.  Though we have yet to go through the gate to the 4th dimension, we live in a closer veil to it than you.  Therefore, we have a greater understanding of it and are more closely aligned with its requisite.  Some humans have given us the title of Immortals as a collective.”

She brought her tea to her lips to drink as Rachel responded, recalling the stories regarding the moon bunny’s goddess.  “So Chang’e really did start out as a mortal, took the immortality elixir meant for her husband, and passed through six gates?  Figuratively speaking, that is.”

Mei lowered her cup with a small smile as her gaze lifted to her.  “I understand you have come here seeking answers, Lady Rachel.  Unfortunately, I do not have a full grasp of my mistress’ ascension.  I would assume so, yet I do not know for certainty, nor does it particularly interest me.  I am merely thankful to mediate between My Lady and her Lower Lunar Court.  I can only impart what I have been given.”

Rachel interlocked her fingers over her belly with a sigh.  “I guess it doesn’t matter that much at this time.  Anthony’s here to figure out what Taranis wants, and I’m trying to get this promised Positive Lunar Energy Chang’e offered.  Is that right, my guy?”

Anthony shifted in his chair with a laugh.  “Not wrong.  I don’t know what Taranis wants from me, and I’m not even sure what I want to do with these powers I have, which is why I haven’t used most of my points or selected any Feats.”

Ears flying up at the admission, Rachel’s focus snapped to the Legend.  “Not even your Level 5 Perk that connects to your Limit Break?”

He showed a sheepish smile and shook his head.  “I haven’t needed to.  As a side note, you can look at all three Limit Breaks options if you hold onto your Perk option.”

“Huh…. What about the Quests you’ve been doing with Barb and the girls?”

“Hah!  Well…”  He ran his fingers through his hair and looked off to the side as a giant comet streaked by them, leaving a dazzling tail.  “Barb is a powerhouse herself, Fiona is an elemental machine gun, Maria can fix any rush jobs if the escort is hurt, and between Scarlet and Selvaria… yeah,” he weakly chuckled.  “Did Selv tell you the story about body slamming a giant mole lizard and suffocating it to death with a bear hug?  I hardly have had to do anything but lead them to the next objective, to be honest.”

“Pfft!  Way to be a leech,” Rachel mused, finding it a little grating to hear the adventures and experiences she’d missed out on.  “Hmm.  I think we’ve gotten a little sidetracked…  How do you want to handle this, Mei?  And, please, cut the Lady and Lord business for us; it’s not our culture.”

“I don’t know,” Anthony chortled, “I kind of like the whole medieval vibe.”

Rachel snicked.  “Sure, My Lord,” she mockingly returned.  “Mei?”

The bunny set her empty cup on the saucer in front of her and glanced to the side.  “You had your own agenda for being here, Lord Tintreach.  I would rather refrain from shouting as you do battle in the background, so please be respectful and maintain proper boundaries…  Does your master know you are here?”

Curiosity sparked in her at the question as the Lightning Lord rose to his full height.

“Hu-ho, of course, Moon Lady, as I made it clear to him that I would not accept any soldier without approving of their merits.”  He dwarfed them yet soon shrunk to a man’s size while extending his glave toward the former chemist.  “My Lord has sent offers to several Legends across Ireland, but I have not accepted one.  Let me see if you will change my opinion, Anthony the Legend.”

Mei sighed and shook her head.  “Such rebellion.”

Anthony got to his feet with a curious smirk, summoning his spear.  “I assume you’ll restrain your awesome power so I’m not turned into fried chicken the moment we start?  And, why don’t we make this interesting?”

Rachel sat a little straighter, whatever constituted blood in her current form beginning to pump at the prospect of a fight as the redhead moved to up the stakes.  She’d been itching to get back into a fight, and watching one was the next best thing.  Sadly, she had her own objective with Mei.

Tintreach grinned.  “Oh?  What plot spins within that devious human mind of yours?”

The redhead flipped his spear around his body to test his momentum in the space before twisting it up to rest it on his shoulders.  “You’re a higher being, right?  If I win, then you tell me how to cure my fiancée of her cursed cancer.  If I lose… turn me into charcoal.”

Tail going stiff at the death wish, Rachel was about to interject when the electric personage shook his head and retracted his glave.  “I cannot give you what I do not have to give.”

“Dammit,” Anthony growled, frustration replacing his enthusiasm as he glared off to the side.  “You can’t even give me a cure.”

It clicked in Rachel’s mind; she was so stupid.  He hadn’t wanted this meeting to talk about Taranis’ blessing; he’d wanted to get another angle on curing his woman’s illness.  Everything he’d done in the Quests was for Amelia’s benefit.  His association with her was for Amelia’s benefit.  The man’s work as a chemist was for Amelia’s benefit.  His entire world revolved around fixing her life because he loved her.

Dammit…  I miscalculated his investment.

Rachel’s fingers tightened against each other as silence ensued, Anthony probably working on another angle while the two higher beings patiently waited.  She needed his Quests, though, and him having two separate Greater Seeds had to have been for a purpose; the threads of misfortune closed in around her without Anthony inside Omen.

If I offer a temporary cure for Amelia at the price of him joining so that she can live a somewhat normal life with regular transfusions, I’m a total asshole, forcing him into work that takes him away from her.  Then again, he would jump at the opportunity, but Amelia would be opposed to that kind of condition, and that divide between them could cause a lot of trouble.  Dammit…

Her ears straightened when Tintreach broke the somber atmosphere, cupping his chin and appraising the Legend.  “I see you fight for someone other than yourself and your own glory…  I will offer you this then:

“I shall accept your determination to bet your life for your love, and should you prove to me your love is true, I will bind my soul with yours to see your journey through, not as some arbitrary blessing, but as equals.  I will take nothing from you, and grant you my power.  Should you die, I will perish.”

Rachel forced a laugh.  “Why… would you do that?  Are you saying you won’t even gain any strength from this kind of deal?  How does that work, Mei?”

The bunny maintained her graceful cadence while producing a Chinese teapot from a hole in space to fill her cup.  “Lord Tintreach has his own personal reasons to connect to such a circumstance, which is why I believe Lord Taranis has sent him down this path.  Besides, I would not call this a transparent deal.  Lord Tintreach has merely found someone that he can resonate with.”

“Meaning?”  Anthony carefully asked.

The Lightning Lord looked off into the void, white clouds tinting black.  “I seek vengeance for a wrong committed, and my prey has bound himself to a man on your planet.  It is… difficult to pass between veils after the Sundering, requiring the aid from someone on the other side.  As you grow, so too will your spirit be able to handle more of my power.”

Anthony thought on his words for several seconds before meeting Tintreach’s gaze.  “A deal then.  I help you achieve your vengeance, and you help me save my fiancée.  We hold nothing back from each other, and only if our goals conflict will we be opposed.”

Tintreach took a moment and nodded.  “Should you prove you’re worthy to hold my glaive and find my enemy amongst the Fomori, then I will be your arm to strike judgment upon your foes until your quest is done.”

“Then we talk while we fight,” Anthony said with a grin, swinging his spear into a ready position.  “Who are the Fomori?”

The Lightning Lord mirrored his stance, glaive touching the Legend’s spear.  “The nether demons that rebelled against The Morrigan and sought power for themselves on Earth.”

Rachel winced, ears flying back as a flash of light carried them away, leaving a loud rumble that shook through her entire being.  Seeing spots, she saw the trail of lightning dancing in a wide circle around them.

Mei’s own ears were laid back, placing her pot into the hole in space before massaging her ears, Rachel mirroring her.  “This is why I do not enjoy sharing space with other factions…  Hmm.  At least he took the battle to a separate location.”

The silver-haired Chinese woman looked at her with a smile.  “It speaks to your mother’s aptitude that she is able to accommodate us to this level.  Please, give her my appreciation for her grace in providing us with this opportunity.”

“Of course,” Rachel mumbled, shifting into a more comfortable position and trying not to read too far into the praise; it was hard for her to accept that her mother was facilitating all of this.  “Was Tintreach talking about the nether demons that served The Morrigan?  The same Morrigan that accepted Izanami’s invite into the Legend Quest?”

“Indeed, he was,” Mei said with a long, drawn-out sigh.  “Quite a few lower courts and former servants of the gods and goddesses have broken free of their oaths and duties the second they learned the dimensional barriers prevented retaliation.  The Morrigan hasn’t always been viewed in a… positive light, and the Formori have a… spotted history with that pantheon.  It is further complicated by the fact that we only survived due to our Lords and Ladies winning their respective fight for domination amongst their counterparts.”

A lump formed in Rachel’s throat at the insight.  Of the countless versions of Chang’e that fought one another, it put things into a new perspective when viewing it from the angle that she was fighting for all the lunar bunnies that she loved, and perhaps her other versions fought for the same, only to lose in the end.  She could see the heavy burden Chang’e carried now.

“So… does that mean that Eostre only survived due to Cerridwen’s victory over her other counterparts?”

Mei closed her eyes and took a sip of tea before focusing on her again.  “You are steering this conversation back to Moongmor, even if you cannot consciously see it.”

Rachel strained a laugh.  “Was I?  I won’t say it isn’t a topic I didn’t want addressed.”

“Hmm.  Then allow me to make my opinions known…”  It said a lot that the silver-haired bunny had to take a few seconds to compose herself.  “Lady Eostre is not a Positive Energy entity, as my mistress is.  She is a Chaotic, Neutral Force, which reflects on her followers and why Lady Cerridwen selected her to be the middle-ground to act between parties since she is… acceptable,” she carefully finished, letting her feelings on the topic be known.

Suddenly, all of Moongmor’s sporadic antics started to make sense compared to the refined, lady-like bunny in front of her.  Also, Eostre was in the awkward in-between stages on the power scale by residing in the 4th dimension.  She was strong enough to have followers within the Immortal bracket, yet was a plaything of the Lesser Gods, which didn’t put a lot of respect on her name.  Still, she’d become rather fond of the tulpa.

Sucking in her bottom lip, Rachel thought back to her mother’s advice to get the pair to get along.  It was probably something she felt with her shaman powers.

“Umm…  You don’t like Moongmor’s constant advances and gifts, which is causing a division.  I don’t know how this divine, uh, alliance works,” she questioned, unsure if that was the right word, “if that’s what it is, but before we continue, can we address the rabbit in the room?”

Mei sipped her tea quietly, obviously simmering inside, despite her outward grace.  After several awkward seconds, she sighed, put her cup down, and reached into her sleeve to extract her fan.  “There can be no compromise because all Moongmor sees is my beauty and wishes to debase it.  Observe…”

She unfurled the fan to the side, creating a hole in space.  Moongmor fell out of it, bound by silver threads.  He stopped halfway to the floor, dangling by the string as he blinked once and glanced between them.

“Mei, my darling, I’m so sorry!  I didn’t mean to upset you, b-but you’re just so pretty, and I want to see you dance, and try new outfits, and you’d look sooo good in a short skirt, and tights, and maybe a low-cut blouse…  My beautiful!”

Snapping the fan closed, the bunny squeaked and was yanked back into the void.  “As you heard, he is only interested in his image of me.  He is an uncouth animal that can only reflect his mistress’ wanton lifestyle…  I shiver every time I say Lady Eostre since she hardly reflects the word.”

“Ouch.”  Rachel hissed, rubbing the back of her neck at hearing the lunar secretary’s brutal opinion.  “Let’s put that on hold for a minute.”


Mei returned her fan to her sleeve before lifting her teacup to her lips, possibly attempting to wash away the bitterness in her mouth from the exchange.

Ears drifting to the side, she watched the swirling lightning spark across the cosmic space they visited.  She had bigger topics to explore than the interpersonal dynamics between higher beings.  Although Moongmor was a bit overbearing and forward, and he seemed like the type of guy who couldn’t take a hint and made girls shy away, she was sure he wasn’t all bad.  There was definitely room for improvement.  Then again, Mei could probably be a little more lenient.

Her attitude sobered as she turned to an important topic.  “What can you tell me about the Scarlet Hand and their activities?”

Mei’s red eyes lifted to hers.  “Not all that much, I’m afraid.  I can tell you they have a mighty faction on our side of the veil, which works to bring about their designs.  However, they are not the only powerful group, and your misfortune has created many weaknesses in its organization that some believed impossible.  Parts have even splintered off, creating divisions that others have exploited.”

Hugging herself, Rachel shifted uncomfortably.  “Was it really me that caused those weaknesses?”

“I cannot say it was you for a certainty.”  The silver-haired woman turned her gaze to the swirling cosmos around them.  “That being said, from what little I can observe, the cracks in their framework developed shortly after their failed assassination attempt, and what appears to be severe hiccups have caused internal strife on our side of the veil.  You are becoming somewhat of a mortal legend yourself from the whispers passed between factions.”

Rachel ran her fingers through her hair with a groan.  “Yeah, well, contributing to the death of a Lesser God while saving the Personification of Victory will do that, I suppose.  Ugh.  Is there anything Chang’e thinks I should be worried about in the short term?”

Mei’s mouth became a line as she set down her cup to look at her, and the elegant bunny’s voice was practically a whisper.  “The Montana Crystal has a great many interests converging between multiple factions.  However, Lady Izanami imparted a rather concerning warning regarding this conflict that she foresaw with the Seed’s power.”

The warning the Archangel Michael had given Jeanne came to the forefront of Rachel’s mind.  “I’m listening.”

A grave expression creased the woman’s face.  “A power beyond any of our understanding will participate; this Crystal Event will not be like any others that have thus far occurred, and she suggests that you do not make this faction your enemy.  Whoever supports them is to be feared and respected.”

Wanting a little more than that, Rachel leaned forward to rest her tight fists against her crossed legs.  “Did she tell you what she saw?”

Mei shook her head.  “It is less sight and more about the ripples of energies that collide across your planet.  Typically, not even my mistress would be able to gain an accurate understanding of such complicated pulses due to the sheer number and chaotic interactions between so many deities…”

“But,” Rachel said with a sigh, “Izanami isn’t your typical deity.”

“That, she is not,” the bunny agreed, setting her empty cup down.  “She sensed a holy power… Positive Energy which personified conquest, and if she stood in its path, she would be subjugated without question, which is why she has maneuvered all of her forces away from the US, as have many of the other powerful factions that have seen the signs.”

“Okay.  And where are they gathering?”  Rachel pressed, looking for any scrap of information that could tell her where the largest stages of conflict would be by using the higher veils as a prediction map.

Mei’s troubled gaze drifted to the side, scanning things beyond her sight.  “Most are gathering around the UK, China, and Cuba.  That is all I can tell you from my limited view of the field at play.  Despite my earlier comment, I am thankful and recognize Lady Eostre’s part in providing a safe haven for the Lower Lunar Court, which comes in part thanks to your cultivated influence of interested parties.  We are doing our best to live amongst… those who have different lifestyles than us,” she finished with a pained smile.

Rachel returned it, figuring the woman was trying to comfort her about their earlier topic regarding Moongmor; perhaps she should be grateful the graceful bunny hadn’t incinerated the rowdy troublemaker for all his advances.

“I can appreciate that.  I’ll, uh… talk with Moongmor and Eostre when I get the chance.  I guess the last thing I want to really discuss is the business regarding the promised Positive Lunar Energy.  How’s that coming along?”

Mei’s eyes closed, a rare look of frustration creasing her brow.  “There are… hiccups involving my home’s movements.  We live on a reflection of My Lady’s Lunar Kingdom, and as such, if we are not to have our homes destroyed, we must move in unison with the higher dimensions.  I am loath to say, but our elegance does not match with those of the Higher Lunar Court, and that makes its positioning… slow.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”  Rachel offered.

Unexpectedly, the woman lifted her hands to fuss with her bound silver hair, her tone becoming uncomfortable.  “If… Lady Eostre’s bunnies would be willing to follow our instruction… then it could be done in accordance with my mistress’ timetable.  I am not sure as to where our destination is, only its general direction.”

A small smile lifted her lips at the agitated woman’s admission.  Due to Eostre being a creature of either Positive or Negative, they could act in both.  This was probably a very big headache for Mei if she had brought this option up.

“Haha.  I know you have your doubts about Moongmor and Eostre’s followers, but I’ll talk to them, okay?  It will probably need to be in a day or two, though.”

Mei shifted to grip her elbow, still looking uncomfortable.  “You do not fully understand, Rachel…  Eostre’s bunnies lay eggs.”

Her mind ground to a halt, totally thrown into left field as she tried to piece together what the woman was implying.  Suddenly, it struck her.

“Bunnies… don’t lay eggs.”

“No, we do not,” she whispered.  “Lady Eostre’s followers used to be birds before they gained her favor, and she transformed them into bunnies.  Naturally, a being at her level of power could not fully convert them from their original nature in spirit and body, so… there are differences between us.”

Rachel had to wonder if she was telling her this as to say that her people also discriminate against the birds turned bunnies or if there was some deeper meaning behind the topic.

“How… does that change the equation with them helping you, hehe, move your moon?”

Mei’s grip tightened around her elbow.  “Only Moon Rabbits can change the course of our home…  It changes many things depending on the results.”

“Uh-huh…  So, it’s a cultural shift that might be hard for your people to accept if they can do it, and if they can’t… it reinforces the idea they aren’t Moon Rabbits?”

“In essence, yes,” the woman whispered.  “It is an uncomfortable experiment that some on the Lunar Court are opposed to, and there is a fear they may seek to migrate to our home.  Yet, if it can hasten Our Lady’s wishes, we are duty-bound to support their aid.  It is just something you might make Lady Eostre and Moongmor aware of.”

“Got it…”  Rachel slowly replied, not having expected such a strange twist.

She did recall spotting somewhere that Eostre turned a bird into a bunny but didn’t anticipate it would cause this much of a disturbance inside an entire civilization of Moon Rabbits.  They were worried about an influx of egg-laying immigrants that would upset their way of life.  Life certainly was interesting now with the insanity The Oscillation brought.

“I’ll bring your concerns to Eostre.  Is there a reason why you can’t talk to her yourself?”

Mei shivered and shook her head.  “We may reside within a space she has claimed, but strict boundaries are maintained within our… tentative alliance.  Moongmor is her representative, and you have seen the conduct he shows when we are supposed to be discussing important topics.”

“Yeah…  I can see the trouble,” she mumbled, thinking back to how the hyperactive bunny had crashed their discussion.  “He seems like an obsessive guy, for sure, and has taken a shine to you.”

“My appearance, to be specific,” she stated with a distasteful tone.  “He expresses nothing for my other attributes or grace.”

Rachel’s ears lifted a little at the phrasing she used.  It sounded like she wouldn’t be all that opposed to his advances or presence if he wasn’t only focused on her looks or attire.

“Alright.  Umm.  Is there anything else?”

Mei looked up as a streak of lightning flashed overhead, yet its rumbles didn’t reach them due to the woman’s power.  “I do sense a strong thirst for blood that seeks to rip into your veins…  Be careful, Rachel, something foul is nearing your shores, and their intention is set on you or… perhaps someone near you.”

First thinking Scarlet had zipped back in for a midnight snack of Lunar Blood, Rachel’s thoughts turned to Veronica.  She was the only vampire-like person she knew, except maybe the Seattle Vampire.  Although, it wasn’t like they had much in common, and he was on the entire other side of the United States with the whole country’s intelligence network on his butt.

“Noted…  Well, have a lovely night.  It was a real pleasure, Lady Mei,” she said with a smile and small, respectful bow that seemed to brighten the woman’s mood.

“Thank you for your patience and respect, Rachel.  I will release Moongmor back into the wild on my way back home.  Although… I fear he will only continue to follow at my feet, begging me to wear some other lascivious article of clothing for him to gawk at.  Lord Tintreach and Anthony seem to be winding down.”

“Alright.  Well, good luck!”

Rachel breathed out a long stream of air as the pretty bunny vanished in twinkling lights, and she turned her gaze to the battling pair in whatever weird energy space the Lightning Lord had created to fight Anthony.

Eostre had built a sanctuary for others in the higher dimensions by utilizing Cerridwen, Chang’e, and her reputation after Izanami’s semi-endorsement.  Perhaps, over time, as the Hell Lady had insinuated, she’d get more to join her side.  She was building up her own faction across all the dimensions, and that had its perks.

So, some bloodsucker is coming to start trouble?  Good to know.

Lost in her thoughts for a time, it didn’t take long for Anthony and Tintreach to reappear, covered in cuts that leaked white liquid.

“Have fun, boys?”  she asked, legs folding the opposite way as she shifted in her chair to smile at them.

Anthony snorted, covered in sweat and brushing away the blood that leaked down a small cut on his neck that must have been a close call.  “I haven’t… faced anyone as skilled as him.  Ack.  How was your girl talk?”

“Enlightening.  So…”

Tintreach grinned and straightened, electricity dancing around him and the Legend, closing their wounds.  “You have impressed me, Anthony.  I will offer you my glaive.”

Anthony stepped forward and clasped his offered wrist, the Lightning Lord doing the same.  “Partners!  I’ll have to brush up on my glaive skills.  Hahaha.  Those were some fancy moves, my friend.”

“Then I will teach you.”

Rachel grunted and rose to her feet as Tintreach converted into electricity and infused Anthony with his essence, the Legend welcoming the Lightning Lord inside.

A thought struck her upon Tintreach’s comment as another bell chime sounded from her mother, likely supporting the union.

“Wait, where’s my hammer teacher?”

“You should have asked Mei,” Anthony snickered, flexing his hands as energy coursed through his veins, illuminating them.  “Wow.  Yeah, I’m going to have to get used to this.”

“I should have!”  Her cheer diminished, and she crossed her arms, getting the feeling they’d be leaving this area soon.  “Hey, I, uh, I have one thing to say… and I’m not trying to be a total bitch, but…”

Brushing back his messy red locks, Anthony chuckled and held up a fist for her to bump, confusing her a little.  “My new partner already told me about the temporary fix you discovered.  I can guess what you’re about to say, and I don’t expect you to just drain yourself weekly out of the goodness of your heart.  Amelia’s grown to like you.  Help her, and you’ve got me.”

The fog of stress collecting around her dispersed into clear skies as she grinned and bumped his fist.  “Then, welcome to Omen.”

“Glad to be here,” Anthony said, plucking at his damaged shirt.  “Do we come with our own merch?  I could use some new clothes to represent.”

Laughing, Rachel fell through space, called back by her mother’s bell.  She had her core team; now, all she needed to do was convince Congress it would be a good idea to allow multiple PMCs under US Military supervision.

Of course, that would come after the funeral.  Rachel fell silent as she exited the veil and returned to her body.  A disquieting thought ran through her mind; hopefully, Scarlet would be okay during her dad’s service because if not, things would get messy.  Who was she kidding, though?  The Scarlet Hand definitely had something planned; her dad had been one of the leaders, after all.

Please, don’t turn him into a zombie.


Next Chapter



What could possibly go wrong?


"A thought stuck her upon" Stuck as in the thought is sticking to her or is it hitting her and supposed to be struck?


Thanks for making me aware of the error, Opala! I'll fix that today. o7 It should be struck