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Author Fun:  "And then the itsy-bitsy spider crawled up the thelmathra tunnel.  Down came the rain, and the spider made a slide.  Down came Camellia to wash her sisters out, and the itsy-bitsy spider was dragged off for punishment."


1. Elinor (Our Undead Empress!)

Undying Empire Index

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Inline Edits


Elinor moved to the front of the royal catacombs with her father, leaving Tiffany to help the princesses and prince get ready for the ceremony.  It would be a short wait while the Witch Queen healed Heather’s face, so Elinor had the Magic Knights send for a new stagecoach for them, taking the one they’d arrived in.

Now, alone inside the vehicle, she sat beside the window, observing the brightly-dressed paladins patrolling the royal grounds on high alert.  The reason why soon came from her father as he talked with the lieutenant in charge of their day’s escort.

Emerald eyes wandering between the sparkling white-and-gold aesthetic of the wet capital city in the morning light, Elinor kept a neutral expression while her father informed her of the developing situation of Julian’s march.

“The army is mobilizing to counter the Delva Empire’s territorial expansion.  Apparently, the neighboring empire has stationed its troops on the Delenear March’s border; they’ve overtaken the land and are screening everyone before expelling them into the Kaspir Kingdom.”

Elinor sighed as they passed a few floating Tempest, opting to fly above the ‘common folk’ rather than walk on the ground.

So, they still think Castria is within the march.  It’s an aggressive play, and I expect a diplomat to be sent with some extravagant story as to why the Delenear March somehow provoked the attack.  It doesn’t look like they want full-scale war, but Castria was important enough to cause this mess.

Her father’s dark tone returned as they came to the first royal gatehouse, where Roman waited with Dris, the cat creature that served the Delenear family.

“Or… Roman convinced the empire that the invasion was the only way to secure the girl…  If it’s her that they want in the first place.  He let us know that Castria was able to eavesdrop through some method, making us paranoid of listening ears.  That knowledge has made us second-guess and be cautious about how we speak in the open.  It also provides him with a decent amount of cover.”

It is suspect, Elinor returned in their private conversation.  Roman has built my reputation up to a shocking degree and is trying to keep us isolated due to our limited resources and need to project a particular image.  He’s handcuffed me in a rather crafty way while giving me all the power…  I should have brought more personnel.

The Legend held a noble air that befitted his title of duke as the stagecoach stopped, and he gave a respectful bow to Edmon on his horse before the small cat opened the door for him to enter.  Dris shut it and saw them off without joining their party, further inciting Elinor’s suspicions.

“Good morning, Empress,” the blind man said, not bothering with the idea he couldn’t see to no doubt further his mystical reputation in this world.  “When I arrived at the inn to discover you’d made a trip to the Royal Catacombs, I was mildly surprised.  You always were one to move swiftly, though.”

This act as if they’d known each other for many years was a tad grating, considering the secret plays this man was doing behind the scenes while she took the limelight.  If she asked him where he’d been, anyone listening could think that she was ignorant about his movements or that she didn’t have a handle on her people.

On the other hand, there was a potentially very negative downside to not addressing this soon, and it could totally wreck her plans with Castria.  He could be building her up to take a giant fall or to place some big event on her name, which would then force Castria and her sister on the run or possibly die.

It was a good thing that she’d prepared for this moment and reached over to the bag her father had packed.  Roman’s eyebrows came together as she plucked out the pink stones that she’d come to find had properties that disrupted the air in a space and made listening through a Tempest’s wind-based powers practically impossible.

“I do enjoy these colorful flames that they have here,” Elinor stated, handing them to the Legend.  “Their flicker can be mesmerizing.”

A small smile came to the man’s mouth as he accepted them and placed them inside the brackets at the corners of the stagecoach before igniting them with another reactive crystal.  “We may need to bring some of Kaspir’s goods back with us.”

“Indeed, we might.”

She waited for the fire to brighten and the atmosphere to heat with the unusual, circular current that the four flames produced before crossing her leg and returning her gaze to the street.

“I will be candid, Roman.  What have you been doing with that Delenear cat butler?  You wouldn’t be plotting some major upset for me to stumble into, would you?”  she asked, tight gaze darting to the poised man.

Roman crossed his own legs, leaning against the opposite side to stare out of the window with his white eyes.  “I had planned on some major upset to happen, though I see that it is no longer needed after considering the play you are invoking…  You really are something special, Elinor, but I will impart a warning to you.”

“And what would that be?”  Elinor asked as the man’s sober gaze shifted to her.

He took a moment to answer, showing a different, more concerned cadence than he typically displayed.  “Your plan is a good one… a bold one.  It is one that provides you with much influence and tension amongst the various parties, providing a beautiful cover for me to uncover more truths about this world…  But it will also reach parties I would rather not deal with, and they may make a personal appearance with the buzz you are causing.”

“Who are?”  Elinor prompted, intertwining her fingers.

The Legend’s lips became a line as he glanced out of the window again, where dozens upon dozens of packs of students traveled throughout the Noble District, which would soon have the rare occurrence of being open to the public for the ceremony.

“Countess Evelyn Autumn, the Hag of the Everborne Marshlands.  I would compare her to Tiffany, only… far, far more dangerous and powerful.  It was she who I would have needed to go to if you hadn’t raised Castria.”

“A hag,” Elinor slowly repeated, her mind only going to children’s stories about kids who would get snatched by the woman in the woods for disobeying their parents.  “What do you know about this hag?  Is she human or a creature?”

Roman suppressed a shiver, telling her that he was frightened by this person.  His posture tightened, hands clasping at his front while looking beyond their vehicle to something else.

“I cannot tell you what she is, Elinor, but the popular belief is that she was born from the swamp at its creation, and her powers stem from the location.  From what I’ve been able to learn about her in this world, the people of the Kaspir Kingdom, and every other nation, for that matter, has seen the Everborne March as a kingdom in itself since before anyone can remember, and she is the queen of it.”

He reached into a side bag to take out a short book.  Elinor took it as he handed it to her, reading through the diary made by an Earl’s wife.

“That is a journal that was written nearly three centuries ago, and it took some digging to get, which is one of the places I went last night to find.  Evelyn was a rather subpar Tempest, which was something she hated.”

Elinor held up a hand.  “Wait, isn’t Evelyn the hag?”

The Legend ran his fingers through his dark hair, shifting a little in his chair.  “It will make sense in a bit.  If that wasn’t enough, Evelyn’s pregnancy was done out of wedlock during her college days to a charming baron who had wooed her.  She wanted her child to be powerful due to the scorn she’d faced from the other noble women, so she secretly sought out the witch, who offered her a bargain, as she is said to do…”

Roman swallowed, likely pondering what it would be like to deal with such a creature.  Elinor flipped to the folded-down page in the book, where she read the details aloud.  “I met with the Hag of Everborne today.  She was terrifying and ugly, her green skin felt like seaweed, and her fingernails were like claws, yet they held a disturbing grace that reminded me of Rehan’s…

“I quake just remembering the sensation of her touch that lingered like hoarfrost on my arm.  She promised me that my son would be the strongest Tempest, to surpass the Great Houses and Royal Family themselves—he would be king—if I give her three things… but I shudder at the thought of what she asked.  How can I give her what she asks?  Why does she need me to do such things?

“No, I swore to Rehan that I would make our son the greatest and rise up the Alciel House to new heights.  No matter the price, even if I must…”  Elinor trailed off, looking up at the Legend, who was still staring out of the window.

Vision lowering to the hard quill marks on the paper, she read, “…Even if I must cheat on my husband and seduce a commoner, give up my second child, and give the hag my skin, I will do it all to see my son not have the same experience I had with those accursed high nobles.  My children will rule this nation…”

The tale went on as Elinor flipped through the pages, scanning through the notes of her trips across the countryside to privately meet with the hag, who cast a dark ritual on her in such brutality and disgust that even Elinor felt a tad queasy.  Tiffany would love the journal.

“Evelyn did every evil act,” she whispered, flipping down the woman’s long road into depravity and the occult until her second son’s birth when the final note left off where she’d offered her own skin to the hag, her husband never the wiser.  “Heather and Drew’s ancestor made a deal with the hag to gift her descendants with the highest Tempest potential?  What happened to the second child that Evelyn gave her?”

Roman shook his head.  “I’m not sure.  I’ve been following a great many trails, but you should know that one branch of the Alciel family… the Autumn Branch has a tradition of always renaming their matriarchal head Evelyn, who has an estate closest to the Everborne Marshlands, and who hardly leave their lands.  She doesn’t attend any ceremony but the royal coronation.”

Elinor closed the disturbing book and set it to the side, hard green eyes staring daggers at the Legend.  “While pertinent information, you’re giving this to distract me from your other activities.  I don’t like how well you manage to maneuver yourself, Roman…”

Fingernails tightening against her palm, she went right for his throat.  “You wanted a confrontation between us, or at least you were willing to entertain the idea when shifting your pieces to bring me into this game.  Castria’s sacrifice, pulling in the Delva Empire, and bridging all of this gossip about the Raven Empire beyond the seas…  I’m starting to believe all of it is to drag this dangerous hag and me together.  Why?”

A long pause ensued, causing the outside buzz of the busy city to filter into the foreground as Roman spun his thoughts on how to answer her.  The pink flames flickered within their stands, the fire slowly dying.  She listened carefully so as not to miss any twists he was trying to make on the subject.

“…I have many plans in motion.  Truly, I do believe we are working together, but I also am the type of person to thoroughly test my allies to understand how they work in order to accomplish the goal that needs to be done.  Typically, the soldiers never know the full scope of the plan that the general employs, which is something you should be well aware of, having been building an empire up.”

A gleam lit in her eyes.  “I am no soldier, Roman.”

“Agreed,” he said, shifting to stare at the dwindling flames before his voice sharpened, “which is why I am talking to you about this…  I did want to know what the hag would do if she heard the fabled Raven Empress would make an appearance.  However, I did not expect her to have so many claws sunk so deep into this kingdom.  I am trying to uncover more information as we speak, but we are stepping on the toes of another great power who has invested a lot into this kingdom already.  You are bound to meet her soon if you go through with this Fifth House plan, and your soldiers will have to contend with the hag’s plots while you are away.  There is a bright side to this, though.”

“Let me guess,” Elinor said, glaring at the blind Legend.  “The payout in EXP for this quest will increase dramatically with how expansive it is.  All I need to know right now is if you will derail me and introduce something entirely new?”

Roman shook his head without hesitation.  “I have conceded all plans regarding this kingdom to you, and that is why I am telling you about the hag.  My plans are further reaching, involving the Delva Empire.  And if you’re doing what I expect, then I can add a few more names to my list.”

A frown came to the blind man.  “You have more than exceeded my expectations… if you can pull this off; otherwise, we all might die in this quest.  And a parting word of caution…  If the Alciels were supposed to be among the strongest Tempest, why do I hear the Grand Duke and the current king were said to have sparred in the past, and not once did the duke lose?

“Also,” he added with a spontaneous smile, “using Kings and Queens to do your bidding can make many houses nervous at your expectations.”

Elinor sat back, reforming her gaze to the window as they neared the campus entrance.  “It is for this reason I detest you.  All you have said is that, yes, you are plotting, and you will continue to plot in the shadows.

“Essentially, I have been the one to detail you in this kingdom, but you did foresee that as a possibility and have opted to redirect your resources to another project to let me have my way.  It is a story baked with half-truths and missing context.  It appears you have bought yourself enough time to slip the vice this time,” she grunted, spotting the pink flames dwindling out.

The dark-haired man gave her a deep bow and twinkling smile.  “Your company is always stimulating, Empress.  I will do as you command.”

Elinor glowered at the man when he wrapped knuckles against the wall to tell the driver to pull off the side.  “Will you be able to make it to the ceremony?”

He gave a strained smile.  “Unfortunately not, Empress.  I am sure it will be one to remember with you being present.  I will be sure to update you on the progress of things tomorrow afternoon.  We will have much to discuss.”

“…I’m sure,” she said, eyeing him as he left the stopped stagecoach.

Her father contacted her through the Nexus when the Legend left, and she received an update from Tiffany that the princesses were making some headway as budding friends.  It even seemed that the prince had taken a shine to their beautiful, three-years-younger princess; the only issue came with the knowledge that a hag was tied up with the history of this royal family, and what her plans were regarding the prince and princess were a complete mystery.

“Fruitful meeting?”  Edmon asked as they passed by the main school fountain at its front, showing four figures in some kind of heroic squad that must represent the four Houses.

Elinor brooded in silence as the many already admitted students stopped to stare at the royal stagecoach’s entrance.  The only person who would be riding it would likely be the prince after all so she would cause a stir by her welcome to the college.

Enlightening more than fruitful, she muttered.  Roman is a problem.  He is either too used to handling classified information close to his chest, is plotting my downfall as a hidden agent, or hasn’t quite built the trust he needs to share his ideas with me.  In any case, he has managed to keep his enigmatic ends to himself.

“Not entirely true,” her father returned, opening the door and holding out his hand to help her down the steps to the stunned crowd of young adults who attended the vast college, Magic Knights keeping everyone at a significant distance.  “He said in the beginning what this quest entailed.”

Finding her hands behind her back as she lifted her gaze to the giant tower at the college’s center, Elinor let a low rumble run through her throat.  Her father wasn’t wrong.  He’d stated that in order to complete this Legend’s Quest, they had to make either the Kaspir Kingdom or Delva Empire accept Castria and that she was a critical part of this world’s salvation.

That may be so, she whispered, spotting a semi-frantic woman in purple robes almost trip down the stairs as she rushed to her Magic Knight blockade to speak to them, showing some kind of fancy badge she wore.

However, that statement in itself is vague.  How will Castria save the world, and does it require her life, power, or some other great sacrifice?  Why is her admittance into either of these nations so critical?  And who are the real enemies?  We are operating in a murky pond without a lot of guidance, and Roman did that on purpose.  He knew I would be drawn in too deep once I was in this world…  I have a stake in it now.

Elinor put the topic on the shelf with the many other topics currently on her plate—such as the ri’bot clan tournament that this quest was supposed to help her prepare for—when one of her escorting knights broke away to talk to her.

“Empress,” the woman greeted, having learned the Earth bow instead of the ridiculous Kaspir dab that they usually gave nobles.  “An instructor from the House of Conjuration has been sent to give you a tour before guiding you to the Grand Duke.  Was that the plan?”

By the Magic Knight’s deep frown, she took it as rude that the Grand Duke himself wasn’t there to meet her, but Elinor figured this decision was made for a variety of reasons, including to see how she would react.  Roman’s warning about the unusual power of the Grand Duke also piqued her interest, as the Legend knew it would.

It was her first time seeing what a Conjuration magic user was like, and it was a tad off-putting how distinctly modest she was dressed compared to the nobility.  This world was filled with so many mysteries and dangers, much like the one she’d left, only this place was far more civilized than her new jungle home.

“I did ask the Grand Duke to arrange for an escort to show me around the campus.  A four-man squad to accompany us will be appropriate so as not to crowd the hallways.”

“As you command,” she said with a solemn nod, making several signals to the others that swiftly brought them into action.

Elinor walked past them to engage the nervous woman, seemingly in her late thirties or early forties by her appearance alone, her father taking up a position by her side.

“And you would be?”

The black-haired woman did a ridiculous, nervous dab before sweeping back her bangs and gulping as her father loomed by their side, more than a foot taller than the Conjuration instructor.  She adjusted her thick purple robe and tried not to speak too quickly.

“My name is Instructor Belladonna, Your Royal Imperial M-Majesty.  I am from the House of Conjuration, and the Grand Duke has instructed me to—”  She winced and took a deep, calming breath, fingers knotting at her front as the Magic Knights gave her a questioning eye.  “Excuse me, I am to tour you around the facility… if that would be okay for you.”

A lump appeared in the Conjuror’s throat as Elinor’s illuminated green eyes swept her robes and triple-eye badge, positioned into a pyramid.  “I will call you Bella since it is easier to use in speech, and you may simply refer to me as Empress.  Hmm.  You wouldn’t happen to be a commoner, would you, Bella?”

Voice becoming scratchy, the older woman did another dab out of nowhere as her tone rose an octave.  “Yes, I-I am, Empress; it is a pleasure to serve you—I mean, guide you!”

“Hehehe.”  Elinor’s chest shook with mild entertainment as she motioned for the spinny-eyed woman to take the lead.  “You can relax.  I am not the type of ruler who would look down on those of the lower class.  You may be yourself and act as you would when touring any other noble from your kingdom.  I am in your care.”

Looking a tad taken aback by the freeing words, Bella glanced between the Magic Knights and Death Knight king before giving a nod and turning to gesture toward the dozen stairs that rose to the front entrance of the college entry building.

“Then, if you would follow me, Empress.  Umm.  Do… you have any requests as to where we start?”

Elinor swept the magnificent, several-story building that branched in an X formation, no doubt each one dedicated to the four classes of study.  “Why don’t you begin with the House of Conjuration since it is where you are no doubt comfortable?  Inform me about the daily lives of the students and what the difference is between the Houses, where they retire after classes, and the college itself.”

Bella perked up now that they’d broken the ice and took the lead.  “I would be happy to start with the House I am a part of.  Once a member of a House, always a member.  We take pride in the service we provide the kingdom and our members.”

Walking up the glossy, gold-trimmed stairs, cut out of the same type of marble as the rest of the city, Elinor scanned the intricate stonework that went into its design, somehow having more of an old, wooden British design, only stone.  The windows were glossy, not allowing one to see inside and reflecting the vast skies.

Tempest flew about their daily activities or played games that involved throwing various balls, using their abilities.  Flowers and trees dotted the waterways, providing a contrast and walkways for viewing.  Weeping willows provided shade from the sun or veils of privacy for the young to gather under.  It truly looked like a place of learning for the wealthy elite.

The interior didn’t disappoint, going for a vast and open aesthetic with pillars and archways showing murals of the arts.  She spotted Tempest floating near the ceiling with paints of some kind, decorating it with scenes that blended into each other.

Bella pointed them out, stopping them in the middle of the colossal front entrance, where balconies and railings circled the place to view the artistry.  “Every year, the artwork is wiped clean for the second-year students to show their own talents and display their unique taste in the ever-changing arts.  It is open to all second-years, but… is a tad hard to reach for anyone but the Tempest.”

Elinor nodded, figuring it was a form of gatekeeping that the nobles used to cement more of their dominance, considering many of the commoners wouldn’t have the practice or nerve to show their works so boldly.

However, what most caught her attention were the open gears of a colossal clock directly facing the entrance and above the sweeping staircase; it had to be for more than just the simple device, she was sure.

“And that?”

“Hmm?  Oh!  That sets the schedule for everything in the college.  Only the Grand Duke knows how to operate it, but the students take turns cleaning and oiling the gears as a part of their community college maintenance.  Nobles and commoners do the same chores.”

Elinor was sure that wasn’t wholly the case, but it was an excellent attempt to bring the air-headed fliers down to the ground.

Bella took her down the long corridors, showing her the artwork of past legendary graduates that dotted the Conjuror’s Wing; she noticed quite a few students wearing similar modest clothes, yet a few showed more skin than the others, making Elinor aware of the tattoos that they hid beneath.

From dampening kinetic or potential force to healing, the summoning of creatures from another realm, facilitating gateways to other planes of existence, or bringing inanimate objects to life, the Conjuror had a wide variety of valuable abilities that proved to be quite interesting.

She was starting to enjoy exploring this world and its balance of power.  Her excitement doubled when Bella offered to show her some of the instructors preparing the gateway that would be used to call forth the enemies that would be used for the Entrance Ceremony.

Elinor followed her down the steps into the first-level basement of the branch, the Magic Knights somewhat uncomfortable by the bizarre and hideous artwork that only continued to get stranger as they went.

This was the perfect branch for outcasts and lovers of the unusual.  The Magic Knights fought monsters as a part of their trade, and the Conjurors summoned them; it was no wonder they wanted to shut the House down.  Plus, it seemed the Tempest’s idea of beauty was in stark contrast to the Conjuror’s with their piercings, tattoos, and hairstyles compared to the noble’s… the only word would be slutty, glamorous lifestyle.

Stepping down the dark, dimly lit stairs, with Bella growing more excited by her positive reception to the aesthetic, Elinor used the Nexus to comment to her father regarding the change in pace.  What do you bet that we have a rogue Conjuror group dedicated to stamping out the Tempest elites?

Her father lifted an eyebrow while staring at the rather eldritch and devilish-inspired paintings.  “I… wouldn’t doubt it.”

Hahaha.  We can only hope for something as interesting as that, she said, wishing she’d picked up the Feat Extension for her eyes that would show her signs of the supernatural; it was possible to pick up, but she was also expecting something massive for Level 20.  It was hard to save resources.  I’m sure there are some lovely secrets hidden in these halls…  School looks like it could be fun in this world.


Next Chapter


Edward Ravenbear

I truly hate Roman and I really hope he get his nads ripped off or at lest kicked in them.


Lol. Yes, we will get to Roman's humbling as we go on. He's been doing a lot of background stuff while putting a lot of pressure on our Empress, but Elinor is setting up her own alliances.