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Undying Empire Rewrite Index


Main Cast:


Elinor Valera:  Our gothic-loving MC and Mythickin Lich Empress.

Edmon Valera:  Our MC's father, who willingly became a Death Knight in order to protect his baby girl.  His goal is to bring back his wife's (Tiffany's) humanity and to become a family again.  Is fully on board with Butter being his daughter and Elinor's sister.

Tiffany Valera:  Our MC's mother.  After Shade's invasion, trying to take over Elinor's soul, Tiffany sacrifices the good that was within her in order to save her daughter.  Now, Tiffany is the cruel and cold Witch Queen of the Empire.  She has Tiffany's memories and experiences but a very different personality from the mother Elinor knew.  She can feel somewhat unwanted or hated at times due to Elinor, her Empress, and Edmon, her coworker, wanting their mother and wife back.  She and Edmon often flirt with one another as Edmon tries to get his wife back.

Butter Valera:  Our MC's lost and kind-of-dead little twin sister.  As can happen in the pregnancy process, the egg split, and then one twin absorbed (ate) the other, yet Butter's spirit was still there to be awakened within Elinor after she became a Lich Empress.  Blonde, where Elinor had black hair (another change that can happen to twins), Butter and Elinor seem to have had some kind of contention in what appears to be a previous life.  They have hatred, respect, and some kind of bond with one another, yet are slowly overcoming this aversion.  Unlike Elinor, Butter loves glamor, cute things, and a royal lifestyle.  She is currently on her journey outside the valley to the northwest to meet the dangerous Susime Clan.


Elinor's Undead:

Royal Court:


Butter Valera:  Our High Monarch of the Evening Star and Elinor's little sister.  She heads the court, and her only superior is Elinor.

Tiffany Valera:  Our Monarch of Witchery and Elinor's former mother.  A general expert in all things magic, ritual, and alchemic related, she is the magic caster's jack-of-all-trades.  She is very well educated as a former professor at a university.

Edmon Valera:  Our Monarch of Fortification and Elinor's father.  Specializing in defensive abilities, his entire kit revolves around protecting his daughter.  As a former architectural engineer, he has a great interest and understanding of structural design.

Castria S. Calimara:  Our Monarch of Storms Sorceress and newest member of the Royal Court.  Hailing from Roman's Legend Quest world, Castria is a 17-year-old younger sister of Elira (23 years old).  As a Sorceress, much of her powers are connected to her emotional state, which can make her quite volatile.  Having black hair with neon blue highlights that light up when using her power, she is a pretty girl who had her pink irises changed to a fandango shade with star pupils.  Pink-eyed Tempest with streaked hair is an omen to her kingdom's nobility, which is something her big sister has tried to hide most of their life.


Military Court:


Reapers:  Horsemen of the Apocalypse


White (Conquest):  Our female charger with a bow on the white horse has excellent hunting, tracking, and perception and picks the targets for the horsemen to go after.

Red (War):  Our male beast of a knight with a two-handed sword in full crimson armor, who can compel the opposition into a blood frenzy, forcing them to fight or empowering those on his side to defy fear.

Black (Famine):  Our female, anorexic rider on the black horse with the scales of balance in hand.  She can deprive the nutrients and resources of anything and serves as the balance to tell her brothers and sister when enough is enough.  She enjoys snacking and eating, having a bottomless stomach.

Ash (Death):  Our male rider on the pale (gray) horse, who holds the sickles and scythe, and who brings death.  Like Elinor, he can raise those that his brother and sisters skill, but only as unintelligent undead, bringing an army at his back to flood the battlefield.  He can also extract Death Energy in mass quantities, which is why he is usually always with Elinor to upkeep her empire.




3x Thélméthra Spider Drones:  Our three-meter-tall, Rare-Grade, metallic spider drones.  Elinor doesn't know much about these spiders since she hasn't been able to communicate with them yet due to her Feat limitations.




Quin'Alse:  Our quen'talrat Fire Brawler Elite Hunter.  She is very young for the giant gorilla race, having four arms, two tails, and two heads; she still cannot believe that her invincible leader, Ke'Thra'Ma (The White God), has died.  She can coat her arms and back with fire.

Garu:  Our ri'bot Ethereal Clan (white skin toads with blue spots that can flash and they use to communicate) Mist Stalker.  He is a Tier-2 Scout within his infamous and feared clan.  No one knows what happened to the mysterious, powerful clan, and it is something Elinor has given him permission to discover on his long journey looping outside of the valley to the west to spy out the neighboring ri'bot kingdom beyond the western mountains.

Carlos Sánchez:  An old cowboy and former terrorist/resistance fighter in Colombia before retiring.  He was changed into a Bull Beastkin during The Oscillation but was killed by the ri'bot that attacked.  He has military experience in leading people.


Staff Sergeants:


Mika:  Our Beast Tamer, former Roxim Clan member (splotched green-skinned toads people).  She is very bitter about how she was treated by her clan after being resurrected to fight for Elinor.  Things are settling down, but she has embraced her part in the empire and is currently with Butter on her journey to the Susime in the northwest, just outside of the valley.


Elinor's Unintelligent Undead:


Thélméthra:  Our Empress has a single Rare-Grade unintelligent spider worker drone.  She is still unable to communicate with it.


Serving Court:



Klaus Klossner: A former US senator, on track to be one of the youngest, who got wrapped up in the ri'bot Crystal business and was killed.  Elinor brought him back to life as one of the first humans in their new world.  Almost instantly, Head Maid Emelina and he hit it off, with the seductive woman tying a rope around his neck, almost literally, when dressing him with a tie.  Elinor is all for relationships between her undead and sent him down to the southwest, where the Clavex Clan are, which so happened to be inside the Nalvean Empire.  His duty is to help further negotiations with the Clavex regarding Elinor's commitment to supplying them silk in exchange for all the human captives.




Lucky Blue Smith:  Works with Gwen, and she’s kind of shy of his cadence.  The young man with wild brown, bleach-streaked hair with a party-boy style.  He has that reckless type of drug hustler energy that you saw in big Colombian cities within the cartel’s employ, moving between parties in the upper-class and tourist areas of Mexico.  Cleanly shaven, his sparkling chestnut irises are more evaluating than predatory.




Antonietta Briseno: A former restaurant owner in the Colombian town, she still works with her family to help provide for the empire's food needs.  She has two of her sons helping her in the kitchen with her daughter-in-law.  Manolo, eldest son, and his wife, Ramona.  Enrique, her youngest son.




Luisina Aristizabal:  Clergy Class - Reiki Butterfly Sub-Class.  She was supposed to bring simple medical supplies to those in need in the Venezuela crisis but never made it.  She had very poor constitution when alive and a chronic physical debilitating illness that prompted her to go into medicine.




Valerie Meyer:  Valerie has blonde hair and is a Songweaver Dancer.  She’s very self-conscious of herself for a former model.  Plays the violin and idolizes an online music influencer who plays the violin and danced.  She often plays with Head Maid Theresa, with the motherly maid on the piano.


Head Maids:


Emelina De la Vega:  Our original Head Maid Terrorist, who is involved with Klaus, our Ambassador.  She had a very hard life under the cartel sex trade and was used as an assassin before she grew too old; knowing her usefulness was nearing its end, she made a plan to fake her death and start new.  Unfortunately, her life ended in the ri'bot invasion.  She had a little brother as a little girl but lost track of him in the cartel.  She is currently heading the maids and supporting Klaus in the Clavex Territory within the Nalvean Empire.

Theresa Pecha:  Originally was an Assistant Head Maid, but advanced, and is a Songweaver, like Valerie.  She is a mother of boys who are out of the house, one of whom is married; she was struggling with her marriage before The Oscillation due to her husband working and not having her boys anymore at home.  She played the piano at the local church and did other tasks to keep herself busy around the Colombian town.




Adoncia Vences:  Our Oni Powered Big Sister Maid.  Adonica has drug-addicted parents and has been taking care of her little brother since she was little.  He initially wasn't sure about his sister's change into an undead but has since come to terms and wants to make her proud.  Adonica worries about her brother since he joined the Argent Dawn, Edmon's living military force.  She is currently with Butter on her journey to the Susime.  She is a big coffee drinker.  Her little 15-year-old brother's name is Sal, and her brother's 15-year-old girlfriend's name is Alisa, who is an upcoming White Witch of Tiffany's.

Angélica Tesoro:  Hunter Sharpshooter Maid and one of the few soldier-type maids, such as Adoncia, who can fight.  She is ex-Colombian military and has a hard time reconciling with her position as a maid instead of a soldier.  Angélica is currently going through some marital troubles with her husband not liking her on the front lines and somewhat blames him for her position within the Empire as a maid instead of a soldier.

Audrey Guerra:  A maid that was sent down southeast with Klaus and Emelina to support them.


Junior Maids:


Aileen Banks:  Aileen is a cute 12-year-old girl and has brown shoulder-length hair and hazel eyes.  She’s German and died in 2012, murdered by some man after losing track of her parents.  The Ri’bot found her body buried in the woods with their torlim, searching for anything hidden.  She is friends with Nicole, our Dryad Faekin girl whom the Delthax Plant Callers and Valdar have taken a shine to.


Head Butlers:


James Escobedo:  James has a wife who is in her late fifties, so having her hot, young, dutiful husband back has been a dream.  He is a serious-looking man in his mid-thirties who isn't shy about his relationship with his older-looking wife.




Federico Fallas:  Not shown all that much as of yet.

Christian:  Not shown all that much as of yet.


Elinor's Organizations:

Public Order


Gwen:  Redhead that was with Tiffany when the ri'bot were attacking.  She's taken on a leadership role within the living human community and works with Lucky to bring the undead and living together.  She seems attracted to Lucky's open and caring personality.


Edmon's Argent Order Leaders:


Virgil: He used to be a Colombian gamer in his 30s who wasn't too confident about his looks and wanted to live a life of adventure.  After believing in Elinor and through Edmon's Royal Class Role, he became the leader under Edmon.  He's been training all the boys of the group that wanted to join.  Gloria and him have been best friends since they were young and have become an item in this new world, working together as she trains the female knights that joined the order.

Gloria:  A brunette-haired woman in her 30s, she used to be overweight, short, and not very confident about her appearance.  Through believing in Elinor, she became a part of the Argent Order and became a Paladin.  She is the leader of the female knights and works with her best friend and love interest, Virgil, to bring the order up to standard.  She's liked Virgil for a while but hasn't been able to tell him until their time together in this new world.  Their subordinates are always whispering about the pair's relationship.


Virgil's Order Leaders:


Sal Vences: 15-years-old, almost 16.  He is the 7th in swordsmanship of the Dusk Nights (an elite force amongst the order, chosen by dueling rank).  Adoncia's younger brother and Alisa's boyfriend.

Gloria's Order Leaders:

Faith: A twenty-three-year-old woman who is Gloria's 2nd-in-command.

Gemma:  Under Faith as the 3rd-in-command.

Hailee:  One of Gloria's girls.


Edmon's Magic Knight Order Leaders:


Elira Calimara:  In Roman's Legend Quest World, she is Monarch Castria's older sister, who has had a hard life trying to care for her 'different' sibling.  Abandoned by their parents as a child, Elira has worked to take care of her sister since she was a child, as shown by the scars on her body.


Tiffany's Coven Leaders:

Witch Coven Leadership:


Esmeralda Yanez:  Having a darker nature as a 15-year-old girl from the US who loves witchcraft, she deals more with the dark arts than Alisa, her White Witch counterpart.  She was involved in the ritual that expelled Shade from Elinor in Volume 1 and has her own Coven.

Alisa Espiritu:  Leader over the White Witches and Sal's girlfriend.  She was involved in setting up the communication ritual in the Lethix Clan village that she was rewarded for by Elinor telling Tiffany to get them something good to eat when they made it back to the lake camp.


Warlock Coven Leadership:

Elonzo:  Leader of a Warlock Coven that went north to the Wixum Mines, where Butter met the Susime.


Humans/Changed People in Elinor's Empire:


Nicole Robinson:  Nymph Faekin 13-year-old girl who changed when they came to the Colombian town, and her parents freaked out and ran away, leaving her feeling abandoned and without help.  Elinor took her in and all the Plant Callers of the Delthax love her.  She created the sanctuary with the Plant Callers where the Crystal Gateway was, providing a base of operations within the Clanless zone.

Valentina Batanero:  Beastkin Assassin Tiger 16-year-old girl whom Elinor took in under her wing.  She is currently in the Clanless zones, trying to assassinate the brutal dictatorship of the warlord ri'bot to pull in more Clanless into Elinor's empire.

Roman:  A blind Legendkin who seems to have invisible eyes to see hidden and distant things.  He is sketchy and a former US general.  He has no real affiliations and has just been testing out the extent of his powers.  He understands it is a good idea to keep on good terms with Elinor, but Elinor doesn't know if she can trust him.

Yesenia:  A prison warden who was making an inspection of the town's local penitentiary.  She was turned into a snake-like woman during The Oscillation.  According to the Scarlet Hand's records, she is a sadist and enjoys torturing others; she was one of the few, like Elinor, who was purposefully directed here to be taken or killed by the ri'bot.  The Clavex took her as a gift to the Nalveans, who have a view of snake-like creatures as deities.


Ri'bot Clans:

Valley Clans:


Lethix Clan:  Dark brown skin color.  Having a sharp decline in the female population due to the Susime curse placed on the waters over a century ago, they have very strained relations with the Delthax and Wixum.  They need more women, and many of the men are growing desperate.  They are allies with the Flex Clan.  Lost Mysticism.


Chief Utren:  Blue eyes.  Has a son named Henric.

Elder Chief Dren:  Utren’s father, who convinced his son to hear Elinor out.

Henric:  Son of the Chief, a year old.

Felor:  Past Ri’bot, who was a master craftsman in many areas that created the Chief pendants.

Xaria Inora:  A very pretty, young female warrior that’s a 1st Rank Xaria, seeking acceptance into higher ranks that hates Xaria Ectria of the Delthax.  Light blue eyes.

Xaria Welix:  A Xaria of the clan and their strongest warrior.  Chief’s brother.

Yeppa:  A guide that Chief Utren sent with Elinor so they wouldn't be attacked by patrols through the Lethix territory.


Wixum Clan:  Light blue skin color clan that is very craftsmen-oriented.  They do not have many warriors, causing issues for their strained allies, the Delthax.  Mostly has female ri'bot, having a very sharp decline in the male population due to the curse inside the lake that the Susime put in place over a century prior.  They are less concerned about clan grudges and more focused on their arts and crafts, which frustrates the Delthax since they are bordered against hostile clans such as the Lethix and Flex.  Lost Mysticism.


Chief Yimara: A female ri’bot chief that has a curse placed on her family to die at the age of 30, placed on their line through Nebu's treacherous actions as a spy and tool of the Susime.   She is not respected by the Delthax and many of her own clan due to her young age.

Former Chief Vivine:  Yimara's mother who died before Elinor's arrival, leaving her daughter to rule the male-dwindling clan.  Nebu started to obtain more power around the time of her sickness, sparking a divide between the warriors and Yimara as the new chief.  Elinor resurrected her to be a support to her daughter in rebuilding their clan as Tiffany breaks their curse.

Nebu:  A traitor to his clan, his entire family has been instrumental in setting up many of the troubles throughout the upper valley, acting as the Susime's hand.  He was taking control of the military in the Wixum, not that they were much to speak of in the first place.  Nebu was killed by the Susimie when Butter met them, bringing more political influence to Elinor in the weakened Lake Clan.


Delthax Clan:  Cobalt blue skin, and who have Plant Caller Mysticism.  Has a blood grudge against the Flex and Lethix Clans.


Elder Chief Valdar - A former Chief of the blue tribe; Master Sage or practitioner of the Plant Caller Mystic Arts.  Took part in the Fire Wars with the Clavex's Mother Superior and Komath's Chief, Krava, in the dissolution of the Quen'Talrat Empire, when all the quen'talrat tribe leaders divided and fought each other as much as the other nations.  He has purple eyes and has been Elinor's biggest supporter in bringing together this united front between the Lethix, Wixum, Delthax, Flex, and Roxim Clans.  He has pushback from his grandson, who is the current chief.

Chief Kalix:  Twenty-four years old, purple eyes, and exasperated by the Wixum’s declining military might as it puts a huge responsibility on his Clan.  He hates the Flex Clan with their Blood Mysticism that killed his father and wants them to suffer.  It is the current chief of the Flex Clan who killed his father.

Folcra - 2nd in command of the Delthax expedition and a high-ranking warrior in the clan.  Elinor interacted with him a few times in the 1st Volume.  Purple eyes.

Plant Caller Nina: Cousin to Kalix, and only eight years old.  She is Valdar's successor as the Grand Plant Caller, even though she’s not an experienced Plant Caller.  She is open to Elinor's plans.

2nd Rank Xaria Meji:  The eldest Xaria and most skilled.  He is totally against Elinor.

2nd Rank Xaria Kole: Not totally convinced of Elinor's intentions or her plan to unite the clans, but is more or less neutral and closer to Ectria.

2nd Rank Xaria Ectria:  She is considered ugly due to her spotty splashes of brown markings, showing her parents consorted with the Flex or Lethix, the clan's sworn enemies.  Due to her discrimination growing up, she tried to be the best at fighting and completing her missions.  1st-Rank Xarina Inora of the Lethix and her have a hatred for each other.


Flex Clan:  Dark brown skin and gray tongues.  The Flex Clan has a Toxic Blood type of Mysticism.  They have a blood grudge against the Delthax Clan and have been declining in their female population in conjunction with the Lethix, their allies.


Chief Loci:  Light blue eyes.  Twenty-four years old.  Killed the Delthax Chief's father.  He has agreed to this competition that Elinor has proposed for their clans to unite under one Great Chief.

Elder Chief Gurali:  An old, prideful warrior who loved the old Flex tongue before the Ri’bot began to use the more common Delthax language.  Gurali hates that they’re losing their clan’s historical traditions.  Blue eyes.

2nd-Rank Xaria Iona:  A top-rank stealth warrior who has a thing for Xaria Welix of the Lethix.


Komath Clan: Orange-colored skin with pink eyes.  They consider themselves superior to many clans in the valley and have ritualistic Mysticism, such as the blood vines that can control people's bodies through the sound of flutes.  They don't care much for the Flex or Lethix Clans but have a bitter rivalry with the Xaltan since they are a border and have been the primary deterrent for the Xaltan not expanding further.


Elder Chief Krava:  Not only an Elder but reigning Chief of the Komath.  He is a legendary warrior, former 4th-Rank Xaria, having aged and lost some of his edge, yet being unwilling to relinquish his title to anyone unless they can beat him in combat.  He doesn't trust Elinor and it causes a division between him and Valdar, harming their friendship.  He didn't trust the Cravex or the Roxim to bring a sufficient force to combat the Crystal Invasion and brought a secret army with a new Xaria.  Doing so hurt his reputation and angered the Roxim, turning them toward Elinor's side when she uncovered his breach in their united pact.  As such, he swallowed his pride and retreated, telling Valdar that he was going to call together the two Great Clans to the east of the valley to mark Elinor as an immediate threat to be dealt with.

1st-Rank Xaria Dalria:  The Xaria who joined the Scarlet Hand, killed Elinor's mother and forced the Clanless to attack the camp in volume 1.  She has dark orange with glowing blue spots, while being leaner than most warriors.


Xaltan Clan:  All that is known about the Xaltan is that they own the largest area of land in the valley and are considered the strongest.  They seem to be moving on the Roxim's border, preparing for war, and it is this that has prompted the Roxim Chief to put his full support behind Elinor.  Unknown Mysticism.


Roxim Clan:  Splotchy green-skinned toads and uses torlim, the giant crocodile toads, as mounted cavalry.  A clan that has just lost its Firewalker Mysticism in the last few generations.  Elinor has promised to be able to spark it alive again.  They have secretly been taking in Clanless to bolster their dwindling ranks, putting on a bluff of their former strength that the Xaltan seem to be about to call.  They have put their full support behind Elinor.


Chief Zargoth:  Leader of the Roxim Clan whom Elinor left War with.  He is fully in support of Elinor and looks forward to awakening his Firewalker blood.

Fennel:  Spotted, discolored green toad tribe; Boss or the leading warrior over his clan’s expedition and attempting to reach the state of Xaria.  He has a mystical ax that he can throw and call back that is a family heirloom.


Prume Clan:  A mysterious and seemingly very powerful clan, even more than the Susime, that spontaneously showed up to speak to Elinor,  Their spokesperson gave her a warning about the Susimie Clan that Elinor sent her sister to meet in the northwest.  They use some kind of pipe to smoke colorful gems, seemingly granting them powers.  When he vanished, Elinor's body also went missing, prompting the thought that they'd taken it.


Spokesperson Jet’al:  The dark-gray-skinned ri’bot wore red silk, and gave Elinor a warning that her ethics would be tested, saying that they may see her as a threat, depending on her actions moving forward.  It was this that sparked Elinor to second guess who they were warning her about when meeting with the Yaltha'ma fox-monkeys.


Other Clans:


Clavex Clan:  Pure green-skinned ri'bot who are in service to the Nalvean Empire, acting almost like slave labor after the Fire Wars, when they were offered protection and land within the Empire.  Some of the youth are trying to reduce their debt and gain independence.  They do not have Mysticism but worship a light spirit that they claim lives in the Great Ruby Lakes within the Nalvean Empire.  Elinor made a deal with Nadraca to trade silk for the humans, and she even gave her share of the human captives during the raid to her on loan until they were paid off in silk.

Kolira, Mother Superior:  Head toad over the Clavex Clan.

Nadraca:  She’s first in command of the Clavex Clan expedition.  She’s a Priestess studying one of the holy arts of the Nalvea Race.  Blue speckled eyes, pure green skin.

Lacord:  High Warrior of the Clavex and among the top 10 strongest warriors in their clan.  He led the warriors in the Clavex's Crystal Raid.

Ethereal Clan:  Garu's clan.  The white-skinned, blue-spotted ri’bot that can transform into mist and was said to be the strongest Clan before the Black King quen’talrat personally destroyed them.

Tol’Val Kingdom:  The ri'bot kingdom beyond the western mountains that Garu went to investigate.  They traded with the Delthax every so often, and Elinor obtained her information about them through Valdar.



Fox-Monkey Creatures:

The Hidden Ones:


Ina’ko:  A yaltha'ma that was born with a defect that made it hard for her to gather up the Thélméthra poison, causing her to spill, which is a grave sin to the Hidden Ones since they are limited in supply.  Therefore, she had to willingly go to the boiling mud pit and throw herself in as punishment, committing suicide.  Elinor raised her from the dead.

El’Co’Ca:  The leader of the Hidden Ones, who left the quen'talrat fortress/city of Kelmaltha to worship the spiders that killed Ke'Thra'Ma, The White God.


Roman's Legend Quest World:

Kaspir Kingdom:


Lumina:  The capital city, which seems to have a hidden past of machinery and magic that has long since been forgotten by the residents.

Opal Shrine Inn:  The place Elinor was recommended.  Sir Percy, a former Magic Knight, owns it.

College of Royals:  Where the Four Houses meet for classes and guidance within the Noble District.

Noble District:  Where the Four Houses and College reside.

House of Tempest:  Reserved only for nobles since Tempests can only be nobles, according to their law.  Most funded House.

House of Alchemy:  Tiffany is interested in this and disappointed at the scope they'd utilized.  She is determined to uplift the course, originally being a former college instructor herself.  Least funded House.

House of Combat:  Magic Knights train here.  Close ties to the House of Tempest.

House of Conjurors:  Supposedly have gateways that the college uses for combat trials.  Some controversy has arisen as of late from their gateways and their safety, but the House of Tempest supports them with the Three Great Noble Families.

Royal District:  Only accessible to royals and select nobility.

Lower Districts:  Where the poor are, obviously.


Kaspir Nobility :


King ???? Alciel:  Ruler of the nation and powerful Tempest.  He likes Castria and is angered by his daughter's brash actions toward Elinor, who he sees as a mythical empress from overseas who has come to potentially see one of the princesses' under her charge educated in his kingdom.  Roman has put a lot of rumors about this Raven Empress, seemingly pulling from already-told myths and legends to spin her powerful identity.

1st Queen Lilya Alciel:  Died when her son was still young, having been 'supposedly' ruined by her own experiments as an alchemist princess from the western desert.

2nd Queen ???? Alciel:  Another princess from a distant kingdom that married the king after his first wife's death, having a daughter.  She is an abusive mother, who secretly beats her daughter because she 'isn't good enough' compared to her half-sibling and crowned prince.

Crowned Prince Drew Dis Alciel:  The crowned prince and a 3rd-year at the College of Royals.  He attacks Elinor and is shut down by Edmon as Castria absorbs the lightning (practically dying a second time in the process).  He deeply cares about his little sister and is defensive over her.  He does not back down to Elinor and says he will attack her again and will not apologize, no matter what he knows about her status as empress of another nation for hurting his little sister, which impresses Elinor greatly.

Princess Heather Mes Alciel:  The red-haired little 17-year-old sister of Prince Drew.  She has an inferiority complex and temper, attacking Elinor as she mistakes her for a Marquiness due to her dress.  Elinor outsmarts her and uses her unique powers to her advantage to put on a show, solidifying her place and thoroughly humiliating the princess before telling the guards that she expects the princess not to be punished when she returns since she has already doled it out.  However, her mother beats her, forcing the girl to try to hide it by secluding herself in her room, but Elinor forces her to come out since she can't refuse her invitation, and once she sees her, Elinor is angered.  She makes standard excuses for an abused child who loves their mother, further agitating Elinor.


Kaspir Citizens:


Julian:  A Marquess after his father died when the Delva Empire attacked the border, which Roman used his seal to do a lot of setting up for Elinor.  He has a crush on Castria, despite her 'omen' against the nobility.  They've known each other since they were kids.  Julian has also known Princess Heather since he was a boy.

Captain Flera:  38-years-old, scared, brown-haired woman.  Over one of the City Gates.  She wanted to be a Magic Knight but was rejected.

Lieutenant Cole:  28-year-old, dark-haired man in the city guard.

Dris:  The cat creature that has served Julian's family.  Don't know much about him yet.

Castria S. Calimara:  Our Monarch of Storms Sorceress and newest member of the Royal Court.  Hailing from Roman's Legend Quest world, Castria is a 17-year-old younger sister of Elira (23 years old).  As a Sorceress, much of her powers are connected to her emotional state, which can make her quite volatile.  Having black hair with neon blue highlights that light up when using her power, she is a pretty girl who had her pink irises changed to a fandango shade with star pupils.  Pink-eyed Tempest with streaked hair is an omen to her kingdom's nobility, which is something her big sister has tried to hide most of their life.

Elira Calimara:  In Roman's Legend Quest World, she is Monarch Castria's older sister, who has had a hard life trying to care for her 'different' sibling.  Abandoned by their parents as a child, Elira has worked to take care of her sister since she was a child, as shown by the scars on her body.

Sir Percy:  The owner of the inn and former Magic Knight.  His wife was set to be the nest Grand Magic Knight, yet she couldn't give up her dream of turning anyone into a Magic Knight, which led to her execution and the destruction of her research.  He is currently training Elira for the House Selection Ceremony.


Delva Empire:

The Delva Empire is after Castria for some unknown reason that Roman was trying to figure out before he messed things up (or did he?) and got Castria killed by entering a duel for her life against Julian's mother, who was a traitor, working for the Delva Empire.  In the duel, Castria dies, taking her crush's mother with her; he doesn't know she killed his mother.


Elinor's Major Enemies:


The Scarlet Hand:  A mysterious organization that had detailed records that they shouldn't have on individuals; they were so thorough to even have Elinor's report cards.  For some reason, this cult, seemingly based out of Florida, has paid the cartel to make sure she stays in the Colombian town by kidnapping her.  In fact, it was the Scarlet Hand that had set the whole path for her parents to make the trip to the Venezuela crisis.  Jennifer 'seemed' to be the only one to have made it to this world, but she has swiftly spread her influence to the Komath Clan.

Shade:  An ominous, ghostly entity residing within the planet that whispers and influences actions across the globe.  It was Shade that seemingly invoked the whole Quen'Talrat Empire's formation and rise to power by guiding Ke'Thra'Ma.  He tried to take over Elinor's body when the Scarlet Hand tipped him off to Elinor's presence, but was thwarted by Elinor's mother when she sacrificed herself and became the empire's Queen of Witchery.




Ragnlar:  A cat-like animal in the jungle that’s a strong predator.

Torlim:  Aligator-toad creatures.

Holan:  A hard-shelled creature.

Ulpix:  Cow/Horse type of creature that does better on plains, not jungles.

Fire Snappers and Quel:  Large Fish in the rivers.

Frave:  Racoon-like creatures with thick fur

Nuvoma:  Oddly shaped animals with thick fur and several protruding rigid bones across their body grazed upon the plains before retreating to the shade that the cool forest pockets provided, grouping in herds to intimidate the Ragnlar in the area.

Dreka:  Parasitic creatures from the Golariex forests that infect their host and control it from the inside, taking over the brain while keeping their bodies alive.  They can even control the creature if they’re dead.


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