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Edits:  Val went through it today and made quite a few edits for clarification and a smoother reading experience.  o7  Thanks, Val!


1. Elinor (Our Undead Empress!)

Undying Empire Index

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Elinor followed Percy to her room, listening to the pattering rain that set an ambiance for the warmly lit lobby and dining areas.  Fine powder of some kind seemed to be used as fuel, changing the color of the flames that flickered in their basin and showing a rather splendid theme to the well-balanced interior.

Black and her father walked beside her, listening to the Magic Knight explain the foundation of this settlement.  It had always been a dream of his to host a respectable establishment designed around a hub for Magic Knights to share their stories.  His wife had been the one to impress the idea onto him.

They passed a grand painting of a brunette woman in a glowing auburn plate mail, a few scars on her decently attractive face; by his tone, this was probably someone dear to him, possibly his wife.  She didn’t pry and sour the mood.

Once arriving at the luxurious suite through a pulley system to reach the 5th floor, Elinor observed the spacious room as the man apologized for its simplicity.  Elira jumped to attention when she entered, having stayed behind on the Death Knight’s order as the serving staff prepared the space for her.  It was good to see what people did in one’s sleeping area.

Elinor held her hand behind her back while proceeding to the grand, covered terrace with the women sprucing up the multi-room area swiftly opening it for her.  She smiled while looking up at the staple, transparent material used throughout Lumina, showing a smooth film of running water as if glass.  Channels were constructed further down the silk to redirect the veil, creating waterfalls and providing a vast view of what she assumed was a miniature arena behind the establishment.

“You needn’t be concerned about my pickiness, Sir Percy,” she dismissed, illuminated emerald eyes sweeping the view of the combat stage.  “I am comfortable sleeping in the rain and mud or in the finest of beds; it is the effort of those involved that impresses me, not the resulting comfort…  This was built with the original architecture of the city?”

Percy leaned against one of the cherry-colored support beams to stare down at the damp zone below, surrounded by stands with similar silky rain tarps keeping out the liquid.

“It was, which is why I had to work my ass off to get property rights in this exact spot.  I host tournaments and duels between City Guards, Knights, Magic Knights, and Paladins—heh, basically anyone who uses a weapon.  The House of Combat even graces the venue for smaller matters, which is always a treat to watch.  Are you an enjoyer of combat sports, Empress?”

“On occasion,” she replied, having found a fondness for battle that she used to have in cheer or gymnastics competitions.  “I think I’ll watch this scene for a while… and the bed will be for you, Elira.”

Percy seemed a little taken aback by the declaration, many of the women meticulously going over the room, pausing and showing their prying ears.  “Is it… not to your liking?”

A short chortle shook her chest as she turned to the girl who had slept on straw for most of her life.  “I’m sure it is lovely, but what use do I have of a bed when I do not sleep?  And through my power, neither does King Edmon, Queen Tiffany, Princess Castria, General Ash, or my maid, Black.  Therefore, Elira will find it far more pleasing.”

Elira appeared to be holding her breath as she gave her a grateful bow, throat a little scratchy.  “Thank you, Empress.”

“Hmm.”  Her gaze lingered on the thin woman.  “Sir Percy, would you mind arranging a solid meal for her before you test her potential?  She will be down in a moment.”

The Magic Knight’s appraising eyes had a new look in them, no doubt judging that she wasn’t like typical rulers he’d known.  “I’ll see to it myself.  May… I ask the reason why you want Ms. Elira trained to enter the House of Combat in two days.  Is the timing that important?”

Elinor clasped her hands behind her back as she turned to stare out across the veiled Noble District, glittering with covered fires in the unnatural thunderstorm.

“Think of Princess Castria as Elira’s little sister…  Elira wants nothing more than to protect Our Princesswhile I am not here, and she is sure to encounter much opposition when I am no longer here to provide a safety net.  Our Princess needs someone here who will always be on her side, no matter what.”

The black-haired sister was trying to contain her tears, emotion burning her throat by her flushed face.  “I will do… whatever it takes to stay by her side, Empress!”

A short chuckle came from the Magic Knight as he ran his hand over his light brown hair.  “Well, damn, there’s a good motivation!  I’ll get something going for her and discuss my trial while she eats.  Would you like anything, Empress, heh, or do you not require food either?”

Elinor gave him an enigmatic smile before turning toward the collapsing heavens again, thunder rumbling through her bones as lightning arched above the city.  “I’ll only require a single attendant outside my door for when I may need something.  Everyone else can leave.”

He gave her a bow and exited with the others, closing the door behind him.  There was a sweeping edge of apprehension and excitement from the middle-class women who worked in the noble establishment.  Since they were let off from fully serving her in comfort, they’d serve her in gossip.

Now alone, Elira fiddled with her clothes.  “What if… I don’t have the root for a Magic Knight or Tempest…  What do I do then?”

Vision remaining on the storm, a small smile lifted the corner of Elinor’s lips.  “You’ve witnessed my power, have you not?”

“Yes?”  she timidly replied, shrinking as if scolded.

Elinor left a pause for the pattering outside to filter into the foreground, a cool breeze pressing her dress against her frame.

“…Elira, I do not grant powers to those who will cower or shrink at the impossible.  If you believe in me… and yourself, then you can rise to any challenge.  Visualize what you want to be and who you want to protect.  Trust in my power, and it will be yours.  Do you understand?  I do not entertain weak wills.  Either you do it or you don’t; the power is there, but you have to open the door and take it.”

Firming her resolve, she stood straighter.  “I will, Empress.  If you’ll excuse me.”

Elinor let her go, Black and her father now the only ones on the spacious terrace.  Carefully observing her surroundings, she remained standing while entering her inner world.  Mind pulling into a perfect replica of the environment, she summoned a chair to sit.  Outside, she could continue to put stress on her body to upgrade the tiers of [Enhance Construct II].

Her father joined her in mind as Famine patiently waited for her next orders.  Elinor’s first act was to address the elephant in the room as she summoned her System Sheet to stare at the hours counting down to her empire’s daily maintenance cost.  In the privacy of the Nexus, she could speak freely.

“We have enough to cover tonight, but I’ll be deficient tomorrow.  Found anything of interest, Ash?”

Death was barely in range from where they were, showing the vastness of the city infrastructure.  “I’ve been working my way through the criminal underbelly of the slums; naturally, we can scour the sewers for rats or other small creatures, but oddly, much of the place is rather clean.”

“Interesting,” Elinor hummed, wondering why these people could keep their streets pretty where her home back in California was littered with filth; it was only a passing thought before she went to the next topic.  “The unique metal amulet?”

“A false name and residence,” the rider whispered in his hushed tone, “but I have a lead on the cosigner, who lives in the upper middle class and has establishments in the Lower Docks.  I’m heading there next with a few friends who seem to believe she owes them money.”

Her father broke into the conversation.  “I have a better idea.”

“Oh?”  Elinor asked, focus shifting to him as he gestured toward the unseen horizon.  “The ocean…  Ah.”  Seeing where her father was going, she swiftly amended her plans.  “Black will pick up the trail for the seller; give her the details.  As for what you’ll be doing?  You will be fishing for life.”

A short snicker came from Famine as Elinor imagined her jumping out of the window to the arena below, her sickly horse flaring to life between her legs before galloping down the side of the building and onto the streets at a frightening pace.

“Make sure not to get lost in the current, Ash.  I’d love to hear you beg for rescue.”

“Haha.  Channeling White, are we?”  Death returned.  “That being said, finding the packs of marine life might be troublesome without her or to keep them grouped without Red to force them to engage me.”

Her father seemed to shift locations to another window that gave a view of the distant palace, just out of range for them to communicate with.  “Careful, Ash.  We have watchers and snakes hiding in the shadows.  A bold one may decide to test you once away from the city, and you’ll be outside our communication distance.”

“Oh, so very wrong, My Dear.”  Tiffany’s chiming voice cut in like a surgeon’s blade.  “I am positioning myself to talk to our little princess about her day in the royal castle, which should be close enough to some hunting grounds for Ash to remain in contact.”

A low hum came from the witch as she switched to a new topic.  “Has anyone else been curious as to what our not-so-little spider has been doing outside?  Agh.  I wish we could communicate with them.”

Her father rubbed his chin before returning to her side outside, and Elinor kept scanning down her System Sheet.  “I have felt them sending reports, but I couldn’t tell you what they were.  It was given fairly loose instructions for what to do if it found anything of interest.  We’ll have to make a check in a few days.”

“Mmm.  That might be wise, Sweetie,” the orange-eyed woman agreed.  “With how mysterious these other magics and powers are, keeping our spider miner a secret would be good.  That old Tempest knowing about our ace is a bit concerning, though.  Oh, but can you imagine an army of the little critters?!”

Elinor forced a laugh while rubbing her temple and looking at the prices of her units.  “Yes, Tiffany, I can see the whole empire crumbling due to a self-imposed Death Energy starvation.  Ugh.  I’m going to be busy for a time, so work out the logistics with each other.”

She left them to plot and scheme regarding their future movements in the next few days, debating over which nobles would be best to accept a letter of invitation from.  They were in a good position right now—a mysterious one—but the moment they chose a side, then doors would be closed, which was why it might be good to let them entreat her rather than making any bold moves.

Where did that leave her?  It left her time to consider her upgrade options.  Yet she still was on the fence about using any of them.  Yes, she could pick up some good mitigation Feats or Extensions, but did she need to sink her points into something, though?

Looking at her Level 18 Stat Block and list of Feats, she frowned:

[3 Stat Points Available]

[4 Feat Extensions Available]

[1 Equipable Feat Choice Available]

She wanted to be ready enough to face a Xaria in one-on-one combat when this was done, but the more she considered the path, the more unrealistic it was.  Without a second thought, she knew at this point she could hold her own against your average ri’bot warrior; then again, there was a world of difference between a warrior, a high warrior, and Xaria.

Pondering her potential tactics, she rested her cheek against her fist, unsatisfied.  [Life Tap] is so easily countered by cutting off my arms or destroying my butterflies.  Krava’s mid-tier fighters were able to deduce it as a threat and destroy it.  A few months of battle experience isn’t going to cut it against experts who have trained their whole lives, not to mention their physical advantages.

[Enhance Construct] and [Artificial Body], combined with my stats, put me in the ballpark of your average ri’bot… but there is no way I’m going to handle a 1st Rank Xaria, like Inora, much less the Delthax’s Meji and Kole, who already have a negative opinion of me.  What do I do?

She released a heavy sigh as she swiped the Status Sheet and her upgrade options away.  Roman was right to question her overconfident plan; her head had gotten a tad too big.  Personally facing dozens of your everyday ri’bot was all fine and good for her at this point, but anything else stronger, and she was struggling hard.

Lifting up a hand to study her fingers, Elinor flexed them, feeling the invisible chains she could call upon.  [Chains of the Damned] were her secret weapon, combined with their Limit Break, yet discovering their short-range weakness wouldn’t be hard in consecutive battles.  She needed something big.  She needed something new, and nothing stood out to her as that Feat on her current list.

A soft hum of dark chorals with organs, pianos, and cellos began to strum in the background of her reflected inner world as she debated.  There was something here Roman desperately wanted, and it wasn’t anything to do with the people or the political game being played.

He was after levels.  He was after Level 20, and maybe he was closing in on it since she was sharing so much of her EXP across her empire.  Power didn’t come from nowhere; they were siphoning it from her.

The daily requirement was minimal upkeep.  It was for that reason everyone in her empire was hitting a wall; it was because she had.  EXP wasn’t hitting her the same as it was when she first made this her home, which meant she had to swap things up; empire building was what she needed.  Not death in general or killing others but to unlock the empress within herself, much like this world was likely drawing out more of Roman’s inner legend.

She had to project that into the myth surrounding her while his EXP was contributed through the legendary feats he was able to accomplish within this realm.  Just drawing her into it may have been a big EXP dump for him.  He certainly was intelligent to have discovered this so early; then again, he had an entire world to explore with civil people while she dealt with barbarian clans and the survival of the human species on this planet.

Making up her mind, she dismissed her uncomfortable thoughts about letting her upgrades sit.  Naturally, she wanted to immediately dump them into something, but patience was a virtue, and it had paid off when she’d waited for Level 15; she learned new features could come with higher levels, and extra resources could serve her well.

* — * — *

An hour passed as she reentered the conversation with her Royal Court, learning the power structure required for her to decide which factions to align with.  Castria had already been peppered with quite a few of the noble houses’ younger sons and daughters, seeking to have the hot-headed girl’s attention since only nobles’ children served inside the castle.

King Virelli Alciel had been nothing but courteous to her Queen of Storms, learning more about her likes and interests since he’d been told she may be a guest in his kingdom for an extended period as she sought an education there.  It was huge news that could spread to other countries, pulling in influence for the Kaspir Kingdom, after all.  Tiffany helped her get through the challenging inquiries.

One of the three Royal Grand Paladins offered to see to their safety personally since the Magic Knights were more of a militaristic force geared toward external conflicts, rather than internal.  Elinor had Tiffany tell Castria to decline the offer respectfully since her empress was explicit about the Magic Knights being the ones to come to her aid during the incident.  There was nothing more the paladin could say to get wiggle room after that.

When it was time for the ruler to retire, he surprised the Witch and Storm Queens by asking the girl her opinion on his two children.  Elinor told her to be brutally honest in positive and negative.  Nothing good would come from tiptoeing around the subject.

Personally, Elinor could see why Heather may have an inflated ego if she’d been having the daughters and sons of nobility as her lapdogs growing up.  However, Castria threw water on that line of thought by giving a relatively optimistic view of the ‘Failure Princess.’

There were some nasty rumors that some of the more gossipy noble kids propagated behind closed doors regarding the queen and her daughter.  Apparently, the king had gone silent after that, deep in thought on the subject before thanking her for her time and leaving for his bed chambers.

Elinor had to cackle to herself, wondering what their bed talk would consist of tonight.  Although, evidently, rumor had it that the new queen hadn’t slept in the same bed as the king since their wedding night.  The web of curiosities was thick as to the political and social weaves inside the palace.

The king’s brothers and sister plotted for their own unique directions they wanted to take the kingdom.  Then there was an old royal family that fell out of power, vying for their return, and among the three major duke houses, two were trying to buy political favors from the other factions.  It seemed rumors were also pointed at the college and its staff as of late, seeking more power within the political confines of the kingdom.

Elinor listened to it all, making a mental board of each side within her inner world.  She would need to interact with these people the day after tomorrow.  Near midnight, her father informed her of a knock at their door; Percy was back.

* — * — *

Her custom space melted away as she returned to the real world, Elinor could feel the soreness in her legs as she did a few squats to loosen up the muscles of her artificial body.  She moved to the sitting room three doors over to rest on an armchair.

Legs crossed, she smiled at the handsome man, wearing new clothes after this spar with Elira; he looked troubled and unlike his carefree nature that she’d first seen.

“How was the test?”

Her father took a chair beside her, appraising the Magic Knight as Percy glanced around for Black, soon dismissing her absence with a heavy breath.

Instead of sitting, he paused in the hallway.  “Might… we talk in private, Empress?  I need to clarify a few things that might be… sensitive.”

It wasn’t a no, which was a good sign.

“I share everything with King Edmon,” Elinor smoothly returned.

“Everything?”  her father huffed, blue eyes darting to her.

Everything you need to know, Dad.

“Humph.  I’ve felt less like a father lately, which is uncomfortable.”


Instead of responding with words, Percy did with action; stepping to one of the drawers, he extracted four small pink stones.  He went to the fire in each corner of the room and dropped it inside, causing the light to change.

Elinor shifted to the opposite side of her chair, legs folding the opposite way with the sudden change in temperament, yet she and her father waited patiently in the glow of the now crackling fuchsia flames, with the lightning storm beating against the walls.

Percy sat down across from her, a somber note taking the atmosphere.  “I’ve never seen a novice so talented and focused.  Every combination, every thrust, is copied to the best of her physical abilities… which is half of the problem.  I’d wager she’d reach the upper echelon of weapons masters, given the proper time and training.”

Keeping a neutral face, hands folded in her lap, Elinor bit.  “But…”

“She has no Magical Root, or at least none that I can detect.  She’ll be a phenomenal blade master if she stays the course, but being in her early twenties… and a woman.  She didn’t pick up the weapon when a child, nor had the basics taught.  Just like Captain Flera, her options are just too limited to pursue a combat role.”

“Hmm-hmm-hmm.”  Elinor’s smile lifted as she spun her finger around.  “But…  You didn’t go through all of this secrecy to dampen listening ears to tell me that.”

The man looked toward the obscured window, where the water veiled the city, thunder rolled outside, and rain pelted the building.  Percy leaned forward, elbows against his knees, chin resting on his bridged fingers, and voice low as he fell into a whisper.

“My wife was on track to becoming the Grand Master of the House of Combat…  She was phenomenal—better than anyone I’ve seen—she could turn anything into a lethal, magical threat…  She would have been the youngest ever…  Elira has what she called ‘the flow.’  Essentially, she instinctively knows how to use whatever is at her disposal.”

He stared down at the table, drawing in his bottom lip with a bitter face beneath the mask he wore.  “Charlotte was on track to be the greatest ever… but that wasn’t her dream.  She wanted to give everyone the chance to become a Magic Knight.”

Elinor met his unsure, anxious gaze.  “The House of Combat’s Grand Master couldn’t have her disrupting the status quo, could he?  I hear he’s quite the purist and grew up amongst the House of Tempest.  So… Charlotte the genius and her potential weren’t worth the trouble of giving hope to the potential of non-royal Tempests.”

Breathing out a long stream of air, she stood up to study the pink gem he’d placed inside the fire.  “She was executed, and, being loyal to her oath, she did not resist.  Her research was destroyed… but Charlotte was also dedicated to her dream.  So, she secretly gave her honorable, decorated husband the method, and you left the House over it.”

Her smiling eyes drifted to him.  “I am not so narrow-minded.  You want my support, permission, or a good kick in the ass?  You have it.  Perform whatever ritual you need.”

Percy rubbed his face with a low groan.  “She may die!  It’s only been tested four times, and the last one passed away, which was used to brand Charlotte an Oath Breaker in the private trial.”

“So what?”

“What?”  He looked up at her, half-turned and giving him a cool stare.

“If Elira dies.  So what?  I will bring her back… but I guarantee you, she will not because that woman has been through hell and back for her sister already, and she isn’t going to die now.  What do you need?”

Taking a deep breath, he released it and rose to his feet.  “Only two people who are skilled and moderately strong in the use of mana need to work with each other—even a Tempest could help if the Magic Knight initiated—then you need a willing recipient that won’t fight the force flooding their bodies.”

“Wonderful,” her father chuckled.  “I’ll call Queen Tiffany.  Let’s prepare.”

* — * — *

Two hours passed, dripping late into the night as Percy internally focused his mana.  Tiffany had brought her own goodies to support the ritual after Edmon relayed the research information the man had memorized.  Meanwhile, Elira steadied herself in the center of the cleared sitting space.

Elinor stood by the wall as her Witch Queen exited the rain and folded her umbrella, shaking off the water.  She could feel the woman’s excitement from her bright orange eyes.  At first, she believed this was just a simple Magical Root kindling exercise, which was boring to her, but upon further details, she explained something else that the man’s wife had discovered: an innate boosting mechanism.

Within the spiritual core DNA of the people within this world, there were key attributes that they resonated with, and once unlocked, they acted as multipliers of sorts.  In essence, it was what made someone a genius or failure at any particular art.  It was a colossal discovery on the academic front that could have reshaped and brought new branches of magic into this world.

Now, she had the pleasure of teaching it to the Monarch of Arcadia to start laying the groundwork.  What did it mean to Elinor?  She had the job of securing a new House for her newest Royal Court member to rule.

* — * — *

Elinor observed Tiffany’s fire dwindling around the sweat-slick girl as Elira panted, Percy’s hands leaving her back.  “Tiffany?”

“Chew on this, dearie—there we go.  Mhm!  Not only is her Magic Root kindled, but it’s at a similar Grade to Castria’s.  She has her sister in shining armor!  How cute.  Now, I need to refine it.  Well, toodles!  I’ll be—Edmon?”

Her father wore a big grin as the System Message came to Elinor.

[Student of the Magic Sword and Shield Available]

Edmon had unlocked the beginning stages of a Magic Knight for his students through Elira.  It seemed that since they were Oathkeepers and Defenders, it edged them out on his side of the battle spectrum instead of the Warlord Royal Title.  Her dad’s students back home could open up a new branch.

* — * — *

The next day came quickly, and luckily, Ash managed a good haul of Death Energy by making a bunch of fishermen angry and confused.  Black was still bumming around the lowlifes and was happy to be joined by her brother.  Overall, things were coming together, though.

Elinor spent much of her time observing Percy, his son, and Elira training together in the arena while her forces moved throughout the city.  The queen didn’t show her face, as expected, and when Castria returned with Julian, the younger sister was elated to learn about her sister’s new rise to power, wanting to help.

They weren’t alone, either, with Prince Drew being charged to escort her home.  Elinor made it a point to ask about his sibling, who had locked herself in her room; apparently, she wasn’t allowing anyone to come inside after a visit from her mother.  Still, the princess told him to go without her and that she was fine; obviously, she lied, but there wasn’t much they could do against their father’s orders.

Things were taking a turn, and tomorrow, the sisters would stand side by side to enter a House.  Only Elinor had her own plan for an upset.  After all, everyone important would be there, so it was the perfect stage to showcase her unsettling powers and solidify her claim as the Raven Empress.


Next Chapter


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