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1. Elinor (Our Undead Empress!)

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Legs crossed as the storm continued outside, Elinor considered the opportunities and consequences that spun out from this event.  Outside, Benjamin and her father wrapped everything up, discussing the guard arrangements.

Nobles hung around in their individual groups, gossiping and keeping their distance after her previous rejection of the noble that had flown down.  Which one of them would take the reigns and discover her scorn was a test to judge their mettle?

Sitting across from Roman, her gaze drifted to the window, slick with falling rain, as her father contacted her through the Nexus.  “Prince Drew and a few of the paladins within the palace are going to take Heather to get treated.  I think Castria joining them to meet the king might be prudent.”

“M-Me—meet the king?!”  Castria choked.  “I’m a homeless, poor peasant!  What am I supposed to say?”

Elinor thought about the suggestion as the Witch Queen and Frost King went back and forth on the topic.  She’d already told Benjamin her message; however, her father was right that it would send an unspoken message.

Cutting the three off as one brave noble entered the building, Elinor fixated on the elderly man, who stood silently in wait a distance away.

Send Castria with Julian.  He can give the king his own account while Castria is there to show that, while I am not entering the castle, I sent a representative nonetheless, displaying my respect for his authority.  It is not he that has soured my mood, and Benjamin’s message will confirm it.

“What am I supposed to do?  Should my sister come, too?”

Elinor maintained eye contact with the elder, drawing many eyes from the outside windows or those still seated far away from her.

No.  I want your sister to learn as much as she can from the Magic Knights.  I need to understand the differences between a Paladin and a Magic Knight.  There are too many power dynamics I’m not aware of yet.

Through the Nexus, she experienced Castria’s anxiety, but Elinor had to rake her through the burning coals since she would be leaving in less than two weeks.  Still, having Julian there would help to calm her down, and he had a vested interest in helping her remain dignified.

“Yes, Empress…”

In the solemn atmosphere, Roman’s rough voice bled through the dulled sounds of the storm outside, smoother than usual from the thick drink he sipped at.  “Can I assist you in anything, Empress?”

“Hmm.  I’m busy currently.”  Rising to her feet, Elinor tapped her fingernail against the table, wearing a small, amused smile.  “Tell our waiting guest to join us upstairs.  I will address him when I have concluded my business.”

The Legend got to his feet with her, nodding his head as she turned and climbed the stairs on her own.  An air of mystery was required in their position.  She had to maintain a certain level of aloofness from even those of the highest standing in this kingdom; it came with the persona of unimaginable power and dominance she was projecting.

On her way up, her smile fell upon catching the state of the dress she’d bought.  Fashion was a giant part of an aristocratic display, yet her willingness to rip it up and engage in a street brawl gave her a reputation of brutality that wasn’t frightened to scrap in the mud and rain.  She was refined, had very high expectations, and was merciless toward those who crossed her; yet, she had carefully shown a curious anomaly in her forgiveness.  Time would tell if her plan would pay off.

Shifting focus to her other members as Magic Knights entered the building to guard her, she chuckled silently when they cleared out the entire floor below her.  Black jumped up in a flurry of shadowy wisps to join her from the top-floor balcony, and Roman joined her with the silent, decoratively-dressed, elderly noble shortly after.

Away from the view of the nobles, not one floated up to sneak a peek at her as the commotion below gradually dispersed.  No doubt they’d be spreading the word about her savage treatment toward the princess, and the many witnesses would be speaking about her power over life and death.

A serene smile came over Elinor while observing the decent view of the overcast cityscape, glistening white and gold.  Ash’s whispered tone was like a ghost on the howling wind as he gave his report of the lower city.

“Food isn’t as scarce as I would have thought, yet stores seem to be in the process of running low due to the influx of asylum seekers.  Many products appear to be running low, and tent cities can be seen wherever possible.”

Tiffany snickered at the prospect that the middle class and higher wouldn’t have to deal with such things.  “Will you be making an appearance in the lower sectors, Empress?”

In the coming days, likely, she returned.  That shopkeeper that allowed you access to his back room for Castria’s ritual, he is from the House of Alchemy?

“A ‘former’ instructor, supposedly,” the witch said, making her way back toward the establishment.  “There are quite a few students in his shop, seeking his guidance.  I am sensing drama!  He used to be in the lower-middle class before attending the College of Royals.”

Interesting name choice for the tower, Elinor commented, vision darting to the open doors to the west, where the giant monolith could be seen; the elder paid close attention to every move she made while Roman took full advantage of the restaurant, jumping to his orders.  I assume it is primarily run by a slightly corrupt meritocracy.  It is true that the lower class can elevate themselves… with some limitations.

Ash’s deep voice returned.  “Do you still wish me to find the person who pawned Castria’s necklace?”

I do, she confirmed.  It’s a rabbit hole I’m willing to jump down.  How something like that came into their possession and for them to discard it should make for a fascinating story.  It’s a natural lightning rod in the City of Storms, so it couldn’t have been easy to keep hidden for all these years.  And while you’re at it, see what you can learn about the criminal underbelly.  I want to know the mud and grassroots of this kingdom.

“I’ll display a bag of coins, walk down various alleys like I’m lost, and wait for someone to steal it.”

Tiffany cackled.  “I love the entrapment, love, but do you really think someone is going to steal from a literal skeleton with gems on that skull-like crown of yours?  At least wear a good deep-set hood, and maybe show off some of your more fancy clothes by walking dramatically, sweeping back your cape.  Hehe.”

“I have a cloak that should be suitable.”

“Goodie!”  A devious tone mixed with the witch’s buttery words.  “I so wish I was there to see the looks on their faces when they see what is under your hood.  I doubt you’ll see much resistance.  Anyway, I’ve got a college professor to sweet-talk.  Toodles!”

Basking in the ensuing silence, Elinor let herself have a moment of relaxation; it was so rare back in their new world that she could just sit and enjoy the weather.  All of that came to a halt when her father strode past the Magic Knight guard posted by the stairway.

“That was reckless.  You told Black not to inform me and downplayed the attack.”

She leaned one elbow against the table, turning somewhat annoyed eyes to her father as he strode to the open window to stare down at the wet streets.  The elder sipped at the drink that was brought to him, taking careful note of every action she took; she had to be careful not to show too much emotion.  It was enough to show that she had ways of communicating without words or actions.

It was handled.

He turned to stare at her, misty-blue eyes leaving a small trail at the motion.  “Castria practically died taking that lightning bolt from the prince; it is only due to her being undead that she survived.  If she weren’t undead, she wouldn’t be taking them back to the palace.  Elinor, you need to acknowledge that the people here are far stronger than what we’re used to dealing with back home, and that’s saying something.”

Vision narrowing, she stared into the thunderous heavens, the cold breeze pressing against their skin.  How hard was it for you to restrain Prince Drew?

“Very,” her father said without hesitation.  “He is still a student, as well.  Castria is possibly the most gifted Tempest in history—she has phenomenal ‘potential’ for magic, as Tiffany’s explained—but she is nothing compared to people like that man sitting beside you.”

Her father’s deathly serious voice reminded her of a few talks they had when she was younger about always having a girlfriend close by and going in pairs when she went out to be safe as a girl.

I’ll admit that the power these Tempest have has surprised me.  Yet, it could be a product of the storm itself.  There are many factors we need to test and consider.  How strong would you say this man is?

Her father’s jaw tightened as he turned back to the bolts streaking across the sky and striking the city in fits of lightning.  “If I were to go by my gut…  He could lay waste to every last one of us.  We should be grateful they don’t have the same sense of power scaling we do.”

Is that so…  Elinor didn’t look his way to give the elder any indication that she was ready to enter a dialogue.  In any case, my reputation has been solidified.  Yes, there will possibly be a stage where I am to demonstrate resurrecting someone, but I have their respect and fear now.

“That doesn’t change the fact it was reckless,” her father shot back.  “I understand you’re getting restless, but at least have me nearby to save you next time…  You’re my baby girl, Elinor, no matter what title others call you or what you become.  I am your father.  I will get your mother back.  And I will keep you safe…  So, please, work with me.”

Not enjoying the sensation rolling around her gut, Elinor sighed.  Okay, Dad.  I’ll be more careful.  We do need to take risks, though.  Taking risks is the only reason I’ve gotten to where we are.

Her father’s cloak whipped as he moved toward the stairs to leave.  “I do trust you, Elinor.  I just ask that you have more trust in me.  If you’re done making yourself a target, I’ll take Elira with me to finish setting up the hotel and introduce her to the Magic Knight Captain Flera mentioned.  Should I worry about anything else?”

Sitting straighter in her chair, Elinor let her discomfort drift away; it was rare for her to have these types of feelings anymore, and she was glad her father was here to help her keep her perspective.  However, it was also agitating to be scolded by your dad, even if in total privacy.

No.  I’m done making scenes.  Swift and shocking was the goal, which I achieved.  I’ll get a new dress after this and learn the district layout.  See you soon.

“Hopefully…  This ‘inn’ is much larger than I thought, and has quite a few basement levels.”

Exciting!  I can’t wait to see it for myself, she said, trying to skate by the previous topic.

Done with the uncomfortable bit, Elinor’s poise fully returned as she crossed her legs the opposite way and acknowledged the elder with a pleasant smile.  “So much to organize.  Duke Roman, who might this powerful Tempest be?”

Roman gestured at the man’s white and gold robe, held together around his shoulders by a chain with a coin, showing an atom symbol.  A fashionable black vest and pants held similar sparse and simple designs.

“Raven Empress, allow me to introduce Grand Duke Logan Christarion, Rector of the College of Royals.  The College acts as a semi-autonomous nation within itself, functioning off its own rules and laws.

Impressed by his respectful approach, unlike the nobles, Elinor’s lip curled as she intertwined her fingers across her thigh; her dress was practically a short skirt at this point, yet it didn’t seem to matter since most of the nobles wore rather revealing outfits, to begin with.

“Are you here to speak to me about my treatment of your students, Grand Duke?”

The man held a dignified tone, maintaining his calm demeanor, which would be paramount for someone of his power as a Sorcerer, who could light up whole valleys when angered.  “It would be singular, Empress.  Princess Heather has yet to pass the exam to enter, and I do not accept those who are not to the college’s standing, be they royals or peasants.”

“For non-Tempests, as I understand it,” Elinor returned, enjoying herself now as much as Black was with her snacks.  “Peasant Tempest are to be frozen.  It is a good thing my Castria is a princess herself.  I wouldn’t want to cause an international incident,” she chuckled.

It got a small smile from the man.  “On that note, I would formally express my pride at my student’s behavior, if on the more rough and uncontrolled side of things.”

Elinor held a hand to her mouth with light laughter.  “One could take such a claim as approval for an empress’ assassination attempt…  I, too, commend one’s loyalty to their family.  It mattered not that I was a wild animal or the empress with kingdoms below my feet; he would go to any length to save his little sister…  I’ve set my heart to burn entire kingdoms to the bedrock for so much touching those I care for. ”

“Hmm.”  Logan studied her for a few seconds.  “You sent Princess Castria to speak on your behalf since you are abstaining from entering the castle.  I am positive King Alciel will take kindly to the restraint you’ve shown his children…  Am I to believe the rumors that your visit involves a young Tempest?  Would that be Princess Castria?”

She didn’t reply right away, shifting her weight to the opposite side of her chair to show she was pondering his question.

“…Perhaps.  I have heard great things about Kaspir’s Tempest but little involving their ways.  There are not many from where I come from, and I swore an oath that I would support her in every way possible.  Her parents are missing, she needs guidance, and though I have considerable talents and powers, I cannot offer her what she requires.  In short, it is one reason for my long journey.”

The elder’s eyes narrowed, his vision moving to the storm outside.  “Correct me if I am wrong, Empress… but Princess Castria died when taking that lightning bolt from the Crown Prince.  While showing extraordinary skill in deflecting it, most of Prince Drew’s peers could not survive that much raw energy…  You restored her to life?”

Lips tightening, Elinor breathed out a curious hum.  “Indeed, I did.  I am surprised you admitted to observing the entire exchange without intervening.  I almost ripped Princess Heather’s spirit from her body, yet you waited it out.”

Logan took a sip of his drink before giving his answer.  “The prince was never in actual danger.  As callous as it may sound, the princess is of little value, and it is one piece of many that contributes to her instability.  She is the Crown Prince’s half-sister, from our king’s second wife.  Few nobles would have batted an eye if you had killed her.”

Resting her head against her fist as she turned to peer into the rain, Elinor felt a tinge of pity for the redhead; she now had an even greater opinion of the prince.  “I am finding these political parties and divisions more interesting by the minute.  Could you arrange a tour of the Houses and College?  I’d like to observe your teaching methods.  So far, you have piqued my curiosity.”

He gave a bow and rose to his feet.  However, instead of walking away, he stared down at her and offered one last tantalizing message.

“I do not know the reason why you sought out High Queen Serafina’s amulet, knew where it was, or the magic your Witch Queen placed on it to support Princess Castria, but to the population, it is a cursed item.  It may cause you further trouble.  And if your general finds any more cursed artifacts, then some groups might consider your actions as an act of war.”

Hiding the swirl of excitement that twisted her stomach, Elinor kept her lax smile while meeting his stunning purple eyes.  “I will take it under advisement.  I have enjoyed our short visit, Grand Duke.”

“As did I,” he nodded, vision drifting from her to Roman and Black before returning to her.  “I hope to learn your true motive to make this journey yourself, Raven Empress, and why you have a creature of myth burrowing under our soil.  Have a lovely day.”

Electricity shot through Elinor’s tingling spine as his cloak flared out, and he strode onto the balcony to float into the air, not a single droplet of rain touching him.  This was a man they didn’t want to cross.



Maybe.  Hmm-hmm-hmm.  The Grand Duke is keeping a very close eye on us.  I suspect he saw our entrance into this world through Roman’s portal… which means he knows Castria is no princess and about the Thélméthra.  Tempest have better surveillance techniques than I thought.

“Is he hostile?”

Elinor tilted her head to study Roman, currently stroking his beard and staring at a wall.  “I wouldn’t say hostile.  More… cautious and curious as to our motives.

Tiffany joined the call, having been peeping in.  “Ooh!  How fascinating.  If he’s not openly hostile toward Castria’s cover as a princess, does that mean he’s not a believer in this noble-ending prophecy… or does he support it?!  Aaah!  I do love these little twists.  Any changes to our plans, Empress?”

No changes, she returned, pondering the outcome.  More like… additions.  Ash, we’re on a treasure hunt, and with these ones, let’s be more… subtle.  We’re after our own set of ‘Infinity Stones,’ she giggled, thoroughly enjoying how this world was opening up.

Unfolding her legs, she got to her feet, prompting Black and Roman to join her.  “We are going to get a replacement for my dress.  Roman, list me a few items that could be added to my itinerary; there is so much to explore in Lumina.”

On the way out, Elinor personally stopped by the kitchen to thank the owner, who had given Famine everything she’d wanted, and the woman had an impossible appetite.  If they were being spied upon by multiple parties through various means, then it would be important to establish a safe, fly-free zone.

Black pulled out the unique umbrella, which showed a beautiful stream of cascading water down its transparent barrier, often disrupted and blown off by the gales that passed right through the fabric.  She opted to use her legs rather than the cart, pausing on the sidewalk, spotting classy carts hauling food or students bustling along.

On her walk, she contacted Tiffany since Roman was in his own head or spying on some unsuspecting party with his powerful observation feats.  Is there a way to create a totally isolated space where we can speak without others listening in?

The Witch Queen gave a drawn-out hum as she pondered a solution.  “…A place where we can talk aloud without a fly on the wall?  I’m afraid without direct knowledge of how they are doing it, preparing something so complex and all-encompassing would be a challenge.  I will look into it.  There are some fantastic ingredients here…

“Oh, I wish we had markets back home where we can just pick up whatever we need.  Haaa.  But I guess the adventure of discovery is nice, as well!  A strong economy with transported goods has its joys, too.  Hmm.  I just mean we need to dominate those toads and advance their society!  Yes.  What goods can I get here that will help us back home…  So many things!  And is there a limit I can bring back?  Ahhh!  So many questions!”

Haha.  Good luck.

* — * — *

Leaving the witch to the duality of seething and jumping for joy over the limited scope of their understanding of this world, Elinor passively walked through the next few immediate tasks.  The rain didn’t let up through her shopping venture, showing her how robust and strong the massive city’s sewage system was.

The more she observed, the more she started to believe there were quite a few lost types of magic in the kingdom.  From the durability and luster of its stone base that didn’t erode under the wear and tear of its residence or the elements to the balls of pure light that rose out of the very ground to illuminate the area, easily turned off by tapping the bubbles.

She had a few nobles that gave short, respectful greetings in passing, and she found a lot of Tempest swiftly dropped to the ground to walk once spotting her.  Elinor suspected it was them being self-conscious about floating above her; if they acknowledged that, then they did likely take pride in being above the rabble, as they saw it.

This kingdom had probably been a rather glorious place to live for all walks of life during its golden ages, but the nobility appeared to have gradually taken more and more power and lifted themselves up above the rest.  Even in this ‘Noble District,’ the houses were fairly similar to the ones on the ground level.  Sure, many buildings here were far larger but no less well constructed.

As night chased the sun away, her father returned; it seemed he was the one everyone was approaching after her earlier display, which severely cut into his time.  Castria reported that the king invited her to have a private chat later tonight, so she’d be late since she didn’t feel like she could refuse.  Elinor was happy with that; it gave her more time with the powers that be.

A small break in the storm allowed her to catch sight of four distant moons, ranging from orbs of red to purple shades, and a sparkling array of colorful stars and galaxies; the atmosphere seemed totally oblivious to anything as weak as light pollution because it was as clear as it was over the jungle she now called home.  And then the dark clouds rolled back in.

By the time she’d finished her day exploring the Noble District, she’d learned quite a bit about the ceremony that would be held in two days.  Without a doubt in her mind, Castria would blow it out of the water.  On the other hand, her sister becoming a Magic Knight could be a problem.

Arriving at the inn that her father had prepared in advance, Roman split off to do his own thing; it was hard that they couldn’t communicate effectively without others listening in.  She stood in the rain with Black for a few minutes, studying the grandeur of the place.  He’d been right; it was more like a classy hotel from Earth.

Themed a dark green, with golds and rouge trimming, the building had neatly trimmed grass out front that sparkled in the rain.  The entrance was large and welcoming, showing swords and shields as decorations.  Strange creatures were stuffed and put on display, likely trophies from the Magic Knights on their expeditions to cull threats across the region.

Her father was grinning as she paused at each one, knowing it would make her curious as her flaming green fingers passed over each one.  Several were above Rare-Grade, but most fell within the Uncommon to Rare bracket, though some were quite high on it.

* — * — *

Elinor slid her fingers over a bony, worm-like dragon.  Its plated scales were dotted with barbs, and the monster’s circular, rotating mouth would shred anything that entered.  The thin snake-like body had been coiled around twelve of the massive pillars of the front entrance, potentially 50 meters long, and its skinless wings had been draped over them with the transparent cloth, woven in a way to act as an umbrella.  The thing probably didn’t even use the spiked, wing-like appendages to fly but lance its prey.

Epic-Grade…  Ugh…  So many amazing creatures.  This world does have some things I would love to take back.  I doubt I’ll be able to snag any of…

“Raven Empress, I am humbled by your choice in my inn.”

A tall man with a head filled with a mane of swept-back, light-brown hair greeted them with a bow, wearing a fitted trench coat, vest, and black pants.  Everything about him screamed high-class, from his boots to his neatly groomed beard to the musk he wore; attached to his brown belt was a thin sword.

“Sir Percy Farstrider, Your Imperial Highness.  I see you’re fond of trophies.  This one,” he added, pointing up at the giant worm, “was quite a monster to fell.  Four hours, it took me and two of my fellow Magic Knights to find the right opening, which is quite the time to be spending in the Western Jesna Desert.”

“He certainly is a fine specimen,” Elinor said, her green flaming hands drawing the man’s lifted eyebrow.

“Haha.  I’ve heard you command powers over life and death.  I hope not to see any of my prizes found away from their podiums?”

A short giggle shook Elinor’s chest as she followed the curtain of water cascading off the creature’s wings.  “I won’t say I’m not tempted.  Perhaps I’ll settle for the stories of where you found them so I can collect my own pets…  I do love a good story.”

A half-smile lifted the man’s handsome face.  “Oh, I have plenty to tell!  Please, allow me to show you to your suite, Empress.  And, uh, King Edmon was telling me you wished to learn more about the Magic Knights for a young lass you have with you?”

“I am, and I hear the House Selection Ceremony is the day after tomorrow.  Do you think you could prepare her for that?”

A hearty laugh came from the former Magic Knight.  “As much as I’d say I’d love to teach a young Magic Knight, even if they’re the most gifted damn knight in the world, you’d be hard-pressed to meet the minimum standing in one day.  Most girls and boys train their whole lives for the chance to prove their worth in the House of Combat.”

He turned a grin to her as they entered the cozy, large space of the gathering area of the inn, tables set a distance apart from each other for comfort.  “I can certainly give her a look, though.  I can’t see someone you’d recommend being without some powerful merit!”

Elinor glanced at her father as he scratched his cheek.  “Well… we’ll see.  You’ve already met her.”

Percy’s brow furrowed as he glanced at the right wing and rubbed his neck.  “That young Elira girl you brought in earlier?  Aye, she’s a hard worker; her scars and calluses prove that…  I’ll give her a mock trial.  Haha.  It’s rare anyone comes to me about Magic Knight business these days, much less a famous foreign empress…  Anyway, right this way, Your Imperial Majesty!”


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