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Author Note: Thank you for giving me the chance to write a backlog chapter for the editors to have a week's gap to look through it.  I know Val is happy, haha!  I added a few small things here and there.  I moved the Jeanne portion to the end of this chapter, as well.


1. Maria (Our Unicorn healer's first chapter!)

TO Rewrite Index

Previous Chapter

In-line Edit


A blazing heat radiated against Maria’s skin as she floated through space, pulling her mind into the hot summer days of her neighborhood.  The warm brown face of a dark-haired lady brought her into her childhood, Lita making homemade tortillas and cooking chicken on the grill.  The pineapple scent of freshly made chicha de piña in the background.


Her little brother’s voice lifted her out of the Cuban music she hated as a kid; now, it was so nostalgic, remembering all the hot summer nights that everyone on the block would get together, partying until the sun came up.

Eyes cracking open to a flare of light, Maria was a little surprised at how little it bothered her as the world cleared, and the sound of the city came into focus.  Taking a deep breath, she let it go as her brother’s dorky face overshadowed her.  Everything was a jumbled mess, but nothing hurt.

“Hermana?!  Should I get the nurse?”

Speaking in Spanish, she stretched out on the hospital bed, glancing around the roof of what she assumed was the same building she’d been using to earn a bit of extra cash for Zarita’s medical bills.

Abruptly, the memories of the night she’d been taken by Daran flooded back, and Maria eased her head back, realizing how insane she was here right now.  The Columbian Cartel basically ran Miami, yet all of it had collapsed in a hot mess.

The last thing she remembered was Relica exploding Terrell and his sons in fountains of gore that was so visceral that she wanted to vomit.  If that wasn’t enough, the hellspawn threatened the same end to dozens upon dozens of innocent kids, two of whom she knew from Little Havana.

“None of it makes a damn sense,” she mumbled, holding her arm over her eyes with a groan and trying to make sense of the jumbled information in her brain.  “Why would Relica dismantle her own organization?  What the hell is happenin’ ta Miami?  Ugh.  Where am I?”

“Uh, what was that?”  her brother nervously asked.  “You aren’t hurt, right?!  I’ll go get—”

“Mmgm.  Chill, bro.  Damn, what happened?  And why the hell am I on the roof?”

Her brother’s worry melted away.  “They said you’d heal faster if you stayed outside, under the open sky, or something like that.  I had to bring you inside when it rained yesterday, but you feeling good?  Nothing hurts?”

Scratching her nose, Maria yawned again, smacking her lips.  She didn’t feel threatened as she frowned, sweeping her appearance to see her clothes had been changed to a hospital gown; it was the snap-on kind, which was better than the tie ones she’d had as a kid.

Maria’s foggy brain was gradually working up to speed as she noted there was no blanket on her, which made sense since they left her to bask in the overhead sun; thanks to that, though, she was fully topped off on Lunar and Solar Energy.  All her limbs were in place.  No issues she could sense, other than the trip of waking up in a weird place.  Everything was cool.

“Right,” she mumbled, relaxing and rubbing her head as she saw one of the military guys sitting under a tent to escape the heat; his name was Roy, if she remembered right.  “I’m a Celestial Unicorn, huh?  Shit.  Yo, what’s up, homie?  All the kids get out?”

Roy lowered a walkie-talkie, reporting that she’d woken up.  He spoke in fairly fluent Spanish.  “Welcome back, and yeah, there are a few kids still missing, but all the ones you went to save got out safely.  People are looking for the missing ones; there’s some fear of trafficking changed children.”

He flashed a smile.  “If you’re asking about what happened when you fell on your face, we were able to come in and save all of you from burning alive in that building shortly after you all dropped like flies.”

“Damn.  Thank God.”  Maria looked up at the clear blue sky of the noonday sun.  It didn’t hurt to look at the blazing orb; in fact, it was pretty and comforting.  “I can’t remember anything after running into that shit storm…  Wait.  The freak happened to that devil niña conejita the hare brought back?”

“Rachel?”  Roy asked, moving a chair over to sit beside her bed.  “I’ve heard reports about her bringing back a kid from that quest, but we don’t have the details yet.  Well, other than wanting to start a private military company.  It’s been three days, and you’re the first one to wake up.”

“The hell?!”  Maria jolted up.  “Three days, my ass!  Aye, Felix, how’s the crew—what’s goin’ on?”

Her brother held up his hands to calm her down, forcing a laugh.  “Chill, hermana.  It’s cool.  Everyone wants to throw a party when you get back, ya know.  Elena’s been calling me, like… every hour to check up on you, and Zarita is pissed they’re not letting anyone in.”

It was a lie, but the part that triggered her weird detection sense came from the part about calling every hour.  Maria puffed out a long sigh while thinking about the Cuban immigrant who was like her second mother.

“Shit.  La anciana shouldn’t be worried about me; she knows what I’m about.  Aye, hermanito, grab my stuff.  Alejandro still here?”

“I got it right here, and, hah, no one’s gonna touch…”

Roy cleared his throat.  “Ahem.  Hey, Maria…”

“What’s up?”  Maria grunted in annoyance, swinging her legs off the bed and taking the bag from her brother to scan its contents.  “I’m busy, my dude.  I got people to look after, ya know?”

She first plucked out the rosary Lita had given her, making a cross over her chest by touching her forehead, heart, and both shoulders before kissing the silver metal piece, thanking the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for supporting her.

“About that,” Roy said, stretching out and looking down at her as she slipped on some sandals by the bed.  “How do you feel?  Can you check on a few people before you split?  And, eh, the lieutenant would like someone to accompany you since you still need to be debriefed.”

Maria grunted, rolling around her neck and nudging her head toward her little brother.  “I’ll be down in a moment.  Shit.  Bitches be actin’ like I’m a soldier.  And don’t think I be doin’ this shit for free,” she grumbled, nose twisting as she looked at the large green beret.  “How y’all goin’ ta compensate me for all this bullshit, huh?”

Her brother laughed.  “Aye, that’s right!  And, uh, we gotta go down the back stairs because of the paparazzi.  Shit’s been insane.”

“Tch.  ‘ight, I’m sure the big meathead here knows the route.”  Maria hissed.

Roy observed her as she brushed back her long silver locks and put a hand on her hip expectantly.  “I’ve heard you’ll be compensated when all of this is over.”

“Good.  Yo, you’re wasting my time.  Let’s go!  Time is money,” she prompted, snapping her fingers as she stared him down.  “You want my help, or what?”

He didn’t blink or shy away, his large chest shaking with silent laughter as he took the lead back inside the tall hospital.  “This way.  Rachel and Scarlet need to be kept out of the sun.  And again, how do you feel?”

“Mhm,” Maria grunted back, working around her arms.  “Like I’ve been sunbathing for three days.  Shit.  Worry about yourself.  I’m good.  Actin’ like you care.”

Maria’s eyebrows came together as he turned to give her a small smile, guiding them down the door, and opened it for them to slide past.

“I do, believe it or not.”

“Huh…  Well, shit.  If you want my number, it’s a hard pass.”

He chuckled and shook his head.  “Ouch.  I have a girlfriend, though, so I’m quite alright.  Not that you aren’t gorgeous.”

She snorted at the look her brother gave her as they descended the stairs to the top level.

“So you care about your healing robot, huh?”  she shot back.  “Like I said, my services ain’t free, ya know.  I owe the moon hare for saving my ass, is all, and I hate debts…  The interest only stacks all the way down to hell, if ya get what I’m sayin’.”

“No, I hear ya,” Roy said, leading them into the relatively empty space, excluding military personnel, and he gestured to a clearly marked bathroom.  “You can change in there first if you’d like.  I know all of this must seem a bit rushed to you.”

“Huh.”  Maria eyed the man up and down; he was actually being somewhat nice and accommodating.  It had to be for her abilities, though.  Everyone wanted something, and nothing was free.  “So, you gonna be ridin’ 3rd wheel with us?  Damn government shit.”

Roy shrugged, waving at a few other soldiers as they passed by.  “Depends on what the lieutenant orders; right now, he’s in charge.”

Hand pausing on the doorknob, Maria looked back at him.  “And what happened to Captain Glamorous?”

The man’s face scrunched up with confusion in their Spanish conversation, glancing at the ground.  “Captain… Barbara?  I’d thought you’d call her Saint or something since you’re Catholic, but that’s where we’re going first.  She fell into a coma, like all of you did.  None of our own healers can tell what’s wrong with them physically.”

Maria’s vision narrowed.  “I ain’t know shit about the woman ta tell if she’s a saint or not.  I don’t call just anyone a saint, jefe.  Saint Barbara earned her Sainthood.  And she earned her shit…  I don’t deal with fakes.”

A tad heated at the disrespect put on Saint Barbara, she said, “Jeremiah’s my dude: ‘therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbor.’  She ain’t riddin’ Saint Barbara’s coattails in my book, vato.  And James is my guy: ‘faith without works is dead.’  This chick?  I ain’t never heard of her.”

Going inside the restroom, she slammed the door, leaving them in silence as she grumbled to herself while getting dressed.  Everyone wanted to scream miracle or that they were the way, but didn’t do shit actually to live that belief.  She wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t try to hide behind anyone else’s accomplishments like these ‘Legends’ seemed to do.

Slipping on her 808 tank top and fixing her bra, Maria checked the string on her jogging pants and shoes before looking herself over in the mirror.  Her lips pulled into a line while studying her shimmering appearance, enhanced proportions, pointed ears, and the star symbol on her forehead.

Am I this vain?  Why would I change into… this?  Why the hell did my skin color change?!  I love my Mexican roots…  Why am I a Celestial Unicorn?  Shit doesn’t make sense…

Now that she was away from judging eyes, she swung back to lean against the wall, letting her head fall back as she closed her eyes and gripped her elbow.  She rehearsed a few Bible verses that helped her get through hard times, allowing whatever constituted her heart to settle down.

None of this shook her faith; it was just another trial she had to get through.  She’d long come to terms with all the Bible bashers that always posted up, screaming at the small church she went to.  If it was real or not, it didn’t matter in the end to her.  They wouldn’t judge her for how she lived her life as much as she judged them; God would sort everything out in the end.

All she had to do was live her ideals and principles; the world could laugh at her, but their opinions were worth as much shit as hers were.  And God did bless her for healing Rachel because now she’d gotten to [Heal II] and [Purify II].

I have to do it today…  I should be strong enough after the shit Terrell put me through…

Opening her eyes, she looked from the side into the mirror, her sparkling silver hair making her think about the insane Lunar Hare that had barged into her life.

Damn…  Rachel’s a real one.  How the hell did she do all of that?  And she wants to make some kind of private military company?  Is that what she was hinting at when she left?  She’s crazy as all hell, and has a death wish… but she’s a real one.  That devil shit, though…

“Mmgm!”  Turning the faucet to start the sink, Maria splashed cold water on her face and groaned.  So far as she could tell, she didn’t stink, which was weird, but that’s just how the world was now.  “What the hell am I supposed to do…  Adapt or die.  What am I supposed to adapt to?”

Discomfort rolled through her stomach as she remembered the cute little bunny kid Rachel brought back.  How had she spontaneously turned into a devil?  Did Rachel turn into a devil?  No, she couldn’t make assumptions.

Maria set her ground and went to check on the ragtag party she was now somehow acquainted with.  Her brother stayed quiet, thinking about something as they walked; of course, as she had her troubles, so too was he bound to have his own.

Entering Captain Barbara’s room, she saw who she assumed was Mateo, Roy’s superior, standing beside the woman’s bed.  She’d made a note of all the military guys at the hospital when word spread that they were setting up shop.  And, despite the action they’d been in three days prior, Barbara rested without a care in the world.

Mateo didn’t waste any time in getting to the point.  “How is she?”

Maria’s horn flared to life, the pure energy spiraling into shape as the bright light bathed everyone present, providing her with a wealth of immediate knowledge as to their conditions.  All of them were fairly healthy, given their athletic lifestyle, yet naturally, there were the expected troubles from such a physically demanding job as special forces.

“Humph.  Mentally and physically, Captain Glamour’s the picture of perfect health.”  Her horn faded away as she turned to leave.  “She’ll be up in a few hours; she’s suffering from spiritual fatigue—don’t ask me how.”

Doctors and nurses were now hovering nearby to hear what she had to say.

“That’s just the cause, then?”  Mateo mumbled, eyeing her brisk demeanor as they left for the next room.  “There are other issues we suspect could be causing it, but we assumed it was due to the massive ‘EXP’ dump that came from the Legend Quest.  Maria?”

Maria stopped dead in her tracks as a nurse hurriedly opened the next door, waiting for her diagnosis, yet Maria’s wide eyes were now fixated on the horrific sight of some kind of mannequin, sitting in a bed.

“Aww, hell no!”  she snarled, backing away.  “Who the hell is that supposed to be?!”

Roy snickered.  “That… is Astra, or at least their… robot, we think.  We weren’t sure what to make of it, but there is technology inside it, all short-circuited.  Afraid of puppets?”

She gave him a look that said he was stupid.  “What, you thought I could heal some kind of kinky techno-doll or some shit?  Get the hell outta here!  No way in hell I’m stepping near that garbage!  I’m not tech support, hombre.”

A door down the hall opened, revealing a small Asian woman who was probably alerted by her shouting.  She broke into the conversation, pulling them away from the creepy doll, which Maria was all for.

“You’re Maria, right?  You’re the one who saved my daughter from that poison, right?  Rachel?”

Fine to be done with the mannequin, and not having a clue who Astra was, Maria walked through the muttering crowd to the mother.  “Yeah, and damn, your girl—”

Maria cut off, gut making a spiral as the woman grabbed her hands, filling her with an uplifting swirl of holy energy with tears gathering in her eyes.  All other sounds around her faded away, emanating a warmth that radiated like a blazing fire, filling her with light.  Staring into her wet brown eyes, Maria started to feel dizzy.

“Thank you!  I know Rachel is reckless, but I’m so happy you were there to support her when she needed it.  She likes to think she’s a lone hare, but she’s always had blinders on when it comes to how many people are around her to help.”

“Uh-yeah, I, uh, I guess…”

“Oh, where are my manners!”  she chortled, breaking away.  Maria snapped out of the spell as the woman gave her a gentle smile.  “I’m Molly, Rachel’s mother.”

“I figured…”  Maria put her hands in her pockets, fingers pressing against her thighs as she tried to process the unusual tingling spark she’d sensed from the woman’s touch that threw her off her game.  “And it’s more like she, uh, barged in and said heal me or I die kind of shit, ya know.  Eh-heh, you wanted me to check on her?”

“Yes, please!”  Molly chirped, clasping her hands at her front.  “If you’d like, we can pay for your services.”

Clearing her throat and trying to refocus, Maria waved her off as they went into the adjacent room; something was very off.  “Naaa.  I owe her.  Rachel ended up saving a shitload of kids.  Oh, Scarlet’s here, too?  And that… energy.  The hell is goin’ on in here…”

She slowed a bit, left eye creasing as she sensed some kind of holy flow cycling through the space and not a trace of the fiendish force Rachel had emanated the last time she’d seen the hare.  It was like a giant sun was blazing all around them, its dense gravity pulling her in.

“Is she doing okay?  What energy?”  Molly whispered with worry, holding a hand to her lips as the others crowded by the door.  “Is there something wrong?  Scarlet’s been wonderful, taking the night watch, and she hasn’t reported anything strange.  I’ve watched during the day with my husband, too…  He’s gone out to get us something to eat.”

Maria’s vision drifted from the gothic vampire girl, sleeping in a corner chair, to Rachel’s mother.  Oddly, she couldn’t get a fix on whether this woman was telling the truth or not; there was an unusual, divine-like glow weaving around her.

Shaking her head, Maria’s silver eyes returned to the sleeping hare; her long locks had been braided, and there were a few cute bunny hair clips keeping her bangs out of her face.  She had to be seeing things because her clothes were blinding.  It almost felt like the entire room was an oven, yet no one else seemed all that affected.

“I don’t sense any issues…  Well, other than massive spiritual exhaustion… a hell of a lot more than that Barbara chick.  And this massive… spike of energy.”

Molly’s brown eyes drooped as she stepped closer, her voice becoming insistent.  “How long will she be out?”

“Umm…  Hard to say,” she groaned, rubbing the back of her neck as her horn appeared; Molly’s weird presence kept distracting her, and her more expanded powers didn’t help the situation.  “She’s… probably going to be out for another two to three days.  Probably.”

Retreating to the door to escape the intense, focused force pulsing out of Rachel, she looked at the hare’s mother.  “Aye, do you have any… powers?  You feel…  Shit, I can’t explain it!  There’s this fire blazin’ in this place, and it’s got me seein’ things.  Ugh.  Gosh damn, it’s bright.”

A relieved sigh came from Molly as she ran her fingers through her messy black hair.  “A few more days then…”  A short giggle followed as she gave her a respectful bow.  “I’m just a mother, worried about her daughter.  I wouldn’t say The Oscillation gave me any powers; well, none that I’m aware of.  Anyway, thank you for healing my daughter.”


Waving her off, Maria left the room in somewhat of a daze; it almost felt like she was drunk.


“Hmm?”  Maria fell, legs tingling as her brother and Ron moved to support her.  “Shit…  Mmgm.  My head…”

Mateo’s face became a scowl.  “Are you sure you’re okay to leave, Ms. Espinar?  You don’t look well.”

“Damn straight, I’m ready to leave,” she snarled back, rubbing her eyes.  “I just… felt something off in here.  Bitches think I’m feeling sick…”

“Hermana… you’re slurring your speech.”

“Huh?  No, I’m…”  She turned to glare at her little brother, who truly looked concerned.  “Uh.  Shit.  You’re not lying…  I don’t hear it.  Whatever.  Fine, you can drive,” she grunted, stumbling out of the room and down the hallway, leaving Molly looking concerned.  “Aye, where’s that lil’ fairy chica?”

Maria did feel a little tipsy, but not slur speech tipsy.  Felix guided her by the arm down the hall, wearing a supportive smile, reminding her of the first time she’d slammed alcohol hard when she was fourteen for the first time.  Her little, nine-year-old brother had had to help her all the way home for Zarita to scold her.

“She’s over here, Sis.  You sure you’re good?  No, if you say you are, then you’re fine,” he said with a laugh.  “You never lie.”

“Mhm.  I’m just a little wired…”

A rush of events flashed by her eyes as if seen through a third party as they entered the next room.  An anxious fox woman.  Fiona hovering and all sparkly.  Anthony and the girl she couldn’t heal.  Somewhere along the line, the fox was gone with all the doctors and nurses.

Now, they were on some stairs, Felix helping her down, one step at a time, with a cheering fairy hovering nearby.  Suddenly, she was weightless, falling down the stairs—or was it the air—in summersaults.  On the ground again—with shaky feet—she saw a snickering fairy and little brother hovering nearby.  The world stretched, and Roy spontaneously appeared out of nowhere, making her stumble.

“Son of a bitch!”

Wait, what?  Something’s weird, but I can’t…

Falling back, the military man reached out to stabilize her.

“Woah!  Haha.  You’re really having some trouble?”

“She’s a total mess,” Fiona giggled, floating nearby, hands held behind her back.  “She keeps mumbling nonsense like a total drunk.  I used to see it a lot when I worked at my uncle’s bar back in Ireland.  She doesn’t want me to levitate her, though.  It’s kind of funny that the healer needs healing.”

“Shut yer wings,” Maria said, running her fingers through her hair to find it braided.

Huh?  English?  Is it because of this hada alada?

“When the hell did—”

“Your hair?”  Fiona asked, shaking in the air with laughter as tears came to her eyes.  “Erika did it when you told her I’d be up in like five minutes.  Did you forget she had to go check on her boyfriend because he wasn’t answering her calls or that your brother went to get the car?”

“When…”  Felix was now gone.  “I’m trippin’ balls…  Ugh.  He better not scratch the paint or rims,” Maria mumbled, still seeing some spots.  “Shit…  That was hell.  Aye, hands off, gato.”

Roy carefully backed away, taking his hands with him.  “Yeah, Erika was sweet.  She seemed a little worried about you, Fiona.  Will she be okay?”

The fairy’s green-hued eyes lowered, voice turning melancholy.  “Erika stayed with me, even when her boyfriend asked her to meet up…  Ever since I was a teenager, she’s always looked out for me, and she promised my parents she’d make sure I was cared for when I left home.”

“Pretty close then, huh?”  Maria asked, rubbing between her eyes and blinking; her mind fog was beginning to clear up.  “How old are ya?”

“Twenty…”  Fiona sighed, arms crossed and looking down at herself.  “I’m in such trouble.  Look at my size…  I need so much more help.  I’m seven centimeters tall, for goodness sake.”

Maria passively scanned the more secluded back parking lot of the hospital, blocked off by the Coast Guard as they kept the place controlled.  What was she even doing?  No, there was something she had to do before anything else, and that was away from here.

Fiona’s shimmering green wings brought her gaze back to the fairy as she floated down, waving at her with a sad smile.  “Am I that boring and annoying?  Sorry…”

“Naaa.  Haaa.  Something just… hit me up there—shit, I don’t know.”  Her gaze went to a brown-haired woman in her mid-twenties as she jogged across the parking lot from near the ocean rise.  “Huh.  What were you sayin’?  I’m listenin’.”

“Right, umm… it’s nothing.  I just think I take too much of Erika’s time.  She hasn’t, umm, had the best luck with relationships due to all the work she does,” Fiona whispered as she turned away.  “Usually, she comes over, and we play mobile games together to unwind, laughing at our bad free pulls, or she helps me with stream stuff…  She’s kind of… my only friend in the US.”

Rubbing her arms as the tingling sensation finally left, Maria crossed her arms under her bust, glaring at the brown-haired woman who was approaching them; Roy moved to block her path.  “Aye, you’re hanging with us, so relax; life’s too short, ya know…  Uh, why are you with us, again?  And who’s this bitch?  I’m lost as hell.”

Fiona forced a laugh as Roy went to engage the random woman.  “You said if I’m lonely, then I should join you guys because you’re going to have a party, and, umm, I wanted to see the leviathan your brother was talking about.  She, umm, kind of came at the end and saved Erika and me.”

“Leviathan—the hell, I don’t remember shit?!  Yo, Roy, what’s the deal with this chica?”

“Hello, I’m Jeanna!”  the woman chimed in a light French accent, holding up her phone as they drew near.  “I’m a reporter from—”

“Not interested, bitch,” Maria flatly shot down.  “Go get your story from some other sucker.  I’m pissed and confused as it is, so I don’t need some bimbo tryin’ ta catch me slippin’.”

The woman’s mouth became a line at her tone, Roy pointing at the gate, where Coast Guard men and woman were taking notice of the trespasser.

“This is a restricted area.  The press needs to register at the front—”

“Oh, but I’m sure you’ll want to see these videos I have!  Hah.  I’m pretty sure you almost stabbed some young boys with an ice shard, Fiona White.”

“I what?”  Fiona’s ears drooped.  “When did I do that?”

Maria could smell foul play as Jeanna held up her phone.  “Give me a chance to show you!  Dozens upon dozens of people were recording around Miami Beach when the military raided that terrorist stronghold.  There are some really concerning things that were captured.”

“You make it sound like a movie,” Roy grumbled.  “Are you trying to blackmail Ms. White?  You do realize it is still Martial Law right now, and you are in a restricted zone.”

“Eh-hehe.  No need to be so draconian!”  Jeanna said with a strained smile, her French accent thickening.  “I actually want to write a glowing piece about the daring venture, where these changed individuals helped save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives!  There are just a few… details I’d like to verify.”

“What kind of details?”  Roy guardedly asked, now far more serious about the topic since there were probably a lot of ways this could be spun.

“This girl, specifically… I haven’t been able to get a name anywhere!  It’s hard to gather certain details when people’s appearance changes so dramatically.”

Maria’s mouth became a line as she showed a few still pictures from a video, where Rachel sat at a table, seemingly having tea with Relica.  It was dark, but the bright street lights illuminated the area well enough to make out enough to see a ‘bunny girl’ and the terrorist.

“My sources in the Coast Guard told me this young, black-haired woman is actually Relica Orakzai, real name unknown, and currently the 7th listed on the FBI’s most wanted.  Haha.  It’s no wonder the US military went in guns blazing, but the mystery about this bunny girl is just… so out there!  Why is she having tea with her?”

She swiftly swiped left to show more pictures from different angles, all taken from within buildings from people cowering inside during the operation.

“As a timeline: she’s escorted here by you green berets, causes a scene with some social media influencer, meets with you, Maria Camila Espinar, and then Relica shows up out of the blue to challenge this bunny girl as a… shadow?”

She chortled at the story.  “Next thing, a military helicopter drops her off a few blocks away, she walks up to one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world—who now has powers, it seems—and goodness, then shoves her back, seemingly taunting her.  Then, she walks into a golden gateway with some… eh-hah, I don’t know, practically naked, bronze-skinned Greek god?”

Jeanne held up the photo of Conner, making Maria’s gut tighten; she’d been forced to heal the Legend after his orgy death party.  After that, Maria didn’t have anything to say to this woman.  It was a lot of groundwork and photos, for sure, but it didn’t concern her, nor did she want any part in it.

Maria’s focus went to her brother as she found her vehicle in the parking lot.  He was having trouble trying to work the hydraulics in her car to bring it over, and not being very successful in operating them; she should have taught him.  It might be a while at this pace.

Roy and Fiona, however, had their own issues with all of this evidence coming out, engaging the woman.

“What about the ice thing?”  Fiona nervously asked, hands pressed against her chest.  “I didn’t hurt anyone, did I?”

Jeanna waved her hand with a reassuring grin.  “Oh, no, no, but that’s small stuff, honey!  See… some Jamaican family recorded the club you were all fighting in from the next building over.  They caught a few pictures of you—a glowing ball of fire or ice—passing by the windows, and then…”

“Yikes!”  Fiona hissed as a lance of ice shot through the wall and into the adjacent hotel room, freaking out the men and women as they screamed curses in their native tongue.  “I wasn’t even thinking about all the damage I was causing…  They were just so evil that…”

“Aye,” Maria interrupted, getting fed up with the distraction.  “Don’t give her shit to hit you with, chica.  She’s after the bag, and she’ll bury you to get it.”

Roy promptly took Jeanne’s phone to look through more of the pictures, making the young woman laugh.

“All of them are backed up, and I’m not the only one these people are selling these videos and photos to…  Oh, yes, that one is soo interesting.  The bunny goes into the golden gateway with the muscular man, and then she comes out with a little bunny girl.  What is the story there?!  I’m soo fascinated by this weird event.  You have to give me the scoop!  Wait, that one…”

The military man paused over a video that showed a black meteor, laced with crimson lightning.  It exploded out of the upper floors, blasting through multiple buildings before landing in a park; the parts had been spliced together from multiple angles and areas to give almost a cinematic experience.  Inside the crater, the scarred visage of a near-naked man lay, barely visible from the angle it was recorded on from what appeared to be a second-story window.

“Yes, that one!  From the black fire that the bunnies gave off when they came out of the portal, I have to assume it was them.  And who is this man that could survive that kind of punishment?!  Is he a terrorist?  He isn’t in any of the other videos I’ve—what?!  Hey!”

She snatched the phone back as a mischievous angel boy avatar flickered across the screen, and soft laughter was heard from the speakers as the filtered voice, image, and tone turned feminine.

“Spying would be my job, honey.  It’s Astra, hacker extraordinaire!  If you’d like these files back, I’d suggest getting the owner’s permission.  Toodles!”

“My phone!”  It started to smoke, the smell of burnt plastic coming from the device.  “What was that?!  You can’t do that!”

Roy’s gaze went to her brother as he finally pulled around with her car.  “It wasn’t us.”

“It certainly looks like it benefits you,” she accused.

“Yes, well, there’s a hacker going by the name of Astra that’s been making waves.  Maybe they want to extort you.  You should start there.  Excuse me, but we need to go.”  He held up his walkie-talkie.  “This is Black Paw, I need an escort out back for a reporter who slipped the barrier.”

“You’re only delaying the inevitable!”  Jeanne shouted, face red, yet it almost seemed a little fake, and Maria caught a few blonde strands in her hair.

Her thoughts went inward as Fiona flew around the car, asking her brother all sorts of questions he couldn’t answer.  Roy appraised it with an impressed eye, as well, talking to the pair about his own classic car he was fixing up.

On the other hand, Maria was far more concerned about her mental state.  Checking the time on the dashboard clock, she saw over two hours had passed, which was practically a blank.

Was it Rachel… or her mom?  Damn, this new world is messing with me!  Everything’s good now…  So, I should be able to drive…  Yeah, nothin’ like a chill drive to clear the head.

* — * — *

Jeanne meekly followed the Coast Guard out of the restricted area and got on a motorcycle that had been prepared ahead of time.  The thrum of the engine transferred to her thighs as she put on sunglasses and sped off.

Three blocks down, she pulled into a parking lot in a production neighborhood, where a limousine waited.  Parking in the stall beside it, she opened the door and entered.

A sharp-dressed young man with an intense, solemn face sat across from her; his mane of lustrous black locks fell to his shoulders, neatly groomed.  Beside her waited a young French boy on a phone, playing some kind of game and chewing bubble gum.

Pulling off her brown wig and trying not to blink from the agitation she felt from the contact lenses she wore, Jeanne glared at her senior before speaking in French.  “Is that really the only reason you up-ended everything I was doing in Paris to join you, Saint Charlemagne?  I am not a spy.  I’m a soldier.”

The boy snickered.  “I thought you played the part well, Jeanne d’Arc, and somehow she didn’t even recognize your holy energy.  That was… not what I anticipated, but it does make things easier…  Maria was fairly loopy, though, which is… weird.  I’m going to have to look into that.”

Jeanne had almost had it up to here with this hacker-for-hire’s ever-shifting personality.  “How can you work against them when you were supporting them not three days ago, Astra?  I don’t like people that can turn on their allies,” she snarled, fixing her absurdly thick blonde hair into a braid; it was so hard to hide with the wig.

Charlemagne leaned against the long vehicle’s side, staring at his phone.  “Israel gave us this intelligence for a reason, and we were able to confirm it…  The UK was doing business with Relica to expose some secret organization.  It seems tensions will rise between them and the US from this, which means someone important will need to make a trip.  There is something… off about this Lunar Hare girl, though.  What are your thoughts, Astra?”

The boy blew a bubble before sucking it back in, narrowed eyes lifting to the man as he paused his game.  “You hired me to lock down the French network, get all the information on this mission, and make them think they’re in the clear.  You have all the evidence I gathered from the night of the operation.  Everything else I learned after is not a part of the contract.”

The dark-haired man gave the hacker a calculating stare.  “You’re scared of her.”

“Humph.”  Astra put his phone in his pocket.  “You have the details on the Crystals and that something unusual happened to Rachel in the Legend Quest.  MI6 is working with Relica, who is backstabbing the Scarlet Hand, who wants Scarlet, who is attached to Rachel by the hip, like sisters.  If you want to get to her, you need to go through Rachel, and, as you said, I’m cautious to make Rachel my enemy.”

He popped open the door.  “In my opinion, we’re all unusually lucky Rachel is knocked out right now because she’s… too perceptive.  My advice?  I wouldn’t recommend poking the hare after everything I’ve gathered.  Good day, My Lovely Saints, and may God shine on you.”

Jeanne sat back with a frown as he left, closing the door and changing his avatar.  “He worked with the Scarlet Hand, yet we’re still using him?”

“Astra is a wild card; it’s good to keep them close enough to observe…  And look at that, Israel,” he whispered with an uncharacteristic smile.  “It’s Solomon’s move.”


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