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1. Elinor (Our Undead Empress!)

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Undying Empire Index

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Traveling on horseback through the muddy and wet hills of the Lethix territory, Elinor started to catch more signs of the scouts and warriors that patrolled the jungle.  In the chatty jungle and tireless fifteen-hour ride back to the Wixum territory, she had time to ponder how things had gone in her favor.

Her father mirrored some of her concerns as they studied the signs of abandoned settlements that had declined due to the brown toad population.  The closer they came to the Wixum border, the more evidence she found from vicious past battles.

And one particular battlefield caused Elinor to bring them to a halt as they reached the river divide that separated Wixum from Lethix territory.  Blue soldiers, mostly dark-skinned Delthax, could be spotted across the swift-moving liquid, with the light brown toads of the Lethix on the side they currently stood on.

Word seemed to have spread over the week because, throughout their journey, none of the Lethix bothered their passage, yet as they came to a stop, much of what she’d discussed with her father was brought to a head.  Bodies of youth could be seen on both sides, being prepared to be transported back home.

A scarred High Warrior and several others noticed their stop, Quin drawing a lot of attention along with the flaming visages of her Horsemen and armored father.  Sweeping the evidence of injuries and death, Elinor asked what sparked the conflict, sparking glares from the young male Lethix.

One of the Wixum jumped into the water, pushing the border, igniting a response.  In the next instant, barbs and rocks were flying from both sides.  She offered to resurrect their dead but was promptly turned down, suspicious eyes drifting to the giant gorilla.  It wasn’t hard to see why the average Joe soldier wouldn’t trust her powers since she’d mostly focused on their leaders.

Death took her across the river shortly after, making her sigh as the Delthax and Wixum jeered at the agitated Lethix, who seemed to have taken more losses.  She was met with a far more accepting atmosphere from the few Wixum that gathered around her, and she raised the young soldier at their request.  As it turned out, he’d only jumped in because he saw a big fish he wanted to catch for the girl he liked back home.

Elinor welcomed him to the Empire and sent him to find a good fish to fulfill his dying wish to impress his crush.  She couldn’t promise romance would bloom now that he was undead, but she could have Quin go back over and keep both sides from exploding on one another again.

Perhaps things weren’t going as smoothly as she’d envisioned on the micro-level, which was important to consider.  If something as simple as a surprise jump into the border river could spark a battle and dozens of deaths and hard feelings, then a lot more unruly behavior could follow.

Having Death and Famine bring them back into a sprint, Elinor looked ahead at the brightening jungle scenery; they’d run through the night and most of the morning to get out of Lethix territory, but it would still be an hour or two before they reached the main Wixum lake village.

* — * — *

The humid wind whipped Elinor’s braided white hair back, her crown keeping her bangs from obscuring her vision as she noted the defensive points used by the Wixum and Delthax when the Lethix raided.  Reopening the topic with her father, she started focusing on the areas she hadn’t been successful in rather than her accomplishments.

I’m appealing to the leaders, Dad, but I don’t think that’s enough.  The Wixum citizens welcome us more than the other clans because we’re actively working in their community and supporting them.  I talked to the Wixum and humans when I made my speech…  I have to appeal to the rest during and after this tournament.

Her father’s deep voice rumbled between their private conversation inside the Nexus; his mature and more experienced advice over the weeks had been more than a little helpful.  Tiffany’s opinions and views were useful in other ways, but both of them had their strengths and weaknesses.

“You’ve been listening to me,” he chuckled, showing a crooked smile from behind Black before they went out of sight behind a wide tree.  “There is always going to be opposition when a new boss comes in to take over a project, Sugarplum.  They’re not necessarily rejecting or hating you, but the change in atmosphere and uncertain expectations.”

Sugar… is better than the whip if they’ll listen, she repeated from an earlier discussion she had with Tiffany, internally smiling at the nickname her dad had given her when she was little.

I’m a little nervous about what we’re not taking into consideration.  Everything looks positive, but it’s all on such shaky ground that anything new could upset this balance, and…  she trailed off, a somber expression meeting her as her father came back into view on the large dark-furred warhorse.

This topic had continued to rear its head on their ride, and another rumble in the distance made Elinor curse under her breath again at yet another shower.

“It is very likely that one or two sides will use this tournament as a means to launch a surprise attack.  We’ll need to prepare accordingly.”

When sugar isn’t accepted, a whip follows, Elinor whispered, an emerald fire lighting in her eyes.  I’ve done the political work to at least put myself in the arena.  It is too much to hope that all of this will go smoothly.  Ri’bot respect strength, but only within their culture.  Valdar, Zargoth, and the Wixum are backing me, and that is just enough for me to put my crown in the circle.

Her father didn’t respond, his face emotionless, but he didn’t need to speak for her to understand what was on his heart; he hated the fact that she’d put herself in harm’s way when this contest was bound to blow up into a bigger conflict.  She was his little girl, His Empress, and it was his job to enter the ring for her.  That wouldn’t fly this time, though.  No one respected a puppet ruler.

Voice softening, she addressed the unspoken torlim in the Nexus; it wasn’t only her father that had his reservations about the anchor that kept the Nexus and undead firmly stable.

I’m not about to go charging into battle and putting the entire empire at risk, Dad.  Butter and I agree that this is the only way to take control in a short time frame, and we have to take control.  I may not be as strong as my soldiers, but I can keep going as long as it takes, so long as I have Death Energy.

She offered him an encouraging smile that caught Black’s gaze.  Plus, I’ll have my faithful knights there to whisk me away if things become unmanageable.  This puts all the leaders in one place and allows us to fight it out until someone stands on top…  And it will be me.

Her father ran his fingers through his hair, a sad, reflective look in his misty blue eyes.  “You always were such a headstrong and stubborn girl…  Cheer, gymnastics, schoolwork… getting tattoos for a boy you liked.  Did you love Tanner and do it because you wanted him to think you were cool?”

Elinor’s smile turned enigmatic as she looked away and severed their private link, leaving her father to grunt and shake his head with the exasperated look she liked to provoke growing up.  She couldn’t admit to the teenage girly hope that a cool older boy might like her.  It seemed so silly looking back, but she still refused to voice it.

* — * — *

Tiffany connected to them as they reached 2.5 kilometers away from her, bringing her up-to-date on what was happening with a rather alarming new addition to the board.  The Witch Queen informed her about everything she knew thus far about a mysterious old ri’bot claiming to be from the Prume Clan that had suddenly shown up.

Elinor didn’t like this appearance after she’d just had a gathering between five Clan Chiefs.  It took her another hour or so to reach the Wixum lake shores.  Her Horsemen had to navigate the rainy, downward slope to reach their destination.  Meanwhile, the noonday sun was hidden by the overcast showers that assaulted the valley.

The bright-faced orange-eyed witch met her with several maids, holding new, naturally fashioned umbrellas from materials in the jungle.  Despite the weather, ri’bot and humans alike were busy tending to various affairs, including protecting their fields from flooding by expanding canals into the lake.

Yimara stood nearby, hands clasped tightly at her front; the Wixum Chief seemed to have developed better self-confidence since Nebu’s dissenting voice had been clipped.  “Welcome home, Empress.  Where is Quin?”

Maids jumped to her side to cover her as she hopped off Death’s horse, not that Elinor wasn’t soaked to the bone already, nor did she care that much at the moment.

“Hah.  I suppose it is strange not seeing a giant tailing me.  And it is good to be back, Chief Yimara.  She is returning with an overly excited young warrior of yours that met an unfortunate early death…  Love will do it.”

Entertained at the confused look that crossed the woman’s face, she proceeded to one of the tents Theresa privately directed her toward to change.  Elinor maintained her conversation with the young chief on her journey, noticing the excited whispers passing between ri’bot about her return.  Everyone had been promised a show, after all.

“Empress, the guest is in the small cabin that was built for you,” the light-blue-skinned woman said, motioning to a set of well-crafted log structures along the treeline.

Elinor dismissed it with a wave of her hand, bringing their attention to the covered stage that had been completed in her absence; quite a few ri’bot and rainy weather-equipped humans were already gathering there.

“He can wait.  I promised you your mother’s resurrection when I returned.  I fulfill my promises.  If you could get things ready, Chief, then I will be with you shortly.  Tiffany…”

“Hmm-hmm.  Yes, I’m sure it will be something our guest will want to observe for himself.  I will have the maid keeping him company to inform him of the event.”

Entering one of the cabins beside hers, Elinor examined the bamboo stock that was being treated for processing into fabric.  Some of her garments had been brought here in advance to make herself presentable; it didn’t take long to release her Artificial Body, allowing the women to fuss with her appearance as she continued to discuss business with her father and former mother.

It’s unfortunate that the Prume showed up before Garu returned to report his findings…  It should only be a day or two before he makes it over the mountain, though, she judged.  They certainly aren’t normal, if they could make it this far past Flex, Delthax, and Wixum patrols without notice.

She turned her head to look toward the west; the Ethereal Scout seemed to be reaching what she assumed was the base of the cliffs that would bring him to the Delthax city.  Elinor was expecting quite the report from his long journey investigating the Prume, his mysterious clan, and the western ri’bot kingdom.

Tiffany’s critical eyes appraised her from beside the closed door, the pattering of the rain hitting the covered roof.  She had the maids holding up different outfits for her to judge.

“Swap to a lighter blue and white dress; it will stand out in the muddy environment.  Hmm.  Yes, it appears the Prume have a way of spying on our activities.  He is quite interested in the urbanization approach we are taking the Wixum into.”

Her father’s voice cut in like a butcher’s cleaver.  “I’m more interested in Roman’s journey to the cave.  He has yet to return?”

“No,” Tiffany whispered, pointing at a pair of low heels that had Elinor curious at how the woman expected her to walk in the mud with them; she was building something up to impress her.  “You can filter through the butlers in the Nexus to the pair I sent with him to act as markers.”

Elinor’s stomach was squirming to join him.  She’d already wasted 17 hours getting back to camp out of her preparation week.  Thankfully, days in this world were 30 hours long, giving her almost an entire two extra days on Earth-time.

She was betting on the stories about the Creeping Shadows and whatever was using acid to destroy her unintelligent undead to provide something new to her arsenal.  The ri’bot feared the underground tunnels enough to not venture down them, and that could land her a Rare-Grade Undead to advance [Raise Undead II] to the next level.

Her current Feats were all reaching near their max S-tier, and she had to find a way to break past this wall she was hitting.  The dangerous caves were the closest thing she had to an answer, and she had to get something new to fight in this upcoming tournament.

Reaching [Monarch of Death III] had certainly been a big upgrade that had released some pressure against her chest, but it had soon become apparent that wasn’t her only block.  If she was an Empress, then in order to reach new heights, she had to push the boundaries of her powers, and that came in finding a Rare-Grade Undead.

She silently listened to her father and mother passively argue their very different perspectives, finding some comfort in remembering the healthy conflicts the pair had while growing up.  And once dressed, she stepped out into the drizzle, maids walking on either side of her, and to her mild surprise, a soft hum from Theresa proceeded her step into the muck.

A shimmering platform appeared several centimeters above the mud, rippling with each droplet of rain that hit it.  Her Head Maid’s pleasant voice mixed with the sound of the pattering liquid, umbrellas held over their heads.

The Songweaver’s musical melody only seemed to work for four people at the moment, providing sure footing for those nearby as Tiffany, Theresa, and Valerie walked with her.  A light breeze pushed their dresses to the right on their path toward the stage, and Elinor caught sight of the dark-gray-skinned Prume elder at the back of the crowd, watching her approach.

Greetings were made to her as a path opened up, and Elinor certainly felt like an empress, walking on a magical platform like a red carpet, flanked by serving staff, while unintelligent undead lined the stage as security, with Sergeants directing them.  Her army was growing to the point she didn’t know the names of some of her lower management, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

Ascending the steps to the stage, she took the chance to identify all the changes that had come to the Wixum since they made this their new home nearly a month and a half ago.  Her father estimated she’d personally gone at least 350 kilometers since they’d been trapped in this world three months ago; they’d gone nearly 30 in the past seventeen hours.

Throughout her time here, she’d mostly been on the move and away from the lake, traveling between the surrounding clans to broker peace and a place for them in this land.

Since then, her father had organized housing, farmland, gathering, energy, production, services, medical, entertainment, and many other districting zones.

It was rough, but she was seeing the beginnings of a well-organized society budding, with areas where people could work, even when the weather was against them, as it often was in this rainy season.  The cover was needed since the ri’bot said the season lasted up to six months, and the dry season was only three.  It was a rainforest, after all.

Yimara was at the podium, and the Witches and Warlocks turned on their ritual speakers to project the sound to the crowd as she began a speech to announce what had been discussed in their Chief meeting.  Elinor was happy to sit pretty in the back, gauging the reception of her people as Edmon kicked the artisans into high gear, taking control of the city planning now that he was back.

Quin exited the jungle during the speech, momentarily disrupting it while carrying the excited young Wixum warrior she’d raised, who held a big, alien fish for his crush.  The two being together brought Elinor’s thoughts on how much of a massive difference there was between Poor-Grade and Uncommon.

Garu and Quin were the only ones she’d found that were on the medium to high Uncommon tier, which made her wonder what a Rare-Grade would look like.  As a quen’talrat child, Quin would stomp just about any ri’bot she’d met thus far.  Although she was blessed with genetics.  And by Quin’s own admission, she was on the lower tier of her ‘Class.’  It was for that reason she’d left to prove herself to her parents and classmates to get them to stop bullying her.

It was odd that she hadn’t found any other quen’tarlat bones thus far, but it wasn’t like she’d done a thorough search underground, and it was Butter’s ethereal, butterfly nature that had found her in the first place.  Again, her mind turned toward the cave.  Something had to be down there.

Growing impatient with Yimara’s long-winded speech, talking about individual achievements in their community, human and ri’bot, Elinor sighed and leaned against her cushioned seat.  The young woman was doing a fantastic job, and she could see her being very popular due to the care she gave to the individual, but she was wasting valuable training and discovery time for her.

One interesting detail Tiffany gave her to ease her growing agitation came from the corpse resting on a decorated cot to the left of the pulpit.  According to the Witch Queen, Yimara had drawn scorn from the older generation for keeping her mother’s body in a small hut instead of sending her off to ri’bot heaven by tossing her into a tar pit.

She hadn’t even considered that detail.  Sure, she’d heard about the rituals and rites the ri’bot performed to send off their dead, which varied in some regard between clans, but they all ended in the tar pits.  It wasn’t like they could fish them out, and she wasn’t sure how it would affect resurrecting them in the bubbling tar, but it was worth investigating at some point; the thing preventing her was their distant locations.

Yimara couldn’t let go of her mother, leaving her to rot in a hut and visit to talk to for mental support for years; it wasn’t hard to see why her leadership was in hot debate before Elinor came into the picture.  Nebu would have taken over; now, Elinor was in that position.  How would the former chief see things, though?  Vivine would have access to the Nexus, learning more through Elinor’s system than living ri’bot could hope for.

When the time finally came for her to bring back their former chief, Elinor suspected almost the entire Wixum Clan was present, and even those from distant settlements appeared to be arriving to see the return of their deceased leader.

Silence took the throng as Elinor rose to her feet, green flames igniting at her fingertips to crawl up her forearm.  She had no clue at what Grade or Tier the woman would be; her goal was to be done with this and make her way to the cave to meet up with Roman.

Elinor approached the wooden pulpit, looking out at the thousands of ri’bot, and the spotted pockets of humans with their umbrellas.  Even the lake behind them was filled with the light-blue-skinned Wixum clansmen from the nearby settlements.

She gave them a rather Hollywood smile, showing her pearly whites since multiple teeth were such a large fashion statement in their culture.  From what she’d heard, they’d been quite infatuated by how many humans have.

“I’ll be short, Citizens of the Empire and Wixum Clansmen.  As you have heard from Chief Yimara, I have been busy these last few months.  I am pleased to see how much progress you’ve all made, and how welcoming you have been to us.”

Elinor turned her head to look at the skeletal figure on the cot, half a mess due to it being moved.  “From what I was told, Former Chief Vivine was a pillar to your community, and the curse placed on Chief Yimara’s family has been a plague upon your clan…  No more.”

Her strong voice caused a stir as she shifted again to bring attention to the stiff young woman sitting beside Tiffany.  “Perhaps your chief was impressed upon by your Supreme Chiefs to keep her mother’s bones safe for when you would welcome us into your land with open arms…  It is due to her wisdom that your Former Chief will return to you again.”

Yimara was trembling at her words, emotion lightening her blue skin further as tears welled up in her eyes, and Elinor went to the ri’bot’s mother, holding up her flaming arm for everyone to see.  The rain started to break as she placed her fingers against the skull.

“Awaken, and return to your people, Vivine; there are those that still need your guidance.”

Gasps swept the thousands of ri’bot, Delthax among them, that had yet to see her bring back the dead, and luckily, Vivine had been something special, because she awakened a class right from the start.

Vivine: Serving Court Ambassador - Common-C - Psionic - Dreamweaver - Lv. 1

Fire infused into her bones, organs, muscle, and flesh filling out to show a perfectly whole ri’bot beauty, in the prime of her youth.  She slowly sat up, confused pink eyes sweeping the silent sea of ri’bot.

“Welcome back to the land of the living, Former Chief Vivine.  Why don’t you catch up with your daughter?  I have other business to attend to, but levy any questions you might have to Queen Tiffany, should you want any further guidance.  We can chat when you’re adjusted.”

The woman’s soft voice held a cautious tone to it; she was much wiser than her twenty-five-years younger daughter, after all.  It showed how hard it was for her to have children that survived the curse that it took so long to have her daughter and not to have another survive after.

“Thank you… Empress.  I look forward to our discussion regarding my clan…  Yimara?”

“Mother…  It is… good to talk to you again,” she choked through her emotion.  “I’ve missed you.”

Elinor promptly turned with a smile, clasping her hands behind her back, and made her exit.  Theresa and Valerie took her sides, the violinist bringing the umbrella up to cover them.  The sea of ri’bot parted as the songstress hummed, providing a short-reaching walkway for them to walk along.

She went right for the Prume elder, greeting him with a nod.  “Spokesperson Jet’al, we may speak in my cabin.”

“I look forward to it, Empress.  After you.”

The dark-gray-skinned ri’bot had a rather dignified voice, and she took note of the red silk he wore; Tiffany had been right when questioning where an ‘isolated’ cliff clan had gotten their hands on fine, colored silk.

She could see him studying the reverent atmosphere that surrounded them as ri’bot shuffled back to give them a clear path to the cabin, whispers passing through the crowd.  It wasn’t long until Vivine announced that she’d accepted the role that came with being an Elder Chief that her daughter offered her.  She had much to discuss with Queen Tiffany regarding the future of her people.

Valerie opened the cabin door for them to enter, Elinor spotted a comfortable space with windows that could be shuttered, which the maids did.  It wasn’t like she needed to sleep, so a bed wasn’t present.  Instead, clean couches and armchairs were situated on rugs for discussion.

Quin and the sergeants that followed them took up a defensive position around the cabin, and Theresa closed the front door, taking up a waiting position in the corner with the bubbly blonde fashion model.

Crossing her legs, Elinor gave Jet’al a neutral stare.  “From what I hear, you are quite familiar with our activities for being such an isolated clan.  I’ll be candid since you gave yourself the title of ‘Spokesperson.’  What is your purpose here and your clan’s position regarding me?”

Unlike many of the ri’bot she’d met thus far, the sophisticated Prume crossed his legs and sat back in his large armchair with his fingers resting in his lap.  She was sure the local girls would find the aged man a ‘silver wolf’ by his three teeth on either side of his mouth.

“Well, that would depend on your relationship with the Susime, and why you are blaming the Komath for their dark powers that have infected this valley’s inhabitants.  Your Monarch of the Evening Star is currently en route to meet with them.  Is she not?”


Elinor maintained her passive expression, mind working backward from everything Tiffany told her about this man.  If the Prume knew about the Susime, then things could get really messy if they got involved.  She could see why they weren’t interested in the primitive, declining, and squabbling clans of the valley.  It did give her an angle of attack, though.

“Hmm.”  She shifted to the opposite side, showing a curious smile that hid the emotions twisting her gut.  “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Jet’al, and your framing is quite skewed.  When did I say it was the Komath that inflicted the curse on the valley clans?  Enlighten me.”

There was an enigmatic shroud that cloaked the gray-skinned toad, and his tongue slipped out to reveal a long pipe with two openings.

Don’t act, Elinor commanded as her maids signaled the soldiers outside and prepared to defend her.  He’s not here to fight but engage and learn in a more direct way than how they’ve been getting their information.  They are worried about the Susime.

His tongue slid back in to produce two stones, one blue and the other white, while his light yellow eyes had a glint in them.  Jet’al stuck the white one at the end, and moved his finger down the spine, causing a bright light and crack, releasing a liquid that he sucked in; the white stone brightened as light sapphire steam hissed around it.

“Mmm…  Point taken, Empress.  You don’t appear willing to correct them on the assumption you’ve guided them to.  Seeing your True Ethereal was… enlightening, as is discovering your body is merely a vessel for that which resides inside those mystical gems fixed to your… ears?  Hmm-hmm.  There is some debate among us as to that, but that is beside the point,” casually chortled.

Elinor’s head tilted to the side, flaming lime-green eyes narrowing.  “Allow me to dispel the rumors…  They are ears.”

Valerie started to panic in the Nexus, calling Tiffany and her father as Jet’al’s mouth dipped into a slight frown, sucking on the pipe again.  The Spokesperson was telling her that they knew her weakness; it was an offhanded threat.

“Elinor, I should join you!”

Dad, that would only make me look weak, Elinor sighed.  They’re probing for our relationship with the Susime.  This is their idea of a cordial visit.

“Great,” Tiffany groaned.  “We are trying to bring two turbulent enemy factions together as two more powerful rivals appear out of the blue!  I suppose it is too late to take a step back since Lady Butter has already gone north.”

It appears that way…

The white stone cracked, releasing its liquid and making her wonder if the blue had only been instituted to break the white.  Jet’al’s yellow eyes flashed white, and his tone dropped an octave while observing her closely.

“I’ll ask you again, what is your goal with the Susime, and why did they invite you to their village?”

A soft, partly suppressed laugh shook Elinor’s chest as she looked right into the toad’s intense glowing eyes.  “If you know so much about me, then you’d be well aware that I am fighting to find my place in this world after being dragged here.  Shade, the Scarlet Hand, the Susime…  I am friendly with those who are friendly with me.  I don’t know the Susime, so my sister is going to investigate them.  That is all.”

She made a small gesture toward the door.  “I can’t imagine you’re all that involved with the other clans of the valley since you haven’t informed them about the Susime’s secret invasion.  No, you’re not invested in them… but you are cautious of me, and what the Susime could do if I were on their side… or so it seems,” she mused.  “Am I wrong?”

A tense silence passed between them, with Jet’al’s sharp white eyes peering through her in a mystical way.  When they passed, a smile returned to the ri’bot’s face, and he rose to his feet, drawing the pipe back into his mouth.

“Who are the Prume?  Who am I?  A friend?  Potentially.  An adversary?  Conceivably.  An admirer.  That is for certain.”

Elinor’s fingers intertwined in her lap.  “Consider me intrigued.  And what is your relationship to the Susime?”

He rubbed the side of his pipe, deep in thought before answering.  “The Susime are a… conflicted society that we have watched, and a threat we must act on with your… growing powers behind them…  Your introduction to their artifacts and benefactor could spell disaster.  That is, if you survive the encounter.  A test is required to better understand your character…”

Fixing his red silk wrap, he made a serpentine gesture she hadn’t seen before and began to disperse into mist.  Elinor rose to her feet from his parting words, a whisper against her ear that held an expectant dare.

“Interesting times, indeed.  We will be watching you closely, Empress…  I can see potential in you to learn the truth.  Enter the caves…  I hope you live up to my expectations.  If you do not, you will know very soon.”

“Your expectations?”  Elinor repeated with a dark chuckle, not finding a trace of his presence.  “I’m known to surpass expectations placed on me.  Challenge accepted.”

Walking to the door with a spring in her step, Elinor felt the fire igniting in her belly again.  Dad, we’re going to the cave.


Now.  Quin, you’ll be here and take over command while we’re gone.

“Yes, Empress!  I’ll keep everyone safe.”

Tiffany joined the conversation.

“I’ll be going with Edmon and you, Empress?  How delightful!  Should I add some of my pupils?”

No, Elinor briskly responded, coming to a halt by the door.  Black, Ash, pick us up.  We’re going spelunking for treasure with Roman.  Oh, we need a change of clothes in case it gets tight.  Theresa?

“I have the perfect outfit, Empress.  Right this way…”

She felt her heart starting to beat erratically in anticipation; the Prume had turned out to be a lot more interesting than she gave them credit for, and they endorsed this adventure.  It was rare that her heart got pumping like this.

I’m getting excited!  Mysterious observers.  A conflicted society of amateur soul-item users to the north.  Caves and a Legend’s Quest.  What jewels will we find?


Next Chapter


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