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Note:  Made several corrections in sentence structure and repetitive word diversity.


1. Anthony (Our girl's boyfriend and the Eldritch of Dre’jna Jaenona Le’thrga)

The Oscillation Index

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A nervous tickle ran down Anthony’s arms as he held his spear in a ready position; China had already made a move against them, using Jack.  Charlemagne scanned the smirking, glaring, or amused faces around the large, decorative room as silence followed the Chinese ruler’s welcome.

This was bad—very bad—these aliens had put them in an absolutely terrible position, and Empress Wu could spin this any way she wanted; Anthony could see the wheels turning in the woman’s sparkling, caramel eyes as she mapped countless threads of where this unexpected collision could go, and he did the same, adrenaline flooding his veins.

At first glance, he knew the Legendkin and Mythickin around him were threats, possibly even equal to his girlfriend, and somehow Wu had all of them under her thumb; the Chinese Communist Party had bowed to her merely weeks after The Oscillation, and, so far as the U.S. was aware, she controlled all of China.

They’d teleported into the Empress of China’s banquet hall unannounced with an alien threat that had the entire world on high alert; worse, she had a prisoner, which she could proclaim to the world that China had rooted out a spy—she held all the cards.

He glanced at a tablet on the left side of the table—some kind of complex information network flashed across the screen—showing what appeared to be dozens of live reports.  It was safe to say she’d seen the eldritch plant over France, and now one of France’s biggest political players was in front of her.

However, Wu didn’t seem perturbed at their entrance in the slightest as she made a short, cryptic gesture with her wrist, and, to Anthony’s bewilderment, chuckles came from the dozens of myths and legends around them; they exited to be replaced by a line of servers.  The Empress of China was unguarded.

“No need to be shy, Charlemagne,” the woman chortled, speaking fluid French and motioning for them to take the chairs.  “We’ve had several discussions revolving around Russia’s current upheaval and North Korea’s silence.”

Without skipping a beat, the empress turned to a redhead with a black collar around his throat—hair messy and curly, like it hadn’t been cared for—the imprisoned alien.  “Asher, Owen, Lev, we will get to your pressing matters when custom dictates; please, if you could wait by the wall.”

The three aliens nodded as if what she said made perfect sense, and Anthony began to wonder if all of this was a setup; their earlier responses weren’t deceptive, and the more likely answer was that she perfectly understood how to manipulate them.

Charlemagne’s stoic composure remained flawless as he followed every action she made, and Anthony took his short glance as an indication that the emperor wanted to take the lead.

“You are a woman of many secrets, Empress Wu.  I now understand why you’ve been so quiet as the world panics.”

“Hmm-hmm.  Being a woman in this world can be quite challenging, Charlemagne; a girl can never know who she can truly trust.  Why don’t we take the time to get better acquainted?  I would love to hear more about the U.S. poster girl, as well, Anthony,” she added with a harmless smile that hid a cobra’s fangs.

“Heh.  I wouldn’t want to say something that embarrasses Rachel; I’m sure we can set up a time to meet again through Zheng Yi Sao,” Anthony returned as he sat beside Charlemagne, and, deciding resistance would get them nowhere—the aliens said the same when dealing with this serpent—Anthony had Jaenona return to her child-like state with an internal warning.

If anything happens, return to my Core, so they don’t hurt you.

Wu’s expression brightened upon seeing the cute, white-haired child, and fixated on the black roses that kept the girl’s bangs out of her face.  “My, what an absolutely adorable weapon you’ve found!  Is she a soul weapon?  We have quite a few of that type in China, and, might I say, you have cultivated her in a way… I find most perplexing.”

Jaenona curtsied, as Nia had shown the girl, before holding her hands at her front.  “Thank you for the kind words, Empress Wu.  My master has taken excellent care of my needs.”

“How delightful!”  the empress chimed, positively glowing while appraising the child, and Anthony began to wonder why she’d put all her focus on this topic.  “Manners and poise; I would put you among the highest value of all the soul weapons I have met.  You must tell me how you have cultivated her, Anthony—I will make it worth your while.”

“Ahem.”  Charlemagne took her attention away from him.  “Empress Wu, might we discuss the pressing matter regarding these aliens before moving on to pleasantries?”

“Mmh-hehe.  As expected, business before pleasure.  Well, I like to fashion my life around having my cake and eating it, too; it’s not as impossible as one might believe,” she said, gesturing to a chef that stepped out of the line of servers.  “Name anything you’d like, and it will be prepared; I’m sure our discussion will last quite some time, and I find world-pressing matters are best resolved around meals.”

She chuckled at their hesitation.  “I assure you, Grandmaster Bai is the absolute best in his field; he has cultivated his talents entirely around his passion.  You will not experience the same delicacies anywhere but China.”

“If you insist,” Charlemagne agreed, seeing that she wouldn’t accept no for an answer, and gave a rather lavish order that seemed to impress Bai.

Anthony used his upbringing to his advantage, testing the chef to see if he’d know the unique dishes of his home country, and Bai took note of every one, asking for details as to how he’d like specific meat or soups prepared.

The empress added her own quite lengthy six-course meal—something that shocked Anthony, not thinking a woman of her frame could possibly fit it in her stomach—and ordered a bottle of Kweichow Moutai’s VIP Jiu 8 that she had made into cocktails.

While everything was being set into place, Anthony analyzed the short interactions Charlemagne made with Wu, going back and forth on seemingly trivial matters while looking for pieces of information regarding the other’s stances on specific issues through related surface-level topics.

Growing up in the UK, he’d experienced such discussions between his mother and other houses of old money, but nothing to this degree; Wu would have run circles around his mother, and Charlemagne held his ground.  It was all Anthony could do to keep out of the sophisticated web of games they were playing.

Instead of focusing on the political exchange, he decided to look for details Rachel would want him to discover.  Jaenona’s way of speaking drew Wu’s attention away from him, and he started to notice her fixation on uncovering the way he’d ‘raised’ the girl—the word the empress used had to be for a reason.

The empress asked questions to the child about Nia—a soul outfit, as she called the bunny, and claimed unnamed sources for her information—wanting details regarding her abilities and Cuba; she seemed extremely interested in the relationship between Jaenona and him, in addition to Rachel and Nia’s connection.

Of course, he’d told the little eldritch child through their bond not to mention anything regarding her origins, and the unusual, seemingly nonsensical explanations Jaenona gave were enough to fascinate the empress and make her ponder the girl’s responses.  It was as if Wu found great wisdom to be gleaned in the cryptic terminology Jaenona used—perhaps there was—yet, obviously, there was something she was looking to uncover.

Finding a place to interject, Anthony left his alcohol untouched.  “How do you know about Nia and Rachel?”

Wu’s head tilted to the side, shifting the position of her high bun as she showed a secretive smile.  “You would not believe the information one can obtain when in contact with the most powerful beings on this planet; what I know did not come cheap, dear, which goes to the credit of Rachel’s tight circle and paranoid mindstate.  Isn’t the thrill of discovery fun?”

He wasn’t the only one scrutinizing the woman; Jaenona revealed something shocking halfway through her warm milk.  “She is stronger than us, Master.”

Anthony’s focus darted to the girl as she giggled and redirected Wu by asking about her interests; her response was to mirror Jaenona, asking the ‘soul weapon’ to further expand upon her understanding of the world.

Charlemagne kept trying to return to the topic of the aliens, but she always shifted it back to Jaenona, and likely for a reason—she was buying time before allowing the aliens to enter the conversation, or so Anthony guessed.

How much stronger?  he asked his partner, remaining emotionless while examining the casual and unguarded demeanor the woman put off.  Stronger than when we were connected to Neil’scera?

“Yes and no,” she giggled.  “Empress Wu’s spiritual fortitude is beyond anyone we have come into contact with, and I would say Yseress would find it troublesome to penetrate.  She is not alone in her inquiries of my growth.”

He suppressed a shiver at the comparison; historically, Wu had been the first true empress of China and had been ruthless in dominating the entire country, yet, she was known as an expert manipulator, not a martial artist.  If she added personal strength to her resume, then he could see why Rachel was so cautious of this ruler.

She had all of China—its entire military and demi population—who held the highest number of people in the world, which meant the most changed individuals; he could see it being the most contested place on the planet besides India, given the numbers, and Empress Wu had come out on top or had at least taken on the face of the group running the nation.

In a place with a long history of powerful mythical and legendary figures, Anthony couldn’t believe it was just her running the show, yet if she was as strong as Jaenona just alluded to, he was starting to think she might be the sole ruler.

The example the child made marked Wu as dangerous as Yseress, a feared, fallen nephilim ruler on the 3rd Circle of Hell, and what did this powerful woman want?  She wanted to understand Nia and Jaenona—soul items—which meant they had something she wanted, and she wanted them to know it; this was all a game to gauge their wits.

Charlemagne had tested her resolve to dissociate from the aliens waiting beside the wall; she couldn’t acknowledge them for some reason, likely to do with their customs, and by the occasional look the man gave Anthony as time went on, it would all come down to how badly Wu wanted information on Jaenona and his bond.

Jaenona indicated the empress wasn’t alone with them, despite her previous show of dismissing her guards, and Anthony slowly examined the empress’ outfit, which practically screamed mythical powers.

The base material of the mermaid-style strapless gown was comprised of the highest grade of silk and gilded with silver embroidery that gleamed in the overhead light.  An aurelian metal piece formed like liquid between her bust to her abdomen, striking a balance with the snow-white fabric, which appeared to be elegantly crafted, creating a vertical line pattern that tapered into a point at the left slit, displaying the woman’s smooth, bare thigh and alabaster open heels.

The adorned sections of flourishing silk, golden cape, and tight red sleeves matched all her intricate accessories; it was her head ornament-like crown that seemed to draw the eye, though.  It acted as the centerpiece to frame her curled chestnut locks, pulled into a high bun; the way she covered the right side of her head while tucking the opposite side behind her ear had a certain draw to the aesthetic.

Making up his mind, Anthony ran his fingers through his hair and took a sip of the cocktail; it had a very distinctive flavor that spoke of luxury.

Sense anything from it?

“No, Master, other than the toxins which no longer affect your physiology.”

Unsure if she was talking about the alcohol itself or some other substance, Anthony decided it didn’t matter and re-entered the discussion.  “Empress Wu… we can cut past all the foreplay; I know you must be busy, being the standing ruler of China.”

The woman’s lips and eyes curved with amusement.  “Foreplay, is it?  How bold of you to believe I am not entirely occupied in this engaging discussion.  It has not been I that has continually barred my advances in this dance of words; I have tried to make it painfully obvious as to my design, yet you continue to derail our interests.”

“Wow.  I’m actually… speechless,” Anthony forced a laugh while glancing at the many servers that entered the room, bringing their meals.  “I didn’t think this was that important; I apologize for not seeing the signs sooner.”

Wu tilted her head in a sly smirk, making her radiant earrings shift with the motion.  “On the contrary, I believe you’re more perceptive than you let on… especially with Jaenona’s phenomenal support.”

Anthony carefully watched her hand move to a tablet beside her as the servers carefully positioned their meal on the extravagant table; her mouth drew in, and she turned it to show the live news report from the country, presenting multiple angles across France that displayed the colossal flower.

“It’s been several hours since the incident in France…  My sources tell me that you are responsible for causing me to fall out of bed, feeling as if our entire world was about to be swallowed in her lulling rapture.”

Her sharp, caramel eyes centered on Jaenona.  “Melishna, The Flower Of Light.  Correct?”

Is she in contact with another eldritch creature?  I can’t sense any anomalies in Existence that have interacted with her.

“No, Master.  There is a convoluted aberrant force which has simulated the eldritch; a medium of sorts,” Jaenona corrected.  “You are too exhausted to properly perceive it at this point.”

Charlemagne’s eyebrows drew together.  “You could not only sense it from China but know its name; you’re insinuating you have a way to spy inside my office, Empress Wu?”

“Ho-ho.  It would appear that way,” she giggled, unfurling a fan from seemingly nowhere to hide her mouth and draw attention to her glowing orbs.  “I did not hear this creature’s name from anyone connected to you…  I must say, Anthony, you are most intriguing to have forced the Colnarians to such extreme action; they are typically a very peaceful and easily guided group of extraterrestrials.”

Anthony followed the servers’ exit as they finished, and the empress gave them another cryptic gesture; the woman knew far too many secrets.  So, she’s in contact with someone that embodies something like Neil’scera?

Wu’s and Charlemagne’s focus snapped to Jaenona as she frowned, seemingly deep in thought while trying to work through Anthony’s question.

“I would need to meet the individual; listen, embrace their Song, yet of what I can hear, it has a very tragic and bitter tune that does not renew within the melody of The Weave.  It is quite similar to that of Twilight’s ever-shifting quiver.”

Everyone’s attention was snatched by the empress as she snapped her fan shut, and Anthony cursed internally; she’d probably confirmed they could speak to each other.

“Hmm.  How can your connection be so deep?  I am truly baffled, and I’ll have you know that does not happen often.  Jaenona, you are… more terrifying than I was led to believe.”

The child flashed her teeth in a cute, child-like way.  “I am told compliments should be shown through expression.”

“Hehe.  Indeed.”

Charlemagne waited as the empress took a sip of her cocktail and motioned to them with her glass to begin eating before picking up his fork.  “Empress Wu, I am sure you are enjoying yourself with Anthony’s soul weapon.  However, I must resolve the crisis in France.  Shall we get to the root of our negotiations and move beyond initial pleasantries?”

“Huu-haaa.  If we must,” she sighed, still wearing a small smile while examining the steak she’d been served; many of the items were very high in protein, including avocado, guava, and rare meats—pre-cut.  “I will be charitable and state precisely what I will get out of this negotiation…”

Anthony’s expression became strained as she trailed off, and he decided to surprise her this time, using the grains of information his partner fed him.  “I know you’re powerful, Empress Wu, and your gown is a soul item…  You’ve hit a wall and need our help.”

Red, black, and white sparkles separated from Wu’s outfit to materialize into a ruby-eyed, 8-year-old girl that was decorated head to foot in the most accessories and colors Anthony had ever seen; Nia would likely die just looking at the chocolate-haired, indignant child.

It was impressive, really; she had a pudgy yellow duck on her head like a crown, rope-like hair ties, a puffy pink flower with trailing brass bell accessories, a wooly white cape, a large golden belt buckle for her decorated sash, among many other items.

Anthony almost felt like something was missing since her poofy black bloomers ended at her upper thigh, leaving her legs bare to her white socks and crimson sandals, yet even her feet hosted yellow bows, flowers, and wooly puff balls.

“I’m not holding my empress back; I’m not a wall!”  she snapped at him with an indignant glare.

Wu puffed out a tired sigh; they were totally alone, giving Anthony the impression she wanted this child to remain hidden.

The woman skewered a piece of steak before directing an unrestrained, aggressive gleam at Jaenona, who was studying the puffy-cheeked child with interest.  “I suppose we received our answer as to who is superior in cultivating soul items.  Ai, it is impolite and dangerous for a girl to show such emotions; you must think before you act.”

Ai’s shoulders pulled in, glare moving to the floor as she fidgeted with the little yellow duck attached to her waist.  “My apologies, Empress…  I acted recklessly, b-but she stole my flower look!”  she accused, pointing a finger at a bewildered Jaenona.

“Dear,” Wu said with a weary laugh, interrupting her meal to tap her fan against her palm and showing a side Anthony hadn’t dreamed existed, “with the number of accessories you put on, you’re bound to find similarities.  I believe you could learn balance by studying Jaenona’s complimentary design theme.”

Jaenona smiled and scooted off her chair to give the empress another charming curtsy, mirroring the royalty games she played with Nia; the living denier had a fixation on being a queen or leader.

“A gracious compliment, Empress.  I am thankful to have caught your notice.”

“Mmmgm…”  Ai’s tight red eyes fixated on the girl, yet they faltered with Jaenona’s next question.

“Might I have the chance to become acquainted with Ai?”

“Huh?  Y-You can’t just be my friend j-just like that!”  Her flustered gaze and shifts said she didn’t know what to do, though, and Anthony figured she’d never made friends before; it was a stark shift in the atmosphere.

Wu beamed at Jaenona.  “She’s perfect, Anthony!  Ai would love someone to chat with, and I would love nothing more, yet a few more minor things must be settled before we continue.”

“I look forward to our engagement,” Jaenona returned, cheerily waving at the other child, who was now trying to ignore her, breathing heavily as if her heart—if she had one—was racing a million kilometers an hour.

“I-I didn’t say I wanted to…”

Wu made a gesture that said to ignore her stand-offish personality.  “As you can tell, Ai is in need of a friend, and I have my own nefarious plots in mind,” she giggled, handing her fan to the child, trying to cool off and sneak peeks at Jaenona while not making it obvious; she was not succeeding.  “So… tell me what you want—anything and everything—and I will tell you my price.”

She popped a chunk of meat into her mouth and began to chew, eating while waiting for their response.

Charlemagne released a low growl.  “I suspect you don’t want anything from France… which puts all the burden on Anthony.”

Wu’s slight head motion and half-smile said it all; China had become totally independent after The Oscillation, and Anthony could see that there were plenty of people that could be conscripted into whatever field the empress needed to make her country thrive since she held all authority.  China was arguably the strongest nation on the planet, and the woman in front of them was at its head.

“I’m fine, Saint Charlemagne; we can work out our own details after reaching an agreement with Empress Wu.  My only request is if you can help us find the Myth of Charybdis or know more about the Cult of Reason.”

The empress finished swallowing her fruit before giggling.  “Help?  I could have Melissa’s sister returned in the hour and the Cult of Reason decimated with one call.”

It sounded too good to be true, but there wasn’t a hint of hesitation in the woman’s cobra-like gaze; Wu was beyond powerful—Jaenona confirmed it—yet her actions almost seemed desperate.

She didn’t want anyone close to her to know about Ai, which was more than evident by the girl’s total lack of social skills; as she said, China had the greatest repository of soul items, but she needed them.  It was clear as day, and she wasn’t trying to hide it but simply kept this game going to enjoy the tension she could elicit, or maybe it was a defensive mechanism.

It all came down to one conclusion: she had an unreasonable demand.

Charlemagne poured another drink straight from the expensive bottle on the table before saying, “France can handle our own internal problems involving the Cult of Reason; all we want is a solution for… our recent incident.  What would that cost Anthony?”

Ai took a deep breath and did her best to pull out a chair on her own before attempting to get onto it; Jaenona jogged over to help the embarrassed girl, who had stepped on her long sleeve, almost tripping.

“I…  I can do it myself…”  she mumbled, situating herself and trying not to look at Jaenona as she stepped away with a bright nod.

“Excellent job, Lady Ai.”

“Mhm…  Y-Yeah, you should feel honored for supporting me—ack!”

She tittered as Wu’s closed fan returned to her hand to bonk the child on the head, possibly buying time to think about the saint’s inquiry.

“Act with grace, Ai.”

“T-Thank you, Jaenona…”

The girl did another curtsy that made Ai look away.  “Don’t friends help one another?”

“F-Friends?  I, umm… maybe we should get to know each other more b-before calling each other friends…”  she mumbled, brain clearly being slowly roasted by the interactions.

She was far more child-like than the mature, white-haired eldritch girl, although, Jaenona was all but clueless to typical human behavior.

Wu observed the pair thoughtfully, yet, instead of answering Charlemagne, she redirected to him.  “I have heard what France desires.  Anthony?”

“Huu-haaa.  Give me a second to think.”

“Hmm-hmm.  Take all the time in the world,” she whispered.  “I’ve cleared my schedule, so I am in no rush.  Jaenona, would you mind sharing with Ai?  She has yet to eat today, and she must be famished.”

Ai’s mouth hesitantly opened, brown locks bouncing as her head moved to look at her mistress and Jaenona.  “T-This is nothing, Empress.  I don’t need weak f-food!  Hah.  It isn’t even filled with soul-strengthening pills, s-so—ack!  Empress?”  she cried, eyes watering a bit.  “I’m sorry.”


“Mmh…huu-haaa-huu-haaa.  I don’t know, Empress; I’m trying not to be a burden to you!”

The girl scooted off the chair, crying and running to the door before tripping on her sleeve and tumbling across the floor.


Wu put a hand out, telling Jaenona not to help her.  “What did I say about running, Ai?”

The girl sniffled, picking herself up and coughing.  “N-Not to do it until… until…  I forgot.”


The empress rose to her feet, a long, intricate train shimmering into view behind her, molding around her hips in a two-fabric, overlapping design; the copper embroidery glistened in the bright overhead light as it dragged along the polished floor.

She knelt beside the quaking child, who was overwhelmed by her first encounter with other people, latching onto the empress’ front as the woman put a hand against her back to guide her in.  “Ai…”

“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.  I should just stay clothes.  I’m not… I’m not a good human, Empress…  I’m not a good lady.  I’m sorry I disappoint you!”

“Shhhh…  You’re better than you give yourself credit for.  It’s okay.  It’s okay…  I’m not going to abandon you, Ai.”

“I’m u-useless, though…  I can’t help you!  I’m sorry!”

Jaenona slipped through dimensional lines to stand beside them, causing Wu’s gaze to instantly fixate on the smiling, white-haired child and making Anthony internally groan.

“I think you’re beautiful, Ai.  You fit so well around the empress’ spirit, and your lustrous melody is quite strong for such a young soul-weaver.”

Wu’s eyes widened a tad.  “Soul-weaver?  I see.”

Ai buried her face in the woman’s front.  “You’re just saying that to trick me!  I’m not helpful… not at all…  I’m junk!  Total junk!”

“Don’t say that,” Jaenona whispered.  “I think your Song is quite gentle and adaptive.  Nia tells me we are diamonds and that we should show off our sparkle.”

“Maybe Jaenona can help with our problem, Ai,” Wu interjected, carefully stroking the girl’s hair.  “Why don’t you guide Jaenona to our special room?  Show her how amazing you are.”

She poked her head up, trying to regain her composure.  “E-Everyone left?  I don’t want anyone else to see.”

“No need to be embarrassed,” she whispered.  “I’m sure Jaenona will be impressed by the progress you’ve made.  You can show her your duck collection, too.”

Ai choked, but this time from shock.  “I-I can?!  I can show her my room—my decorations—all the gowns I’m waiting to eat?”


“O-Okay…  I can do that.”

Getting up, she glanced at the patient, cheery eldritch girl before leaning in to whisper something to the empress that made the woman giggle.

“Yes, Ai, you can play the dress-up game we did together.  We’ll be down shortly….  Is that alright with you, Anthony?”

“How can I refuse?”  he returned, showing a strained smile; hopefully, this trust would mitigate the price.

Careful, Jaenona, and you shouldn’t have slipped through angular dimensions like that out of nowhere.

“Apologies, Master,” she smoothly returned, having to support Ai as she jogged off and almost tripped again.  “I will be more mindful of my actions in the future.”

Wu straightened, the tears on her front vanishing, staying in place as she watched Ai guide Jaenona further into what he assumed was a palace; the empress may have even been concerned about letting the little girl leave her side.

“Haaa.  Such a troublingly emotional child, but I suppose I spoil her too much.  Now, where were we?”  She gracefully returned to her seat, the maroon fabric trailing after her vanishing upon reaching the chair for the woman to cross her legs again.  “Right, you were in thought.”

Charlemagne showed a soft smile while looking at the door the children had exited; Jaenona had to help Ai close it behind them.  “I hadn’t pictured you the motherly type, Empress.  Your secret is safe with me.”

“Hmm.  I wonder about that sometimes,” she whispered, returning to her meal without further explanation.

Silence took them as they continued to eat, and food began to magically appear on the table; on inquiry, the empress said it was her chef’s ability.  He knew the orders, and she’d indicated to him that she desired privacy on his last visit, so he was transporting items to where his dining set was.

Anthony drew into himself, talking to Jaenona as she followed Ai through what appeared to be a massive palace; they took an elevator far below the surface, using a ‘secret code’ that Ai proudly proclaimed only the empress and she knew.  Jaenona memorized it.

From what the disguised eldritch child told him, there was a sharp disparity between Wu and Ai, and it had to do with their song cadence; the empress was like tempered steel while Ai was soft as clay—moldable, yet couldn’t resonate with Wu’s indomitable will the moment she resolved to fight.

So far as Anthony could tell, the empress wanted what was best for her country, for her people to live in prosperity; she demanded perfection and results—the highest from herself—but she also knew the limits of those that served her.

In the end, he decided it was better to have China as a friend and not an enemy—at least for now—and she truly did seem to want to connect better with her soul item.  Plus, he’d made a promise to himself that he’d have answers for their newest member, and he had to be willing to pay the price for it.

Done with his meal, Anthony placed his hands in his lap and asked, “I’d like whatever you can tell me about Melissa’s sister and how to rescue her.  We can handle anything else.”

“Very well,” Wu returned, dabbing at her lips with a napkin.  “As compensation, I expect you and Jaenona will remain in China for a week, giving us unrestricted access to your understanding of how to bridge the gap between Ai and me…  I need someone who can teach me how to bring out Ai’s potential, and no one has had a method to accomplish my desire that I find acceptable.”

Making a note of the last half of her sentence, Anthony forced a chuckle.  “A week…  I don’t know if my girlfriend will like me staying over in another woman’s… palace.”

“Oh?”  Wu giggled, having what he hoped was a joking seductive stare.  “I didn’t take Rachel for the insecure type.”

Anthony grinned, rubbing the back of his neck.  “I’d use the word… territorial.”

“Hehe.  Well, I best watch my back,” she snickered, rising to her feet and gesturing to the three aliens.  “Custom has been met; Asher, if you could lead the discussion between Owen, Lev, and Saint Charlemagne; explain your purpose here on Earth, your recent hardships, and the steps I’ve taken to tweak the… misunderstanding you’ve obtained regarding religion from the Cult of Reason.

“I will return once you’ve been caught up to speed, Saint Charlemagne, and we can move to my office to contact the UN.  You may be surprised by the outcome this ‘united effort’ will bring; I’ve done all the heavy lifting.”

Anthony moved to follow her, somewhat dreading the call he’d have to make to Rachel.  “I’d appreciate it if I was able to deliver a message to my team, and I’m sure my girlfriend will want to talk when this is done.  My phone was… kind of fried.”

“It won’t be any trouble,” Wu mischievously reassured as she guided him toward the door.  “I’d be happy to get Rachel’s number added to my contact list.  We do have much to discuss, and, hehe, I expect to work you well into the night.  I must make the most out of this week, after all.”

“I, heh, can’t wait,” Anthony mumbled, seeing the long red fabric rematerialize behind her as they moved into the hallway; Charlemagne was already discussing the mission and purpose of the aliens’ Earthly stay as they left.

Walking in silence for several seconds, Anthony half turned as Wu made a short circular gesture with her index finger, and the door behind them gently slid shut; it was obvious what kind of power the empress had gained.

“So… you’re a grandmaster of qi?”

“Mmh.  I suppose you could say that.”  She smiled; her heels—designed to make noise—were utterly silent against the marble floors they moved through.  “As to my end of the bargain, I understand your team is on a bit of a tight schedule, so I will trust you to keep your word and remain nearby to offer me your input and guidance…

“The Myth of Charybdis was sold through several hands among those on the black market; goods have changed dramatically in the last two months,” she mused.  “So far as I’ve been told, she is under the control of some kind of artifact that came from a Crystal Break in Africa.

“The Cult of Reason used its extraterrestrial connections to moderate effect, connecting a cloaking device onto her hide, yet she was too high-profile to remain in the organization, and so they secretly traded her to the Lioness of Britany, who is preparing a full-scale invasion of France in five days.”

Anthony’s heart fell through his chest; he couldn’t be there, and the empress would not release her claws now that she had him.  “I see…  Let me guess, you fear an uprising might happen in China, and you need Ai if you’re going to survive?”

“Hmm-hmm.  A smart deduction, considering the urgency I’ve placed on our union, but no… a rebellion will happen within the month, and during a time I can ill afford to be distracted,” she whispered, sounding as if she knew the future.

“In any case, that is not your concern, and I have been told your group will be substantially busy as we move onto the next phase of this grand orchestra…  If you wish to save Melissa’s sister, attack the Lioness before her assault murders tens of thousands of French citizens and prevent her from convincing Blackbeard to join her raid.”

She smirked.  “I doubt the old con artist will join in any case, but the Lioness could force his hand in a vote; I’d get Cahira and Jack to the pirate’s gathering before the vote is cast.  Zheng Yi Sao will cast in favor of whatever Rachel decides.  My gift,” she winked.  “Do you think it’s enough for me to steal her warm body pillow for a week?”

Anthony shook his head with a low chuckle.  “Funny, Empress Wu.  You… aren’t exactly what I expected, but I’m guessing there are many sides to you most don’t see.”

“Naturally,” she sighed, reaching the elevator the girls used and pressing the button to take them below the depths of the palace foundations.

“Women must cultivate many aspects of themselves to survive in this unfair world and always keep a poisoned, hidden needle to meet those that test her compassionate heart.  Shall we?”  she chimed, looping an arm around his as the doors opened.  “Our darling girls await our adoration.”


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