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1:  Rhea (Our Blonde, Awkward Bombshell MC!)

Pokemon Map I Loosely Use For Visual Aid:  The distance between areas might be different, some cities are somewhat incorrect, a few routes have been labeled incorrectly, and some cities aren't listed, but it's the best I've found.

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12:02 p.m. July 6, Monday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League have concluded; Saria Surge has become the new Vermilion Gym Leader, converting it to a Fairy Gym.  It will be open for challenges on the 10th.

Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 27 Days (26 officially; 27 since getting Maya and Nova).

Rhea groaned as she heard Amira rustling in the bed beside her; the redhead was getting up to take a quick shower.  Letting her mind slowly rouse, she laid still, feeling much better after a good night’s rest.

The events of yesterday already felt like a distant memory as Nova’s back pressed against her foot; absently petting her Eevee while deep in thought, she reminisced.  While she wasn’t totally human—and she guessed she had far more than just Mewtwo and other genetics mixed into her with the Victini Core—she still had family and friends that treated her as normal, loved her, even.

Hand finding her breast under the blankets, she tracked each beat of her heart, puffing out a long stream of air; the little, cheery Mythic Pokemon her mother showed her videos returned to mind, and she smiled, looking for a positive look on the disturbing revelation of her birth.

Welcome to the team, Victini…  Heh, I guess you’ve always been here with me; thanks for looking out for me and keeping me healthy.  Let’s live our best life, huh?

Opening her eyes to look up at the ceiling, she settled into her mattress, feeling her sleeping Mawile and Buneary stirring; they’d all stayed up later than they’d planned.

A slight downward tilt came to her lips as she reached over to grab her phone, hearing Amira finishing up her time in the shower with Serenity; so much had happened since they arrived in Cerulean, and, going through everything ahead of them today, she knew Nova wouldn’t get the time she deserved with her mother unless she did some shuffling.

Tapping the side of her crystal phone as the holographic screen projected her contact list, Rhea swiped the names of those she needed to contact to a new, temporary holding window.

Mallory’s low moans in the bed next to Amira’s pulled Rhea’s smile and chuckle.  She never understood how the Unovan girl could sleep through the night with all her tossing and turning; she currently had Miky and Gables sprawled across her stomach and chest with her lower half completely off the bed, sprawled out on the floor.

Focus returning to her phone, she hummed, feeling Nova pawing up her leg to poke her head out with a cute chirp; her teammates hadn’t woken up yet.

I know, Rhea whispered, a grin creasing her eyes as she saw her Eevee’s wagging tail under the blankets.  You get to meet your mom today!  Exciting!

Her ears bobbed with her head, and she settled in beside her pillow to stare at her phone, asking what she was doing by tilting her head.

Hmmm.  Honestly, heh, I don’t really know!  I’m trying to decide what to do before Amira comes out…  Oh, I know!

Fingers skating across the screen, Nova followed her message as she mentally repeated it to her curious Eevee; the first message was to her friends.

Hey, Sam!  So, I know we were planning on a battle, but what if you guys come with us to the lodge outside of Cerulean?  I saw Amira setting it up, and we can have fun traveling a short distance together; Cerulean is a bit of a hornet’s nest and a bit rowdy right now, so I think it would be a good change of pace.  Thoughts?

She didn’t have to wait long for her friend to respond.

12:09 p.m. - Sam:  We’re fine with that!  All the noise in the city is a bit intimidating right now, anyway.  Hannah’s pumped to ask Amira more about her battle with Misty, and Tera wants to hang out with Mya.  Is that cool?

12:09 p.m. - Rhea:  Sounds great.  Nova’s going to be hanging out with Ambrosia today, so Alice will get dibs on sleeping with me tonight, which she should be good with.

12:10 p.m. - Sam:  Ambrosia, as in Former Champion Elaine’s Eevee, Ambrosia?!

12:10 p.m. - Rhea:  Yup.  She’s Nova’s mom, and she’s psyched to get a chance to know her.  They’re going to hang out and do whatever they want.  What are you guys up to?

Rhea looked up as she heard Amira take off the shower attachment, likely to wash her Feebas and give her some special attention; glad she had a bit more time to set things up for the day, she messaged Elaine while waiting for Sam to get back to her.

12:10 p.m. - Rhea:  Morning, Elaine!  Haha.  It’s morning for me anyway.  Are you good to take Nova out with you guys today?  It doesn’t matter where you go.  Nova just wants some time to get to know her mom.  Thanks again, Elaine!  It means a lot that you’d take time out of your day to do this for her.

12:11 p.m. - Elaine:  Oh, I was just checking my socials!  It’s no problem.  Ambrosia is hyped, too!  Nova’s her only daughter, so she wants to know her as well.  For somewhere to hang out?  Let’s see.  Leaf Jungle has some really good berry spots, and they could end it in Matcha City to visit one of Ambrosia’s favorite ice cream shops.  How’s that sound?

She giggled as Nova chirped, nuzzling her cheek with anticipation as Rhea read it to her, tail practically generating a gust by its weaving.

Hehe.  I know you like ice cream…  Leaf Jungle and Matcha City, though?!  You’ll be halfway across the region.  Champion Trainers certainly do have a different definition of a casual day out.  I’m sure you’ll have a blast, she added, applying pressure against her Eevee’s cheek.

12:12 p.m. - Rhea:  Nova would love that!  We should be ready in about an hour for you to pick her up.

12:12 p.m. - Elaine:  Just shoot us a text.

12:12 p.m. - Rhea:  Oh, what’s the news on the ruins?  Is everyone still busy with it, or has it all blown over?

12:13 p.m. - Elaine:  We’re taking it nice and slow.  It was a bit frightening at first, but it turns out we have more time than we thought.  Your aunt should be talking to Bianca today to bring her back in.  Your parents are here, too!

Rhea sighed, seeing Sam reply as she finished her conversation with the brown-haired Former Champion.

12:13 p.m. - Rhea: Yup.  I spent time with them.  Do you know if Ash is free?

12:13 p.m. - Elaine:  Ash, huh?  He was spending the morning with Misty, but other than that, I don’t know.  Need something from him?  I can shoot him a text.

12:14 p.m. - Rhea:  I have his number.  Thanks.  I just wanted to know if he had things planned for today.  See you in an hour?

12:14 p.m. - Elaine:  Awaiting your text!  Lol.  You should see how fast Ambrosia’s tail is wagging.  <3  She’s so cute.

Rhea laughed as Nova chirped, pointing at her own tail.  I know!  Your tail is wagging, too—yup, you’re totally cute!  What do you think we tie a bow around it today?

Nova’s pink eyes sparkled, nodding vigorously while pawing her hair.

Oh!  You want a yellow bow?

Another nod made her grin.  Yellow it is!  We’ll have to tie it perfectly and brush out your fur to make it nice and shiny!

The bathroom light hit the wall as Amira exited with a towel wrapped around her hair, Serenity floating beside her, scales looking freshly polished; a smile touched the redhead’s lips as she saw Nova bouncing around on her bed.

“Someone’s happy.”

“Hehe.  You have no idea,” Rhea returned, getting up and stretching out.  “So, I was thinking we’d postpone the battle with Sam’s group to tomorrow morning.  Is it cool if they join us on the way to the cottage you were looking at?”

Amira drew in her bottom lip as she moved to her bedside table to sit and take her phone out of sleep.  “There might not be many rooms left, but… if they share a room with two beds, it should be fine.  I’ll forward it to Hannah.”

“Oh…”  Rhea chuckled, scratching behind her ear and watching Nova hop beside the bathroom door in anticipation of their shower.  “I didn’t even think about that.  Uh, I should really see if Ash is going to be joining us so you can make proper plans.  Sorry.”

“It’s fine, Rhea,” she laughed, fingers dexterously skating across the holographic image as she multi-tasked between windows.  “I know you have a lot on your mind, and this isn’t a huge deal.  I already placed a reservation for Ash in another room, and I even charged it to your account since I knew you’d want to make sure he had a place to stay,” she winked.

“Thanks,” Rhea breathed out a long sigh.  “It’s really nice having a friend like you, Amira.”

“No joke,” Lori grumbled, throwing out her arms with a yawn.  “Man… I slept great.  Wait, is it really noon?!”

Amira snickered, still focused on her phone as Serenity talked with Nova; the Eevee appeared to be complimenting her polished scales.  “Thank you, Lori, Rhea.  It’s nice to be appreciated.  Also, heh, what did you expect, Lori?  We went to bed around three—honestly, more like four.”

“Ugh…  I didn’t expect to be so rested,” she grinned, twisting her hips left and right to cause a few pops to sound.  “Rhea taking the shower?”

Giving her Eevee an apologetic smile, Rhea shook her head, and Nova nodded with understanding.  “I have a few more things to do; you can go first.”

“Brave!”  Lori mused, rising to lean left and right now.  “Hehe.  I’m joking.  I’ll leave you hot water for Nova; it’s your big day, huh?!”

Pweee!”  Nove chimed, jumping in circles again.

“Aww—you’re so adorable!  I know, you should join Gabs, Miky, and me; we’ll leave your Trainer to do all the hard work!”  she winked.

Rhea laughed and waved her hand to Nova’s expectant look.  “I’ll brush you out and get the bow ready for when you get out; Mya can shower with me so she can look clean when hanging out with her friends, too.”

Nova’s tail was in a frenzy as she followed the purple-haired girl into the shower with her sleepy Pokemon, giving absent greetings.

Returning to her phone, she pulled up Sam’s message.

12:13 p.m. - Sam:  We’re just hanging out in the Art District, but it’s getting a bit too loud for us with how many people are passing through.  People are dancing everywhere, but the People of the Water had a cool morning show.  We’re vibing.  When should we meet up?

12:21 p.m. - Rhea:  I’m still figuring it out.  I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.  I’m just trying to work out a schedule.  I kind of spaced how everything would come together last night, and we got to bed super late.  Oh, I had a really fun time hanging out with everyone yesterday, too.  Is Mimi okay after the battle with Mya?

12:22 p.m. - Sam:  Totally fine!  Mimi’s a thunderbolt of energy today; you should see her dance with Jade and the other Pokemon.  She’s so precious.  We’re free for the day, enjoying the less crowded areas of the streets and art.  Let us know what’s up.

12:22 p.m. - Rhea:  Will do!

Pulling around her ponytail, she fell to her mattress as Amira chuckled, still swiping through various windows as Serenity swapped with Amber to blow-dry her hair.

“Feeling overwhelmed?”

“Hehe.  A little,” Rhea admitted.  “Umm.  I want to try and challenge Vermilion Gym when we get a chance, even if it isn’t the most efficient route.”

Amira crossed her legs, fingers pausing as she sat her phone down and unwrapped her hair to allow her Fennekin to do what she took pride in.  “Hmm.  Will you use Mya?  Her excellent Typing and broad Move Pool would be your best option—well, unless Nova learns how to transform into a Poison or Steel Type.”

A half-smile creased her eyes while staring at the ceiling; her little hard-headed Steel girl was waking up with all the positive energy radiating out of Nova between their connection.  “Alice, actually.  In the plan you laid out—it’s all logical—but Alice doesn’t get a chance to face a Gym, and I’d like her to have a shot at it.”

Rhea glanced up to see the redhead considering her desire, working through the change in plans.

“If… you want to do that, we could go straight to Vermilion from Saffron… possibly check out Lavender Town and go the Silence Bridge path—Route 12, huh—renting some bikes this time to not give Lori a heart attack?  The Battle Dome is there… specializing in Silver and Gold-tier challenges.  I can get behind that.  We can see what we’re aiming for.”

“Bikes!”  Rhea cheered, anticipating the sudden change in plans as she pulled out her map.  “So… we pass through Blue Forest again on Route 5—oh, right—Meadowview Village with Cerulean’s farmsteads will be nice, and we’ll see the golden fields!  I’m totally for that.”

Amira pulled up her map to look for various places for them to sleep, eat, and compile the expenses by the Sheets document she pulled up beside it.  “I’ll work things out, but it might be tight if you lose an Encrusted Battle going forward.”

Rhea released Mya, not feeling the stress she did the day previous, showing she’d recovered.  “Sounds good.  We need to do some training on the way, too.  If we’re going to get stronger, we need to face a lot of opponents.”

Mya threw up her arms in a roar that turned into a light yawn, anticipating the battles.

“I look forward to it,” Amira hummed, releasing Holly, who floated over to grab her brush from the counter and return with it.  “Hehe.  You should probably finish texting before Lori gets out, by the way.”


Activating her phone, she sent her text to Ash; everything rode on if he’d be willing to waste his time traveling with a bunch of Bronze Trainers.

12:27 p.m. - Rhea:  Hello, Ash.  This is Rhea—the blonde girl you met in the ruins—well, I guess there were a lot of blondes there!  Haha.  I’m the Bronze-tier Trainer.  Cynthia’s niece.  I found out some really

Rhea paused, mind going blank as she tried to conceptualize what she should say; she needed Ash’s help—she was actually hurting people by just being around them—this wasn’t a social call.  Deleting her previous message, she rewrote it:

12:31 p.m. - Rhea:  Hello, Ash.  This is Rhea—Cynthia’s niece—I was in the ruins if you remember me.  Last night, I found out I’m not completely human, and my mom did a lot of experimental stuff to me as a baby.  I need help learning how to control my Aura, and I’m afraid I may hurt my friends.

I know this is a long message, but my dad said you were the best person to talk to, and I don’t want to pull you away from your own plans to help some random girl you don’t really even know.  I know it’s selfish and inconvenient, but I have to ask if you’ll train me in how to control this ability I have, Aura, or whatever this power is.

We’re traveling to Saffron before going to Lavender Town and then Vermilion.  My dad said you have a friend there…  I don’t know why I’m writing that, but I’m just trying to figure things out.  I have a Victini Core inside me that strengthens the Pokemon genetic code my mom put inside me.

I don’t know if any of this even makes sense.  Hah.  Maybe I should have let my dad talk to you instead of trying to do it myself.  I know you’re with Misty, and I don’t want to get between that or whatever you’re doing.  Sorry for causing you trouble.  I understand if you can’t do it.

“Haaa.”  Rhea didn’t even want to voice it to Amira as she sent it; she wasn’t going to come up with anything else more real.  She really didn’t like bothering people with things, and if it weren’t for the harm she could do to others, she wouldn’t have even asked.

“You okay?”  Amira asked, glancing up from her screen; Holly and Amber seemed to be taking the initiative in managing her hair without the redhead’s help today.

“Not really…”  she groaned, falling back to stare at her insanely long message.  “Umm, just so you know, my mom may be sending us our fourth egg soon.”

“Mmh.  Mmh.”  Amira’s lips drew in.  “Right…  Well, I suppose we’ll deal with that when it comes; pushing yourself seems to be necessary to grow faster.  Eh-he-he.  I look forward to seeing what she sends.”

“Yeah…”  she trailed off as Lori exited the shower, wearing her second bikini and presenting her smiling Eevee.

“Look at this adorable, clean fluffball!”


“Aww.  You are adorable,” Rhea cooed, getting up to stroke the damp, ruffled fur of her Pokemon.  “Alright.  Well, I suppose we will wait for a response and get ready!  Want to get clean and shiny before hanging out with Tera and the others?”

Her Mawile’s second head bobbed up and down as she licked Nova, causing the Eevee to try to fend off the slippery tongue with protesting cries; everyone chuckled as Nova complained she’d just gotten clean, obviously not wanting morning breath slobber on her.

Taking her change of swimwear to the bathroom, she shined Mya’s steely body, greeting Alice when she woke up and explaining their current plans.  Rhea took her time freshening up, exiting at 12:58 p.m.

Not wanting to check her phone just yet, she lost herself in fixing up Nova and Mya; she borrowed a yellow ribbon from Amira to tie a cute little bow around the tip of her Eevee’s wagging tail—the movement making it a bit tough.

Mya was far easier as the excited Mawile sat between her legs on the bed, letting her perfect a red bow around the base of her second head.  Both of her little girls were all preened and presentable to have a lovely day.

As she fussed with her two Pokemon, Amber and Holly worked on her own damp locks; they added specific products Amira instructed them on, dried them off, and carefully brushed them out before tying them with her aunt’s trademark hair accessories.

She congratulated them on their work when finished, and at 1:18 p.m., she tentatively collected her phone to check her messages.

12:54 p.m. - Ash Ketchum:  Hello, Rhea!  I remember you.  Haha.  Your aunt gave me an earful after you left.  Sorry for any trouble I caused; I can get a little excited about things and just rush in.  I called your parents to get the details to see if I can help with your situation.

I’m happy to report that I’m relatively free!  Misty can only handle me for so long.  Haha!  We had a great time, and now Pikachu and I are looking for another adventure!  Going on to Vermilion sounds great, and it’ll be nice catching up with so many people on the way!

Rhea couldn’t believe what she was reading; it sounded like he was going to join them.  A Legendary-tier Trainer who could be anywhere else around the world, seeking adventure, yet he was content in traveling slowly with Bronze-tier girls?

12:56 p.m. - Ash Ketchum:  Ah.  So, I just called a few friends, and it looks like Chloe will be free to hang out when we get to Vermilion, too.  Sounds like she has a surprise for us!  Pikachu and I can’t wait to hit the road again.  When should we meet up with you?  Got a spot planned?

A bit in a daze that he was being so proactive, Lori and Amira caught her expression and moved over to read the open messages.

“Wait, no way!”  Lori grinned.  “Ash is actually going to teach you how to control your powers?  Sweet!”

Amira scratched her neck, her brow furrowing as she read through it again.  “He hasn’t mentioned anything about training.”

“Right…”  Rhea puffed out a long breath while responding back.

1:22 p.m. - Rhea:  How can I control my Helping Hand Pressure ability?  Can you help me not hurt those around me?

1:24 p.m. - Ash Ketchum:  If I understood your parents, it’s just a matter of understanding your Aura, which should be easy enough; it’s something you feel through battle, so Pikachu and I will help ya!  Your mom also wants me to explain Buddy Bonding instead of pokeball link for another Pokemon she’s preparing, which is always cool.  Buddy Power!

Mallory doubled over with laughter.  “He makes it sound so easy!  Haha.  I guess he’s Alola’s Legend for a reason; I heard his Pikachu beat their electric Legendary!  That’s unbelievable!”

“It’s a rumor,” Amira mumbled, scanning through articles on Ash.  “Honestly, he’d probably lead the most interesting life in the world if even half of what is written about him is right—I’m not seeing much on this Buddy Bond—other than Ranger stuff and Plasma propaganda.”

Rhea rubbed her forehead.  “So… what should I tell him—should we meet tomorrow morning at the cottage—give him time to prepare?”

Lori shrugged.  “I can see him being ready any time, considering he’s Legendary-tier.”

“I guess so…  I’d like to learn how to control my pressure as fast as possible so I don’t hurt people.”

Amira rubbed her back.  “Don’t rush it, Rhea; we’ve got time.”

“We don’t know that, but I’m with her,” Lori mused.

“I’m trying to be supportive…”

Rhea chuckled, shifting to hug the grumbling redhead.  “Hehe.  It’s not like you to not be a realist and lie like that…  Thanks for trying to cheer me up.”

“I’m not completely wrong.  I’m doing a lot better after spending most of the day away from you—heh, not that I’m saying I dislike your company.”

“Obviously not!”  Rhea giggled.  “Okay.  Huu-haaa.  Let’s just send it.”

“Always send it!”  Lori cheered.

1:26 p.m. - Rhea:  We’re going to walk to a cottage with our friends and hang out today, and Nova is going to spend the day with her mom as we travel.  Oh, her mom’s Ambrosia, Elaine’s Eevee.  If you want to join us, that’s cool.  You can drop in anytime in like an hour.  Thank you so much, Ash!

1:28 p.m. - Ash Ketchum:  Sounds good!  Gives me time to say goodbye to Misty.  See you soon!

Breathing out a long sigh, Rhea messaged her Wooloo friends and got up to throw on her Trainer dress.  “Alright!  Ready to meet your mom, Nova?!”

She chirped and waved her tail, presenting her bow with pride.

Amira and Lori laughed while putting away all their items.  Rhea followed their example with her Pokemon helping; it was time to hit the road again.

Checking out of their hotel at 2 p.m., Rhea set her GPS to the coordinates to meet her friends and texted Elaine; Nova jumped up, climbing up on Rhea’s shoulder soon after to mirror how she’d seen her mother traveled with her Trainer.

It wasn’t long before the brown-haired Former Champion teleported to their location, Ambrosia on her shoulder—as Rhea knew she would be—they instantly drew eyes as the large Venomoth hovered over the cute teenage girl—she looked no older than Rhea—but she had to be in her thirties.

“Hello, girls!”  she grinned, Ambrosia lifting her paw, waving at Nova from her own signature perch.

Rhea giggled as her Eevee’s tail beat against her braid.




“Pwe.  Pwe.  Pwee.”

“So cute!”  Lori cooed.

Nova was practically vibrating on her shoulder, making Rhea draw her into her arms.

“Hehe.  She’s so excited.”

“So is Ambrosia.  Torry will take them on their adventure and remain nearby whenever they want to head home.”

Amira held her hand behind her back while glancing at the various gawkers.  “Were… you planning on joining us?”

“Oh, no!”  she chuckled and waved her hands.  “No, I made plans with Chase—Ambrosia… it’s not a date,” she groaned as her snickering Eevee used her tail to push her hat up.  “We’re just catching up—I’m going to challenge him for the title again—how’s that romantic?!  Oh, shush!”

Rhea couldn’t stop her laughter at the glaring woman and her smug Pokemon; Torry appeared to agree with her teammate.

Amira smiled.  “I see.  I suppose your day will be filled then, and are you going to challenge him without two of your main team?”

“Oh…”  Rhea’s eyes widened at the connection; it would be a little weird for her to challenge Chase for the title without her full team.  “Yeah, is it going to be a four-on-four?”

Elaine’s cheeks darkened, and she couldn’t hide her strained grin.  “Eh-yeah—yeah, a four-on-four…  We swap it up every once in a while.”

“Mhmm…”  Lori hummed.  “Have a good Challenge; I hope you both don’t beat each other too senseless.  Someone has to run the region, right?  Don’t need the only two Champions Kanto has unconscious.”

“Haha… Why would we beat each other—Ambrosia!”  she huffed as the Eevee slid her tail across her face and jumped onto her teammate’s back, giving her a knowing look.  “Oh, go have your fun mother-daughter date already!”


“I’ve got plenty of hydration!  Get outta here!”

The Eevee mirrored Lori before motioning for Nova to jump onto Torry’s back with her, and with waving tails, they vanished in colorful lights.

“Geez,” Elaine grumbled, crossing her arms under her bust and releasing a long sigh.  “It’s been a long time since we got together…”

Rhea jumped in.  “Heh, no need to explain anything to us!  I hope you have a good time with Chase.”

“Thanks!”  Elaine grinned, face shiny red as she held up a hand and ran off.  “Thanks for giving Ambrosia a chance to get to know her daughter!”

Once out of earshot, Lori hummed.  “I bet she will have a great time with Chase.”

“Lori, c’mon,” Rhea sighed, continuing on their path to meet up with her friends outside the city.  “We don’t need to get into their business.”

“Oh?”  the Unovan girl nudged her side.  “Aren’t you the one addicted to the Gossip App?  This has scandal written all over it!”

“It’s not much of a scandal,” Amira returned, wearing a small smile.  “There’s always been chemistry between them.  Rivals and lovers.”

Lori rubbed the back of her neck.  “Heh.  Something my sister would write about.”

“I think it’s romantic,” Rhea whispered.  “She’s a sweetheart, and Chase seems to make her happy… most of the time.”

“Oohh!  Spill the gossip,” Lori cheered.

Rhea held her hand against her breast, sensing Nova transport an incredible distance away; it was the first time she’d experienced such a distant bond.  For a second, it scared her, being unable to sense all the emotions flashing through her Eevee, but she knew her darling was having the time of her life.

“Chase and Elaine are just strong-willed, which causes them to butt heads sometimes, but I’ve always rooted for them.  Oh… that was sooner than I thought…”

They slowed to a stop just as they turned a corner to see Misty and Ash walking down the street.  There was no way the two powerful Trainers didn’t know they were on a collision course by tracking their Aura; this was an ambush.

Then again, viewed from another angle, the end of a date, but the Gym Leader and Legend had always been a mystery to the community—Rhea wondered if Ash was the father of her child or not—Misty never let her personal life get tangled into the media, no matter how hard they tried to enter it.

Misty chuckled at something Ash said before turning her attention to them.  “Afternoon, girls.  I expect Ash will be safe in your hands… he’s a bit of a hopeless loser that gets mixed up in… everything.”

“Pika!”  the yellow rat snickered from her shoulder as he jumped to Ash’s.

“Not fair, Mist,” Ash complained.  “I just love adventure!”

“And it loves you,” she sighed, releasing her Starmie.  “He can be a handle, so keep an eye on him.”

Lori gave her a salute.  “Yes, Ma’am!”

“Hehe.  Later, Ash.”

“Don’t stress the things you can’t control… and she’s gone,” he sighed, shaking his head as she winked and vanished in colorful lights.  “So…  What’s up?!”



Next Chapter



Thanks for the chapter!


Honestly loving this. Keep up the great work