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1. Elinor Irkalla (Ereshkigal, The Sumerian Goddess Of The Dead!)

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Elinor observed the scorpion queen’s final moments before releasing her butterflies to study the creature’s Infernal-infused spirit; there certainly was damage done, and it would continue to twist Margotha until she became demonic.

If she had been allowed to remain alive, her spawn would become linked to the Nine Hells; in the wake of the change, her previous brood would have been destroyed to make way for the new empire, which was precisely how this species functioned, sacrificing the old for the new.

Ze’drasha—the demon she’d caged—waited in dread upon realizing the forces he was dealing with, and the fact he couldn’t return to Hell further cemented the understanding that there was no escape.

Elinor’s attention wasn’t on the fiend; there were numberless demons of his caliber in the First Ring of Hell.  His contributions to her Empire would be minimal; on the other hand, a replenishing army of decently combative lava scorpions had its uses.

A small smile lifted her glowing emerald irises while examining the queen; she was no thélméthra—world conqueror—but for some lesser creature to raise to the station of Iris’ eldest daughter with the addition of Hell Force was certainly something to make a note of.

Margotha, the Epic-Grade, corrupted Lava Scorpion Queen, rose from the ashes to become a Hunter within her ranks; if she had been allowed to develop her new powers, she would have put up a decent fight against Camellia when alive.

It put into perspective how much weaker her units became from their original prowess, and while she could have raised her to be in the Necromantics Class, it would have dropped her Grade all the way to Rare.

As a Hunter Commander of her still-loyal-brood, she would be far more useful by acting as a symbol, increasing their fighting abilities with her connection to Hell; however, that bond was only maintained by Ze’drasha’s continual stay within this world, which meant she had to lock him into this universal plane.

Hot magma bubbled out of the joints in the lesser queen’s exoskeleton as she turned to bow to her, using a voice far harsher than Elinor expected within the Nexus compared to the silken touch Iris spoke with.

“Empress of the Fallen, I serve the interests of the collective.  What is your command?”

It was a tad pointed of a question, but that was the type of creature she was; her original goal was to adapt and use everything at her disposal to destroy everything around her territory, and now she needed a new enemy to set her sights on.

Your task is to return to your pits and increase your numbers; train them on the other creatures that survived in the caves underneath my land, and if they wish to join our Empire, set up an appointment with Ishtar…  War is coming, and you must be ready to meet those that stand against me.

“It will be done.  We will drag all that oppose you into the melting pot to fuel our hunger.”

Sending a sharp screech to her children below, they quivered at her dominating presence before sliding down the wall and into the moat; Elinor’s head drooped a little as she instantly burrowed into the ground with her brood.

Edmon is going to have a fit, but I guess they’ll help fill in or create new tunnel networks.  Ishtar, I found you an army and a 7th-dimensional artifact to purify over time, if it can be saved or salvaged—anything at all at this point.

Her sister responded absently, currently in a meeting with Tal’tamine as she discussed her culture and thoughts on her people; Ishtar would need to visit the Nalvean Empire soon to drill in her governing position among the City States as Elinor’s stand-in.

“Wonderful.  Did you happen to leave me a means to contact Morgotha for any further instructions I might need to give?”

Elinor’s mouth tightened at the question her sister knew the answer to, showing she’d been paying attention to her actions; it was new, having someone able to deliver slight jabs to her side, but it was also her sister showing she had something to offer her.

…I did not.  I’ll have Camellia act as a liaison.

“No need,” Ishtar promptly responded, multi-tasking many changes to the functions around the capital as she redirected forces to focus on specific areas she wanted further development in.

“I would like to create an underground network with an expanded runic grid for teleportation and am having Moris’Luar and Menorah take command in teaching the other Quen’Talrat how to lay the foundations of that for Alua’Talia’Asa to perform the finer touches.”

Elinor puffed out a long stream of air, running her fingers through her hair; Thor smiled with curiosity at her slight agitation as Ze’drasha quivered.  Not even a day on the job, and you’re already taking to the throne.

“Is this not what you desired of me, Sister?”  she playfully giggled.  “Perhaps you’ve stretched yourself too thin; I would have expected you to have already begun such projects since having two Runic Sages.”

I’ll leave you to your work, Elinor duly returned, yet her sister wouldn’t let her go so easily now that she had her attention.

“Speaking of which, do you suppose we can raise a few more maids to support me; Neara could do with more lovely maids and butlers to direct in maintaining this… might I add, quite extensive and disastrous city you’ve claimed as your own.

“Only when you might have time, Sister.  Hehe.  I know you are ever so busy staring over your kingdom from your high tower.”

Just call me lazy, Elinor grumbled.

“I was told you have made this promise of returning loved ones more than once since the initial raising of your current maids, yet… things have been slipping through your fingers.  I only wish to know if such a promise will be fulfilled before your, ahem, retirement.”

Closing her eyes and rubbing her forehead, Elinor growled, causing Azalea, Camellia, Violet, and Noa to give her questioning looks as they just sat on the tall walls; her sister wasn’t wrong, but she could be so sarcastic and passive-aggressive—Ishtar was one of the few people in Existence that could get under her skin, but that was her twin.

“I don’t wish to rule an understaffed empire.  Hehe, that would be tragic!”

Ha-ha-ha.  I get it, you need more people.

“Haaa.  If only Tiffany or Edmon were more vocal about their concerns.  You need to be more approachable, Sister!”

Could you shut up already?  I get that you need more people.  Stop rubbing it in that I’ve been stretched thin—and I know it could have been mitigated by bringing more bodies into the Empire—but I do play a rather tight game when it comes to maintenance of the network over the Empire’s personnel count.

“Problems, Lady Irkalla?”  Thor asked, scanning the area for any threats, no doubt.  Yet, it wasn’t outside influencers that had her concerned; this was the Ishtar she recalled from their 9,999th conflict, but she wasn’t exactly wrong.

“Sister trouble,” she muttered before glancing at her A.I., “if you could transport us to the Great Hall?”

The hybrid human-nalvean glanced at the demon.  “Including that thing?”


Elinor wanted to punch Ishtar as she responded with a lilting tinkle in her voice.

“I expected as much.  I shall meet you in the Great Hall, Sister; everything should be ready when you arrive.  You’re about to make so many people happy!  Congratulations, you’re a hero, reuniting loved ones to their families.  Don’t you feel warm and bubbly inside?”

Maybe I would if you didn’t keep stabbing me every second.

“How else should a modest Queen, such as myself, get her Empress’ attention?  You’re always so busy in your tall tower.”

Thor rolled around his neck while staring at the burning ball of Hell Fire waiting beside them.  “What of the demon?  It would be simple enough to crush it and be done with its foul presence.”

“Really?”  Elinor grunted, feeling like her sister simply wanted to use this opportunity to impress Tal’tamine, get under her skin, and strengthen the belief of the masses; she could feel the undead camera crew going to that location.  “To return to Hell and reform anew, all while locking Margotha out of her new abilities?”

She shook her head.  “I think not.  He’s locked out of his abilities.  Send him to Tiffany; she can make use of him in her rituals.”

“Fair point,” Thor conceded, tapping his hammer against his thigh and generating sparks that scattered across the air as the runic A.I. transported the fiend away.  “We are nearing the time of thy conflict with these Covenant creatures?”

Elinor sent a quick explanation as to why he wasn’t to be killed; it would be Tiffany’s problem to make use of him.

“Just one, and yes, it is, but Ishtar is making a fuss about being understaffed.”  She rolled her eyes as her sister listened in on their conversation with her unique belief abilities.  “And after I just got her a replenishable army, she has the nerve to call me lazy.”

The thélméthra sisters gave each other looks that said they wanted no part in such a conversation as Thor roared with laughter, making Elinor grimace, seeing he actually agreed with her sister.

“Thou didst spend quite some time having fun in those pits, Lady Irkalla; I suspect thy sister has been quite busy as we played.”

“Play?”  Elinor huffed, crossing her arms as Noa transported them across the city with a strained smile.  “I was identifying if they’d be a worthy addition to my empire and would act as sufficient soldiers; I’d hardly call that playing.”

Thor shrugged as if saying both were one and the same to him, yet Elinor’s attention was snatched by her sister’s entrance; the gorgeous, shining golden-haired Goddess did a short spin, showing off a new silky white, golden-strapped gown she’d seemed to have had repurposed from Elinor’s own wardrobe.

“What do you think, Sister; an excellent dress for my first day on the job?”

Elinor’s eyes narrowed at the gleam in Ishtar’s eyes; as caring and benevolent her sister could be, she was by far the gaudiest and most vain woman of them all.  Sparkling light danced off her magical frame, and drawing, blue irises was enhanced by the ‘seemingly’ see-through gown, golden dangle earrings, and oversized fanning neckpiece.

I’m beginning to wonder if you set all this up so as to get my opinion on your looks, Ishtar…

Her benevolent, innocent smile said it all.

“Can’t I have the opinion of my sister when it comes to representing your great Empire?  Wasn’t it you that told me to be the poster girl for your fledgling cause?”

Haaa.  It looks… you, Sister.

“Excellent!  I do make for a beautiful sight, I must say.”

Her questioning smile drifted to Thor, who blushed and looked away at her attention.  “Do you think this is a bit too much, Thor?”

“Uh…  No.  No… you look lovely, Lady Ishtar.”

What kind of leading question is that?!  Elinor barked, glaring at her sister.  I’m supposed to be the head of the House of the Snake, Ishtar.  You’re shameless.

“What is there to be ashamed of?”  she mused, turning to gesture to Thor and drawing him into why they were there while bantering with Elinor through the Nexus.  “I’m friendly, inviting, gorgeous, benevolent, powerful, and… well, everything opposite to you, I suppose—oh, excluding the gorgeous part—hehe, there has to be some overlap since we’re twins!”

You should add generous to the ever-growing list, Elinor mumbled.  Heh.  I know you’re half-joking, but I didn’t think I would miss this side of you… as annoying as you can be at times, and did you have to raid my wardrobe?

“Isn’t that a staple of human twins?”  Ishtar snickered, directing Thor to various dead men and women while telling him about what she’d discovered through getting to know their families.

It certainly had an effect on the Nordic warrior that she’d taken the time to interview those who most wished for their daughters, sons, or parents to return to them and showed a sharp contrast to Elinor’s more strength-based decisions on raising the most potent of the groups.

Ishtar was the showgirl she needed, who understood the desires of mortals—even if she was rubbing her face in it—her sister was displaying a glimpse into how she would rule their Empire in her absence to see if she’d voice any concerns.

Tal’tamine joined them shortly after, a bit surprised by the instant method of transportation Noa provided; Elinor decided to raise the maids and butlers to get on with everything else she needed to accomplish, and Neara took them to another room within the palace with their families to be instructed on how their unlives would be scheduled.

All gave their utmost respect to Elinor, thanking them for the opportunity to serve and be connected within the Nexus—which had an appeal to many in regard to the closeness and security it brought.

It was pricey, but Ishtar had selected fifty dead women, elderly, and even a few teenage girls to take on various roles within her restructuring empire.  Most were surprisingly well-situated for the task, proving Ishtar had been selective herself in the process, finding high Uncommon to low Rare-Grade spirits.

The High Queen of Heaven was already receiving scores of applications from living women, including Ri’bot, hoping to take on a more active role in supporting the glorious Goddess who was taking Elinor’s gloomy Empire of the Dead and giving it a shimmering gloss.

She had just barely enough, thanks to regenerating some with Ishtar’s presence, almost doubling the initial amount she held; Ishtar had apparently made calculating decisions to further both their influence by cementing herself into their citizens’ lives that Elinor wouldn’t have made.

Knowing the Covenant was awaiting her arrival, Elinor breathed out a long stream of air after finishing the task her sister had asked, and it was then she learned Ishtar had commissioned Tiffany to create another recorder and projector for Sari’aél’s battle.

Calling for her Seraph to return with Kulitta, she had Noa transport Ishtar, Thor, and her onto the top of her tower; the angel appeared beside them, positively glowing with positive energy for the fight ahead.

The Daughter of the Sun had fully recovered from her previous battles and was once again at her full strength after her debuff had concluded; her six heavenly wings spread out, showing their metallic-like outer luster and golden base, and the gemstone embedded in her armor above her breasts shimmered with radiant white light.

Sari’aél’s floated to Elinor’s side, full lips showed a serenity to match her radiant power; the Seraph’s pride was unmatched, which made her personality all the more interesting.

Kulitta took up a position beside Ishtar as Ninatta was brought beside her mistress from her own tasks among the mortals.  By the vibes Elinor sensed between Kulitta and Sari’aél, they’d had a productive tour, exercising their voices and various songs the other knew.

The clouded city of Sha’Guala drew closer with an alabaster platform that extended to welcome them; they could have teleported them in, but Sar’ollaz seemed to want them to explore his city before the fight, and Elinor wondered if Orinvia was still reading herself.

However, Elinor had two surprise additions that she wondered how Sar’ollaz would react to, and just before the bridge reached them, she turned to her runic A.I.  “Noa, bring Lexi and Serris to me.”

Noa blinked, turning to the city below them with a furrowed brow as Thor, her sister, and the songstress followed her gaze with bewilderment, no doubt wondering who these last-minute additions were.

Serris and Lexi seemed just as stunned by the sudden transportation, as well; it was the moss-haired, mantis-like insect that reacted first, four-bladed arms rising defensively as she leaped back, yet with her severe injuries still plaguing her from the battle against the rogue runic A.I., she stumbled and fell.

“S-Serris!”  the three-foot-tall gelatin-like creature cried, jogging after her friend’s tumbles and hisses; her light purple shade indicated she was frightened.  “What just…  Oh, E-Empress?!  I, uh, I think you’re the Empress—right, Serris?”

“Hsssss!  Pay attention, Lexi…”  she trailed off as her sharp insect eyes saw the platform touching down and acting like a ramp to welcome them.  “A… path back to Sha’Guala?”

Elinor chuckled and motioned for them to walk onto the white golden bridge.  “Best hurry if you wish to return home.”

“Home…”  Lexi mumbled in disbelief, pink cubes falling out of her ears, displaying her excitement, yet it soon shifted to a deep purple.  “Aren’t… we supporting you, though, Empress?”

She turned to smile at the two Covenant warrior-slaves, still debating if they should return or what her meaning was by sending them back; it was too late to get off now as Noa waved them off and vanished.

“Think carefully, Lexi, Serris—take your time—and watch carefully.”

Serris’ arms tightened against her abdomen with Lexi as they focused on the gates, closing in on them; their lives hung in the balance, depending on what Elinor did, and she knew it all too well.

Even though Elinor was a member of the Covenant, there would be grudges following what her Seraph had done in decimating a large number of their forces.  It was also likely well-known at this point that she had her own personal army and didn’t require their service, which also was a point of pride for those that served the upper echelon of the Covenant.

Iris was strong enough to face Baxter, and she’d only grown stronger since their meeting; in fact, the queen could now stand against Ke’Thra’Ma, who faced Kon’draga on nearly equal grounds.

She was seen as an independent network within the Covenant, and naturally, they wouldn’t like that since it could be seen that they were too weak to be depended upon, nor that she’d called upon their service since becoming a member—which was likely Sar’ollaz’s plan, to begin with.

He hadn’t been happy about the forced union they’d come to share; that had changed, of course, but the initial seeds the Last Son of God’Roska had planted to make her life harder were still there.

Lexi and Serris provided a means to sow her own influence within the Covenant’s inner forces, yet it did come with certain risks, and Elinor was happy to exploit what she could to give her sister more manpower to work with—after all, they needed everything they could get for what Becdeth warned was coming.

Letting them stew, Elinor elaborated on her plan to Ishtar; her sister was more than thrilled to take the lead on the topic, bouncing over to the unsure mantis and slime girl to sow her own seeds—although, to Elinor’s slight annoyance, Ishtar wanted to take a different route.

“Lexi, Serris, as my sister’s queen regent, my word is hers, and I would love a tour of your barracks; I may have an interest in learning more about the species bound to the Covenant and how we might put their extensive skills to good use!”

“Mhm…”  Lexi nervously chuckled.  “I, umm… don’t know how well that will be taken.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Ishtar smiled.  “I can be very persuasive and likable.  In fact, why don’t you tell me about yourselves; I want to know everything!”

It was nice that Ishtar was taking the initiative in things and lightening her load, and maybe it was just the divergent choices her sister made or the process of relinquishing control, but Elinor was having a challenging time seeing Ishtar so motivated.

Kulitta and Ninatta came together as the elder sister happily commented on her dominatrix twin’s songs with Sari’aél, seemingly able to hear the two unifying their voices from across Nethermore; she was excited to do the same, going into detail regarding vocal pitch and the combination the Seraph’s aura brought with their magic to create something totally unique.

It appeared the angel’s connection to her father’s Existence had a ripple effect with their own that further enhanced their effects, paying credence to the Transcendant title of going beyond what was previously known.

Their conversation made Elinor consider the possibility that they could reach Apollo’s universe through that resonance under the right conditions; doing so would be dangerous, and for what purpose was still left open, but the option itself was what interested her.

Apollo was still a mystery, and his far-reaching sight and power were even beyond her understanding; he existed in a 15th-dimensional sphere with unknown creatures like Gloria, a First Generation Founder—whatever that was—and Primordials like Thor paid their respect to the entity.

It painted a telling picture of the threats they were dealing with, and Apollo ascending her to explain the spheres of influence outside the 13th dimension served as a warning that she had a long way to go.

Thor stroked his red beard as the grand gates of the floating city loomed closer.  The warrior’s focus soon shifted to the angel, though, apparently not impressed by the magical metropolis; it was a tad ironic that the showing entrance the Covenant was giving them went unnoticed by most of their party.

“Thou doth have confidence about thee that uplifts those nearby, Lady Sari’aél; am I to presume thou carries with thee a piece of thy father?”

Elinor was a bit intrigued by the assertion; Thor would know more about the Transcendent ancestry of the Children of the Sun and Apollo.

The Seraph’s bright golden irises settled on him as she kept pace with the platform’s movements, still hovering through the sky.  “I do!  My father is always with me and celebrates my victories within my hearts.”

Sari’aél placed a hand against her breast, possibly feeling the beating of her two organs as a warm smile creased her eyes.  “I am his spark of light that cannot be extinguished, experiencing the joy he has in my growth; my father lives within all that believe in his eternal blood and cannot fade or be corrupted.”

Thor nodded, laughing at her unwavering faith in her glorious parent.  “I wish to meet thy father someday and see the pillar that keeps thy Grand Existence an untouchable beacon of immortal light.”

Elinor’s gut tightened as she recalled her conversation with the Transcendant; he was the ruler of a Grand Existence that commanded respect from even the most powerful entities and could provide such universal protection as to stop any from twisting those he held within his all-encompassing hand.

Yet, whoever had lashed out at his daughter wasn’t repelled and did have an effect on Sari’aél, which had ignited a flame so bright that it prompted him to reach out to her; he was after something more satisfying than death or vengeance, which, to an entity like Apollo, had to be something on a grander scale.

Still, she couldn’t get lost in these thoughts on the colossal board above; she had steps to take in the short term, and the conclusion of this fight would put her one step closer to that victory—Elinor had the battle to win against mortal deities, and the old gods of her Existence that had used and rejected her.

The massive gates opened to reveal only a single Covenant member, surprising Elinor, but she could guess why the others would make their late appearance; the other deities around the world would certainly draw their attention as they plotted their own moves—the group was on her side in the end, but they’d also milk everything they could from the conflict.

Cool gray mist collected into the haughty Ralgruthiash as the mockingbird sat in the air, observing her group.

“Goddesses,” Arsheh hummed, feathered wings curving slightly upon observing Sari’aél’s six.  “Odinson,” she added, revealing she’d been paying attention to their conversations.  “As the 3rd Ranked member of the Covenant, I welcome you to Sha’Guala.”

Elinor gave her a courteous nod with the others as they stepped forward; if she was the 3rd rank, it meant, like Becdeth, she’d been with the organization the longest and was powerful enough to not care about advancing further in the combat rankings.

“Where is Les’ndrassa?”  she questioned, wondering how the Bringer of the Tide was faring after the drain Aidrh’ruz had put on the holy eldritch creature.

Becdeth could have taken the opportunity to devour the savory meal, which would have saddened her—creatures like them didn’t enter Irkalla.

“Resting, or so I presume,” she shrugged her wings and directed her hollow eyes to the right, seeming to stare into an unseen abyss.  “Saving Aidrh’ruz from that… horrific fate took more than any of us expected; once observing it myself, I must say, I have grown to respect your fortitude and focus, Queen Regent of Nethermore.”

Ishtar giggled and shook her head.  “If it weren’t for Becdeth’s intervention, it would have been impossible; I merely provided the means to slow his descent into the madness using Les’ndrassa’s power and belief.”

“Hmm.”  Arsheh’s clawed fingers clicked together in their rhythmic motions against her lap, causing her cloudy dress to ripple like water.  “I was more impressed by your ability to channel and unify those forces than the act itself… truly a marvel, and a feat I may need at some point in the future.”

“What did I say, Sister?”  Ishtar snickered.  “Everyone loves me.”

It helps when you have the power and skills that come with being the High Queen of Heaven.

“What can I say?  I’m gifted—as are you, Sister!  Humph… no matter how those decrepit fools see us.”

The infuriated tone made Elinor smile; Marduk had fired the first shot, and he couldn’t take it back.

“Where is this conflict supposed to take place now that this is to the death?”  Elinor questioned, scanning the palace as her sister spoke up after.

“Oh, I would love to enjoy the match myself, but I must see to other matters in the barracks—hehe, I know who will win in any case,” she mused, eyeing the totally confident Seraph.  “It won’t be easy, Dear, but I have faith in our Warlord.”

Sari’aél giggled and nodded.  “I cannot wait to feel the effects of her gravity, plunging me to the earth.”

A dark, sinister voice responded from a gray mist that collected into the leader of the Covenant.  “Diamond glass, I’m afraid…”

The devil’s ghoulish grin and glowing crimson eyes turned with a gesture, directing them to a multi-colored pillar that appeared beside him.  “Beyond is a platform I’ve prepared to observe the contest in a place… fitting for such a battle.”

His tone fell upon seeing Ishtar’s radiant appearance and dignified composure.  “It is unfortunate that you will be absent, High Goddess of Heaven.”

Ishtar hummed, showing a secretive twist to her lips.  “A shame, indeed, Sar’ollaz.  A Queen’s duty is never done, and I do need to better acquaint myself with your marvelous city since we’ll be working together.  Hehe.  Wouldn’t it be a sin to not partake in your wonderful hospitality and services—as my sister has a right to as a member—no?”


Arsheh chuckled as Elinor stepped forward to enter the gateway, wondering which of the Royal Rhapsodists would watch since one would undoubtedly go with their mistress; Thor hesitated, obviously having misgivings given his bad experience with portals, but she knew he’d follow her out of principle.

To her mild surprise, Ninatta was the one to join her, and the dominatrix followed Ishtar; of course, it did make sense with her going to the barracks and Ninatta being the one who would spend the most time with the Daughter of the Sun.

A slightly disorienting sensation gripped Elinor as she was transported through space to proceed onto a floating white gold platform to find them over an endless sea of obsidian shards; it would have sparkled in the most dazzling way had not an inky borealis coated the heavens, blacking out all light.

Thrones of various sizes covered the edges of their sky-bound dais, showing a few members of the Covenant, including Ke’Thra’Ma, Baxter, Aidrh’ruz, Sylez, and Arsheh—having transported herself instantly to the location before Elinor had even arrived, possibly even using a body double.

Above them, hovering with a dangerous wave of gravitational force and honed focus was the Seraph’s opponent, having spent the last week sharpening her resolve and powers for this conflict.

The miallu’s halo of cosmic force and the charred stones that encircled it had been refined into a spiked crown, and her corrupted sword of decaying energy was bathed in a spiritual fire—the hate she felt for the angel embarrassing her was shown in the emotionally charged gravitational waves she emitted.

No words needed to be passed between them as her glorious opposite appeared on the platform beside Ninatta; this black, diamond desert was to be the place she put her pride and life on the line.

Elinor was eager to see what Orinvia was capable of in this unnatural, spiritually fused state before being reborn through her powers as her original self, dispensing the unified minds of her corrupted society to find what was beneath all that weighted consciousness.

Sari’aél’s excitement boiled over as she became a streak of light, meeting the miallu in the sky, Mithren taking on the form of a brilliant sword that refracted off the diamonds below, causing the veil above to sparkle with a trillion stars—the contest would start when Sar’ollaz gave the signal.


Next Chapter



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