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1. Elinor Irkalla (Ereshkigal, The Sumerian Goddess Of The Dead!)

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Passing over the valley in Sari’aél’s glow, positioned behind the Seraph’s thick wings—much to the angel’s immense entertainment—in order to hide her nakedness from the God of Thunder, Elinor pondered all that she’d learned since awakening to her true identity.

Wolves were gathering on all sides to crush her, yet the fact that Apollo had placed his precious daughter in her hands told Elinor all she needed to know; she didn’t have to understand all the facts revolving around this conflict to move forward.

Elinor need only be herself, and waiting around for everything to fall into her lap was not her style.  She’d gather what information she could in the limited time she had and roll the dice while adapting her strategy along the way; Thor was a significant piece in that adaptation.

The light wind Sari’aél allowed through her kinetic barrier whipped her unbound hair back and made a smile twist her tinted green lips as her thoughts came together.  “Thor…”


Her Seraph lifted her a tad to allow the Primordial to see her face.

“I have a request.”

An internal chuckle bubbled within Elinor’s breast as the muscular man released a long sigh while massaging the back of his neck, and she could tell he was starting to view her in a similar light as his trickster brother.

“Ask thy question, Lady Ereshkigal.”

Oh.  I’ve upgraded to Lady, she mused, not holding back her unabashed smile.

Sari’aél curious golden irises moved pleasantly between them, sensing the odd tension and still experiencing the emotional high of temporarily being cut off from all her strength.

“Irkalla suffices, remember?”

“Mmh…  ‘Tis challenging to separate thy spiritual presence from the Ereshkigal I recall.”

It is ‘very’ important you do!

“Is it a problem to use my chosen name?”

“I shall attempt to comply with thy request,” he muttered, keeping his narrowed eyes on the distant colossal fortress, and Elinor shot the next arrow in her quiver.

“We have agreed to join hands, heh-he, in journeying to the east to face Erra.  Correct, Odinson?”

“Needest thou phrase it in such a… venereal manner.”  His guarded stare was fairly cute, and she thoroughly enjoyed making the man squirm.  “Though, indeed, a consensus hath been reached as to our shared foe?”

“So… would it not be proper for the man I will be journeying with to meet my children, so they know who I will be with?”

Sari’aél’s expression brightened.  “I would most enjoy meeting your children, as well, Empress.”


Thor grimaced at the invitation, but, like the excellent tactician she was, Elinor had trapped him in his cultural norms; having Irkalla’s experience was turning out to be far more useful than her other half could have dreamed.

“ ‘Tis… a reasonable request.  Wouldst thou inform me as to thy intentions by this?  I cannot believe thou would suggest such when thy customs do not give heed to such formalities.”

“Smart,” Elinor mused, making Sari’aél giggle.  “In full disclosure, I expect my children will join us at times in our quest—well, if what I have planned pans out, and I have an excellent track record for being correct.”

There was an intelligent light within the man’s light-blue eyes as he thought; he was not dull-witted, and, of what she knew of her own Existence’s God of Thunder, Thor had an indomitable rage in combat yet could find solutions to problems at a speed to match his lightning.

“Thou seeketh to solidify our neutrality with friendship in this fire.  Wouldst thou be more forward in such aims?”

“Hehe.  I believe I have been quite open as to my intentions,” she snickered, gesturing at her naked skin, still hidden behind her Seraph’s wings.  “Have I not presented my intents transparently enough?”

She gave an internal cheer at causing the Primordial’s cheeks to redden and for him to turn away from her.  “Thou, and thy innuendos, Lady Irkalla…  Indeed, thou hath been… clear as to thy intentions, yet thy playful remarks hath been anything but such.”

“I’m thrilled we have come to such a naked understanding, Thor!”  Elinor chimed, further digging in the weapon she had in his heart to twist it around.

Covering his eyes to not see her rosy smile, the man’s chest swelled before releasing a long stream of uncomfortable air.  “I am beginning to regret seeking thy companionship in this—”

“Ho-ho!”  Elinor snickered.  “Companionship, Thor?  I’m so happy you think we are so close; I should find you a room in my palace!”

“W-What deviancy hath thou on thy mind, Lady Irkalla!  I will not be party—”

“Thor, Thor!  Hehe.  What is it you expect of my offer of ‘hospitality’ for a guest?  I simply wish to extend a hand to my ally!”

“Is there nothing thou canst twist into depravity, Woman?!  What of thy children—doth thou intend to continue with such… such carnal language in their presence?”

“My children are grown.  Hmm-hmm-hmm!  And I have taught them well, although… hehe, I will say, so far as I’m aware, they can be a little embarrassed by me at times, but what child does not feel that way about their parents?”


“Thinking of Sif, hmm?  I have a sneaking suspicion Sif and I would find much common ground!”

The man gave her an uncertain look—as if questioning if he’d be safe in her city—which made her stomach squirm with delight.  “Thou art truly the First of the House of Snakes, Lady Irkalla…”

“Haha!  How sweet of you to notice,” Elinor giggled, reaching down to stroke her snickering little spiritual snake.  “Hmm…  Now, what am I going to name you?” she whispered, sending the message to the Primordial that she was done tormenting him.

It had been some time since she’d had this much fun teasing someone she saw as an equal—there were few she saw as such, to begin with—and thrust into this conflict with so many other powerful entities made her heart beat with excitement.

“How about… Masmu…  My little snake goddess that will grow big and strong,” she fondly whispered as it rubbed against her finger.

Elinor’s vision wandered to the agitated God of Thunder in the ensuing silence, wondering how their interactions might change after opening heaven and taking on the form of the more grown woman she was.

Currently, she wanted to maintain the image others had of her, which would evolve upon displaying her connection to the heavens.

“I find your interactions most entertaining, Empress.  The exchange you two share seems to have sparked a union of sorts that has dispensed with the hostility he previously showed.”

Hmm-hmm.  That’s the weapon of the female form at work, Sari’aél; perhaps I’ll teach you how to utilize such an assault method in time.

“Ooh!”  Her innocent and eager expression made Elinor chuckle.  “I would most enjoy learning methods to cease conflict with only my words, such as you have demonstrated, Empress!”

In time…  Although, a frown creased her lips while touching her purified earring, be careful of what my sister will attempt to teach you.  She is far more… liberal in how she uses her… assets.

Bewilderment touching her golden irises, the Seraph shook her head.  “I do not understand what you mean by that, Empress.”

I will leave ‘specific’ instructions to Theresa to instruct you on such matters…  I cannot, in good faith, entrust it to Ishtar.

“Why is that, Empress; you do not trust your sister?”

Oh, I trust her, alright, Sari’aél…  I trust she would be all too eager to teach you how to utilize your sexual appeal, and I cannot see your father being too thrilled with her… methods.

“If you say so.  I will happily await Theresa’s lessons!”

Puffing out a long stream of air, Elinor reminded herself that she had to set some house rules for her sister; Ishtar had no room to argue, seeing as she had lost, and this was another chance to show she could be responsible and show her dedication to her job.

“Something of concern, Lady Irkalla?”  Thor muttered, sharp vision mapping out Nethermore as they approached.

Sharp, as expected.

“My sister certainly does give me a reason for concern…  She may have vast potential—much of which she has squandered until recently—but I fear she may fall into old habits if I am not by her side…  I cannot be there every moment to smack her hand when she goes too far, which means I must move beyond my discomfort to place my trust in her.”

Laughter came from the Asgardian as he turned to give her a toothy grin.  “Thou art a mixed bag of trouble thyself, Lady Irkalla.”

“Hehe.  That, I cannot deny.”

“Still, thy boldness is also a trait thou hath impressed me with, Lady, and to hear thou make such comments regarding thy sister returns my mind to my brother; it appears our fears align in such matters!”

“Ugh…  Loki and Ishtar, causing trouble for their older siblings until the end, and it appears divergent Existences do not change that fact.”

“Haha!  Yes, though my brother always has his heart in the right place.”

“Mmh… I can honestly say I hope the same for Ishtar,” Elinor muttered as the Seraph eased their flight to land on the colossal outer wall of her fortress, keeping her hidden from the Primordial with her wings.

“Eek!  Empress?!”  Noa chimed, runes shimmering underneath her feet for Thor to raise his hammer.

“By Odin’s beard!”

“Hold, Thor!  Hehe.  She serves me.”

“E-Empress?”  Noa whispered, flashing back a few feet in concern at the lightning dancing off the man’s raised hammer.

“This creature is… of no flesh and blood?”

“No.  She is a Runic A.I. in charge of running the network of my city; Noa is ‘quite’ capable and loyal.  I do appreciate her service.”

Noa’s cheeks flushed, her crescent-moon-like eyes shifting to the ground as she shifted in place.  “T-Thank you, Empress…  It has been a pleasure serving you.”

The Primordial’s electricity dying down, Elinor gestured to him.  “Noa, if you could take Thor to Antonietta to be fed and quench his thirst—hehe, I imagine you haven’t had a good meal since your war with the insects?”

“Humph.  I crushed their bodies and ate of their flesh when their horde would thin, awaiting their next assault.”

“I’m sure it was divine,” Elinor mused, “but I assure you, Antonietta will more than take care of your appetite.”

“Haaa.  I look forward to thy hospitality, Lady Irkalla…  Thou hath changed my opinion of High Mesopotamia since our clash; perhaps there are gods of the Lower Realms with honor—though, I could do without thy jokes.”

“Aww, but then we wouldn’t have moments like this!”  Elinor snickered, easing out a little for him to swiftly turn his back to her.  “Hehe.  Noa…”

Runes surrounded the surprised Primordial as he was ‘mercifully’ carried away from her dagger-like tongue to enjoy Nethermore’s findest chef’s company.

“As for you, Empress?”  Noa asked, happy to be done with the Lord of Thunder.

“Bring me to the Throne Room with Violet, and have her two sisters join me.”

“And me, Empress?”  the Seraph questioned, her six glorious wings stretching out again now that the man was gone.

“Rest with the humans; I do not feel as if tempering yourself is needed to prepare to face Orinvia the day after tomorrow.  Heh, you’re too damn proud to think you will lose.”

“I may lose my life, Empress!”  she cheerily stated with a bright smile.

“You see, Sari’aél, saying you may die and feeling fear at dying is not one and the same thing,” Elinor laughed.


Noa giggled at the Seraph’s cocked head and tone.

“No-hehe.  Your only fear comes in the way of others, Sari’aél; you are incapable of being in fear for yourself.”

Sari’aél blinked as if thinking such a thing was impossible to comprehend.  “Why would one fear entering your father’s loving hands?”

“My point!  In any case, get that toned butt to discovering more about mortals—hmm,” she cut herself off with a thoughtful twist to her lips.  “Thor is pulling out a part of me I rarely get to explore.  Hmm-hmm.  I wonder what Gugalana would think of this playful attitude Thor draws out of me?”

“I look forward to meeting him, Empress!”  Sari’aél waved, mirroring the human children no doubt, for Noa to whisk her away.

Appearing at the foot of her throne, she was a little surprised to see Violet already in the vast room, touching up her handiwork in the free time she currently had; she’d known the girl had been in the palace through the Nexus, but her perception of those within range wasn’t that precise—at least, as of yet.

“Empress…  What happened to the clothes I crafted for you?!  I… smell a powerful entity that you have been in contact with,” she said while dropping down from her upside-down position on the ceiling to use her invisible thread to smoothly take her to Elinor’s side.

“It doesn’t matter; craft me something similar to the previous outfit.  Your sisters will be here soon to—ah, swift, as expected, Noa,” she said as the two were transported to the floor below.  I will inform you of your task as Violet works.

The blue, red, and black-haired sisters gave her a soundless nod as they waited; Camellia was burning with desire to finally have another mission after recovering, and she could sense Azalea’s concern for her little sister, who looked utterly savaged in her human form after receiving such brutal burns.

I have learned there is the possibility of an artifact hidden below the surface of our valley that is mutating the insects that assault Noa, and I have more or less confirmed its existence through a new ally.  My task for you is simple; spread your talents and map the network underground.

“You don’t want us to retrieve it, Empress?”  Camellia asked, hoping to have more of a direct role in the process.

Not before Thor and I can examine it; I suspect there are quite a few Fallen Divine objects scattered throughout this planet’s history and the many Crystals it has seen.  If you wish, I will allow you to clean up the fodder when you discover its location and any other points of interest.

“We will do what you ask without fail, Empress,” Violet replied, hiding the pain Elinor knew she felt, yet she also knew that sitting around and twiddling her thumbs would kill her; she wasn't like Camellia, who could learn something from the humans to pass the time.

Flexing her fingers and plucking at her clothes when the dark-haired transformed spider finished her weave, Elinor was more than satisfied by the craftsmanship.  Fit for perfection, but I’d expect nothing less, Violet…  Always impressive.

“Thank you, Empress.”

Sending them to perform their task, Elinor sat on the first step of the climb to her throne above, leaning and spreading her arms to study the gothic-themed room as she took in the silence for several minutes.

Once reorganizing her priorities, Elinor contacted Tiffany.  How goes your progress?

“Elinor!  Actually, hmm-hmm, faster than I anticipated with Esmerelda’s support; she has become quite the student and has been advancing rapidly with my tutelage!”

I’m happy that you found such a perfect fit for a Maid.  Will a smaller version be finished with the recorder by the end of the day?

“I can have it done.  Yes.”

Good.  I’ll be making a public address to everyone before their typical time to sleep, but I assume many will be resting through parts of the day after last night’s disruption.

“Oh?  I haven’t heard anything that would do such a thing.”

No need to distract you from your work…  It is crucial for Ishtar.

“Not… for you, Empress?  I was under the impression this was to broadcast your apocalyptic appearance to the masses regarding your terrifying power,” she grumbled, still not sold on Ishtar’s resurrection.

Oh, Tiffany, there will be plenty of that, as well, but I do these things for many reasons; Sari’aél will inform you of what has transpired once you have completed your job.

“Understood.  I shall pull up my sleeves and double our effort!”

That’s what I like to hear, Elinor smirked, leaving her Witch to her work while connecting to Theresa.  I see Tiffany has not been informed regarding the children and women?

“Mmh.  Yes, Empress, High Lord Edmon was against it to pull her attention away from her witchcraft since Esmeralda has discovered a flower in the jungle that can act as a support to clean Luisina’s blood when she poisons herself.”

Quite the discovery…  Esmeralda has certainly shown herself capable, it seems; even in her free time, she is scavenging the landscape to further her craft.  How potent is this cleansing agent for Luisina?

“Slow-acting, but enough to provide emergency treatment to those most in need.  Most of the women and children are currently resting; Luisina has collapsed, as well…”

Haaa…  I would expect nothing less of the over-caring girl.  I leave them in your care, and… there is one other task I would give to you.

Leaning forward to place her elbows on her knees and bridge her fingers under her chin as she stared at the podium below, Elinor explained the finer details of her plan to the 2nd-In-Command Head Maid; she was the first outside of Sari’aél to receive a few of the critical points.

Expectedly, Theresa took the news as a professional would, as a soon-to-be Head Maid should.  “I am relieved you will have a Maid to support you, Empress, and I shall be delicate in Sari’aél’s education on sexual conduct; Gwen has been very protective of her when among the humans.”

Excellent.  I leave her in your care.

Narrowed vision shifting to her left, Elinor whispered, “Noa…”

“I am here.”

Studying the half-Nalvean and human Runic A.I. out of the corner of her eye, she hummed.  “How bad are the damages in the colosseum after Ke’Thra’Ma and Kon’draga’s fight?”

A strained smile showed her sharp teeth.  “Umm… most of the damage came from Kon’draga’s unreasonably powerful attacks, but…  It will take time to restore since High Lord Edmon must draw up the plans to make the repairs.”

“I figured…  How about the Network?”

“Certain areas I cannot teleport to or access due to the damage, but Alua’Quel’Lana has assured me that she can fix the issues.”

Elinor’s flaming eyes drifted back to her courtroom as she spoke.  “Are there any other pressing problems I should be aware of?”

“So far as High Lord Edmon has told me, he is handling everything pressing regarding the unstable Network with Lord Voukey.”

A smirk lifted the side of her mouth; it was time to see if her worries were correct.  “A competent court at work, hmm…  Has Princess Tal’tamine arrived?”

“The Nalvean Princess?  She has not.”

Demon…  Did you think I wouldn’t notice?

She felt Edmon and Voukey fly back into range of the Nexus after returning from their previous mission—Noa had sent them to quell one particularly nasty inferno; the bubbling lava shooting out of fissures across the valley was starting intense blazes that needed to be dealt with.

Deviate your flight to scan the Wandering River for a Nalvean royal ship.

Edmon’s voice became a growl as he followed her train of thought.  “You believe something has happened to the Princess?”

She should have been seen by now on a Seaweaver-powered boat, yet not one sighting of her from the many Unintelligent Undead runners we have acting as sentries along the river?  It doesn’t bode well, and if I am being paranoid, fair enough, but…

White-scaled Nalveans attacked Seedlings near my valley and far from where they should be.  Also, Demon has his eyes set on Tal’tamine for some currently unknown reason; he would rather her disappear than me discover the purpose.

“We’ll prioritize the Princess immediately.”

Noa watched her sober expression with slightly nervous twitches, waiting to be addressed as Elinor pondered the string of events that had transpired throughout her stay in this world.

She would have sent Sari’aél to investigate when she’d returned, but she couldn’t risk the Seraph losing any chance to rest considering her coming contest; therefore, the only option had been to wait for Edmon to return to send Voukey and him on the investigation.

“Hmm…  I have one last thing for you to do, Noa, before I leave you to your work…  Inform Gwen there will be a large broadcast tonight; it will be short but mandatory.”

“Right away, Empress!”  the girl said with a sigh of relief in her tone.

Elinor understood she was already stressed enough dealing with the overworked Network, and the added tension of wondering if she would be asked to do something she couldn’t was getting to her.

With everything she needed from Noa out of the way, she turned her attention to the next individuals she required.  Adoncia

The Oni Maid gave a quick start as Elinor addressed her.  “I am here, Empress?”

I want you to bring your brother Sal, his girlfriend Alisa, and Valentina, the Tiger Beastkin Seedling, to me…  I have something to discuss with the four of you.

Feeling the girl’s internal anxiety skyrocket at the abrupt order, Adoncia did her best to remain calm.  “R-Right away, Empress…  To the Throne Room?”

Yes.  The way will be opened when you arrive.


Elinor leaned against the soft stairs of thread behind her and crossed her legs with an excited smile lifting her lips as she tapped her foot in anticipation.  How is Thor doing, Antonietta?

Her cook let a low sigh pass through the connection, saying it all in that one gesture.  “He has no limit to his appetite, Empress, and shows no signs of stopping; I fear he may clean out all the supplies I have on hand.  If this keeps up, we will need to move to breakfast materials.”

Hehe.  I suspect you have already sent out more Undead to collect more food?

“I have, but I do not believe they would return in any measure of time required, so… while I have your ear, Empress, might I reach into the private store you have mentioned to me?”

Mmh, the pyramid ecosystem on the mountain?  You will need to work with Noa to discover when she has the resources to transport you to harvest what you require, but I grant you access to it; give Thor our best.

“Very well, Empress.  I will present him with my finest efforts.”

I expect no less.  How long until the beer is brewed?

“Nothing has changed in that regard.”

Unfortunate.  I leave him in your care.

Puffing out a long stream of air, Elinor waited an hour as Adoncia scrambled through the nearby buildings in search of her brother and his girlfriend, eventually soliciting the help of the poor, overworked A.I. in locating her three targets; she felt a little bad for Noa, but it should also give the girl confidence in how much they relied on her.

Her thrill at what was to come was tempered a bit when Edmon and Voukey’s path took a sharp turn to the west; if she was correct in gauging the Mythic Jukal’s speed from her flights with him, they would be passing out of the valley and into Ri’bot territory that she hadn’t encountered as of yet.

There are many branching rivers between Shi’Shuka and Nethermore…  I was right.  What do you want with Tal’tamine, Demon?  A legendary Nalvean with a talent that exceeds even her father’s abilities…

Elinor’s attention shifted to the four she’d called as the nervous teenagers passed through the colossal doors—practically the size of mice in comparison—and took the expansive walk down the hallway to stand before the center podium to squint up at her.

Let’s see if I’m right.

Adoncia cleared her throat.  “Empress, I…”  she trailed off as Elinor stopped her, getting to her feet and hopping off the edge to use a summoned chain to slow herself near the bottom to join the white-faced humans.

Casually walking up to them, Elinor held her wrist behind her back with a small smile on her lips.

Alisa’s hand was shaking in Sal’s as they refused to make eye contact, and the boy tried to clear his throat upon realizing she was coming to them.  “D-Did we do some—”

“Shhh!”  his sister hissed, jabbing her elbow into his side.


Elinor moved around the large podium meant for Quen’Talrat and hopped onto the first step to cross her legs and smile at them.  “No need to be so nervous; I realize this might seem a bit off-beat to how I dealt with you in the past, but I suppose you could say that’s the product of discovering who I really am.”

“A… real Goddess?”  Valentina muttered, the only one still looking at her instead of her feet.

“Mhm!  There is something I wish to confirm and offer you—and let me be candid—this is a choice; it has to be.  So,” she lifted her hand for emerald flames to spark to life and release dozens of butterflies to fly around the tense group, “just stay still for a moment for me to check your spiritual elasticity.”

Despite her words, she could feel and see the stress on her Oni Maid’s face; she wasn’t the most disciplined of her servants, but that was part of the reason Elinor liked her, and, after several seconds, her lips lifted with her excitement again.


She snapped her fingers for the butterflies to vanish; her Death Pool would soon be replenished in the rush of Death Energy from the mortals who now believed wholeheartedly in her divinity after the stunning heavenly appearance that left no room for doubt with the angelic song.

“Acceptable?”   Adoncia squeaked.  “Is my brother… to be used in this coming war—so, sorry, Empress; I shouldn’t… sorry.”

Fingers linking in her lap, Elinor leaned forward a tad while studying each.  “Look up—there’s no reason I should be talking to a bunch of zombies, hehe—how would the four of you like to become a God and Goddesses?”

Valentina’s lips parted in disbelief, followed by Alisa’s.  “Huh?”

“Hu-huh…  Huh?  Goddesses—us?”

On the other hand, Sal almost shouted a resounding, “Yes!  I want to get stronger—I believe in you, Goddess Elinor—I want to get strong, like Virgil; I want to join the Argent Dawn!”

“S-Sal!”  Adoncia choked in a panic.  “Empress, I—you said the four of us?!  I’m already a Maid for—”

Valentina’s slitted, golden irises shimmered with the prospect.  “Do you mean it, Empress—eh, Goddess?”

“If Sal—” Alisa gagged for a second.  “If Sal wants to—I will!  I believe in you, Goddess!”

Elinor giggled and held up a hand, causing the four to snap their jaws shut.  “Let’s calm down a bit!  Heh-he.  I have a lot to accomplish today, so listen closely to my offer in the interest of time.  Can you do that?”

They all nodded, her maid even more stressed than before as she bit her lower lip with her twitching fingers held against her belly.

“Good.  I will open the gates to heaven, and in doing so, I will have several unique opportunities that I cannot let pass me by; one of those is the possibility of creating God Touched.”

Lumps dropped down their throats as they internally repeated the word; Elinor could see it in their restless eyes.

“Think of a God Touched as someone who can act as an avatar or vessel for a God’s or Goddess’ power, which stretches and molds a mortal’s soul—a soul being Intelligence, spirit, and body—and this very narrow window can be used to attune your Essence to begin accepting this change.”

She pointed at Valentina, making the girl’s ears pull back and tail stiffen as the other three centered on her.  “You are what I call a Seedling, but it is limited; it is not so challenging for my children to replicate the type of Seed you carry to the others and enhance it to the needed effect.  Now, what does this mean?”

Elinor gave them a toothy grin.  “It means that you will be channeling the Divine and developing God-like powers yourselves as a result, yet, unlike the Seed you were given, Valentina, you will be tied to a true God or Goddess, meaning that for a limit time, you give them the ability to possess your body to fight the battles you cannot.”

“How long?”  Adoncia whispered.

The Empress of the Dead internally reprimanded her that it was still her choice to accept or not, making her wince and drop her gaze before releasing a short sigh.

“How long?”  Elinor repeated, and their eyes shot to Masmu as her spiritual snake peaked out from the hidden fold between her breasts to examine the four.  “It will grow as time goes on, but roughly a minute or two—it depends on your internal strength—so it will vary between you, but you each have the capability.”

Legs uncrossing, Elinor gave them a pointed look.  “Think carefully and talk amongst yourselves because this is not an offer made without the utmost dedication to a destiny you have the opportunity to grasp; everything is dependent on the tempering fire within you…”

She caught their tightening hands as she drove the nail into the cost of her proposal.  “If you take this offer, you will stand beside me in a conflict between gods, eldritch fiends, and creatures beyond your imagination, but you will have me to guide you through this war.

“Will it be easy?  No.  It will rip and tear at your very souls—some of you may not survive—but the rewards for those of you with the will to carry on…  You will reap a reward beyond anything you could fathom…  As my pupils, you will have gained the strength to forge your own destiny.”

Hopping off the podium to walk around the breathless, unmoving mortals, Elinor made her way to the exit to meet Thor, prompting the doors to be opened for her.  “In short, I need my children by my side, and you have the capability to accommodate that.

“You have until tomorrow morning to decide your futures; if you accept, we will be journeying to the east with Thor—yes, Thor, the God of Thunder—to rescue Loki and Baldr, his brothers, from the God of Decay, Erra, and eradicate whoever else stands in our way.”

Slowing to a stop several meters away, she half-turned to give them a confident grin.  “None of you have any ties left to your home—family or friends besides the obvious—allow me to take you through the fire to craft a God out of you, or… you can stay in Nethermore and live out your moral lives under my protection.”

Making her way to the door, Elinor chuckled.  “The choice is yours.”


Next Chapter


Darth Mole

So concerned for them but excited for Elinor!! So many questions as well! I don’t want to possibly spoil anything or jump the shark so I’ll wait for the resulting chapters but I fear for them so much -nail bite-