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1. Klaus (Our Nalvean Ambassador!)

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Klaus’ gaze drifted between the various advisors around the large conference table, legs crossed and fingers folded in his lap; this was the twenty-first day within the Nalvean Capital—he hadn’t even been able to see how much the Empire had grown—yet the Empress’ had been more than merciful.

No, it was downright uncanny—terrifying, even—how insightful and quick his Empress grew; he’d seen it firsthand when he’d acted as her guide when in Shi’Shuka.

He wouldn’t believe she was only sixteen years old had they been back on Earth, and the shiver he had when around the girl was unlike anything he’d ever experienced; it took him being away from her presence to grasp it, but there was something very unnatural about her that went beyond the Seed he’d heard about through the Nexus.

Power didn’t change you in this way—he’d seen what authority did to people firsthand—Klaus was a young politician, and it revealed the character within but didn’t make you into a ruler.  To rule came with experience, and it was as if his Empress was tapping into a wealth of it that was as natural as breathing.

Demeanor, forethought, cold rationality, and an unbending will, demanding all attention; there were times she led with an iron fist, and others showed compassion—understanding—such as judging the Ri’bot Clans based on the individual groups wronged.

In Shi’Shuka, he may have given her information, but how that was acted upon had dramatically changed his position in the High Ruler’s Royal Court.  Her dance with Demon across the streets of the ancient Nalvean capital, her presence in public, the way she’d acted to the population—everything had a ripple effect.

Klaus had been a tad bit anxious about her sudden fixation with Sari’aél’s statue when much of their focus had shifted from the diplomatic route to strong-arming her way into getting the woman, stepping on many high-ranking officials’ toes; yet again, she’d been utterly correct in understanding the bigger picture.

It was as if she had a perfect memory or something was prompting her down the correct paths because nothing seemed wasted.  Klaus didn’t understand it, though, it was as if a frenzied undertone buried beneath her regal cadence said it still wasn’t enough, so she pushed harder.

In less than a month, they’d gone from a group of enslaved, conquered people to being recognized as a strong, budding nation that had the support of a well-established Empire; everything she touched turned to gold, and that’s something people noticed—she brought results, and at a frightening speed.

How did Empress Elinor do it?  The first horrific thing she did when standing before a nation and race she’d never met was to savagely display her ruthless, terrifying power by allowing that Empire’s rulers a shot at her neck.

It was an image none of them could ever forget that not only marked her as a threat but someone useful, opening all the doors they now enjoyed.  Not only did she murder one of their strongest officers, but Elinor also brought her back to serve her own interests and then prompted the leader of an Empire to select one of his children to guide her—utterly absurd—the child could be used as a hostage, yet it worked.

Why she’d chosen such a dangerous gambit that could have seen the entire Nalvean army marching north, he didn’t understand, yet it told him she was no teenager.

To further illustrate this was the Empress’ selected mode of political attack, uncovering secrets not to destroy the current leader but bring him closer to her side; she put High Ruler Nukulara in her debt by finding several plots, feeding into his culturally inappropriate fetishes, and saving his precious daughter—the future ruler of his Empire.

Now, a Nalvean princess was preparing to make the trip north to Nethermore under the pretext of healing, which was only part of the reason; it said a lot when the ruler of an Empire shipped off his daughter to another out of fear for her safety within their own borders—Elinor had found the perfect chinks in the armor of the Nalvean Empire, seemingly without even trying.

There was something more intense than he could fathom hidden below her outward appearance, and whatever it was had been reaching out since her change during that night of heavenly lights.  Every action she took saw a string of triggers that furthered her goals, and Klaus sitting in on this meeting was one of them.

The past week had been filled with conferences, architects, and engineers looking at the project's scope of creating a path to Nethermore.  Commerce was being established, and treaties were brought before Shi’Shuka’s highest dignitaries and representatives to present at the City-State Grand Council in the coming weeks.

Empress Elinor’s aberrant insight didn’t stop at establishing an Empire but extended to the needs of her own subjects and the Nalveans; he didn’t have to look behind him to know Emelina was standing there, having returned on their ruler’s orders.

At first, he’d thought of Emelina as a very attractive woman with excellent life skills, which would have been helpful in the environment and station he’d been raised in, but now, he knew she was so much more.

Emelina could act in almost any role she was given, be it a maid or a lady of noble demeanor; she was intelligent, thoughtful, kind, brutal, tempered, and mature.  She exceeded anything he required of an assistant, all while also acting as a source of stress relief on their sleepless nights.

It was more than sex—not that she lacked in that department—but the patience and care she took in listening to his concerns about various roadblocks that would crop up.  She mainly acted as a soundboard, yet she'd offer bits of sound council when believing her insight was of worth.

Being Undead and not requiring sleep whatsoever had its upsides, yet during the nights, when he’d been alone, there hadn’t been much he could do to clear his mind than walk the nighttime streets—Emelina made such a task effortless—and a sigh of relief came in the form of Aina San Roman.

Once again, the Empress showed her forethought in grasping what was unsaid; the earthy-green-eyed, black-haired Rare-Grade Maid was a diligent and proactive woman.  She often had everything Emelina had tasked her within the day finished by noon—giving the Head Maid far more time with him—and had been an enormous support in gathering information on Yesenia.

Aina may have looked to be in her early twenties, yet she was a widow over seventy and had a grandson in Yesenia’s group.  He didn’t know if Aina had just been the only Maid available to join or if Emelina had suggested her for that very purpose, but it was only to their advantage.

Like a few of the other Maids, Aina was of the Songweaver Class, giving her the musical performance that could draw attention from the arts-loving Nalveans; her old Colombian songs and lullabies were quite a hit with the scaled and spiked salamander race.

Klaus’ vision went to the far right of the table, where Yesenia hovered—her changed, reptilian irises were now living coals of intense flames, and they were on him—she’d been undergoing quite a few physical alterations throughout the month, including her personality.

If he didn’t know any better, Klaus would have guessed the absence of Sari’aél’s balancing and peaceful aura had affected her in many ways.

Scaled wings had sprouted out of her back, able to be folded around her long, snake-like body to serve as a cloak of sorts; it may have been his imagination, but at times, he thought her mossy-green hair were vipers, making him think of Medusa—still, no one had reportedly turned to stone—perhaps even more perturbing was the scorpion stinger that had formed at the base of her tail.

She’d remained a mystery Klaus couldn’t crack, and with the authority she’d built within the Seaweavers, Yesenia had tremendous political power inside of Shi’Shuka, which barred them from getting near the other humans.

Aina hadn’t been flustered by the opposition, yet the return of the snake-woman’s family had undoubtedly affected her mindstate; if there was one thing the Empress had been cornered in, ironically, it was Yesenia’s influence.

Klaus knew it was a bad play to give up such an important bargaining chip, but it wasn’t as if his Empress was easy to cave to other’s demands; it was an unfortunate deal that had to be made, and you had to suck it up and play the game at times.

The meeting coming to a close, Klaus stood to bow his head, fist over his chest in a different form of a salute than the Ri’bots did—even Yesenia was forced to show moderate respect to the Nalvean emperor.

“Mmgm…  It is nearing sundown, and I wish to see my daughter off on her journey to Nethermore; we will continue discussing possible currency exchange in the following council tomorrow.”

All present responded in unison.


Straightening as the High Ruler moved to the exit, Imperial Head Captain Hakara close by his side, everyone paused in gathering their materials as the Nukulara slowed beside Klaus.

“Ambassador, would you join me?”

“Of course, High Ruler.”

Without being asked, Emelina stepped forward to gather the documents for Aina and her to follow at a distance so as they couldn’t eavesdrop, and something particularly of note, the Imperial Head Captain walked beside them, which didn’t go unnoticed by the crowd—it showed the High Ruler was completely comfortable in his presence.

Besides Yesenia’s unreadable stare, one other thing caught his notice before exiting—a 50cm tall bird—one of Lord Voukey’s spies.

The Lord of the Sky had spent time in each location gathering a new flock; bird species differed considerably in intelligence, and it would take time for the Mythic-Grade General to grant the rest of the Empire the ability to communicate to those under him, but progress was being made.

Through his efforts, while in Shi’Shuka, they’d confirmed the humans were being treated well within the Seaweaver District, yet security was even tighter than in the Royal Palace, meaning Aina couldn’t get close enough to make contact.

The woman made a visit every day to send a letter to her grandson, not that they believed it would ever reach him; still, on the off-chance it did, she continued her efforts, if just to let him know she was well and that she wanted to continue having contact.

Stepping into the hallway with the High Ruler, they proceeded several meters before he smiled, keeping his focus ahead of them in the busy corridors; everyone stopped what they were doing to shift to the walls and bow to their emperor.

“Hmm…  The strangest thoughts have entered my mind since Empress Elinor has made her presence known.  Would you entertain me, Ambassador?  I wish to hear your opinion.”

“I was appointed to be of service to you by my Empress to further the bond between our Empires, High Ruler; I will answer to the best of my ability in my station.”

“Hmm-hmm-hmm.  As cleverly worded as ever…  I understand you won’t give me your complete honesty if it brings a negative view of your Empress.  Perhaps I ask too much of you.”

Klaus thought about his response for a moment.  “Mmh…  I believe my Empress would wish me to be truthful and transparent in our dealings with your Empire.  If it is a matter of my office, I can only respond so far… yet if you desire my opinion as a person, I will give you my unfiltered thoughts, if you so wish, High Ruler.”

“He-he, mmh, this is why I enjoy your company, Klaus…  It is something I can’t experience with most of my people, and to have another ruler of equal standing so close to the north that is willing to speak to me as such is… refreshing.”

He looked at a few breathless scholars that muttered his name in reverence as he passed, taken in by his presence.  “Klaus, I have given a lot of thought to how Elinor’s movements throughout her stay in my Empire… every action I’ve been able to unearth, and all of the dots that came from and were there before her arrival…”

His countenance fell a tad while glancing at the window where another one of the popular birds of the area stood, eyes following their movements.  “I fear I may be growing paranoid ever since she revealed so many weaknesses within my nation, but all I see are troubles brewing throughout the City-States, and I find myself thinking it is moronic to believe Demon does not play a role in it.”

Klaus nodded, his tone grave.  “I don’t believe that is paranoia, High Ruler, but paying heed to the threat he is.”

They slowed a tad upon entering an elevator and waited for his guard and the maids to enter.  “Hakara and many of the local bird watchers have noticed a rather unusual change in the Min’lasa flight patterns and behaviors as of late.  Would you have anything to add to that topic?”

“Heh, you are quite sharp in your observations, High Ruler.”

Nukulara’s jaw tightened, anger in his gaze, yet it wasn’t directed at Klaus, and after they reached the ground level, a short grunt came from the man.  “Not… nearly enough.  So, it is something related to your Empress…  I find it quite disturbing how unorthodox her methods are…  To use the Min’lasa as spies, I assume.  Fascinating tactics… and to enact them so swiftly.”

Emelina’s voice entered his mind, speaking as preparations were being made to enter the city, the High Ruler appearing to lose himself in thought.  “He is far more observant than I gave him credit for.”

Quite, but he has reason to be, and the weight of not seeing the enslavement of his youngest daughter has pushed him into a mindstate of war.  He may be performing his duties as the emperor of this nation, yet he is also a father with a score to settle… further pushing him to the Empress’ side.

“I presume he wished for Hakara to hear the response to this question, which is why he brought it up when we were once again in earshot?”

Most likely.  I have no doubt he was considering putting out a hunting order for any Min’lasa that came close to the palace had we not confirmed it was the Empress’ doing…  Hehe.  He backed us into a corner to give him a response since revealing the network to him is less damaging than its decimation.

“The Empress chose a worthy person to throw her support behind.”


Outpacing the maids and guards again once arrangements were made, Klaus kept his own eye out for possible threats, yet the following conversation took a turn he did not expect.

“In the investigations I’ve had conducted since Empress Elinor returned to her lands, I have realized a great many areas I must strengthen my influence and the powers that threaten my nation…  The Shadow Hand…  I understand you’ve dealt with them?”

“Mmh…”  Klaus’ vision centered on the front entrance and gates beyond; they were heading for the docks to meet with Tal’tamine.  “I haven’t been able to contact the members I’ve brought under my influence for two days.”

“I see…”  The Emperors’ nose twitched, his vision drifting between the various citizens that stopped to pay their respects, and two dozen soldiers flanked them on either side, another ahead of them to clear the way.

“Murder happens very rarely in my city, Ambassador, and accidental deaths or suicide are logged by the City Guard to open investigations…  For several ‘accidental’ incidents to happen so close together, and with some individuals that were known acquaintances, it has raised too many red flags.

“I ponder the reason they’re being so brazen about it…  I ordered for scrutiny after the events surrounding Empress Elinor, hoping for them to slip up in some way, but didn’t expect such a rapid and obvious play, which… has caught me off-guard.  I suppose it means they understand I have caught wind of their organization.”

Klaus’ eyes narrowed.  “They’re all dead?”

“I memorized the past one thousand two hundred and seventy-three deaths in the last month—most since Empress Elinor left—within Shi’Shuka last night; give me a name, and we will see if there is a connection.”

“Kojax, the Head Warrior for the Clavex?”

“Killed by his former Clansmen, or so the Ri’bot investigators indicated.”

“Hmm…  I haven’t heard anything from Iona or Welix since yesterday—Ri’bot Xaria under the Empress’ service…”

Emelina, something may have happened to Welix and Iona.

She nodded, excusing herself to the Imperial Captain before going her own way.  “I will investigate further.”


“Naturally.  Iona and Welix were close to unlocking the Empress’ increased aptitude via belief in her divinity and powerful Xaria in their clans; I would be hard-pressed in fighting either by myself and if they were captured or killed together, my chances are not high.  Still, I have advantages as an Undead they do not enjoy…  Do not worry about my safety, Ambassador.”

Feeling a tad rebuked for doubting her intelligence and strength, Klaus forced a chuckle.  I apologize for not having more faith in your talents.

“I appreciate your concern.”

Nukulara seemed to notice the maid’s exit, showing he had high perceptibility without looking, yet that was clear by his ability to force Violet herself to be cautious around the ruler.  “Investigating further?”

“It’s best to act quickly on these matters when they’re brought up,” Klaus returned, expression tightening.  “What of Drenima?”

“Drowned three days ago after falling off the boat in a flash storm.”


“Ah… a ranking member in the Royal Guard…  So, as I suspected, he was a member; too many unnatural deaths around his days off once I began investigating.  Yes…  He seemed to have put up a fight in some altercation in a back alley, and he drew blood before succumbing to poison, but we haven’t found a lead on the perpetrator.”

“Hmm…  It makes sense; he was a high-ranking assassin within the organization,” Klaus muttered.  “He likely heard about the attempt on his life and prepared accordingly or managed to react despite being caught unaware, and if Mocreln was killed, I highly doubt any other contact I had would stand a chance…  They’re cleaning house.”

“There are dozens more I suspect were murdered, including ranking officials in the Trade Union, inspectors, key members of staff in the Navy, and many other industries… far too many to be a coincidence.”

“I see…  The Shadow Hand is likely cutting off a finger and starting fresh.  If that’s the case, I’ll need to be more proactive spotting possible tails at night.  I appreciate the information, High Ruler.”

“Hmm…  What does cutting off a finger mean…  Do they operate in other City-States?”

“Nations, High Ruler…  When I said they are cutting off a finger, they are scrubbing all of the Nalvean leadership, likely only excluding the top executives, or one of the executives is performing it in order to not incur the wrath of the other Fingers.”

“Which nations?”

“I have only identified contacts from the Ques’ká and Yalmáth Democracy, but I’m sure there are others in the other great nations.”

“A multinational criminal empire, eh?”  Nukulara growled.  “It was them that caused so much chaos with the Jadefire…  I will have more eyes on the merchants from those territories.”

He paused to look at the fading sun, casting an orange glow over his empire; silence took them for several seconds.

Wanting to bring the topic to something he was curious about, Klaus asked, “What of Umika’mia…  Has the Drék'uléph sent any word regarding why their Senator showed up in such a state?”

“No…  It will take months for my eldest daughter to reach Cape Glorious, and recently the border towns have been put on high alert, turning away all merchants and travelers… going so far as to escort them back to our lands.”

“A coup d'etat?”

“Possibly, but there’s no way for us to know since they have closed themselves off; we will have our answers when my daughter returns…  If she returns.”

Gut tightening at the High Ruler’s low voice, he suddenly realized there was a future avenue he hadn’t considered or seen at all brewing in the background that Nukulara had been keeping on the low—war with the Drék'uléph Republic, or whatever regime had taken it—and their ties with Mirelitel City-State suddenly became far more critical than he previously believed.

It was the fastest route to the Empire’s Capital from the Drék'uléph lands and served as the primary defense against an invasion; the Empress had sent the Argent Dawn—some new faith core she’d made—to oversee its support with Castella at their helm, a strong military figure in the Nalvean Empire.

Empress Elinor…  You never cease to amaze and terrify me.  How can you naturally identify and put in place individuals to act, if needed?

He could practically see his Empress standing in her tall tower, overlooking the valley and plotting dozens of moves ahead, and now, apparently, she had entered into some kind of transdimensional organization.

The Royal Court no doubt played a significant role in supporting her macro manage everything, but their Empress was at the nucleus, creating the foundation of their Empire by determining which dead should be risen to best suit their needs.

Klaus recalled many prominent individuals at her disposal to return from the dead, such as the Transcendent-Grade Lower Court member, yet she hadn’t selected him yet because his services were not currently required.

She played a tight game of managing her resources, and Sari’aél had been so important that she’d dropped everything to have her, to the point of risking her status with the Nalvean Empire—Klaus wondered how much of it was the Empress—no sixteen-year-old girl could do what she’d achieved in less than twenty-seven days.

What are you, Empress…  Yesenia can’t hold a candle to you, and she has this Seed Demon wants, as well.  She is a grown woman that had the Nalvean Seaweavers eating out of her hands the moment she arrived, and yet she doesn’t hold near the same dominating presence.

Demon also specifically targeted you first…  There has to be a reason for it.  No…  Why am I even thinking like this… it just doesn’t make sense…  From everything I heard about you from the humans before I left Nethermore and the growth you showed when first arriving in this nation… you chose to focus on key things I wouldn’t dream of as a politician and adult… yet you were right every time.

“What’s on your mind?”  Nukulara muttered in the silence that had taken them.

“Hmm…  Marveling at how unbelievably superior and grand my Empress is…  I haven’t had a chance to inform you yet, but I received word that the Empress has sent a company of soldiers to help bolster Mirelitel and stationing Castella to help support the City-State.”

“Hehe…”  Nukulara forced a smile.  “Well, it seems your Empress has a rather tactical mind; I did not mention anything regarding the border or the possible state of our neighbor before she rushed off to the north with her winged statue…  Did you inform her?”

“No, High Ruler.”

“Hmm-hmm…  Indeed, your Empress is an intelligent woman.”

The issue is I don’t know if she consciously did it or not…  In instinct alone, the Empress is phenomenal in leading…  How much more when our Empire stabilizes, and she has a clearer picture of the playing field?  What will she do?  Conquest?  It’s possible…  The Empress is terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time…  A born ruler.

“If war with the west is possible, what of the conflict raising its head in the south?”

“Mmgm…  The Judicus Isles…  Have your informants been able to discover anything regarding Jumi’kerune’s whereabouts?”

“So far as I am currently aware, we haven’t… but be sure we are putting quite the resources into finding Demon’s group.”

His head shifted to the south, a lump dropping down his throat, unable to feel the enigmatic presence of Iris; Voukey had swiftly returned to the valley after spending some time with the High Lady three days earlier, yet the Sky Lord was only now making his slow path to check on his spy network—he should reach Klaus in several hours.

“I will certainly share what I can with you when I am able.”

“Humph…  More careful words, Ambassador.  I suspect Stateswoman Kulumi or Statesman Ara’gora may have turned against me… possibly working for Demon or the Pirate Lords, and this new technology they’ve gained could equal the numbers, depending on how many weapons they have…  We cannot fight a war on two fronts.”

Klaus hissed.  “Which looks to be a possibility…  A difficult time, High Ruler.”

“Indeed.  I don't expect Nethermore to come to our defense…  We haven't had that kind of relationship… yet…  It seems your Empress is putting pieces into places that will give her an excuse to enter the fight, which… perplexes me.”

“Hehe…  You and me both, High Ruler.  I’ve been trying to puzzle out my Empress’ mind to understand what I should do, but in the end, I fear I lack the ability to try to predict her strategies and insights…  Currently, my only objective is to strengthen our diplomatic ties, gather information, and attempt to give the humans being kept in isolation by Yesenia the option of joining Nethermore.”

“Hmm-hmm…  You work diligently for your Empress, Ambassador…  If I had the quality of aides Empress Elinor has gathered…  Humph.  Well, I suppose I simply must look harder…  I have learned quite a bit from her example…  Nethermore has a good leader.”

“That, we agree on, High Ruler…”

A terrifyingly good—

Nukulara paused as Klaus came to a dead halt, flames erupting in his breast as a light broke past the darkening heavens to show a pillar of white—it came from Nethermore—a power that was both gentle and firm.

“Ambassador…  What is…”


I feel it, too, Emelina, Aina… hear it…

It only lasted several seconds, yet the holy song that radiated in his breast showed an image of Elinor he couldn’t describe—it was her—yet it wasn’t.  Two divine female voices sang in such harmony and glory that tears came to Klaus’ eyes, and ankles weak, he collapsed to his knees.

In the following timelapse, he saw the High Ruler on the ground next to him, stunned disbelief on his face.  “I’ve… never heard such a welcoming melody that could bring such joy and adoration…  It is as if the Twin Goddesses of Music announced something glorious to the world…  Ambassador…  What was that song…  What did it mean?”

“Something… has changed, High Ruler…  I can’t explain what, and it only lasted a few seconds, but… something has happened in Nethermore.”

Empress Elinor…  Why did I see two of you in a pillar of fire… like beaming quasars… with... with one being blonde, and… and you were…

“...Celestialized…  The heavens opening up to announce both—our Empress mirrored—yet one with black hair and the other blonde?”  Emelina responded, and Aina followed shortly after.

“What happened to the Empress—they both felt similar, yet… yet so different?”

“There’s no other word to describe it…  Whatever we saw…  It was as if the Empress was… was alive again…  Holy…  Divine…  Both are Divine.”


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