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1:  Saria Surge (Lieutenant Surge's Daughter)

Pokemon Map I Loosely Use For Visual Aid:  The distance between areas might be different, some cities are somewhat incorrect, a few routes have been labeled incorrectly, and some cities aren't listed, but it's the best I've found.

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12:42 P.M. July 1, Wednesday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League is at its climax; the grand final for each bracket of the Summer Round Robin Cup is here, where Trainers from each Tier will be named Seasonal Best, and at 6:30 P.M. the momentous event to determine the fate of Vermilion Gym—Saria Surge vs. Visquez—will begin.

Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 22 Days (21 officially; 22 since getting Maya and Nova).

Skin on fire, Saria’s lungs pumped, arm resting over her eyes to block out the light as Zack dropped to her side in a similar state; she was practically as breathless and sweaty as she’d been after her jog earlier that morning, yet this time a smile was on her lips.

“When… hehe…”

Zack followed her choking laugh, trying to get sticky saliva down his throat.  “Heh… a lot more energetic… than last Valentine’s—oof!”

She slammed the only throw pillow that still remained on the chaotic bed on his face with a giggle.  “This time I… hah, wasn’t wearing that ridiculous costume…”

“You loved it…  Haha!  Hey…”  he grinned, Kalos accent thick; she rolled onto his stomach, chaotic hair draping over him as she pinned his arms above his head to catch his toothy grin.  “Oh… round two, My Love?”

“Hmm?”  Chest still heaving from the laborious exercise they’d just done, she gave him a half-smile.  “The bed couldn’t handle a round two, and we don’t need you to be banned from another hotel!”

“We do have two Pokemon with teleport…”


“I’m just saying,” he snickered.  “I can pay for a new bed and fees for a second chance to see you…”

She leaned in and met his soft lips, tasting the blood she’d drawn earlier, legs spreading out while lying atop him, his strong hands around her neck and sliding down her spine to keep her balanced.

Tasting a little of her own disheveled hair, she pulled herself off his chest to breathe a heavy puff of air.  “I’d love a round two… but I do need to have some energy for later,” she whispered, smoothing back her hair and sighing before falling between his legs to stare up at the ceiling.

“Do you… Do you really mean it, Zack?  What about Kalos?”

He lifted up her butt and repositioned a bit to not crush the goods, mirroring her to ease the tension in his chest; her fiancé took a moment to respond, making Saria’s sensitive thighs and mouth tremble a bit as his rough fingers slid down her smooth, slick, burning skin.

“Saria… you are all that I need…  You are my home.”

Chill touching her shoulders, she smiled, tears gathering in her already stained and flushed cheeks.  Her long blonde hair bunched around her ear, scalp stinging slightly after the rough play.  Smile moving to a grin, she looked to the side to see the jewelry box holding her ring—her very own engagement ring—near the edge of the bed, somehow surviving the torrent of movement that most of the blankets and sheets had not.

Reaching over to bring it over her head, she rolled her eyes upon feeling the rising pressure against her rear-end, mischievously working into it as Zack hissed.

“Ack—ack… heh, punishment now?”

“Hmm-hmm-hmm… I said we need to wait for later!  I have the biggest match of my life in only five hours.”

“Five whole hours, My Love!  No, hehe,” Zack caressed her hips, fingernails leaving a lingering tingle, “I know you’ll be spectacular no matter the results… My future wife is a Mukin’ legend.”

“Is that right, hehe—let’s not go crazy here—even my dad hasn’t reached Grandmaster.”

“I know you’re a grandmaster at somethin’!”  he mused, Saria tilting to the side to give him a dirty smile.  “I can’t deny my experience, and I promised I’d never lie to you!”

“Well… you haven’t ‘experienced’ close to what this ‘grandmaster’ can do with her hips,” she teased, opening the box again to let herself be captivated by the shimmering pink stone.  “It’s...  It’s beautiful, Zack…”

Once again, needing to shift her lower half because of her impish movements, he streamed out a steaming breath.  “It’s the closest thing I could find to match the glamor of a Fairy.”

“Hehe, you’re so sappy!”  she giggled, and done teasing him, she flipped off his inguinal region to offer him the box.  Excitement twisted her already squirming abdomen, and she felt like a little girl again.  “Can you put it on me?”

Eyes softening, he knelt across from her on the bed and took the ring out to accept her extended hand, her heart thumping against her breast.  Zack's brown irises lifted to meet her expectant gaze, melting her as she felt the ring sliding into place like a burning brand against her chest.

I’m a bride… me… a ring on my finger…

She blinked as he pressed forward to kiss her out of the shock, returning to the force to not be carried to her back and off the bed; the problem, he practically sucked the air out of her!

Coughing a little, she laughed with him and looked between them at her hand.  “I’m a bride…”

“My bride…”  Zack grinned, brushing back her messy hair to direct her to his neck, where two hickies were forming, “That might as well be an Impidimp with how often I get bit; channeling that Dark inner side and marking your territory, huh?!”

“Hehe!”  Saria blushed, looking down at the ring again before closing her eyes and falling against his muscular chest for him to hold her.  “Of all days…  I guess even if I lose, there’s something I can look back on fondly.”

“Hey…”  He lifted her chin for her to be taken in by his gentle, earthy stare.  “Maybe it’s just because I’m always a winner when I have you by my side, but I can’t imagine you ever losing something you really want… if this is really what you want, I know you’ll find a way… because my wife is a fighter.”

Heart stilling, her arms closed around him, allowing his slightly irregular heartbeat to bump against her ear and the heat of his body overtake her.  “Thank you, Zack…  Maybe… can we just lay here a bit longer?”

He answered with a low grunt while promptly pulling her over him to hold her in a protective embrace, all her anxieties melting in his arms.

Their breathing synchronized over the next ten minutes, permitting herself just a little more time to experience the magical event she’d dreamed of since a budding adolescent, with the fantasies doing nothing to match how she felt in this moment and the pain of the last nine years washed away to reveal a sparkling sky, filled with possibilities of the future with Zack.

“Zack… just you and me?”

“Hehe… our future,” he whispered, knowing the statement included their Pokemon that were practically a part of them.

“Mmh…  I love you.”

“I love you too,” he cooed, kissing the top of her head as his fingers eased down her tingling spine.

Giving herself a few more seconds, a short sigh left her lips, and she got up, managing her hair and tittering when her fingers passed over her scalp.  “I should, mmgm… get cleaned up.”

“Still feeling the burn, huh?  Hehe.  Oh, and lunch?  Because, heh, that is quite cold by this point.”

“No, I…”  she paused, fingers rubbing her tight belly.  “I felt queasy not so long ago, but… eh-heh, I’m kind of a little hungry now,” she muttered, giving him a forced smile.

He held up his hands.  “I mean, I’m starved after the workout you put me through, but maybe that’s just me, Ms. High Master!”

“Oh?”  She got to her feet, stretching a little while staring at the twinkling pink jewel around her ring finger.  “You better load up on carbs for tonight because this was just the warm-up!”

He laughed, rubbing the bruises on his neck and licking his cut lip.  “Keep on like this, and they’ll call you an abusive wife!”

She winked while gathering her discarded articles across the ground and moved to the bathroom to freshen up.  “Only if you tell on me!”

Starting the shower, she washed off, and a smile lifted the corner of her lips as Zack joined her; he tried to help, but she had to guide his hands to her delight and amusement—sometimes they didn’t want to behave.

Once they’d finished, she dried off and wrapped her hair in a towel before snatching her dropped purse to get the items she’d need, such as makeup, and returned to slow at the doorway to smile at her fiancé, now leaning against the doorframe—butt naked—in a flexing pose to show off and make her giggle.

Brushing by him, all the while swinging her purse in a threatening manner, she was impressed that he didn’t flinch once, looking down at her with a smirk as he got what he wanted, yet he wasn’t done, smoothly flipping sides to leave himself full on display for her to see in the mirror.

Shaking her head with a smile, she could hear his voice in her head.  “You’re missing all of this… The bed’s open for round two, and I’m willing to pay for the damages!”

“You’re impossible!”

“I know you’re tempted… these hips move for you!  Hmm?”

“Save that energy for tonight,” she warned, applying her light lipstick before smiling at him in the mirror.  “You’ll need it.”

“Challenge accepted!”

“Now, cover up so Inja can come in and help me with my hair… oh, and order something for them to join us.”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

He gave her a goofy smile and salute before moving to get things ready, one thought running through her mind as he got back into his suit in the background.  I am lucky

Her Gardevoir teleported back with the rest of her team, Zack’s joining them, having remained near officers to have approval, and Saria’s team helped her with the rest of her looks, Inja smoothing out any wrinkles or makeup smudges on her clothing from Zack and her initial engagement.

A lot of congratulations and cheers were heard, and Saria learned this had been in the works for some time, which was the reason for her Pokemon being so anxious, not so much the match, which was a perfect smokescreen.

She couldn’t help but glare at her Pokemon, laughing that they’d pulled over the surprise of the ages, their perfect hoodwink, and Zack had set up the entire thing.  Zaneeta had grown more and more panicked after she’d started ghosting him, and finally, today had blown up and forced things to move along with Kayla.

Addie was nervous about the entire ordeal, considering it was a big moment, yet he agreed that, despite Saria’s external protests, she’d find the excuse he was trying to marry her such as the clout of being the husband to a Gym Leader—well, if she won.

Saria wanted to believe she wouldn’t be so scared of commitment that she’d go down that route, but apparently, she was outvoted one to six—it didn’t matter anyway—she was engaged.

When the fresh food arrived, much ahead of schedule since Zack had actually ordered for them sometime before entering the shower and posting up at the door—typical, thoughtful Zack—and by the time she sat down, her future husband was relighting the candles.

Glancing left at her laughing and smiling Pokemon, engaged in conversation with Zack’s as they ate their own meal, her gaze drifted to his left hand.  “Uh, Zack?  What if I want to get a ring for you.”

He chuckled, teeth flashing while looking down at her hands, fingers still playing with the piece of jewelry.  “I would say we could set up a time to do it together, but I know you better than that… I can guess what’s on your mind.”

Saria’s focus drifted over to her giggling Gardevoir, who shivered at the feel of her spirit before swiftly looking over and shaking her head in protest at her leery eyes.

“I didn’t say anything, Saria!  He’s guessing!”

Kayla smirked, using her Pokemon’s Telepathy to communicate her slightly deep female voice.  “It’s not like it’s hard to know what Saria is thinking; she’s so predictable.”

“Am not,” Saria huffed.  “You’ll see!  I call your bluff, Zack; you’ll be surprised.”

“Ooh, I’m getting tingles… he-he!”  he teased, pouring a small glass of wine; it wasn’t like she was really an alcoholic, and she could handle it pretty well for a woman of her size, yet she still wanted to keep it light, which he naturally guessed.  “I love it when you get determined.”

“So… should I, umm… announce it at the ceremony?”

He folded his hands in his lap, waiting for her to start eating first, as usual.  “Hmm-hmm-hmm…  Sure, win or lose, I’m a winner.”

Blushing a little, she nodded and smiled.  “Win or lose… I’m a winner.  Hehe, today has been the best day of my life… before the battle…  Thank you, Zack.”

“What good are husbands for, other than making their wife happy!  Toast?”  he asked, lifting his glass.

Raising her own, she smiled.  “Partners… to each other’s happiness.”

“I can drink to that!”

Glass chiming as they met, their Pokemon cheered with the taste of wine on Saria’s lips.

Settling in to eat, Saria couldn’t believe it could get better after the emotionally heated exchange earlier; yet again, she’d been proven wrong, and every new moment she shared with Zack put butterflies in her stomach, washing away the fear of the future; she had one, no matter the results.

Her time with Zack was slow and sweet, reflecting on the path that had led them to this late lunch, on the day that would determine the rest of Saria’s life, and not once did the security Zack brought leave her.

Finishing, Zack left with her, looping arms as they spent the rest of the time she had exploring Silver City’s many attractions, mainly visiting the art district to expose the Kalos native to Kanto creativity.

He was far more engrossed in it, being an artist himself, and shared his insights into the crafts; during this time, Saria committed something that she expressly forbade in the start of their relationship—she would allow him to paint her.

Ever since arriving in Kalos, she’d mainly traveled, not having a place of her own to keep such possessions, and she didn’t like to expose herself to artistry—she wasn’t sure exactly why—it just felt uncomfortable, which led to some awkward conversations in the eccentric art region.

However, after today, she felt that inner fear fade, and now, she wanted to share what he enjoyed; to start, she would initiate it by painting him something herself.  Sure, it would be embarrassing, and she’d never tried other than as a teenager, but without a doubt in her mind, she knew he would cherish it.

A blush touched her cheeks at the thought, which he misinterpreted as her interest in some abstract painting they were looking at; she could be spontaneous and crafty, too, and she’d show him!

The hours passed, and eventually, it was nearing 4:45 P.M.—she wanted to be in the locker rooms and be prepared for her time to walk out on stage—so, she kissed Zack to the flurry of hidden paparazzi; they were newbies that didn’t know such things were pointless with Inja’s Dazzling Gleam effect that would blur her out.

Shifting to his ear, she whispered, “Thank you for your courage.”  A sly lift to her cheeks, she placed a second peck on his cheek before waving him off.

Hands in his pockets, Zack’s warm brown eyes followed her exit, a happy Indeedee by his side, and for some reason, her heart started to beat faster the further she got from her future husband, making her fingers close against her breast.

He’ll be watching…  I’ll win.  I’m going to win!

Responding to her cheerful Pokemon, Saria ignored the annoying journalists and waved to fans as she made her way to the stadium; it didn’t take long from where they’d separated, and the guards instantly opened the way for her to pass through the VIP section to enter the underground area.

She could have accepted many sponsors for the eventful match, yet Saria wasn’t exactly pressed for the credits, and she didn’t want to taint the day by going out and listing off random products.  The League would have its own sponsors, and she would get a small cut from their advertisements, which was more than enough for her.

So, her cream coat, blue jeans, and black blouse would be the clothing she’d wear for the biggest match of her life; it was something all of her Pokemon had helped pick out, which made it the perfect attire.

Sitting on the bench with her Pokemon nearby, Saria took slow, even breaths; it was so strange, not feeling the stress she thought would be tightening her gut, calmly going through their strategies with her trusted companions.

However, that all came to a sudden halt when an aura instantaneously appeared down the hall that she’d recognize anywhere, gripping her stomach and making her look at the doorway.

Silence took her in the well-insulated locker rooms, hearing the taps of heels soon fill the space for a beautiful dark brown-haired woman to walk in with a soft smile on her light pink lips with a gorgeous Gardevoir by her side.

“Grand Duchess Diantha?”

Countess Saria, my, you look lovely this evening.”

The Kalos Champion, renowned actress and fashion model, wore a white coat and scarf with black tights; she seemed to have been somewhere cold before coming here, and if Saria were to guess, Mt. Silver.

“What… are you doing in Kanto?”

She gestured to the bench beside her.  “Mind if I sit for a moment?”

“Sure—yeah, of course…”  Saria stammered, her Pokemon just as flustered as her when the Grand Duchess’ Gardevoir engaged them.

Heels clicking against the tile as she sat across from her, Diantha crossed her legs and shifted to face her with a pleasant atmosphere.  “Valerie made mention of you during our weekly get-togethers and recommended I meet you if I had the chance.  I hope I am not intruding.”

“No, uh, not at all… I’m just a little surprised.  Umm… I suppose you know I am trying to bring a Fairy Gym to Kanto?”

A soft hum resonated in Diantha's throat as she loosened her scarf a little.  “I didn’t, but it is a wonderful dream.  No, the topic of family came up, and I recalled your father was the United League’s Lieutenant General…  Mmh… I hope I am not being too forward… I typically do not have much time to discuss things in a more… delicate or prolonged setting.”

“No, I understand; you are the Champion of Kalos and away from its borders…  Umm, I’m just not really following what direction you want this conversation to go?”

Saria squirmed a little with her role model and idol in front of her; in all her time in Kalos, she barely had a chance to even see Diantha across the region with how busy she was; the woman was constantly being pulled between sets, shoots, speaking events, and still participated in the Battle Chateau, as well as her League duties—today truly was gut-wrenching and magical at the same time.

“Mmh…  It must not have been easy on you growing up…” she started.

The Kalos Champion seemed a little lost for words, which wasn’t something Saria expected from the woman that bordered Legendary-tier in Kalos; there were rumors that she’d already broken into it, which would be incredible given her tight schedule.

“As in growing up with my father away and the wars, or…  I don’t get what you’re asking of me.”

Lower lip pulling in a bit, Diantha cupped her right cheek.  “Haaa…  I suppose what I am looking for is someone that might understand and give me an honest answer.  I would not ask this of you during your preparations for such an important match… a chance you have undoubtedly worked much of your life to achieve…”

Her shoulders sagged for her Pokemon to float over and rub her shoulder.  “Had my schedule not been so tight after your match—primarily because Chase is needed for it—I would not have intruded so abruptly.  Will you allow me a moment of your time to listen to my concerns and give your honest opinion?”

Saria settled in, a tad worried by how flustered the typically totally collected woman was.  “Of course.  What’s on your mind?”

“Mmh…  My son has been a rather independent boy growing up, and I know there is a lot of pressure on him to succeed… hehe, especially considering the… reputation Kalos has in a region like Kanto.”

Her countenance strengthened as her bright blue eyes lifted to her, motherly worry on her face that took Saria off-guard.  “Recently, my son’s travel companion sent me a message…  Typically, it would have been filtered through my agents and assistants to summarize in my daily briefings, yet I received a notice from my son that had me looking at my private social media page, and…

“Unfortunately, one of my acting roles crossed with my son’s match, and I missed it…  Lucian has always been understanding of my work, yet the message his teammate sent suggested otherwise, and if that is the case… for how long?

“So, I understand, as coming from a military family, you are raised to be quite strong… similarly to how Siebold and I have raised Lucian…  Is it typical for a child to suppress expressing such emotions to their parents?”

Saria was a little taken aback at the very personal matter being asked of her by her idol; Diantha seemed to know everything when asked by reporters or when giving speeches, yet to be so totally ignorant when it came to children was not something she expected.

Swallowing, she slightly shifted her feet, looking down at Addie as her Comfey gave her a melancholy look.  “Umm… Grand Duchess…  I knew my father had a tough job… I respected him for it more and more as I grew up and saw all the sacrifices he’d made…

“However… at the time…  When I was a teenager… I hated it, but I’d never tell him because I didn’t want him to worry about me… to look weak… making my dad think I was weak.  So I buried a lot of it and acted out in other ways…  Heh, my dad saw it and stopped that by the time I was thirteen, but it was rough for me until he took notice.”

A short silence took them as Diantha looked at her hands, folded atop her lap, a sad look on her face Saria never thought she would cause.  “I see… hmm…  I suppose the next step will be to address it directly.”

“Eh… ahem…”  Saria took a deep breath, chest tight as she interjected.  “If I may, uh…  It’s pretty delicate, and…  It’s something you should be in the right place for.”

The Fairy Queen of Kalos gave her a thankful smile.  “I appreciate the advice you’ve given me, Countess Saria; you are as insightful as Valerie claimed.  I’ve made my decision…  I will be taking a leave of absence from my role as an actor to dedicate more time to explore the relationship I should have built with Lucian long before this point.  Thank you.”

Saria nodded, still in somewhat of a daze as she got up.  “Yeah…  I’m happy I could help.”

“I will be cheering for you.”

With a smile and nod, Diantha, the Champion of Kalos, teleported without warning or signal to what Saria assumed was the VIP box, hidden from outside eyes.

Licking her lips, a short laugh bubbled up Saria’s chest.  “Imagine that, guys… Grand Duchess Diantha… asking me about troubled children…  Ha… ha-ha…  How much more can I take in one day?”

Her Pokemon gave her a nod, reciprocating the emotions, and Inja looked like she was about to pass out with her own idol and role model following their match.

Well… let’s do our best!  This is it, guys!

Throat still sticky from her encounter with Diantha, Saria got up and brushed back her blonde locks, puffing out a long stream of air; she took the first step to the exit and waited near the wall until her name was called.

She couldn’t hear the announcers or cheers all that well beyond the thumping of her own blood in her ears; it was like it was her first day, stepping into her dad’s Gym to face him for her first Badge—Saria failed to get that Bronze Encrusted Badge—this time, she’d take the High Master one.

Stepping into the booth, it rose to display the colossal stadium, Visquez invisible to her due to the distance, but the atmosphere was clear as day, and to make matters worse, many more auras were now making their appearance as the battle was about to start.

On either side of the vast field were eight seats—representing the City-States and Gym Leaders of the two regions—and every one was filled.

High Masters Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Chuck, Jasmine, Price, Clair, Giovanni, Blaine, Sabrina, Jainine, Erika, Misty, Forrest, and her grinning father—their large, brilliant badges plastered below their private sections—a symbol of all the people they represented.

Between them and to the left of Saria was the Elite Four, radiating their imposing pressure—Will, Koga, Bruno, and Karen—with their current Champion, Chase, at their head, and if that wasn’t enough, the hidden VIP box held colossal auras that made her well aware of why Diantha was among them.

An emergency Champion Summit…  All of the Champions are here, watching… and if I’m sensing this correctly…  Why are Red and Yellow here, as well?  I suppose if I win… I might find out.

Turning her gaze back to Visquez, she stilled her thumping heart; the only thing that mattered right now was facing down her rival and Electric Specialist.  It was time to push forward and go beyond her limits… to achieve her dreams.

The announcer’s voice was deafening, yet barely heard by Saria as she fixated on the figure across the field; the music and general hype passed in a blur until finally, it was time.

“This is a High Master Gym Challenge…  As is customary to the changing of hands, Lieutenant General Surge of the United League has opted to step down from his position as Vermilion City’s Gym Leader; the winner of this match will have the honor of filling his prestigious rank and carrying on Vermilion City’s great legacy!

“The Battle Format is ‘Full Performance’... Solo Release…  One minute delay between chosen Pokemon.  Ready… set… begin!”

Having selected her starting Pokemon carefully, Saria expanded her capsule and threw it to the right side of the field; it was time to win!


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