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I'm going to be doing some editing and working on getting cover art for it and ATM Volume 1 to post on Amazon.  If we get enough reviews on it when it drops, we could get some good audio readers to sign onto it.

I've been slowly going through ATM and SR with the editors like Raph, Von, ObsideianStar, and Rainer to prepare things.  They've been a wonderful help and I thank all of you that send me messages on discord or on patreon about things you might catch or would like to see added.

^_^7  I'm slowly getting edits done on the earlier works.  Haha, I had Star and Raph go through UE chapters 21 to 23 the other day to cut a lot of the stuff that was a bit more bloat, which was new for them, but they did wonderfully.

As for Wednesdays, after I get some of this stuff worked out I'll be doing Volume 1 of POCAP next since I completed SR's 1st volume.

Thanks everyone!


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