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1. Nemesis (Our Lion King of Havana!)

The Oscillation Index

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The fur along Nemesis’ arms bristled as he walked through the dying tempest, peering through the golden hue of Pride of the King and curtain of rain that surrounded him; the glow cast a reflection on the flooded streets and made him the center of attention.

Every roar in the heavens and step Nemesis took, helped temper his feral rage.  His irritating, rational mind continued to gain ground in the storm that tried to beat against his protective aura and robust defenses, but it wasn’t until he made it to the bar Vasishtha and Rachel met at, that he came to a stop.

Hot air puffed out of Nemesis’ nostrils, liquid dripping off his twitching whiskers as a rumble reverberated in his throat; closed fist quivering at his side, he forced his emotions under control, and after a moment, his luminous, topaz irises fixated on the spot he’d first seen Rachel, hazed far ahead of him on the long road.

Being a Lion, naturally, it was his duty to challenge anyone who would threaten his reign and authority, yet as a human, the possibility of deceit ebbed its way into his brain.  He wanted nothing more than to break into a run and rip into the man that killed Ana, but the questions pressing against his chest were nastier than any wound.

The whistling wind and pounding rain came into clear focus as the blood pumping in his ears lessened, and a gut-churned sensation brought his narrowed vision to the left; Nemesis’ narrowed vision found an illuminated figure sitting on top of a building, but this wasn’t what he’d expected.

“Starting to think again?”  Rachel asked, her voice cutting past the gale to his twitching ears; there was an unusual twist to her tone and expression that he hadn’t detected when first meeting the hare girl.  “Let me guess what you’re thinking…  What if this whole thing was a ruse to get me away from the coliseum…  Did this little hare trick me?”

Nemesis’ heart stilled, intense stare riveted on the changed figure.  He wasn’t sure if it was Rachel’s black hair, altered eye color, or new outfit design that made his saliva sticky and a chill run down his spine.

Due to his innate Lion instincts, he sensed an unnatural vibe radiating from Rachel’s clothing that almost seemed to infuse her words and mannerisms—an unhallowed lullaby that darkened everything he’d initially drawn from the woman.

He wasn’t scared—he didn’t know the word—but the eerie feel of the hare’s words, spoken in Somali, his most familiar language, was more than weird.  An ominous pulse embraced her casual posture, expressions holding almost a natural draw like Mara.

Shifting positions to look up at her, Nemesis returned to the tongue he was familiar with.  “Where’s Mara?”

A short pause ensued as she crossed her legs the opposite way, leaning back on the flat roof’s edge to look to her left; her tongue slid across her rosy lips, her vision drifting back to him.  “Mmh … You want to punch your way to answers, but I’m afraid we’ve both been pushed into a rather uncomfortable position, Nemesis.”

Tight chest drawing in another deep breath, he hissed it out through his bestial teeth, “Where is Mara?”

She answered with a short chuckle, but Nemesis only sensed ice in her bright eyes; the pink four-leaf clovers had blackened, and every second he studied Rachel, he became more convinced, it wasn’t her—the girl’s entire cadence had taken a sharp curve.

“Do you want to get vengeance against the person that killed Ana?”

It was his turn to fall silent—her entrance, her tone, the questions she asked—it was as if every action was meant to disrupt his emotions and put him on edge.  His focus wandered to various parts of her body, looking for his next move; he’d been in countless fights, but nothing had prepared him for this style of mind games, and he was sure that was her intention.

Every piece of her attire was form-fitted to her figure, a leather-like material that molded to her every curve.

His vision started with her spiked boots, cutting into the side of the building as she bobbed her legs, showing some kind of net-like fabric covering her thighs.  It led up to some of the most revealing shorts he’d ever seen on a woman and some type of vest that left much of her ample upper breasts and navel exposed.

She wore fingerless gloves, and her now raven black hair had been drawn into a thick braid that curved over her left shoulder, but it was Rachel’s new tattoos that caught his gaze; these were the things that ruffled his fur.

Is she just distracting me?  No, I didn’t even sense her approach until that sinister aura caught my attention … Water doesn’t touch her … The wind acts as if she isn’t even there…

As if to counter that train of thought, Rachel snickered and pushed off the edge to land on the sidewalk, causing a spray, yet the liquid curved around her feet as if blocked.

“I’m afraid you’re in quite the bind, Nemesis … Mara is missing, you unsure if others are waiting to cause panic in your kingdom while you’re away, and Ana was murdered.  Clearly, you’ve come looking for me because you can’t follow the person’s trail … Hmm, and now you find me completely different … Quite the troublesome spot to find yourself in, and while actively suppressing your instincts to go wild.”

Nemesis did want to slam his fists into something and tear it apart, but he regained a more dignified posture, albeit with effort.  “Are you the same woman I met … It’s as if you are possessed—like some of those Catholic people speak of.”

Rachel’s white teeth flashed in a smile, left hand coming to her hip.  “You’re more knowledgeable than I thought … Do you want to find the person that killed Ana or go after Mara?  I’ll help you accomplish whichever you choose.”

“What?”  Caught utterly off-guard by the declaration, Nemesis’ internal walls redoubled.  “Is this some kind of game to you?”  he growled.  “So, the U.S. government took Mara hostage?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Rachel giggled.  “There you go, jumping to conclusions again … Let your brain puzzle that out instead of your brawn.  Why would we go through something so roundabout in a collapsed nation with warlords running around everywhere?

“There are a plethora of examples the U.S. could use to invade at this point and have the whole broken world’s support.  Does the U.S. fear you?  No, don’t flatter yourself, Nemesis.  Why would Vasishtha murder Ana just after we met?  What would we gain by drawing you here … an ambush?”

Nemesis’ tail flicked with agitation as his gaze drifted around the empty street; there were no hidden assassins, which was something he found unusual.  People attempting to trap him had become almost a casual event for him in a day, yet that didn’t seem to be the goal.

“Nothing about this makes sense to me,” he growled.  “Is Mara safe?”

His gut tightened as Rachel’s head eased left and right.  “No, she is not, which is why I have sent a party to rescue her … What would you say if I told you there was an army gathering to your northwest … Shortly, normal people in Noah and your area are going to start killing each other out of nowhere and to top it off, you were sent to disrupt me?”

He stood in the rain, pondering her question, and his somber tone rumbled Nemesis’ chest.  “Nothing about this makes sense … including your new appearance and vibe.”

“On the contrary,” Rachel’s smile fell a tad as she shifted posture to look to the northeast, “it makes perfect sense … A true puppet master is pulling the strings in the shadows that I wasn’t aware of … It’s obvious now.”

“Ggh-rrr…”  The deep rumble in Nemesis’ throat brought the hare’s ears and narrowed gaze.  “I’m not about to trust you, even if all of this feels off.  Your comrade killed a person under my protection; I don’t care why … I want his blood, and I’ll go through you if I need to.”

“Precisely … Yet, are you sure it was Vasishtha?  He was with me when she was killed … Two people were there, but maybe he has some kind of body-double ability.  Right?  You can never be too careful.”

“Are you saying he has gone rogue?”

“I’m saying that we both want answers.  If Vasishtha really has gone rogue, I have no issue with you doing what you feel needs to be done, but I have my doubts, personally.  So … do you want my help?  After all, if what you believe is true, it is also my problem, and I’ll leave every possibility open.”

Nemesis glared down at the woman standing several meters away as the storm did her best to rain hell down on them to no avail; Rachel was just as enchanting, yet there was an unsettling chill now that made him cautious.

His rage tempered by her unorthodox approach, he asked, “Say I believe you … Who has Mara?”

“You know the woman that interrupted my meeting with Vasishtha?”

“Relica or the other one?”

“Both, essentially … Miora has put some kind of slave collar on the Siren to counter my hearing … I responded by using this outfit, which grants me immunity to Mara’s songs, not that they’ve let her cease her melody.  However, I owe your girlfriend for giving me information at the cost of torture.”

Bypassing the comment about the Siren being his woman, Nemesis’ muscles bulged.  “Torture … What are they doing to her…”

“I understand; be calm, though … Rushing into things will only cause trouble.  I have, heh … You’re about to hear the assault’s start.”

Nemesis’ brow furrowed, but before he could ask, a frigid atmosphere bit into his enhanced resistances as a hair-raising rumble vibrated through his chest from a colossal creature that drowned out the hurricane.

An oppressive aura radiated through the atmosphere as a shockwave was felt through the ground, and a cacophony erupted out of the northeast.

“Selvaria seems to be having fun,” Rachel giggled, bringing Nemesis’ focus back to the Lunar Hare.

“That was…”

“The rescue party I sent … Heh, as you can hear, they’re making their way toward Mara, and Relica shouldn’t have much information on our newer members.  A gigantic sea monster is sure to unnerve her kidnappers, and I have someone there to heal and free Mara … A battering ram to stun and cause panic, a defender, and support for her health … Are you willing to listen now?”

Nemesis’ vision returned to the veiled direction of the monster Rachel had set loose on the northeastern warlord; by the weight of the thuds he felt shaking the ground to the noise of the creature plowing through buildings, he was sure this thing was formidable.

If she has subordinates as powerful as this…

“You said you wanted to help me find whoever killed Ana … What are your intentions for Mara, though?”

“Smart question,” the woman praised, giving him a small grin.  “I never said what I would do with your woman after I’d rescued her.  My plan?  Free her, and let her decide what she wants to do.  She’s being used as a weapon against me at the moment, but I could care less about her once that obstacle is handled.”

“My territory?”

“The plot against it is being handled by my…”  she paused as another explosion sounded to the northwest with roars from multiple creatures.  “Ah, it seems Fiona is making herself known now, and I have a fairly powerful person holding position at the stadium if you’re concerned.”

“Hmm … Are you prepared for everything?”  Nemesis growled, his tail flicking to the opposite side as he followed her explanation.

The Lunar Hare’s amusement diminished, black ears folding down a tad.  “Have I gained your trust to at least take me up on my assistance?”

In the end, he had hit a wall; Rachel was his only lead, and the story she’d spun seemed too wild to believe, yet chaos was now happening in every direction.  “I have two more questions … Where is Vasishtha?”

“Hmm … He is going to protect and warn Noah of the plot I suspect is targeting him next, which is the direction I want to go.”

“Convenient … And lastly, what is your goal here?”

“Heh, isn’t that obvious … I’m here to provide assistance to the U.S. military during their operation in restoring peace to Cuba.”

His instincts told him she wasn’t totally sincere for the first time, which helped confirm his suspicions.  “That’s not your only goal.”

“Huh,” Rachel reached up to scratch the base of her left ear, left eye narrowing as she scrutinized him.  “Do you have something similar to Maria … Mmh, maybe not so refined, but I suppose it’s not my full desire.  Ultimately, this is a means to get stronger, and helping people isn’t so bad … I may not seem too into the idea right now, but there are reasons for that.”

A sharp smirk lifted her pretty face.  “That being said, what do you say about a friendly fight after all this is finished … Although, I suppose we’re bound to face one another if you want to keep this little kingdom of yours when this is all over.”

At last, Nemesis felt like smiling at the challenge, but Ana’s death kept him sober.  “I’ll make you a proposition … Help me find the person who killed Ana and free Mara to do as she pleases, and then I’ll face you in the arena.  If you win, I’ll acknowledge you as taking my throne to do as you please.”

A glint appeared in the girl’s unique eyes.  “I’ll hold you to that, Nemesis … Follow me.”

She turned and walked down the same path where they’d first met, and Nemesis couldn’t be sure why, but only his gaze kept pace for a moment; her body had a natural, hypnotic sway to it that pulled his vision from her slim back, tattoos shifting to various symbols as he watched to the small black tail above her shapely rear.

Again, he was reminded about the mysterious attraction this Lunar Hare held that didn’t correspond to her abilities; now, he wanted to learn more about this change in demeanor that had thrown a curve at him in more ways than one.

Picking up his pace, Nemesis slowed to match her tempo.  “What changed you so drastically … It’s as if you’re a different person entirely?”

“Mmh, I wouldn’t say I’ve changed that much,” Rachel mused, finding her hands behind her back as she tilted her head to give him a sidelong look.  “In fact, I’d say you’re seeing a part of myself I rarely show.  To put it simply, this is a part of my personality I suppress, but it is still me.  Why?”

A lilt touched her voice, and she gave him a wink that confused him.  “Don’t tell me you’re falling for me, Nemesis; I won’t tell Mara.  She does seem like the type to go a little crazy.”

Nemesis cleared his throat, pulling his gaze away from the enchanting woman.  “No need to concern yourself.  Mara isn’t my woman, and I don’t know how I feel about you.”

Rachel’s eyes widened a tad, a cat-like smile moving her lips.  “Mmh, so honest; I wasn’t expecting that … consider me pleasantly surprised.  I do have a boyfriend, though, and I’m not the cheating type.”


He fell silent at the news,  playful looks she kept sending him gave mixed messages, however.  What am I even thinking right now … How can she make me doubt myself … I’ve never doubted myself.

If he felt anything, it was frustration; Rachel confused and unnerved him, which he didn’t like but he couldn’t get away from the fact he wanted to understand the sensation, pulling his focus back to her—the loop was vexing.

A low growl resonated in his chest while glaring at the smug woman walking beside him; she kept her eyes ahead, yet he had the sneaking suspicion she could still see every detail of his study and seemed entertained at the prospect.

Her long, black-furred ears shifted as they walked, and the contrast of the white inner section pulled his vision.  White and black … It's as if there are two parts of her. She was confident before, but this is nothing like the pride I first sensed…

“Keep staring like that, and I’ll think you want to make a snack out of my ears,” Rachel snickered.  “What’s on your mind?”

Puffing out hot steam through his teeth from his rising body heat, Nemesis forced his golden eyes to the street.  “We’re taking our time.  Why?”

“I’m not convinced that is why you were so fixated on my ears, but I’ll play along.  Why are we having a casual stroll through a hurricane as monsters roar and a Fairy causes panic?  I need to have a clear picture of the battlefield.”

She made a circular motion, drawing Nemesis’ focus to her blood-red fingernails.  “The person we’re after can completely hide their presence; an annoying ability that can bypass my ears and your nose, it seems, but the fascinating part, I think, isn’t the person themselves … It’s how they executed it.”

Mind syncing with her implications, Nemesis’ nose twisted.  “Using me to distract you … I’m a distraction?”

“Mmh, I’m not so sure, to be completely honest,” Rachel smirked, sounding more entertained by the second.  “This isn’t new … Pieces have been lining up for quite some time, so far as I can tell.  It may appear on the surface that they’re trying to force us into a conflict … I doubt that’s the case.”

“Okay … If this isn’t a distraction or to get rid of you, what is it?”

The cat-like curve to her lips returned to him.  “Not going to question my hubris, hmm?  Yes, I think this is all about me … It’s a test.  Victory isn’t intended for this small conflict; there’s a bigger game being played.  Nemesis?”

He slowed to a stop, lips peeled back as he glared at the muddy water rushing past his feet, temporarily illuminated by his golden glow.  “You’re saying … Ana’s death was just to test how smart you are?”

Rachel’s grin vanished, and a cold dagger entered her eyes and tone.  “As hard as it is to hear, people have died for much less.  War is won before the first move is ever played, and in this battle, I’ve already lost—there’s no use in denying it, as much as I want to.  I noticed too late.”

“So … Who is this puppet master that killed Ana to be a pawn in his game?”

The Lunar Hare looked up at him as thunder rolled across the sky, rainfall coming back into focus as they stared at one another; the gears turning in her head seemed to be deliberating on how to answer him.

“Hmm … I have a suspicion … It’s too obvious … Then again, that could be the charm in it, making me overthink things … I’m done being civil, though.  When I’m certain, I’ll let you know, but for now, I need to prove to you that we’re on the same side.  What other bow-user have you met in Havana?”

Jaw locking as he placed a hand over his stomach, remembering the pain he’d experienced a week earlier.  “The man covered in hair … So, this was also retribution against Ana for healing me?”

“Meh, it is likely that played a role in him accepting the job,” she shrugged.  “I couldn’t care less about that Demi … I can’t have an enemy that can bypass my hearing.”

He could understand that motivation; she was destroying a risk to her plans.  However, a weight pressed against his heart as a realization came—Ana’s death was entirely his fault—he’d allowed the archery Mythickin to have another attempt at him out of pride.  His pride was to blame for everything; if he hadn’t been cursed, he could have saved her.

Nemesis lifted his hand to see Pride of the King’s aura diminishing; confidence in his ability was a part of his power, yet he’d failed his position as patriarch of those under him.

Rachel’s vision narrowed, unique irises drifting to his bare torso.  “A lot of that murderous intent left, Nemesis … I hope you do not think any of this was your fault.  Let me be clear, someone is orchestrating all of this, meaning they set things in motion for you to doubt yourself, and I assume lions need to have pride in themselves—heh, Lion’s Pride and all that—so, don’t fall for the trap.”

Her smug expression returned as her attention went to the sound of pandemonium to the northeast that made it past the storm.  “As I said, this is a test for me … And if that’s the case, I’ll do my worst … Why show finesse when it’s expected, and I have a hammer that can do the same job?”

Nemesis trudged through the stream they’d entered, watching the splashes he created get repelled by Rachel’s invisible heat field; it was as if he could see the Lunar Hare playing with a dagger, spinning it around the air while scanning for her next victim.  Still, she was right.

If I want to restore my pride … I need to act, and I can’t do that while doubting myself.

“He-he-he,” Rachel’s teeth flashed; he sensed a shiver run from her ears to her tail.  “Got you … Are you ready, Nemesis?  I know where your shooter is … He can’t hide from misfortune.”

“Whatever … Where is he?”

“Keep up!”

Crimson static sparked off Rachel’s figure as black flames enclosed her; launching forward, the Lunar Hare cut a path through the storm.

Jaw locking, strength flooded Nemesis’ legs while darting after her.  She’s so fast!  Is she … She’s cutting a path through the storm for me to follow…

He couldn’t help but feel a little insulted, yet a smile finally lifted his black lips.  She really is unlike any woman I’ve met… Interesting.

A feral focus returned, golden aura brightening; the animal within Nemesis eased out its claws, and he accelerated, centering on the Lunar Hare’s back as she allowed him to catch up—the Lion chasing the Hare.  Ana … I will rip everyone involved in this plot into chunks of meat … You deserve at least that much for supporting me.


Next Chapter



The lion is on the hunt. XD

Eyes wide

Thanks for the chapter . I'm so hyped up right now all the build up this is going to be epic .