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1:  Rhea (Our MC is breaking past the final wall!  It only gets better from here!)

Pokemon Map I Loosely Use For Visual Aid:  The distance between areas might be different, some cities are somewhat incorrect, a few routes have been labeled incorrectly, and some cities aren't listed, but it's the best I've found.

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7:11 P.M. June 27, Saturday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Preliminaries for the Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League have concluded; 105 Trainers and their Pokemon have advanced from Bronze to Silver.  The day has come for the Summer Round Robin Cup, where the top of Kanto and Johto’s advancing Trainers will compete to be named Seasonal Best.  Rhea started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 19 Days (18 Officially; 19 since getting Maya and Nova).

A small smile brightened Rhea’s coral blue eyes while listening to her family's commentary of Amira’s battle against Kekipi.  Her big brother was practically glued to Hilbert, Katelin smiling beside Sabin as the former Champion of Unova went over the battle with his own thoughts; Sabin was a huge fan of their cousin’s clumsy husband.

Green had edged closer to listen, a cat-like smile on her lips, which amused Rhea; the woman was always on the lookout for Trainers with potential to possibly learn new tricks.

The brown-haired woman was a sucker for a handsome face, as well—she’d heard down the Master’s grape vine—and there were rumors of the mischievous Trainer snatching away young men to battle before dropping them off exhausted.

It wasn’t as scandalous as it sounded, Rhea was sure, but she couldn’t blame her cousin’s leery side-long stare at the Legend’s interest in her husband.  Chase had made a few off-handed comments to her father when she was a little girl about how Green disturbed him; she had some obsession with a super rare and powerful Pokemon only whispered about by Master Trainers.

Bianca was currently shoulder to shoulder with Rhea, giving updates on Amira and Kekipi’s battle as Rhea’s parents stood behind them.  Naturally, with how rare the pair were together, their fingers were intertwined while her mother layered endless compliments on the way Amira was training Serenity.

Her father occasionally gave his own input, and was impressed by the tactics she was using, which apparently involved stalling and cutting back energy to better simulate a battle without a Master Ball’s connection; the topic appeared to spark some internal analysis from her mother because her voice became more infrequent after the subject was brought up.

A chuckle shook her chest at Bianca’s slight nudges,  giving her simple responses to placate the woman; after the initial surprise of getting time with her Master-tier cousin, Rhea’s thoughts drifted back to the topics that really weighed on her mind, her teammates.

When she’d first met Amira, her confidence seemed uncrackable, and she found a way out regardless of the odds, even when under pressure.  She always displayed a level of grace Rhea envied; the way she bravely took the Plasma assassin’s focus gave Rhea goosebumps.

Amira was Rhea’s image of security and intelligence, from the redhead’s classy way of dressing and grooming to her refined mannerisms and sharp mind.

Alice quickly disagreed with the emotions in Rhea’s chest, which made her giggle.  I’m not dissing myself, Alice … I know there’s nothing wrong with growing up in the forest and in a small village.  I admire the traits I see in Amira, though; she’s got such a good relationship with her mom, and I know it’s harsh on my own mom to say I’m jealous, but … it’s how I feel.

It was funny really, watching Lyra float through the air with Zelri supporting her, taking pictures as the battle went on; it caused the parched impression in Rhea’s mouth to want something similar.  Her stomach contorted with the yearning to experience what it was like to have your parents every day of your life—to not come home to an empty home—and the disgusting covetous flavor of her dry tongue made Rhea want to look away from Lyra’s beaming smile.

Her Porygon-Z had more phones the Pokemon teleported in to collect more angles of Serenity’s battle without Rhea’s notice, showing just how different one’s casual life became when reaching the High Champion’s heights.

It made her ponder everything she’d wanted throughout her childhood and teenage years, and made her heart feel broken and polluted with negative emotions she didn’t want to feel toward Amira.  It was bizarre, admiring her teammate while also looking at her family unity with green eyes, and the more she fell down the rabbit hole, the worse she felt.

Lyra could teleport across an entire region—see Amira any time she wanted—yet after spending time in the bubbly woman’s home, Rhea realized her teammate’s doting mother was doing her best to keep her distance and give Amira a chance to grow on her own.

It hurt Rhea knowing how pained Lyra must feel restraining herself from spending more time with her daughter.

Rhea didn’t want to put the pointless emotions on her already struggling teammates, too, and why was she experiencing this sensation of drowning when her mother was right behind her?

Am I just being privileged and stupid?  she wistfully asked, her smile fell, mind pulling in and brain somewhat filtering out Bianca’s words.  Alice, Mya, and Nova listened dolefully, trying to better grasp what she was going through.  I know Amira has her own struggles now … even if she looks so perfect.

It was confusingly heartwarming and ripping at the same time—Amira’s life was a complete contrast to her own—she was in the spotlight, loved or hated, and socially experienced.  The more she thought about it the more somber she became.

Knees tucked up against her chin, she leaned forward, the memory of her loneliness returned for a moment, and even though they had a battle coming up, Alice, Mya, and Nova calmed themselves to cuddle up next to her; she could see Lyra and her mother back to back, and the two were polar opposites.

Lyra gave up being a Champion—the highest career—a direct influence on the regions to shape it how she wanted … adventuring with her friends … getting stronger to match them … She gave it all up for Amira … to be a mother.

She pulled in her lips before they could tremble; the weight against her chest getting harder to hold up as the sadness came in waves, seeking to bury her.  It’s not fair, I guess, to expect the same from my mom, but … I can’t help but think of how different Sabin and my life would be—Dad’s life—if she did the same … gave it up to be with us.

A longing laugh shook her body as the High Champion’s Pokemon grew more boisterous, cheering growing to new heights during high points, encouraging signs bouncing in their arms; the massive Sudowoodo kept tearing up and dropping his board that said ‘Team Amira!  Go!  Go!  To The Stars!’  It was clearly personally done by the shaky handwriting.

Nibbling on her bottom lip a tad, she puffed hot air through her nose.  I know I have you, Alice, Mya, and Nova.  I know; it’s … it’s not the same, though, and I know it’s confusing I can’t really explain it.

Hmm … Yes, I wouldn’t trade you girls for the world … Heh, nope; never ever … Mhm, even if they give me a whole mountain of the credit stuff we buy ice cream with … I know, that’s a lot of ice cream, she giggled at the Eevee’s wild mind, trying to figure out how to comfort her.

How can I explain it … Mmh, thinking of having my mother with me every day is just … It’s a feeling I can’t even say how it would feel because … Well because I’ve never felt it.  You know, the reason I made that birthday wish my mom talks about getting … When I was eight, I realized I wouldn’t have my mom like the other Masters … It didn’t stop me from going on hunger strikes or doing other stupid things to get her attention, though.

Her throat constricted, and she did her best to hide it, but she had no doubt the many powerful Trainers around her could sense her internal melancholy through aura sight.

Still, they seemed to realize she didn’t want to talk about it, and knowing her father, he’d already identified what was eating her up inside by how she looked between Lyra and Amira; her dad was sharp like that, and she loved him for his tact.

She was trying to come to terms with this on her own.  Well, she wasn’t alone; she had her lovely Pokemon listening and sharing in her emotions in a way no one else could, and Franky confirmed her dad knew her struggle by Franky’s surprise pop-up, patting her leg before returning to ref the match.

I saw my mom through phone calls … quite a bit, but it isn’t the same as having her there … Heh, teaching me stupid things like how to do my hair … or how boys can be so frustrating.  Sometimes I just don’t get Jason, even though he’s my best friend, and I hate it … he just closes up and doesn’t want to talk to me.

Rhea’s vision drifted back to Amira, and her throat tightened upon watching the girl’s purchased beige skirt flutter in the lake breeze against the redhead’s long legs.  It meant more to her than Amira knew that she’d complimented the dress she’d let her borrow instead of telling her how plain it was.

Fashion … Arceus, I didn’t know how bland I was … blindly following those magazines before meeting Amira and seeing her wardrobe … Why is that so important?  It’s not like that’s something Lyra taught her…

Her focus went to Silver, hands closed behind his back and a proud look in his crimson eyes while watching his daughter’s progress.  Oh … So that’s it.

Rhea took another deep breath and slowly released the hot air; luckily, Bianca was too focused on trying to follow the underwater battle to give her updates rather than centering her attention on her.

Rocket’s an enormous conglomerate … Silver, Giovanni, Ariana, and I assume Lyra’s parents … Amira’s grandparents have always been in her life, spending time and teaching her … Ariana obviously spent time with Amira, teaching her how to dress and how makeup works with her skin … setting an example.  She’s been surrounded by an affectionate family, but … when Sabin left … All I had was Dad and his Pokemon.

She glanced down at her lap, blinking to hold back the guilty tears.  I love him so much … He did everything he could with me … camping, teaching me how to survive in the wild, and even cooking … Yet I wanted more!  I wish I had something more … At eight, I realized I couldn’t have my mom to myself … She belongs to science and breeding—and she shared what she could with me—I get it … It was just so hard, but now … I think … Maybe I can let that go.

Taking a deep breath, she puffed it out and smiled as Bianca’s fingers touched her hand, a concerned frown on her face.  “Hey,” she whispered, “what’s wrong?”

Laughing before clearing her thick throat, Rhea shook her head, trying to look happy.  “No—it’s nothing, Bi; heh, just some sand in my eyes.”

Her cousin’s eyes narrowed in a manner that said, ‘Girl, who do you think you’re lying to?’ but let it slide, opting to scoot in closer and wrap her arm around her back to grip Rhea’s side and pull her in.  “We’re sad buddies, remember?”  Bianca mumbled just loud enough for her to hear while leaning her head against Rhea’s shoulder.  “I’m always here.”

“Thanks, Bi…”  Rhea returned, fingers closing around her cousin’s side.  “Just trying to work through some things.”

Bianca’s apple green irises fell to the sand.  “I know you’ve got your Pokemon now, but just call, and I’ll be there.”

Ditto,” Rhea said, making her cousin giggle, and they looked up to watch the end of Amira’s fight.

Yeah, I have to let this go … I think I won’t be able to do what I want with all of you if I keep these feelings bottled up; so, I wanted to just talk about it since I can’t really tell her.  Mom shares the same pain of being apart from me—I just know she does—and it’s something she can’t help.

Her Pokemon somehow nestled in closer.  I left home looking for something to fill that missing piece in me, and now there’s something I can look forward to … you know, instead of regretting the things I could have done with my mom.  It’s time to push forward with my life … to have fun with all of you; so … you guys ready to start the real adventure?

Alice, Mya, and Nova cheered, and Rhea stared at her redheaded teammate.  Slowly, she was starting to see Amira’s own insecurities; the girl built a wall around herself, just like Lori, and they were all trying to piece together their broken parts.

Amira blamed herself for endangering their lives, and as much as Rhea’s relationship with her mother bothered Rhea, she couldn’t tell the redhead how to feel.  Yet, she saw a piece of the strong and mysterious Rocket girl returning by the second throughout the day; Amira was so focused and serious.

Rhea’s vision shifted to Mallory, sitting a bit away with Kekoa as they softly laughed, seemingly making bets on who would win their teammate’s fight while making small talk.

To Rhea, she was a really pretty girl that boys would fall head over heels for; she was outgoing, could dance, wasn’t shy or awkward like herself, and had that overall vibe of being fun to be around, yet that morning, Rhea learned the violet-haired girl had a rough time believing in her own looks.

Rhea knew she couldn’t fully understand how Mallory’s life had been or why she felt that way, having a body-type many girls would kill for.  Of course, there would be downsides she’d hate that no one else experienced, but why she was so critical of her looks was a riddle to Rhea.

Now, both Amira and Lori felt out of place in their team, and all of them were trying to prove to each other they deserved to be a part of it; on second thought, Rhea realized it was more about proving it to themselves, which made her smile—they were all on the same path.

Overall, everything came down to supporting each other, and she couldn’t do that if there was envy hidden in her heart, and magically, the hole in her chest was less noticeable; she didn’t understand it, but it was enough.

Win or lose, Alice, it’s not about that.  Right, Mya?  Heh … yeah, mhm … We try our best—it’s about learning from our battles—just like Forrest told us.

Bianca’s hands left her side as Rhea rose to her feet and brushed her blue striped skirt off; Serenity flew out of the water, spraying glowing sparkles dancing around her; Lyra was quick to capture the victory jump, and Alice was growing excited against her spirit.

Ready for your first battle?  she asked.

Alice was like a pinball, jumping around her pokeball; Nova laughed and tried to copy her while Mya settled in, still pondering Forrest’s words that Rhea brought back up.

As her Pokemon prepared, Rhea glanced at Malia and her cousin; the pair were studying Mallory and Kekoa, speaking softly to one another.

From her Trainer App, she knew the boy’s name was Heneli Analu, and he had a good battle record of thirty-seven wins to four losses.  His roster showed two Pokemon, and he’d even enabled his Double Battle option, but it hadn’t been used yet by his record.  It made her wonder if he’d try it against her, which would be new.

Rhea’s attention was soon abruptly snatched by gasps, smirks, and mutters, swirling like a whirlpool around the beach as Kekipi asked for Amira’s number, and she agreed.  Rhea couldn’t help but smile and blush a little herself while watching the redhead’s face flush a little—Rhea had only seen this in movies or Poketube videos—but the redhead didn’t stammer or fidget once.

Leave it to Amira to be the first to get a boy to ask for her number … Makes sense, though.

Her Pokemon were mystified why the human custom of boys and girls exchanging numbers was so significant, making Rhea giggle.  Slowly they were getting back to normal—no, they were going to do better—they were a team.

“Ready, Rhea, or do you need a second?”  her dad asked in an unassuming way she appreciated.

She shook her head, a thought coming to mind as she looked down at the replacement phone her mother had somehow acquired and given them just before leaving the cabin.  “Umm … one sec, actually—uh, yeah, I wanted to stream it for everyone that wanted to see—ah, looks like Sam and everyone’s free!”

“Good thinking!”  Bianca smiled, pulling her own phone out of her purse.  “Hmm … Grandma and Grandpa look like they’re … Oh, my mom, too!  Eh, heh, she’ll be muted, though—she’s probably in a meeting,” she mumbled with a forced smile.

Giving her unlocked phone to her mother, she grinned.  “Thanks for being here, Mom.  Mind recording?”

“Of course!”  Christie chimed, hopping forward to take the device.  “Hmm … Honey…”

“I got it!  I got it!”  her dad snickered, fiddling with her coat to get at her back pocket and phone.  “Ahrmm … There we go!  Heh, just gotta get past the five-layer security … oof, wrong password.”

“Give it here,” her mother sighed, quickly bypassing the locks before turning back to her, but she was quick to press the record button as her opponent came up to them.  “Okay—streaming!”

Rhea walked forward, catching Green edging closer to sneak behind Hilbert, Sabin, and Katelin; her attention was soon snatched by Heneli’s Alolan accent.

“Alola!  So, finally, time for us to go at it, huh?”  he questioned, and even if there were bags under his eyes, he wore an energetic grin.

Returning the smile, Rhea steadied her heart; it was game time, and they’d give it their all.  “I see you had Double Battles enabled; is that what you want?”  Mya stirred in her pokeball, interest rising.

Malia hurried forward, brushing back her blonde hair and forcing a laugh.  “Eh, heh-he, no, no, no; Heneli wants a single, please!  He’s good for a blind pick…”

“Malia, I got it…” he growled, a frustrated frown turning to his cousin.

The woman slowly nodded, directing tight lips to Amira and Kekipi.  It made Rhea wonder if the redhead was right; Malia liked one of her cousin’s teammates—presumably Kekipi—the boy that just asked for Amira’s number.  “I know—just be careful, okay?  Heh, you girls really are tough!”  she laughed.

Mya grunted, settling back in with a hint of agitation at giving her hopes up.

“So … a Single?”  Rhea mumbled, vision drifting between them.

Heneli stretched his arms across his chest, loosening up a bit, and Rhea got a sporadic flash of his aura, showing a drive that took her back a bit.  “I’ve been waiting for this—I really wanted a Double Battle, to be honest—but Malia’s a worrywart and made me promise to do a Single.”

“I’m not a wart,” Malia sniffed, giving her cousin a dirty look.  “You know who you’re going up against, right?  The niece of the former World Champion.”

A strained smile lifted Rhea’s cheeks.  “Eh-heh-he, umm … yeah, I’m nothing like my aunt—she’s in a whole different league—literally!”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, Sis,” Sabin said, joining her with Katelin by his side; Green was currently in a conversation with a flustered Hilbert, eyeing his suspicious wife hovering nearby, clearly not trusting the Legend to whist away her husband.  “This could be a close match.”

“Mhm!”  Katelin jumped in, further hyping Alice up.  “Hilbert seems to think that Heneli’s Pokemon is pretty well trained.”

Teeth flashing, Heneli's right hand closed into a fist, anticipation sparkling in his blue eyes.  “He really said that?  That’s so awesome; I’m a huge fan of Gyms and the whole League tournament thing!  I’ve been to almost every major Gym battle back home!”

Rhea’s eyebrow lifted.  “Gyms … In Alola?”

Malia rolled her eyes, sighing while giving her cousin a side-long look.  “I told you, Kantonian Gym isn’t an official thing—it’s totally different here in Kanto.”

“I know, but…” he trailed off, reaching into his pocket before taking out a plastic pin with what appeared to be some draconic-human hybrid of some kind, singing karaoke.  “Ryuki is totally going to beat Royal Mask and make Gyms a real thing; I believe in The Dragon Star!  You have to believe, Malia!”

“Heh-he-he,” Rhea couldn’t help but chuckle at the mention of Royal Mask, thinking back to the bare-chested Professor that somehow no one connected to the current Champion Stand-In of Alola; it helped to lighten her mood.  “How strong is this Ryuki guy; seems like you’re a fan?”

He puffed up his chest, breathing in and grinning with pride.  “I want to be just like Ryuki!  Kekoa, Kekipi, and I even started a band!”

Lori smirked, and by the slightly overweight boy’s forced expression, it wasn’t a point of pride to him.  “Cool,” Rhea smiled, holding her hands behind her back and feeling better as she got to know her opponent.  “What’s your band name?”

“They haven’t decided on one yet,” Malia mumbled, clearly not liking the direction of the conversation.  “Plus, none of them really know how to play an instrument.”

“We’re learning!”  Heneli defended, pointing at a confused Kekoa as he spoke to Amira between an amused Grimsley and Lori.  “Yo, you know Kekoa’s getting good at guitar.”

“He does have a nice voice,” Malia admitted, not making eye contact with the tired Alolan boy as he questioned Amira if she knew what they were talking about.  “Anyway, shouldn’t you two have your battle?”

Kate giggled.  “It seems Franky is ready.  So, are you two doing a Blind Single?”

“No chance!”  Heneli boldly stated, unfastening his pokeball and releasing his Pokemon to his cousin’s horror.  “Malia told me you’re going to choose your Buneary, so I’m not gonna be a coward and hide my Pokemon!  Right, Keahi?!”

Rhea blinked, but by the short insight of her sporadic aura sensing, she shouldn’t be surprised; he was going full speed from the start, and Alice resonated with the emotion, jumping out of her own pokeball on her own to flip across the sand to mirror the energetic Mankey that appeared.

Malia covered her eyes, bangs falling a little with her bowed head.  “Ugh … It’s strategy, Heneli—strategy!”

The Legends and Grandmasters shook with laughter at the girl’s frustration.

“Strategy it may be,” Grimsley smirked, “but I can’t fault the boy’s spirit.”

Ethan walked forward with a big grin, an amused Kris beside him.  “Ha-ha-ha!  I like the style, Heneli!  You’ve got spirit; keep your eyes on the prize, and you’ll go far!”

“Yes, Sir!”  Heneli roared, flaming eager eyes fixating on Rhea.  “Let’s do this!  I don’t even care about the credits; Keahi and I just want a challenge—it’s been hard to find some, and Kanto is the Battle Region—home of the World Champion!”  he said, pointing at an embarrassed Red, as Yellow and Leaf teased him.  “Show me what Kanto’s best has because I’m coming with the spirit of the Kantonian Gym!”

Well, isn’t this turned up to eleven?  Rhea mused, but Alice’s heart was already racing, already performing kicks, flips, and maneuvers in the air as the two Pokemon tried to show their skills.

Rhea reached into her skirt pocket for her phone—in a sudden flash of realization, she turned to her mom—her phone was currently streaming to her family and friends.

Oh, well … we’re going in this pure knowledge—and I don’t know much about Mankey—but I’m going to do my best.

Resolving her heart, Rhea resonated with Heneli’s aura and didn’t hesitate.  “Let’s do this!”

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Ethan shouted in his booming voice for his somewhat short stature, “we have a battle!”


Next Chapter



Could definitely have used less self doubts/pity I mean she already had that along with amira in a previous chapter otherwise pretty good chapter