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1:  Clover Emberfield

Soul's Requiem Index

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Thunder rolled across Hollow Veil as Clover dashed through the downpour, a tinted purple gleam reflecting from the violet heavens.  Faster … Too slow.

Pathing between the unsuspecting citizens, she passed like a bullet through the heavy rain.  The distance between Melissa and her came into focus as the mentally connected Soul Gear automatically adapted to her desires, drawing the swiftest route given Clover’s own knowledge of her abilities.

Her jaw locked when the image appeared; the blonde was much further than she thought.  Faster…

“Eh—how was that—did it work?”  Lily asked, a little distracted while fiddling with her device.  “A few Class-2 Spirit Users nearby have been dispatched to support you, but I doubt they’ll get there in time.”

A bright teal and lilac glow radiated around the umbrella as she recalled it, welcoming the rain; maximizing her speed would save her at least a minute.

“Yes; it worked,” Clover briskly replied, and it seemed it didn’t matter how much noise was around since it was also transmitted through her mental desire to relay information, filtering her thoughts to be sent through her earrings.  “I’ll be there in four minutes.”

Jumping as high as she could, she used her energy to stay in the air and follow it with two more leaps, making it on top of a five-story building; it was the first time she’d tried using it as a platform rather than simply hovering.

Her bound silver hair was already soaked, trailing behind due to her swift momentum; the earrings adapted to Lily’s data and what she could see around her.  It flattened to project a three-dimensional grid of where she needed to land, zooming in and moving Lily’s video to the bottom left of the mental 3D image.

She spotted an underbelly to an open heating unit on the facility and shoved the damp folder into the hole while passing; Melissa came first.

Bounding over the roof’s edge, her right boot landed on the side of the next structure’s wall to carry her twenty more feet to a telephone pole.  Kicking off, she smoothly landed on the pavement to continue down the avenue.

The world of falling tears slowed as her mind focused, liquid colliding against her body like she was running through a pool; she had the strength to push through, but the resistance annoyed her.  I could go so much faster…

Her clothes repelling the water kept Clover light, but that wasn’t the case for her hair and skin. Despite the hail of droplets assaulting the city, her serpent-like irises weren’t impeded by the rain.

Using a nearby wall to keep her momentum, she felt the heavy impact against her legs, yet managed to keep herself stable; there was a sharp decline in the state of the buildings as she made it to the next road—a straight-away leading east to west.

Similar to Hollow Veil’s northwest, there seemed to be a lot of factories and businesses in this area; contrary to the newly built section, this was disorderly and practically abandoned.

Clover’s attention darted to the image beside Lily as Yumi called; connecting to the woman, she kept the two separate.  If she was to bring the various parties together, it wasn’t going to be through a phone call.

Becoming more accustomed to how the mental device worked, she projected her thoughts to be translated to the designer.  A Class-2 Transevil showed up, and Melissa may be in danger.

Yumi’s happy smile sobered.  “Unfortunate.  Sorry to bother you; I’ll get all the data I can while I still have your weapon.”

You have roughly three minutes with it.

“Got it!”

The transmission ended as the woman centered on her task with what time she had.

Lily’s confused brown eyes squinted to get a better look at her through the downpour collapsing around her.  “Mmh—a drone’s been redirected to scan that area; I’m sending you the data on the targets.”

The 3D image tilted to show red pings of where the drone had picked up various Transevil locations around the facility Melissa’s last signal was received; there were over thirty, but all of them were Class-1 by the energy signatures.

If the information was correct, she’d make it before the Class-2; the beast was speeding up, though.  Her still heart quickened as Lily went over what to expect, but the drone couldn’t stay in the area for long in the storm; she was trying to get a satellite but none seemed to be available.

Clover smiled; the girl’s voice was becoming aggravated.  “Lily, relax.  Update me if there’s anything else, but I’m almost at the site.”

“Rosa—the drone went offline!” she growled, likely pushing it too far in the storm and increasing Great Void gusts.  “I might get a satellite soon, but—it’s crazy you can still connect to the network in that area, though.”

In all honesty, Tamara’s gift was proving to be far more than she first thought, and Clover could see why Ronan would be jealous.  “We can talk about it later—I’m about to enter combat.”

“Okay—good luck, Clover!  Umm, I’ll only call if there’s something important, but expect the Class-2 soon; it slowed a bit, and without the drone, I can’t track it.”

Lily ended the transmission, leaving Clover to scan the abandoned drilling zone; now that she could focus on the task at hand, she shaved off twenty more seconds, making it to her destination.

Tongue sliding out to sample the sudden gale that carried the scent of Transevil, a smile touched Clover’s eyes—this taste was divine—she could distinctly differentiate between the rain and intoxicating energy, and the Viper Blade emerged from a pulse of light in response, her fingers closing around the grip.

Her full lips curved as she leaped over a rusted, fifteen-foot-tall chain-link fence, noticing the damage done to several sections; shadows frothed up from around the entrance to take the form of four Class-0 spider-like Transevil with a single, large eye as its body and two Class-1 wolves.

Whipping her chain weapon around, it shot forward, biting into the dirt to rip up the earth and cleave three of the lesser opponents in two before she touched down.

The remaining didn’t make it a meter in her direction, Clover using her energy to pivot and spin in the air to send her extended blade at the regaining three—sweet nectar tickled the back of her tongue—they were ripped apart in an instant.

Weapon returned to its previous state, she walked forward, taking a deep breath; her vision narrowed, goosebumps tickling her arms.  Melissa, a child, and…

Her heels seemed unimpeded because of the SF and VF her outfit consisted of, and her focus wandered between the devastated zone.  What are the chances I smell my own energy here … Shion, what is your real goal?

She paused upon reaching the lifeless Transevil; twelve more were dead leading up to the facility entrance—Melissa’s lingering energy in the area—it seemed she’d battled quite the force, but it was to rescue a group.  Melissa … Why are you acting alone?

Right arm rising, she sniffed her wrist.  Clearly, it’s the same smell as my SF … My Soul-Spirit is with Melissa … Why?

A passing thought of Yumi’s explanation on storage came to mind, and desiring to store anything possible close by, she continued along Melissa’s path; a vortex of lavender and teal colors turned the bodies of the dead Transevil into mist to be absorbed as she passed.

Unknown items swirl within a seemingly fathomless pit inside her breast to join the umbrella; the taste was sublime compared to the appetizer of cutting the fiends.  “Mmgm…”

So, once they’re dead, the protective force resisting my pull is gone—if I become strong enough, can I do it to lower-tier Transevil, even if they’re alive?

Putting the thought in the back of her mind and keeping her senses sharp, Clover’s glowing ocean eyes drifted between the carnage inside the factory’s ravaged storage area.

Blade lashing out, she destroyed the lingering four-legged shadow spiders, passing between the half-eaten corpses of men and women; Melissa only got here in time to save one person by the scent trail.

Judging by the carts and backpacks, these were scavengers going into dangerous zones to look for items to sell; they flipped the coin and met misfortune.  Why am I hesitating now…

Her left hand lifted to stare at her trembling arm.  Is it because of the Soul-Spirit?  Why is it with Melissa?  No, I first need to make sure she’s safe—she isn’t far…

Whipping the rain from her brow, Clover absorbed half of the Transevil in her passing, darting through a hole in the back wall to follow the line of monster corpses; she could only draw in a small part of the harvest at her speed, but nonetheless, every bit counted, creating a swirl of swirling mist behind her.

Clover’s gaze darted to the right as she entered another building; five Class-1 wolves were leaping through a broken window to pursue the blonde and the child she protected.  Flicking her wrist, the Viper Blade cut a path open for her to barrel through the falling bricks and steel pipes.

It didn’t take long for her to catch up to the beasts, edge sliding through two on her passing, outpacing the creatures.  Snarls came from the other three as she jumped into the air, entering the second floor of a half-decayed structure.

“C-Clover?”  Melissa gasped as she landed beside her golden barrier, sword slicing a wolf’s head in two, who was in a mid lunge to assault the blonde.

Her serpent eyes coasted between the piles of Class-0 and Class-1 Transevil the woman had used as a barrier against the doors and stairs to settle on the hooded ghost-like lilac-colored girl floating inside the shell.

“Slow … As usual,” the child sniffed.

Melissa’s barrier dropped, darting forward, arms open to embrace her.  “Clover!  I-I can’t believe you made it here so fast, I…”

Repositioning her sword to allow the woman’s arms to close around her back, she could feel her hot skin, pounding heart, and ragged breathing as her chest pressed against her.  “A Class-2 is coming; I need to get you back to town.”

It was clear that Melissa had no clue the ghost was following her as her focus glanced right over the hovering figure to center on a collapsed ten-year-old girl, passed out on the wooden floorboards.  “I could only save her—any longer, and I’d be out of Soul Force…”

Her Soul-Spirit sighed, eyes closing, and shook her head.  “Fools…”

Ice flooded Clover’s veins as a sinister presence erupted to her right.  “Melissa!”  she shouted, flicking her wrist to send the extended blade at the wall to her right as ripping steel and splintered wood exploded inward.

Clover’s lips parted in disbelief as her weapon struck a white-furred wolf the size of a truck, cut a small gash before being deflected by its far stronger protective shield.

Melissa dove atop the small girl, golden barrier enclosing them, but in the slow-moving flying rubble, Clover saw his target in shock—its jaws closed around the dull-faced ghost.  Time returned to normal as its powerful arm ripped up the floor to smack her to the side; whip-like blade still returning, she held up the weapon to feel the heavy blow.

Jumping back lessened the hit, but she was sent flying through the open wall to tumble across the muddy ground, water and earth spraying around her.

Finding purchase, she flipped back up, coming to a stop to wipe the grime from her face; purple and blue surrounded her, falling water becoming ice as she launched forward, yet she was too late—the Class-2 Transvil lifted its neck and swallowed her Soul-Spirit.

Her nose twisted, skating forward to sword tip striking the wolves elongated, bottom violet-colored gem-like eye—a small crack appeared in the socket, but her momentum was gone, and her attack faded.  Really?!

It pushed her sword away with its head, inky drool falling from its mouth to mix with the rain as it opened its nasty mouth to bite her in half.  Using her energy to create a platform in the air, she kicked off, twisting to kick its twitching nose, sending it tumbling to the side.

Rosa—the difference between a Class-1 and 2—they aren’t even in the same realm!

Colossal amethyst gems made up its claws, spiked back, horn, two eyes on either side of its head, and limbs—judging by the glowing centers, the monster could see through them.

Touching dirt, she dashed back as it went on the offensive, claws reaching to cut her in half.  Dancing around its bulky yet fast swipes, she studied the evolving situation.

Melissa struggled to push the fallen wood and stone off herself; the girl was beneath her, forcing the woman to keep the rubble’s weight atop her in check to not crush the child.

At least she’s okay … Now, I need to cut open this thing to get my Soul-Spirit back…


Clover dodged a shimmering beam of purple energy that shot out of the furry beast’s curved horn on its head.  It wasn’t difficult to slide around its telegraphed attacks, but each blitz she made only left a tiny gash, so she turned her attention to the horn, eyes, shoulder, and hind leg gems; there had to be a weakness.

She could sense a cloak of hardened force around him that she assumed was Super Armor, forcing her to recall what Yumi explained about the phenomenon.  Armor and Super Armor were why she and Melissa weren’t mangled corpses right now; the human girl wasn’t so durable.

Positioning herself a bit away from the charging wolf, Clover slid under its front paw as it pursued, not giving her breathing room; Clover swapped directions, using her energy to find purchase to dodge its lashing tail as it gave chase.

A small opening appeared, giving her a chance to kick it back and spin to throw out her whip-blade, clearing away a good chunk of the stone and wood Melissa toiled with.

However, the distance gave the Transevil time to spit out a large glob of black goo that formed into two Class-1 wolves that jumped away to circle her, and the pools its drool left generated Class-0 four-legged spider-eyes.

“So, you’re why there are so many Transevil showing up in the area,” Clover growled, keeping the Class-2 in front as it tried to position her in a way to attack Melissa and the girl.

Taking a deep breath, she rolled around her neck and licked her lips to smile, sampling a hint of dirt mixed with the Desire Force—she was glad Yumi gave it a name—it was far more appealing than Spirit Force.

Melissa seemed to trust her, focusing on healing the girl who sustained injuries from the collapsing building, despite the blonde’s protection.

The beast snarled, throwing out more Class-1 wolves to sneak around and attack Melissa, making Clover laugh.  “Heh, do you really think these weak things can do anything but feed my appetite?”

Move wolves spawned out of various shadows in the area to join the pack, making fifteen Class-1 and eleven Class-0; the Transevil roared, making Clover’s heart pump as it shot forward, the others much slower to enter a pincer formation, their leader running down the center.

Let’s dance…

An icy aura surrounded her as she leaned back, thrusting the force forward to generate a sizable ghostly serpent that dove forward to meet the wolf, freezing the ground and falling rain to create a flurry of snow.

Leaping back, she hopped into the air as the Gelid Adder met the beast, stripping a large chunk of its protective shell and frosting over its body, locking it into a prison of ice.

A haze of azure and lavender hues continued to surround her as she channeled the instinctual skills in her arsenal—whip-sword generating a vortex on the pack to her right—water and mud twisted with the cycling air, tiny blades of force ripping the monsters to shreds to feed the pulse in her veins.

Hovering in the air, she kicked off to land among the last group of hounds, sword a whirl as it passed through the wolves and spiders, not leaving a single one standing in seconds of the assault.

Segmented blade spinning around Clover while the arctic squall whipped her bound hair; the Class-2 was breaking out of the prison, but her sword was already back in form.  Fingertips touching the edge as the teal and royal purple aura converted to a frigid force, she blurred, gliding in a swift thrust.

It broke through the ice encasing him, a beam of violet light shooting out of the Transevil’s horn to intercept her, but Clover cut through the ray to meet the spike, shattering it with the rest of its Super Armor while soaring over the creature’s head.

Flipping around in the air as it howled, she stopped her progress and launched back, biting into its side to draw a spray of inky blood.  It tried to jump away, and Clover was happy to oblige, spinning to sink her heel into its side.

It gagged, tumbling twelve meters to the left, smashing through a fence; its Armor and Super Armor had been significantly weakened from Gelid Adder’s properties, and without its horn, she wasn’t so worried about a surprise attack on Melissa.

“He-he-he,” Clover laughed, spinning her blade around in the falling snow, “should I cut you up piece by piece to savor the flavor?  You weren’t so tough, after all.”

The Transevil stumbled around, hacking from the blow to its side, and to Clover’s amusement, a spray of black liquid erupted from its mouth to reveal a somewhat unsettled ghost child.  “Perfect … Hmm?  Really…”

She groaned while watching the wolf sink into the shadows, throwing out her whip-blade to cut through the dark ground; she was disappointed when nothing responded.  Is it still nearby … No, I can’t smell it.  Rosa, I need to figure out how to counter that escape route.

As if on cue, Lily called, but she let it go on for a second, stopping beside her indignant Soul-Spirit as the ghost gave her a dull, dirty look.  “What?  I got you out,” Clover grunted, turning to scan the ruined field.  “What a mess.”

“You have no idea—once a fool, always a fool—no awareness,” the child sniffed, rising into the air before brushing off her tattered cloak as if it were a delicate ballroom dress.  “Humph, at least you didn’t leave me again … Although, you are as slow as ever.”

“I believe that’s rather uncalled for,” Clover returned, glaring at the child wearing her young face.  “What do we do from here?”

The girl released a reluctant, aggravated sigh, looking away.  “I suppose it can’t be helped…”

She held out a hand, expression telling her to do the same.

Trusting the information she’d received so far, Clover accepted the offer, and the child touched her hand—immediately, a lilac pillar of energy surrounded them, shooting into the heavens as an incredible, all-encompassing force embraced her.

“What…”  Clover gasped, left hand rising to see the Viper Blade illuminate with her outfit, a white, gold, and silver coat coming into existence and most of the cuts in the clothing knitted together—it was as if ice passed through her veins from the quivering force that engulfed her—her Soul-Spirit was gone.

“C-Clover—that’s…”  Melissa trailed off, wide-eyed, while carrying the child in her arms.

Lily came into focus on her right as she passively answered, broadcasting it so Melissa could hear the girl squealing in delight.  “Hysteria!  The satellite just confirmed it!  You’re in Hysteria!”

Clover smirked, looking down at her overflowing violet aura that sharpened her focus and sharpened her senses; it was as if she could slow the motion of everything around her.  “Cool—although, I don’t feel rather hysterical—more like I could cut that Class-2 in half with a flick of my wrist.”

Melissa shook her head, eyes sparkling.  “No, no—it’s what we call it when a Class-3 Spirit Ruler can temporarily branch into Class-4; it proves you’re at least Class-3!”

A soft voice entered her mind, her own voice.  “You promised…”

Right … I’d never abandon you again … but what does that mean?

She didn’t get an answer, and after a minute of the overflowing force, it diminished; still, she was growing, and it only reinforced her desire to consume Desire Energy—she was a predator, and they, the prey.

Now, it was time to take Melissa and the child to Hollow Veil and return to the hunt.


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