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Note:  We Close The Plasma Chapter To Start A New Arc!  How's it going to finish?


1:  Amira Rocket (Our Little Perfectionist)

Pokemon Map I Loosely Use For Visual Aid:  The distance between areas might be different, some cities are somewhat incorrect, a few routes have been labeled incorrectly, and some cities aren't listed, but it's the best I've found.

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11:06 A.M. June 27, Saturday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Preliminaries for the Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League have concluded; 105 Trainers and their Pokemon have advanced from Bronze to Silver.  The day has come for the Summer Round Robin Cup, where the top of Kanto and Johto’s advancing Trainers will compete to be named Seasonal Best.  Rhea started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 19 Days (18 Officially; 19 since getting Maya and Nova).

Amira opened the sliding glass door, feeling Amber run between her legs with Holly wrapped around her neck.  Knowing the pair just wanted to be there in case anything happened, uncomfortable letting her go too far away after they’d almost been separated, a thankful smile softened her full lips.

She shut the door behind them, vision wandering across the field on the side exit to the cottage—Christie’s Bellossom, Vanty, was moving between flowers in the garden, finding pleasure in strengthening their life force and curing them of disease or chasing away pests.

A long sigh passed through her lips, fragile heart cracking as she recalled the Pokemon healing Rhea’s bullet wound.  I’m supposed to be better than this…

Holly, Serenity, and Amber tried to protest, but she could feel their own frustration at being unable to protect them.  I know I shouldn’t feel this way, she growled to herself, teeth locking together now that no one was around, her palm against her hot forehead.  I know, but … how do I stop this guilt?  I’ve never felt like this … helpless.

Her Pokemon rubbed against her spirit, doing their best to be there for her, and she loved them for it, but right now, she needed to hear her mother’s voice.  Fighting back tears, she pressed forward toward the edge of the forest to sit against a tree.

She adjusted her dress so Amber could cuddle up between her legs to look up at her with the Fennekin’s big crimson eyes, Holly doing the same from around the fox’s neck.

Amira tried releasing some of the pressure in her chest with a sigh, phone already on her mother’s number, but unable to call yet.  She gently stroked Amber and Holly’s heads using her free hand, trying to come up with how she wanted to address the topic.  In the end, she decided to be completely honest—her mom would know what to do.

Clicking the call button and speaker-mode, she looked up at the sunny sky, watching drifting white clouds move across the heavens.  After four rings, her mother answered, but the visual sight of her aggravatingly happy mom was different on her device.

“Mom?  Are you okay?”  she asked; concern welled up in her breast as she brought the phone up to study the three Trainers smiling at her.

“Doing fine!”  her mother lied, fidgeting with her hair; her mother’s puffy eyes and red cheeks contrasted her joyful expression.  “Umm … I’m just a little busy.”

“Hey, Amira!”  Kris and Green chimed in unison.

The dark brown-haired woman winked.  “We’ve been busy kickin’ Plasma tail!  Red’s team is so far ahead of us.  Mmh … at least we’ve got the Boss points on our side!  Let’s keep fighting on, guys!”  she yelled, glancing around as a dozen Pokemon shouted in unison.  “We’ll show Yellow, Red, Blue, and my sister what we’re made of!”

Her mother’s six Pokemon crowded in the back to wave at the camera, likely assuring her that they were taking care of her mother, and Kris gave the competitive Legend a forced smile.  “Eh, you know if we’re going by the standard point system, Elaine and Chase are ahead of us in cells dismantled.”

“We got the Boss, though!”  Green growled, “And a ton of admins!”

Kris’s left eyebrow lifted.  “Mmh, I mean, the Shadow Trio are apparently like Jessie, James, and Meowth—they kind of count as one since they’re usually together.”

Green’s arms crossed under her modest bust.  “Tch—my stupid brother-in-law’s rules…”

Lyra tried to giggle, but Amira could hear the stress in her mother’s voice.  “Wasn't Daisy the one that posed that question back when you guys were still Gold-tier?”

“Didn’t have Tiers like that when we were kids,” Green mumbled, glaring to her left.  “Even if Gorm is ‘technically’ an Admin, he was running things.  Sure, my sister’s probably got a bit of a lead, but we can probably catch up—maybe—pft, and those kids?  We’re totally ahead of them—besides, didn’t they lose to me and agree to be my Pokemon a while ago?”  she asked with an innocent smile.  “So, by formality, their points go to me!  Ha!  We’re closer to my sister than I thought.”

“The mental gymnastics,” Kris sighed, shaking her head.

Amira was happy to see her mother’s best friends doing their best to cheer her up, and their jokes brought a thankful smile to Lyra’s red cheeks.  “He-he, yeah, we’re not out yet, Kris … Umm, so … what did you need, honey—are you okay—is your dad there?”

Every time she heard her mother say the word, she recalled the woman lathering up trees to make friends with the local Pokemon.  “Yeah—no, yeah, Dad’s here, I’m just … Mom…”  she choked, voice quivering.  “I’m scared.”

Tingles shot down Amira’s arms as she said it, unable to hold a tear from falling down her cheek.  “I’m losing touch with everything I know,” she whispered, rubbing her cheek and clearing her throat.  “I try not to let it show, but I’m just so scared…”  She couldn’t say it, voice catching.

“Amira…”  her mother’s throat constricted, and gloom cast between her two friends as they listened.  “Honey, I made sure this wouldn’t happen again—you’re safe—I promise, I’m doing everything I can, and—and it’s not your fault!”

Kris carefully bumped in, giving her a reassuring smile.  “Amira … Your mother told me you’re blaming yourself for putting Rhea and Mallory in danger, but we’ve learned that they had you on a kill list before you ever made it to Apple City.  Your decision didn’t bring Plasma into your path—in fact, it might have saved your team since Sabin was nearby and the assassin was weakened after his previous failed mission.”

Amira drew in a shuddering breath, eyes closing as she held her closed fist against her tight chest.  “You don’t understand…”  she whispered, arm quivering.  “I … can’t look at myself in the mirror without feeling ashamed—weak … like I’ll only hold Lori and Rhea back … but I’m terrified I’ll—I’ll end up alone … again,” she cried.  “I feel like a ghost—and I don’t know how to not feel this way.  I say I’ll do better, but … even if they don’t blame me, my heart still hurts…”

Liquid dripped from her mother’s eyes.  “Oh, Amira…”

She couldn’t stop the flood gushing from her heart now that she’d started, though, and Amira sniffed, trying to clear her burning nose before coughing—her heart was falling into pieces.  “I try so hard … I try, but … but I can’t stop thinking I’m better off alone, so I push them away—so I wouldn’t hurt them—that they’ll be better without me, and I don’t know how it got so bad, but it’s the only thing I have…”

Her mother’s trembling eyes and arms vanished, soon after by Kris and Green, and five seconds after, her mother materialized out of rainbow light, followed by her two friends.

“Mom?”  Amira asked as she lurched forward to collapse beside her, arms closing around her shoulders.

“It’s my fault—It’s all my fault, Amira—I’m sorry—I’m so sorry…”

Kris and Green walked over to kneel beside them, hands resting on her mother’s back.

“Lyra,” Kris mumbled, “we’ve been over this—it’s not your fault.”

“Really,” Green sighed, pulling out an already dirty handkerchief to clean her mother’s face.  “You totally felt the same way at times, Lyra—it’s just a part of growing up.”

“She shouldn’t feel this way, though—I’m supposed to protect my baby,” Lyra sobbed, tight grip squeezing the air out of Amira’s shocked lungs.

“M-Mom … I—I can’t breathe…”

“I’m the worst mother in the world!”

“Lyra…”  Kris breathed out a heavy puff of air, using her superior strength to force some room for Amira to fill her lungs.  “Just breathe…”

Green gently pulled Lyra off of Amira, allowing her mother to latch onto the dark brown-haired Legend to cry.  “There, there … See, this is why we wanted you to drink some Calm Mint Tea … Let it out…”

“You, too, Amira,” Kris soothed, brushing back her braid to pull her in—she could smell the jasmine and iris perfume the woman used, which brought her mind back to a happier time when she was a little girl, playing with Little Miss, her Mismagius.  Stroking her hair, the Johto Legend whispered, “Don’t hold back … Let it all out…”

Holly, Amber, and Serenity all closed in to surround her, both physically and spiritually, too, doing their best to offer as much support as they could.

It took a few minutes for their emotions to settle, and Amira looked up at her trembling mother—she’d never seen her powerful, unbeatable mom look so vulnerable.  Swallowing her own feelings, Amira gently pulled away from Kris to embrace her mother; her touch made Lyra flinch, but her quakes soon calmed.

“Mom,” she coughed, “I love you—why do you think this is your fault?  You’re amazing—you can do anything … I look up to you so much.”

“B-But I’m not, Amira—I’m not amazing,” she sniffled.  “I’m a mess, and—and it’s only because of your stupid parents that you’ve had such a terrible life…”

Amira’s arms tightened around her mother’s small chest, pulling her away from Green as she leaned her cheek against the back of her head.  “Mom … I haven’t had a terrible life … You’re always with me—trying to teach me stuff—loving me every day.  I couldn’t ask for a better mother.”

Lyra’s small, trembling fingers brushed against her’s.  “No, but you … I’m supposed to protect you, and … and I don’t know what to do anymore … I’m a failure—stumbling around in the dark, trying to give you everything you deserve and ruining—”

“Ruining what?”  Amira asked, a bitter chuckle in her throat.  “I’m the one that sabotaged my own team—they wanted to keep going, and—and I said I’d have to think about it … They’ll hate me, and that’s all my fault…”

A sharp hiss passed through Green’s teeth as her eyebrows lifted.  “Okay, I was following you until that part.  Look, let’s get to the point, or else we’ll keep going around in circles.”

Kris took a cautious step forward.  “Green…”

“No, Crystal,” Green grunted, using her real name while reaching forward to pull both Lyra and Amira apart, “it needs to be said.”

Her intense illuminated brown irises centered on her mother, and Amira could feel the woman's stalwart, building force radiating through them and quelling her mom’s turbulent pressure.  “Lyra, have you forgotten?  I’ve known you since near the start of your journey—you know my past, and if there’s ‘anyone’ who deserves to feel like a failure, it’s me—but it seems you haven’t quite recalled what it takes to turn blood, sweat, and tears to gold, even if you’re so close.”

Lyra’s shakes eased as the woman’s burning passion radiated through them.  “You never snapped under pressure—you broke the mold and got results—ignored the resistance like Gold, Kris, Red, Blue, me, and my sister.

“Did you forget I was a kidnapped, brainwashed little girl that only cared about herself; Arceus, I even hunted my own sister!  Yet, it was all of you that told me to never hesitate, stand my ground, and keep my eyes on the prize—I have too much to lose.”

Amira could feel the woman’s racing heart quicken her own; Green’s sharp stare and smirk were like a knife cutting out cancer in her chest.  Focus drifting to Amira, the Legend’s internal flames licked against her spirit, feeding into her Pokemon.  “What do you want?”

Kris knelt beside her, a temperate aura helping calm Amira’s thumping heart.  “Take your time.”

She didn’t have to think.  “I want to beat my mom,” she blurted, “even if it feels impossible … she’s just so strong—stunning.”

Remembering her conversation with her father, Amira released a depressed sigh.  “I know it’s not fair to put you on a pedestal, Mom—you’re not a god, I know—but you’re just so … breathtaking to watch … Growing up, I always wanted to be like you—like Grandpa and Grandma, too, but most of all … Mom, you inspire me.”

“Amira…”  Her mother’s frantic vibe eased as she reached out to take her hand, but Green’s overpowering presence didn’t falter; in fact, the Legend’s stern ambiance doubled down.

“If that’s what you want, you need to embrace the drive to push against endless walls—you need to have patience, dedication—never leave a moment wasted, chasing greatness.  You’ll learn to seize the pain and turn those feelings into fuel—dig down, stand your ground, and look down at how far you’ve come from the base.  It doesn’t matter how high you need to climb—the sacrifices you need to make every day—it’s the price you pay to get results.”

Kris nodded, rubbing her back.  “You’re smart, Amira—don’t doubt that.  If you fear being left alone and holding back your friends, there’s only one answer forward…”

Green’s grin rose.  “Fight for the glory—get stronger—because strength is the only way to get the things you want in this world, and it doesn’t matter if Christie bred you the most powerful Pokemon in existence!  Mewtwo himself by your side—sure, whatever—if you’re not written in the stars as a Legend yourself, you’ll never be capable of bringing out your Pokemon’s potential.”

A short chuckle shook her mother’s chest.  “Heh, there’s Green the ‘Evolver.’

“And I’m known for it for a reason!”  she winked.  “It’s how the most powerful figures in the world—people like Cynthia—who can match her individual strength to Pokemon the likes of Giratina, set an example for the rest; the blueprints are there, and if you want to level your Pokemon to the max, you have to evolve yourself!”

Amira had never heard anyone present a Trainer’s growth like that.  “How can I evolve?”

“She’s right,” the blue-haired Trainer chuckled, changing positions to fold an arm around both Amira and her mother, “but it’s easier said than done.  High Master is the top point you can reach by relying on a ‘Pokemon’s influence’ on ‘you,’ but if you want both them and you to grow beyond that, you need to evolve—no one can teach you that path—it has to be experienced because every human is different.  Determination is a huge factor in your journey, but this is a partnership—don’t let anything stand in your way.”

Green’s compressed aura pulled in, glowing eyes swimming with compassion as she crawled forward to squish them into a hug between Kris and her.  “Everyone gets scared, girls—we don’t want to go there—when we, or those we love, have our lives on the line, but you need to overcome that fright.”

“Will it ever leave?”  Amira asked as the lead in her heart was purified.  “Will it ever get easier?”

“No…”  Her mother whispered in a sad tone.  “Fear can never be killed—no matter how powerful you are, it will always return—yet you still need to face it every day.”

Green folded her handkerchief to a somewhat clean portion to help clean Amira’s cheeks.  “Just know that being brave doesn't mean you’re not scared—courage is when you are terrified, yet you find a way through it.  Fear loses its power over you when you understand it; learn your fears and how to overcome them.”

Amira’s puffy eyes fell to her warm Fennekin and colorful Comfey, tears in their own eyes; Serenity was a bundle of passion, and at the back of her mind, she realized that the little Feebas was a little piece of Cynthia inside her—someone her heroes looked up to.  Her team, she herself, had the blood of champions, and even her great mother had moments of weakness.

A spark ignited the fire in her heart once more.  “Mom … I want to get stronger.  Rhea and Mallory deserve our best—my Pokemon deserve my best,” she whispered, stroking her Fennekin and Comfey’s heads.  “We’ll push each other.”

Kris and Green got up to stand in front of them as her mother pulled her into a tender embrace, and her hot breath pressed against Amira’s ear.  “I’m sure it will be legendary.”

They took the next several minutes to compose themselves, and to her surprise, Kris revealed that they were practically invisible thanks to her being able to mitigate and cleanse human and Pokemon aura and pressure—of course, it was quite challenging to maintain at Green’s level.  It would take a specialist in the detection field at the Legendary-tier to penetrate it.

She asked about the auras—she’d gone her whole life only understanding the surface level since something like this had never happened before—yet after thinking about it, Amira realized there had been one other incident she’d felt her mother’s erratic presence, and it was when someone had broken into their house during the Ultra War—when she was a little girl.

Unfortunately, her mother, Kris, and Green deflected, saying she’d understand if she ever got to the Grandmaster-tier; it’s something you needed to experience, and it was like unlocking your inner Pokemon.

Letting it rest, she was a bit surprised when Green got a rather annoying call—at least to her—from her sister; Leaf seemed to be bragging about taking care of everything already, asking for a figure on how many cells they’d kicked out of Johto and Kanto.

Amira giggled while watching the Legendary Trainer fume, connecting the chat to Chase and Elaine to rope them into her team.  Her brother-in-law jumped in, unreserved smirk, practically making Green bite the phone in half.

“Eh?  Chase and Elaine are with ya; huh, Sis?”

“That’s right!”  Green proudly exclaimed.  “Ha!  We’ve got a ton of Admins, too!  Isn’t that right, Elaine!”

Elaine’s strained smile on the split-screen showed she was resigned to the assertion.  “I … suppose we do?”

“Ooh,” Blue hissed, still showing his trademark grin while glancing left.  “Hear that, Leaf?  Your sister’s got Chase and Elaine’s score, too.  What do ya think?”

Leaf’s sparkling brown irises pulled away from the camera to show Red looking up at an impossibly high mountain cliff, its rocks towering out of the ground as crystal clear water fell in long streams out of various openings in a glorious display—they were in Johto, Mt. Quena.

The camera settled on Yellow jogging over to them.  “Hey, guys, Red wants to—oh, is that Greeny, Crystal, and Lyra?  How are you guys doing?!  We found everyone and brought them on Unova planes to extradite them—there were so many planes, but we paid for all of it!”

“Not ‘all’ of it,” Blue swiftly interjected.  “Red and you got most of it set up before Leaf and I even had a chance to pitch in!  Oh, by the way,” he grinned, Leaf tilting the camera back into view to show his infuriating smirk, “if we add all of the League’s captures with Green and Chase’s teams … What’s the difference?”

“Eh?”  Yellow jumped, smile turning forced.

The Pikachu on her shoulder grinned, smugly glancing to the side with a dismissive gesture.  “Pika-Pi-Pika…”

“Chuchu!”  Yellow hissed, adjusting her hat as the Pokemon tilted it forward with her tail.  “It’s—it’s not a competition, but umm … We did get about forty more than everyone else combined—I was just so worried about how many people might get hurt, so heh-he-he, I umm … I kind of pushed Red, Blue, and your sister a bit—sorry.”

Amira was flabbergasted why the kind-hearted Legend was apologizing, but her response seemed to crush Green.

“No way … How many were there in Johto and Kanto?”

Yellow sucked in her bottom lip, sharp stare directed at Blue and Leaf as they snickered.  “We can’t take all the credit, though—Giovanni gave us all the locations.  If we had to look, we’d have been at it for months!”

“Shhh!”  Leaf swiftly interjected, trying to silence the golden-haired woman.  “We don’t need to say that!”

“Giovanni … huh?”  Green asked, a cat-like smile returning.  “Tryin’ to pull one over on me, Leafy?  Well, if that’s the case, we might as well add all yours to our counter because we were the ones that got him all those names.”

“Oh?”  Blue asked, tilting on-screen to give her a blank stare.  “And pray-tell why you so happened to let all those ‘points’ slip you by?”

Kris jumped in.  “Eh—heh-he-he-he, umm, we had more important things to handle.  It looks like we’ll be buying dinner tonight!”

“What?!  Kris!”  Green shriek.  “Don’t concede defeat!  We still gotta determine who contributed the most—we still got a chance!”

“Give it up, Sis!”  Blue snickered.  “Delusion doesn’t look good on ya from this height.”

Leaf gave him a high-five, winking at her sister.  “Hope you’ve been keepin’ up with those challenges, Sis, ‘cause you know how much our Pokemon love to eat!  Alright, let’s get goin’ on the next adventure!”

Her sister blew a kiss, jogging over to Red before cutting the feed; a peace sign was the last thing they saw.  “This isn’t over, Leaf!”  Green shouted.  “Mmgm-hmm-hmm … The way she gets when her husband is around is so—aggravating!”

Lyra giggled with Kris, watching the rivalry between the sisters play out.

“I kind of like what Blue pulls out of Leaf,” Lyra chimed, happiness back in her voice as her arms tightened around Amira.  “Red and she used to be so empty when they isolated themselves on Mt. Silver, but look at them now!”

Green’s vision narrowed.  “Yeah, well—it was a rough time for all of us.  Umm, gah—I need some way to get them back for this, though,” she grumbled.  “You’re gonna help me, right, Lyra, Kris?”

“Count on us, Boss Green!”  Lyra said, giving her a salute.  “Team Green is back in action!”

“Good!  The next challenge is tonight, so let’s rest until then—conserve your strength because we’ll need it against our competition!”

“Sir!”  Lyra and Kris happily responded, making Amira laugh; it had been a while since she’d seen her mother’s playful side with her friends.

Returning inside with the three, their entrance caused a stir, but to Amira’s own surprise, she found Grimsley and Karen sitting on the couch with an elated Mallory.  Keith and Christie, Rhea’s parents, were cuddled up on the sofa together, waiting for her teammate to return, and Silver got up to hold out a hand to Lyra, showing the dazzling smile that melted the heart of both girls in his life.

“I’m happy you could join us, Dear.”

“Mhm!”  Lyra grinned, walking forward to link hands.  “Thank you for taking care of the girls.”


Amira settled in between them, both leaning against her as Amber and Holly took her lap, trapping her to the final couch.  Kris and Green moved some table chairs over to sit, and not soon after, her red-faced teammate returned with her brother.

“M-Mom—Dad?”  Rhea asked, her cute grin relaxing Amira, but another shock came when the blonde’s expression turned serious.  “Umm … Amira, Mallory…”

Mallory cleared her throat and got up, careful not to rip the tight yellow dress she wore.  “Actually, Rhea, I had something I wanted to say first.”

“Eh?”  Rhea’s expression collapsed.  “Umm—yeah, okay.”

Amira’s gut twisted, imagining what this might be.  Did I ruin everyone’s will to continue when I said I needed time?

Moving to the front with her somber Impidimp and Froakie, Lori took a deep, determined breath and glanced between them.  “Gables, Miky, and Roxie all agree with me—we know we’re the weak link in our team, but we don’t want to be!  The four of us agreed that we don’t want anyone else to travel with—we promise we’ll work hard to get stronger.  So please, don’t give up on our team.”

The Frog and Wily Pokemon nodded, and Amira’s throat caught.  W-Why … Lori was in the most trouble—she could have drowned multiple times, but she’s blaming herself when … she couldn’t help it.

Amira swallowed, realizing how terrible she’d been to herself—her feelings didn’t just affect herself but her teammates—her friends.

Rhea’s frown flipped.  “I feel so weak, too … Amira was the one that pulled us through, and I want to thank you for that—how calm you were really helped me calm down.  Mya, Nova, and Alice want to get stronger, too—as friends.  I’ve learned so much from you, Amira—please, give us a second chance.”

“He-heh,” Amira tried to stop her tears with a laugh, staring down at the table.  “Give you a second chance … I’m the one that feels like I need a second chance, but after talking to Green and Kris … I’m not perfect—it’s not worth hating myself—because it only punishes those around me.”

Her mother pulled her long red braid around to play with the end, a soft curve on her lips, and Amira jumped over the wall in her heart to meet the next.  “I’d love to travel with the two of you—if you can live with my imperfections.”

“Our imperfections!”  Rhea chuckled, walking close to sit on the table and smiling at her.  “Let’s get so strong this never happens again!”

Lori held up her fist for them to bump, a half-grin in place.  “It’s a new beginning.  Let’s show everyone what we’re made of!”

“Prove to ourselves we’re worth more than we think,” Amira returned, meeting her knuckles.

Rhea’s tight lips and serious eyes gave Amira fuel.  “I’m ready to take Training seriously—I’m sorry it took so long for me to really put my heart into it.”

“Ahem,” Lyra interjected from beside them.  “Train your hearts out, but win or lose, so long as you’re having fun with your Pokemon, you’ll grow.  If you’re always battling, then there’s no time to play—just remember, the top is lonely if you give up the spark in your chest.”

Amira’s thoughts returned to what they said about Red and Leaf when they isolated themselves on Mt. Silver.  The advice of those that have walked the road.

She could see her family far above her on the steep mountain of life … yet she was moving toward them, and that was all that mattered.  “Thanks, Mom…”

“So!”  Christie said, pulling everyone’s attention.  “We’re just about ready to go hit the town for some temporary clothes for these girls; do you girls want to join?”

“Us?”  Kris asked, vision shifting to Green.  “Wouldn’t that be too much?”

“Right?  I mean, I’d love to just hang, but it’s hard to walk around in public with anyone.”

Karen giggled, leaning forward to adjust her designer gold and black shirt top.  “Not if we let all of our Pokemon mingle—why not give them some breathing room?”

Christie pointed at the TV, directing her daughter to the screen as Keith operated the remote.  “I was waiting to show you this, but as always, your aunt is ahead of the curve.  Between Yellow’s public appearance, Lyra’s actions to the criminal underground, and now…”

Their focus centered on the brilliant golden-maned woman as the Sinnoh Champion took the region’s grand podium to deliver a speech that would likely be broadcasted to most of the world.

“As many of you are aware, a terrorist group located in Unova by the name of Plasma has recently caused unrest, much the same as Galactic in our own backyard.  These fanatic groups and radical ideologues have been ‘one’ reason as to why I have kept my family away from the public eye … Including the terror of the ravenous news stations and cult-like fans that can quickly turn on who they worship.”

Amira caught Rhea’s arms stiffening, fingers pressed against her tight thighs as her aunt continued.  “When my daughter, Bianca, decided to end her journey as a Battle Trainer, her life was made a living nightmare by her fans.”

Her expression darkened, and Amira could feel a tremor run through her bones at just the sight of the furious World Champion.  “She asked me to restrain myself, and I honored her request … forced to watch my daughter be dragged through the mud by people, thinking they were safe to behave in such disgusting ways because of anonymity.”

Cynthia’s cold silver irises moved between the cameras, representing different stations.  “Kanto and Johto have just shown me their resolve to protect that which they love, and I will answer in kind.  My niece has recently started her journey, and my sister, concerned for her safety—and the appetite of the masses,” she snarled, glaring at her audience, “decided to keep her identity hidden at the start of her travels, yet things are different now.”

A family photo of Rhea, Bianca, Cynthia, Keith, Christie, grandpa Drake, and great-grandma-Carolina blew up on the screen behind her; however, Amira couldn’t focus on anything else but the Sinnoh Champion’s ominous tone and dark expression.

She brushed back her formal black coat to select a pokeball, releasing the only Porygon-Z in the world Amira was sure could beat Zelri; the shimmering shiny Pokemon spun around in a circle around Cynthia.  “Let me be crystal clear—I will not restrain myself again if my family is targeted.  Do not feel safe behind the internet because Polina ‘will’ find you, so be careful with what you post.”

A dark smirk moved her lips.  “Don’t think you have nothing to lose—I’ll leave you with one simple question—name one person who would ‘try’ to stop me from getting to you.  I don’t care what region you're in—you know who I am—the numberless skills me and my Pokemon possess.  I will find you, and you will answer to me—face to face.”

Her expression softened, and she looked into Kanto’s regional camera.  “I can’t wait to follow your matches—see your mother, father, and brother in the stands—Bianca’s cheer at being able to meet you in public.  Things are different now; I love you, Rhea; have a lovely journey.”

Rhea’s aunt’s hair swayed behind her as she turned away to vanish in multi-colored lights, Polina teleporting them to their next location.

“Well,” Rhea laughed, “umm—yup, that’s my aunt.”

Mallory nudged her side.  “It’s that awesome!  You can see your brother any time now!”

“Yeah,” the blonde hummed, looking back at her grinning family; at some point, Katelin had come in, yet Amira hadn’t noticed.  However, Rhea’s focus soon went to Amira’s mother.  “Thank you, Lyra … This is the best present I could ask for.  Eh, heh—although, it makes me wonder how our battle will be.”

Mallory blinked.  “Battle … Today?”

It clicked in Amira’s mind.  “Wait … the Alolan woman you met in the cafe shop—her cousin and his team?”

“Ooh!”  Kris clapped.  “I’d love to see it.”

Green stretched left and right before jumping up.  “Sweet!  So, we gonna go grab some lunch, shop a bit, and end with a battle, huh?  Sounds like a blast!”

“I’m getting excited just thinking about it!”  Lyra giggled.  “Right, Silver?”

“Mhm,” her dad leaned forward, his red eyes calming her thumping heart.  “Only if it’s alright with you, Amira.”

Honestly, she’d only ever battled in front of her grandfather, and that was terrifying enough, but this was on a whole different level—still, she answered with a smile.  “I’m nervous, but I can’t wait to show you how my team’s grown.”

“Then it’s settled!”  Grimsley clapped, and Amira lifted an eyebrow upon realizing he was wearing a full kimono.  “Why don’t we determine who pays by chance, Karen—heads me, tails you?”

“Teh-he-he,” Karen gave him a dubious eye.  “I’m always tails, ‘Dear.’

The man’s smirk shifted to Mallory’s snicker.  “For obvious reasons.  Is it a bet?”

Karen held out her hand.  “If I can flip the coin—it’s a bet to pay for everyone, after all.”

Grimsley offered it up, arms disappearing in his sleeves as his sharp eyes studied his wife, and Lori leaned in to whisper, “It’s a game to see which one can cheat the other—got bets?  A tip—they’re trying to lose.”

Rhea’s chest shook with silent laughter.  “They want to pay?”

Deciding to play along, Amira pulled up her phone’s betting app and sent the request to her teammates—50 Credits on Karen.

Lori lifted a purple eyebrow at the bet, vision tilting to Rhea as the two Elite 4 members stared each other down.  After some nervous debate, Rhea typed her response—50 on Karen.

“Pfft…”  Mallory came in an instant after—100 on Grimsley.  “Gotta play the odds,” she mused.

Karin’s thumb flicked the metal into the air, time slowing as she followed its path to find any foul play, yet she didn’t see a thing; Karen snatched it out of the air and slapped it on the back of her thin arm.  “Heads…”


Next Chapter


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