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I've been trying to speed up my pacing—honestly, it's been something I've been trying to work on for months.  Sometimes I feel like I'm going too fast and others I'm going too slow.

Since coming back from Covid this last week of releasing chapters, I've wondered if I might be falling into my old habits of too much Show and not enough Tell.  Ironic, really, but my issue tends to be I want to 'show' EVERYTHING ... every detail or step along the way on a character's journey that builds them to who they are.

The issue is that it can feel slow and while there are a LOT of character things happening, foreshadowing, world building, etc.  The actual plot can feel bogged down by so many detailed encounters and interactions.

So, my question is, should I do even more 'tell' instead of 'show' and which series do you think/feel a bit bogged down right now and could use speeding up.  I mean, for certain things I slow it down on purpose to provide motivation, drive, or growth, but I can get exasperated myself with my detailed style at times.

So, lay it on me!


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