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1:  Clover Emberfield

Soul's Requiem Index

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“McArthur! What happened to her; has she gone insane? [data lost] Desire Force…Desire Users? So, any of us who has powers can succumb to its influence. If that’s the case…should we tell the others? Wouldn’t it only cause panic and distrust? What do you think, Shane?” - Samuel, The Lost Diaries, Vol. I.


Clover’s narrowed eyes drifted between Shion’s silent presence in the corner of the room to Tyler’s serious amber irises; the shift from hazel to its current color appeared to be linked to his powers.

Again, the only thing that told Clover the tranquil woman floating just outside her view existed at all was her vision, and Tyler didn’t seem to notice her at all.  

What happened to the world I knew…  I might as well have landed on an alien planet; Tyler’s threat takes precedence, though.

Not paying the creepy, holy-dressed figure any more thought, Clover addressed the CEO in front of her.  “I’ll start with an immediate and obvious question…  Do you pose a threat to me or humanity?”

He smiled, but Clover noted it didn’t touch Tyler’s darkened face.  “You make it sound like I’m not human.”

“Are you?”  Clover asked, elbows leaning against the hard wooden table’s surface and chin settling on her bridged fingers.  “There’s certainly something inhuman about you.”

He let her statement hang, carefully pondering his response as the two of them locked eyes.  “If that’s the direction we’re heading, I’ll make it very clear where I stand as a whole.  I consider myself human; whatever you’re sensing is something that intrigues me, as well.”

The man’s arms folded across his front, frame tilting to the left a little as he observed her.  “As to my alignment with people, in general, I fall somewhere between friendly and neutral—with humanity, if you want specific wording—after all, I have business dealings with people, and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize my way of life.”

Placing pressure on her arched fingers, Clover scanned every twitch his body made; she knew if he wanted her dead, her neck wouldn’t be attached right now.

His energy felt unnatural, lingering around him after their short spat that gave her a much sharper picture of the substance as she breathed it in and sampled it on her wet tongue; it made her skin itch.  The combination put a shiver through her bones; it may have been similar to the mannequins at first, but now she’d experienced a small taste, and she was positive it was only at a small, fundamental level.

“What of the SPU?”  she pushed.  “In fact, a better question would be—who do you see as your enemies, Tyler?”

“Hmm… certainly a more pointed question,” he whispered.  “The SPU and other organizations…  It depends on a multitude of factors, but ultimately, my enemies are mostly those that stand against my goals—broad, I am aware, yet that is the best answer I can give.  Do I see you or any of my associates in the other room as opposed to me?  No.”

“Mhm…”  Clover could tell he was being careful with his words, and the movement of his vision to the door told her that he was concerned about someone overhearing.  Obviously, that person was Tamara.

The mysterious woman had taken up the spot Ronan had occupied as the half-rassi moved to question Parker and Yumi about something.

Tamara’s actions were smooth and unassuming, something Clover picked up on while traveling through the streets; she excelled in deception, which likely came from her trade.

His next statement drew Clover’s gaze back to his face.  “I don’t enjoy combat—the only reason I entered this scene was to gain further insight into questions I’ve had about my own life, but I quite enjoy my peaceful lifestyle.”

She scanned for deceit and didn’t find it; he was an open book.  “I see…  You’re not above using force, though.”

A snort shot through his nostrils, yet amusement had yet to touch his eyes.  “Only as a last resort.  I’m a banker—a businessman, Clover.  Corporate combat, sure,” he shrugged.  “Physical?  I’m really not a fan.”

Clover was feeling better about his answers as they went on, yet it put questions into play between Tamara and him.  “Who did you meet in this building a little more than a week ago?”

Tyler’s gaze sharpened, neck lowering a tad as his amber irises intensified.  “Now, you have my interest—there’s a hunger in you that’s almost palpable.”

A wry smirk lifted Clover’s full lips.  “It’s not the first time someone’s made reference to my snake-like eyes,” she sarcastically replied.

Shifting his posture to be a tad more relaxed, Tyler shook his head, tone dropping to the point of a whisper.  “It’s not your eyes that drew me to that conclusion…  It’s the radiant force you project…  Like a serpent coiling around us as a tongue licks at my ears, wet fangs hidden behind my back, ready to strike.”

He paused, vision narrowing.  “You differ from normal spirit users I’ve come across in ways I can’t explain, yet you clearly have Spirit Force.  My interest comes from the supernatural insight you seem to possess…”

Tyler’s focus slowly wandered to the door again, leading back to the others.  “I’m sure you want to get into more details… but what would you say if I asked you to postpone such inquiries?”

“I’m listening,” Clover frowned, figuring there would be clarification.

“Once your business is concluded with Tamara—and the group is satisfied with the proposal—I will meet you at Eclipse’s Hollow Veil branch, where we can have a more… extensive conversation.”

Deciphering that he wanted to salvage at least a bit of his cover while Tamara listened, Clover found the request acceptable; he was a public figure, which meant it wouldn’t be difficult to track him down if he ran.

Tyler had everything to lose; in fact, given he had the financial world of humanity in his grip, it might even be she who was at a disadvantage in this situation, yet he certainly wasn’t holding such power over her.  Oddly, he’d backed down, despite holding not only physical superiority but also hosting political ties she couldn’t hope to match.

Overall, his presentation was certainly convincing, making her far more accepting of possible business dealings.  When it came down to it, ultimately, she wasn’t opposed to discretion when ignorant about the world’s current structure—Tyler seemed to be an ally she needed.

“I look forward to it,” Clover replied after a second’s thought, rising to her feet with the man.

His attention converged on the corner, where the unsettling woman still floated, searching for what drew her notice.  “Something else you’re sensing?”

Clover’s slitted irises centered on Shion’s curved lips; her long, silky bangs floated around her front, and the ornate circlet blinding the woman’s vision seemed even more detailed when closer, displaying more religious Rosa imagery.

The inability to see the body heat, smell anything about her, or sense so much as a hint of energy put unease in Clover’s gut.  Not a sound was made as she locked onto the non-existent figure, yet the large cards flowing around her frame continued to cycle in patterns, unperturbed.

“Perhaps…  We can discuss it later.”

Tyler’s smile returned, the amber glow of his eyes fading to be replaced by their original hazel color.  “I can’t wait!  Now, why don’t we focus on getting the current proposal out of the way before moving on to various other avenues we can find commonality in?”

Clover could tell part of this was an act, but her instincts said he wasn’t trying to deceive; there was stress hinted at in the chemicals released by his skin, breath, and subtle mannerisms that weren’t easily faked.

“Hmm…  We will see,” she returned.

Exiting the room as Tyler opened the door and offered for her to proceed first, Clover made a quick sweep of the straightening individuals.

Ronan appeared to be discussing something about a game or console of some kind with Yumi, who was looking somewhat skeptical about the thoughts.  Parker was playing with a holographic wrist device similar to Lily’s, yet it somehow appeared even more advanced.  Tamara remained in her previous spot, deep in thought behind her mask.

The mysterious woman’s tone was light as they entered, but Clover detected a warry undercurrent that wasn’t there before.  “Finished with your double-secret meeting, Tyler?  I thought we were going to be doing business as a party,” she grumbled.  “You didn’t harass her, right?”

Yumi’s eyes widened, head tilting to the side to look at them.  “Mr. Tyler sexually harassed Clover?!”

“Hey, now,” Tyler rolled his eyes, giving the older woman an accusatory glare.  “Let’s not start unnecessary gossip, Tamara.  I certainly did not—do you really see me as some kind of deviant?”

“I wouldn’t put it past you,” she grunted.

Scratching the back of his neck, Tyler forced a laugh, bypassing her comment to focus on the architect.  “Yes, well, there was a misunderstanding Clover and I had, but everything was sorted out.  Right, Clover?”

Clover shifted positions to lean against the wall beside the exit, crossing her arms and adding a cryptic smile.  “For now.”

Tamara lifted her gloved left hand, Tyler’s mask spinning slowly above her pointer finger.  “Mmh…  Well, enough playing around.  If that’s the case, you can take back your mask…”

The item shot at Tyler’s head, making him jump back a little and grab it with both hands, faking a grunt.  “Oof!  Ugh…  C’mon, Tamara—you’re still my favorite girl; you know that!  How would I have even done anything—seriously—she’s only been out of the Void for, like… not even two days!”

“Oh!  Yeah,” Yumi jumped forward, hands at her front; Ronan didn’t seem pleased to be brushed off.  “How do you know Clover, Mr. Tyler?  Did you know the Emberfields before the Voids showed up?  That’d be cool!”

Ronan smirked, holding both hands behind his neck.  “Eh, c’mon, Yumi.  How old would he be, like ten or twelve, when that happened?  Okay, yeah, I can see it—rich guy and rich girl and all.”

Clover promptly shook her head.  “I had no connection to Tyler before entering the Void—in any case, I would like to learn more about this business proposal you’re offering.”

“Right!”  Tamara joyfully broke into the conversation, her light tone back at the drop of a hat.  “Well, how would you like to join our little give-and-take operation?  You’ve been given the gist of things…”

Tyler cleared his voice and raised a hand.  “Excuse me…  I’m afraid I need to go, Tamara.”  Clover hid a slight smile, even his strained smile was perfect.  “I’ve already asked Clover to stop by the branch to set up an account since she’ll need one as a spirit user, even if she doesn’t join our merry band of criminals!  I’ll be there if anyone needs me.”

He glanced around, searching everyone’s faces.  “Does… anyone need me?”

Clover was beginning to think he had some kind of relationship with the masked woman, and her actions had somehow jeopardized that as Tamara silently stared at him.  The others glanced between them, expressions showing a hint of concern as if they were children watching their parents fight.

After several awkward seconds, Tamara waved her hand dismissively.  “You’re the easiest to explain, anyway, and your rate is always the same, so you can run away to do even more unexpected and mysterious things.”

“I’m not that interesting; you can attest to that,” Tyler laughed, adjusting his robe and mask.

The woman was silent for half a second as the man prepared to leave.  “Mmg…  More than I thought,” she muttered, and Clover detected a hint of hurt in Tamara’s very soft voice.

“What was that?”  Tyler asked, shadows falling across his masked face while pulling his hood up.  “Umm, heh, I have a surprise inspection of the facility on the schedule; I could show you if you want!”

“No, go do your day job,” Tamara replied, hiding the feelings Clover suspected twisted within her heart.

Honestly, Clover wasn’t sure how she should feel about exposing whatever the woman discovered from her interactions with the man.  Secrets weren’t always bad but always hurt those brought into the light of the truth, although that was often positive in the long run.

Parker’s chair creaked as the front legs hit the concrete.  “Oh, by the way, Tyler, I’ve got yer shipment sent in—everythin’ ya ordered.”

He gave the trader a bright grin and a thumbs up.  “Thanks, Parker.  That was quicker than I expected; talk to you all later!”

“Aww,” Yumi muttered as he shut the door behind him, “he’s always so busy.”

Ronan sniffed.  “Yeah, like someone else I know that’s too busy to design me a better device to own chumps online with!”

Yumi gave the flaming-haired boy a side-long look, pushing up her glasses.  “It’s not like you have many people to play with on this local network, Ronan.  Plus, you don’t have the cash to hire me for something like that—it’s super complicated, too…  It’s basically fantasy what you’re asking me to do.”

“Pfft,” Ronan pointed at himself, “I’m fantasy, girl!  C’mon!  You know I’ll be good for it if Clover’s feeding me business!  Yeah… right, eh, Clover—you want stronger weapons?  Of course, you do—back me up here!”

Clover hummed, finding the exchange far more heartwarming and silly compared to Tamara and Tyler’s tense dynamic.  “First, I need to know if you can deliver.”

The Viper Blade appeared in her hand out of pulsating purple and teal light, causing the four remaining people in the room to close in around to stare at it.

“Oh!  Yeah, I saw you had two colors, Clover,” Yumi muttered, pushing her big glasses up again while leaning forward to study the edge.  “Very unusual—it’s a different type of Force mixed with Spirit Force…  How odd.”

Ronan’s lips pulled in, a thoughtful grin on his lips.  “Yo, it looks sick!”  He sniffed, rubbing his nose with the back of his index finger.  “Man…  Yumi can make some awesome designs using that as a model.  What do you think, a little sleeker or more edges?  I think sleeker would be cool since the energy will fashion the edges as needed.  Right, Yumi?”

“Mmh… yeah, I can see that,” the girl muttered, bright amber eyes lifting.  “Can I hold it, Clover?  I just… the energy is new to me—which is exciting and cool!  It will probably change the parts I’ll need to use.”

Flipping the blade’s handle around, she offered it up.  “What can you tell me about the new energy?”

“Interesting,” Parker mumbled, purple irises progressing down its length.  “If it’s new to you, does that mean we’ve got new materials and creatures being developed in the Voids?  It could be a sign that a change is taking place.”

Tamara’s hands returned to her pockets, business voice in place after Tyler left.  “Good point.  We can’t take it lightly if even Yumi hasn’t dealt with it before.”

Figuring these people had experience in places Lily and Melissa didn’t, Clover decided if she wanted straight answers, this was the place she would get them without political issues and getting them in trouble.

“Have any of you heard of a spirit user exiting a Void with a kind of… ghost child—one that looks very similar to how they did as a kid?”

A big smile brightened Yumi’s cute face as her fingers tightened around the hilt, and she jumped up and down.  “Oh!  Oh!  She has a Soul-Spirit, Tamara!  She has a Soul-Spirit!”

“A Soul-Spirit?”  Clover asked, glancing between them.

Ronan and Parker gave the masked woman a confused look as Tamara giggled.  “Indeed, Yumi.  I figured she would after seeing Shion.”

“No way!”  the girl gasped, sparkling eyes darting to Clover.  “You can see Shion?  I’ve only worked with three spirit users that could see her.  I hear she’s gorgeous, but Shane didn’t like how cryptic she always was.  He-he-he, he’d always complain to me when I was looking at all the cool stuff he collected to see what we could make.”

The blast of information left Clover’s mind blank as she processed the revelations.  “You… worked with Shane…  The Class-7 spirit emperor?”

“Heh-he,” Tamara puffed up her chest, “of course we did!  Well, all of us except Ronan—he was just a little tyke back then—so cute!”

He brushed her hand away, jumping back with a bark as she reached up to rub his flaming hair.  “H-Hey, knock it off!  Yer not my mom—geez, give me some space…”

Yumi shot him a light glare.  “That was kind of mean; Tamara might not be your mom, but she saved you.”

“I need some air…”  he grunted out of the blue, throwing his hood on and storming off to the backroom to slam the door.

Clover lifted an eyebrow.  “Certainly a teenager…”

“Despite his handsome looks,” Tamara fondly laughed.  Seriousness returning, she clasped her hands behind her back.  “Anyway, yes, quite a few high-tier spirit users have utilized our services since we can craft far superior weapons than the SPU and without the drama.”

Yumi’s small smile shifted to the masked woman.  “Tamara found me to the far south—the Void spat me out on an island eight years ago.  I was alone for almost two months—if I weren’t a spirit user, I would have died—eh-heh, even if I’m only a Class-0.  We duds still have some perks…”

“Duds?”  Clover asked, forehead furrowing.  “Is that what people call Class-0 spirit users?”

“Basically,” Parker muttered, walking back to grab his chair and drag it over.  “It’s sad, but anyone lower than Class-1 is usually seen as somewhat useless by the masses.”

Taking a deep breath, Clover let it ease out.  “Even when the world is ending, humanity finds a way to disappoint me.  In any case, I am very intrigued by the services you are offering, and it seems that you can deliver…”

“However,” Tamara asked, tone bright and cheery as she interrupted her, “right now, your primary interest is on the questions we can answer.  Am I to assume you would like us to go into greater depth?”

Yumi sucked in her bottom lip, anxiously waiting for her response; the girl’s glasses sliding down to the bridge of her nose made Clover smile.

“Yes, I want to know more,” she chuckled, enjoying the interactions she was having with the tight-knit group.

A squeal sounded from Yumi as she held up the weapon in her hands.  “Yes!  Umm-umm, can I keep looking at this—I’m just trying to learn more about this cool dualistic source it’s composed of!”

Clover nodded, watching Parker smile and start going through screens on his device before stopping on a website with various postings.

“By the way,” he muttered, dropping backward atop his chair, “I’m your connection to off-the-books merc work, too—escorts, black-book company stuff, information on the low—I dabble in just about everything.  Most spirit users turn me down on that kind of work, but I’m thinking you might be more up to the task of working in gray areas.”

It wasn’t a bad offer, and Clover had heard enough to know that money was what kept the group functioning.  “I’m kind of broke right now,” she noted, focus returning to Tamara, “but I assume how this works is I gather these parts off of the things I kill, give the useful parts that can work into equipment to Yumi, sell the rest to Parker, and use that money to complete my other transactions?”

The masked woman nudged her head toward the door.  “If we’re going to actually start doing business with one another, why don’t we go to a more cozy place?  There’s a private bar for the discrete within the city that we have connections with—the VIP room, of course, which adds security and comfort.  Sound acceptable?”

“It does…  Although,” Clover shifted her weight to glance between the members, “I need to know how I can do business with you while being transparent in my activities with my operator and those I choose to work with in the SPU, such as Melissa.”

Parker snickered, turning off his device to fold his arms across the back of his chair and look at her.  “No need to put so much thought into that, lass.  How do you suppose other spirit users make use of our services?  The Order of Royals is out for our heads because we bypass their control methods, but out here in the West, it’s a lot more lenient than in the East.”

A short huff blew through Tamara’s concealed nose.  “It’s not as if I did no research before reaching out, Clover.  I have plenty of eyes and ears in the SPU.  In the short time since you’ve exited the Great Void, you’ve shown to resist the yoke of the machine and question those in power.  The damage to Steel Box Bastion was quite entertaining to learn about,” she laughed.

Taking a few steps to the door, she hummed, turning to give her a sidelong look.  “So long as you don’t mention us by name, only what we are doing for you, then there shouldn’t be any issues, especially considering what I’ve concluded about our dear General Laurence.”

Clover acknowledged the statement with a nod; obviously, information came at a price, and she was teasing the products she had to sell as a good businesswoman should.  “You wouldn’t mind if I contacted them right now to inform them of what I plan to do?  I won’t work two sides without being transparent about my actions with both.”

“That’s so cool and brave!”  Yumi whispered.  “You’re willing to tell the SPU you’re openly fine working with criminals!  Eh, not that we’re bad criminals…  Well, I’m not,” she muttered, turning to look dubiously at Parker.

“Aye,” the man grunted, “I’ve got my ethics and limits, too, lil’ missy.”

Tamara was silent for a moment before soft laughter shook her frame, drawing everyone’s attention, and after a few seconds, she hummed.  “Yumi.”

“Mhm?”  the girl asked, holding up her sword to examine the hilt.

“Give her a Psy-Link.”

The girl’s eyes snapped to the woman.  “Huh?  For real—you aren’t gonna charge her?”

Left eyebrow lifting, Clover took a step back to look between them.  “A Psy-Link…  As in, mental link technology?”

In response, two small devices floated out from within her hood and expanded to show a holographic two-dimensional image that displayed some kind of user interface.

“It takes some getting used to, but basically, it’s an overly expensive personal phone disguised as cartilage earrings; Yumi’s recently developed them herself, and she can integrate that SPU basic microphone in your ear—adding security to better keep your privacy, of course.”

Clover followed Yumi’s happy fidgets while she set the Viper Blade against the concrete, leaning it against her body while holding out her hands to generate a small light where components materialized into existence.

“As she said, without some kind of payment…  And how did you do…”

Their concentration lifted to the back door as Ronan threw it open, looking less agitated.  “Okay, I’m cool…  Wait, yo… what are you doin’, Yumi?”  he asked, centering on the four items resting on her open palm.  “Aye, I haven’t got a Psy-Link yet!  Tamara, you’ve been tellin’ me we don’t got the parts!”

Tamara folded her arms, voice somewhat lilting.  “If I did give you one, I’d never get you out of my ear.  Plus, you’re always broke, spending money on useless things.”

“No, Parker’s just stupid expensive!”  he snapped back, jabbing a finger at the man.

He held up his hands with a grin.  “Aye, ya ask for hard ta get parts; just ‘cause we’re tight doesn’t mean I’m gonna lower the price, my man.”

“Exactly,” Tamara chided.  “You need to learn to spend your money better.  Plus, you eat like a hog.”  She held a hand to the side of her mask in a mournful way.  “The amount of money that left my pocket those first few months was mortifying…  Who knew half-rassi would be so high maintenance?”

Ronan’s dark-skinned face flushed.  “No one asked you to feed me!  Geez, and I need all the best gaming stuff—all the places we go aren’t always compatible with the things I’ve got, so Yumi has to design things, and she’s expensive, too!  Don’t get me started on how much you charge to craft stuff!”

Yumi’s eyebrows pulled together.  “B-But I give you a 40% discount…”

Clover cleared her throat.  “Tamara, why are you giving me this so suddenly?  I thought we were working off a transaction basis?”

“That’s what I’m sayin’!” Ronan barked, raising his arms and glaring at the woman.  “I gotta work my butt off to get money!”

An uncomfortable silence followed, but Clover felt the woman’s focus on her; the change in atmosphere and confusion intensified as she said, “I’m paying for it, Ronan, Yumi…  I owe Clover more in compensation, in any case.  No need to dig around for answers, Ronan—that’s all there is to it.”

She turned toward the door and opened it.  “I’m sure you can follow our scent—or whatever, once you’re done with your call.  I need a drink and some quiet time to think—just put on those earrings, and they’ll sync to the first person that wears them.  Coming, Ronan, or are you going to run through the streets on your own with your head on fire?”

“W-What?!  No, you can’t leave me here; they’ll shoot me!”  he cried, running after her as she exited.

Parker gave her a small grin and salute.  “See ya soon, lass.”

Yumi and Clover tracked his departure until the door closed.

“Aren’t you going with them?”  Clover asked, accepting the items from her offering hand.

A tiny, sad smile creased the girl’s amber eyes as she managed her swept bangs.  “Not for a minute…  I need to help you with this.  You see, it’s actually designed from a type of mental attacking transevil—oh, it’s not dangerous or anything,” she swiftly interjected, “but it uses certain enhanced features only available because of the transevil’s energy style.”

Clover frowned, looking down at the device; there were trace amounts of transevil force within it.  “You know, I have noticed a bit of a similarity between rassi energy and transevil—at least at their base—like different forms of chocolate.  Why is that?”

She giggled, picking up the sword leaning against her side.  “That’s a funny way of looking at it, but I guess you could call them a bit similar.  Transevil and rassi do use the same fundamental energy that I like to call Desire Force—well, I’m not the one that came up with the name,” she nervously chuckled, cheeks darkening a little.  “It was Shane that explained it to me.”

The Level-7, huh…  Does Melissa know about all of this, and they’re just holding back to not overwhelm me?  I suppose it doesn’t matter in the end; Melissa’s too pure of a soul to really do anything to purposely hurt someone.

“Desire Force…”  she repeated, tasting the word on her tongue—Yumi just confirmed what her Soul-Spirit told her—it was like finding out the name of your favorite treat.  “Spirit Force, Desire Force, and Void Force.”

This time, it was Yumi’s turn to look confused, head tilting a tad to study her.  “Void Force?  Is… that what this other energy is?” she asked, holding up the weapon in her hands.

Streaming out a long puff of air, Clover weaved her hand across her bound hair.  “I suppose.  It’s what that ghost child—uh… the Soul-Spirit told me when I first fought transevil after exiting the Great Void.”

“Hmm… interesting,” she mumbled, glasses falling to the lower bridge of her nose while looking at the sword.  “It does seem to have that kind of—oh, a hungering feel to it.  Cool…  Umm, so, do you want to use the Psy-Link?”

Clover’s lips tightened, examining the two platinum-looking cartilage sections that would wrap around the upper curve of the ear, showing small, plate-like curves, which would automatically form the perfect shape around an ear’s cartilage; the inside shimmered with a faint red light.  The other two items were expensive-looking, classical diamond stud earrings.

She figured this was Tamara’s way of thanking her for exposing Tyler as more than just a CEO bank owner.  It sounded like she was willing to answer a few of her questions as compensation, as well.

“What are the benefits?”  she asked.

Setting the weapon’s point back against the concrete, Yumi smiled, taking on a more friendly and casual tone while pushing up her glasses.  “The connection is dozens of times better than anything the SPU will give you—even capable of transmitting and receiving calls past highly shielded areas underground!

“If the opposite person has video chat, it will connect to that, process far more data than most high-end computing equipment, and is completely controllable by active thought.

“You need to focus on calling someone for it to make a distinction from passive thought, and it’s super secure—more or less configuring to your personal tastes as it learns more about your general behavior patterns.  It’s pretty advanced because of the unique functions Desire Force allows when combined with technology.”

Opening her eyes a bit wider for a second, Clover released a short sigh.  “Well, it does sound amazing…  I suppose I’ll give it a try.”

Yumi cheerily helped her put on the items, and they were practically unnoticeable against her ears; however, she could feel the unusual Force seeking to slide into her skin and bond with her spirit.  To her mild surprise, some of it was rejected, the rest consumed, providing a sweet flavor on her tongue.

The girl’s mouth opened in sudden understanding.  “Oh…  No, Clover, you have to allow the Force in—to people like Tamara and me, it doesn’t have that problem, but for someone with Super Armor, like you, there needs to be access granted.”

“I’ve heard a little about that from a video I watched, but what is that exactly?”  Clover questioned, trying to will her body to make an exception, which worked, and a new pathway opened up for the flowing energy to pass through.  In addition, her body no longer fed on the substance, cutting off the flavor.

Yumi stepped back, examining her ear.  “Umm…  spirit users have two kinds of defenses—Armor and Super Armor—obviously, Armor just corresponds with the physical beating you can take from like swords and spears, but Super Armor deals with energy-style attacks, such as Desire Force.”

“I see…  I also appear to have Void Armor, considering I can absorb a portion of it, too,” she whispered.

“Oh?!  That’s important,” she grinned, glancing down at the Viper Blade.  “Are you saying you have Full Armament?”

Clover responded by swapping to her combat outfit, causing the woman to squeal in excitement.  “As you can see… it’s not in the best of shape,” she muttered, pointing out the rips and cuts.  “I wish I had an overcoat or jacket of some type, too,” she muttered, plucking at the slightly stretchable, leather-like top.

Yumi’s focus sharpened while scanning her boots, pants, belts, gloves, and vest; her tongue slid out to press against her lower lip before popping it.

“Hmm…  This proves your spirit has been severely damaged,” she muttered, bending down to slide a finger across a rip along the left thigh.  “As you recover and grow stronger, it will repair and develop into various other styles that more accurately fit your growth.  I’m excited!”

She clapped, jumping back to smile at her.  “Oh, but we can talk about all of that stuff later; umm—it should be configured by now—eh-heh, if your Void Force hasn’t gobbled up all of its Desire Force…”

Making a conscious thought to call Melissa, she watched the two cartilage unfold and dart out in front of her, keeping an even distance to her side so she could see both Yumi and the 2D holographic image of a still image she had of the woman as the sound seemed to transfer straight to her mind.  Mentally ending the call after two rings, the device shot back to her ears.

“That’s… insane,” Clover whispered, swallowing the saliva that had gathered in her mouth.  “Can anyone see what’s being displayed?”

Yumi shook her head, black hair swaying at the motion.  “Only if you want them to; it’s basically synchronized with your mind, and no matter how fast you move—at least, I think no matter how fast you move… heh, I haven’t tested it that thoroughly, but it should keep an even position you set with the base of your studded earrings.”

“Hmm…  Thanks,” Clover smiled.  “Well…”  she sighed, watching the two cartilage pieces fly out to make a small window as Melissa called her back.  “I suppose I’ll meet you at that club in a bit.”

“I look forward to it!”  Yumi chimed.

The woman darted around Clover, humming some upbeat song and visually salivating over the Viper Blade in her hands; there was a pull of sorts Clover felt from the weapon while Yumi left with it, borrowing the sword to study the Void Force, but Clover somehow knew it could be called back whenever she wanted.

As Yumi closed the door behind her, Clover answered the call.  Let’s see how Melissa takes the news…


Next Chapter

