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Note:  It's my birthday.  =) 

1.  Elinor (The Empress has her angel!)

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Elinor left Demon’s containment chamber to have Quin take her back to the palace, pondering on the gains they were making.  There was a lot to do in the coming days to prepare; experience told her that there would be a new crisis on the horizon.

Currently, there were a few major things that needed to be addressed and the ride across the city would give her the time needed to set things in order.

Violet, I need you to create an acceptable throne on one of the drones we have.  Quin can be better utilized elsewhere than just acting as my seat.

“Of course, Empress,” the girl paused, excusing herself from her eldest sister; she’d personally gone to check on Camellia, and Elinor could sense Violet’s locked jaw and tight muscles as she called for a drone to meet her in the Throne Room.  “Is there anything in particular that you wish for me to design around?”

The same artistic design as the Throne Room will do—black, of course, but it needs to convey the grandness of my station while remaining comfortable.

“I will have it done when you reach the palace.”

Quick, as usual, Violet.  And about Camellia … You will get the chance to strike back for what they did to your sister … both of them.

“I look forward to it, Empress.”

Letting the spider get to her work, Elinor quietly studied Camellia through the Nexus.  Violet and Azalea were infuriated by the state their eldest sister was in.  The fact she had to destroy their own mother’s brood and the corruption of their core values further angered the princesses.

Quin’s left head looked down at her as she hummed.  “Something wrong, Empress?”

Always … still, we are moving forward.  Speaking of which, I know this will not be popular with you, Quin, but you are best utilized elsewhere than my steed.  I know you love it,” she stated before the giant gorilla woman could protest.  “However, there is a lot that needs doing, and you know this city and valley.  A thought crossed her mind as she spoke.  Actually … I have an important mission for you.

The silent despair soon evaporated.  “Something utilizing my unique talents?”

Yes.  Contact Valdar.  You are to guide him and his evangelists to the north.  Do you know a path through the mountains?  We must start developing the land and converting it to the Empire; it will be critical territory in the future as we bridge all our surrounding nations.

“I see … so, we’re going to the frontier to blaze the path?”  Quin asked, feeling a bit excited at the prospect.

Do you know the lands?

“Of course!  I was born to the far north of our old lands, in the White Blood’s territory; as a child, we moved south to help with the construction and train in the Blood Union.”


Quin licked her lips, trying not to look disconcerted.  “What about … Who will carry you, Empress?”

Violet is creating a throne atop one of the Thélméthra drones for me to use.  It will do for now, and I doubt it will be as comfortable as your hands, but they are needed elsewhere.

Pride bloomed in the Quen’Talrat’s breast at the praise.  “I will do my best to guide them through my old home.”

I’m counting on you.  Not only will you be surveying how the area has changed but advancing my Religious System.

“I will keep my eye out for powerful figures to add to the army, too!”

A smile brightened Elinor’s lips.  That would be great.

Cutting off the conversation, she turned her attention to the south.  Iris was just reaching Klaus and Emelina, but the party hadn’t even returned to Shi’Shuka yet upon the open sea.  It would take another hour before they hit port from what she’d tracked of their movements; she was becoming surprisingly adept at sensing distances from constantly checking Iris’s position over the previous week.

She looked up at the sun as it was descending in the sky, enjoying the cool wind that swept through the streets.  Clouds had moved across the heavens to obscure the suspicious lone haze that blocked the floating island.

Tiffany, how close is the ritual?

“Hmm … How was your discussion with Demon?”

As I imagined.  He knows about Sar'ollaz and The Covenant.

“Oh, heh, did he say this wasn’t really a setback?”

Basically.  He hinted that something big is coming.

“Oooh!  Ominous.  Not like we didn’t see that coming, though.”

Elinor adjusted her dress while scanning the mud and dirt-caked streets; a great deal of it was leftover from the minor flooding that occurred after the hurricane.  It wouldn’t happen again since the sewage system had been repaired.  Still, once Tal’tamine was recovered—if she recovered—Elinor didn’t want her first experience to be in her wrecked city, much less her father if he decided to make a showy appearance.

Do you think I have time to go to the caves to see the remains Amra’Cora discovered?

“Certainly!  In fact, I plan to make this Argent Dawn a very big deal to hype up the process to the others hanging on the fence.  We could finally have our hands on healers, and the holy attributes that they can gain could prove most valuable for this coming Maw problem.”

Her eyebrows pulled as Elinor resituated herself.  Holy attributes … from my Lich System?

“No, no, no, no!”  Tiffany giggled.  “You see, that’s the amazing part about this ritual.  It uses your ‘power granting’ and ‘body altering’ traits of your Lich Empress System while connecting it to the Religious System that grants that ‘channeled power’ through their devotion to ‘your desires,’ which will bypass any ridiculous clause that they ‘think’ they’re doing your will.”

Useful.  So, they can only use that power for the Empire’s goals.

“More specific.  It is what ‘you’ would want.  If given the situation, you would approve of their actions, they will be granted the full strength of what they were able to use, based on their level.  They follow the same kind of traits as your Undead—the bottle cap is my ritual, though, as it can only handle the draw of so much power.”

Thinking about it for a moment, Elinor folded her hands in her lap, looking at the massive buildings around her.  Does that mean you’ll need to tweak each of their rituals as you develop greater binding methods?

“Sadly … yes.  It will be tedious, which means I’ll need to advance to a significant degree to bother upgrading them.  Still, it will grant you a force that doesn’t take your Death Energy but actually gives you more.”

Everything comes with a trade.  Very well, I will go to the mines.  I look forward to the show.  A grimace crossed her face as past movies flashed back into her memory.  This … isn’t going to turn out horribly wrong, and they’ll blow up or turn into fish people or something?

“Oh definitely.  If I didn’t max its proficiency, using lesser versions of the spell to bind people to just your Religious System, it would have adverse effects.  You gain more Death Energy than usual from their kills this way.”

The news came out of left-field.  When … did you start this?  I do admit, I have felt more of my followers becoming stronger … That was from your ritual?

“Mhm,” Tiffany absently replied.  “Your Religious System has a calming effect, too, which means anyone with high blood pressure and other medical issues, which surprisingly, many Ri’bot do have, will gain reprieve from bonding to your system.”


“It really is!  Oh, I need to get back to work!  The ritual will have a one-hundred percent success rate when we do it, which means no boils … like the other ones, he-he-he.”

I can’t wait.  Hmm … I will be back in a few hours with another army—although, my energy has only recovered to 4,523 … I’ll likely only get somewhere around 6,750 by 15 A.M.  I can only use about 1,500, which … Hopefully, it will be enough, given that I’ll need to account for their increase to the daily toll.

“Thinking ahead!  I’m sure you will select only the best.”

We need a lot, Elinor mumbled, knowing every second counted after going toe to toe against Demon in the Nalvean Empire.  This fortress takes priority.

The rest of the trip back to the palace was left in silence as Elinor pondered where her nation would go.  She saw kids running around the closer she came to the center of her city, playing in their little groups; each of them segregated themselves to their own races, but it had only been two weeks since they’d been forced to live peacefully with one another.  In time, she speculated their barriers would break down.  Not one person failed to recognize her.

Calling for Kumi’Relta, the messenger Amra’Cora sent to report the news, she took to her new throne that Violet had made.  The drones were large enough to allow two people to ride on the back, and upon seeing the looks of a few dozen humans on her journey back, her mind returned to the promise she’d made.

I need to consider raising more of their loved ones … Maybe I should call an assembly, but over six hundred humans…

She thought back to Earth.  Edmon?

“Mmh.  Yes, Elinor?”

Do we have an amphitheater or place where I can address large groups of people?

“There are several large structures that could work for that, and some may be for that explicit purpose.  However, they would need to be renovated.”

Hmm … Put it on the to-do list.  Don’t we need entertainment, too?

“No.  Not at this point, in any case.  Everyone’s lives are, for the most part, full of activities to do.  A few of the children are shirking their duties, but everything assigned to Gwen gets finished, which means the adults are likely picking up their slack.”

Good or bad, I’ll let Gwen handle her end.  Her lips pulled in as she watched Quin leave, in communication with an excited Valdar as she told him he had a green light for his expedition; Violet was exiting the Throne Room with her new throne with Valerie, her assigned maid, by her side.  I’m going to meet up with Amra’Cora right now.  Do you have a suggestion of who should join me?

Her gaze shifted to James as he bowed, having been asked by Edmon to select her maid since Emelina wasn’t there.  “If possible, I would have Angélica return to her husband.  Theresa has had ample time with her family since your leave, and she is the closest Maid to the Heroic-Grade.”

Call her here then.

Edmon cleared his throat.  “Kumi’Relta is a Heroic-Grade Hunter-Class Elite Quen’Talrat that specializes in tracking and guerilla warfare.  Azalea is spending time patrolling the surrounding jungle, cooling her head from seeing Camellia.  Violet would be appropriate protection.”

Elinor smiled at the spider girl; she couldn’t be called the youngest anymore since they’d discovered their long-lost sister.  It seems you’ll be joining me, Violet.

“Gladly,” she stated, pressing her dress down with her hands after transforming into her human form; her clothing had changed into a different elegant outfit.  She always impressed Elinor—the arachnid certainly was a fashion girl with Tiffany in her ear.

Violet kept with the salt and pepper color scheme with a mermaid-cut, elegant dress with back ruffles that pulled the eye and intricate bronze seams down her right arm and center.  She’d learned how to store her outfits inside some kind of storage.

Pondering their journey to the cave, Elinor realized having the assassin with her would be beneficial.  When we arrive, scan the system, and look for anything hidden that we might use—a collapsed tunnel with more skeletons beyond it or anything untapped.

Taking her posh, Victorian throne, Elinor rubbed the sides with pleasure at how comfortable the texture of Violet’s silk was.  The spider drone rose into the air; this would be her new ride for the foreseeable future, and she linked it to her subconscious desires to allow it to know where she wanted to go without active commands.

Theresa gave off a young, motherly vibe as she smoothly fell into a curtsy before lightly hopping up to stand behind her; she had no doubt the woman was in her mid-to-late forties, given the age of her children, but you couldn’t tell by her appearance.  Her husband was a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife; of course, every human would likely be returned to their prime as her Empire grew.

Tiffany had continued giving Violet ideas on crafting unique Maid outfits for each individual, but Elinor wondered what kind of feeling she was trying to elicit from those who saw her because this dress seemed to be missing some of its sides and shoulders.  Elinor had no doubt her husband enjoyed it because he’d be the only one to receive her affections.

Shockwaves could be felt by the humans passing by as Kumi’Relta’s heavy footprints entered the hallway; the giant silver ape had four arms and two legs.  There was some kind of hunting bow made for his incredible size strapped to his back with a quiver of arrows that could have been for a ballista.

“Empress,” his voice was almost as deep as Edmon’s, “are we taking the underground route?”

Whatever is the quickest.

Both his heads nodded as he turned to lead them away, Violet joining Theresa’s side.  Elinor’s new throne glided forward; the eight legs provided a smooth and stable experience without a hint of side-to-side movement.

On her way out, Elinor contacted Sari’aél, currently speaking to the Yaltha’ma, gaining a better understanding of the little monkey-foxes.  How has your day been?

“Eventful,” the amused Seraph responded.  “These little creatures have this fascinating concept of servitude that they have been educating me on.  The satisfaction they experience from completing a task given to them is astonishing.”

A sly smirk lifted part of Elinor’s mouth as she leaned against the side of her throne, passively examining her citizens as they left the palace and moved to take the wide, circular road around the tower to reach North Main Street.  He-he-he.  That ‘would’ be the thing that caught your attention.  Have you spoken to the Ri’bot and humans?

“I have.  The humans are quite curious; they kept offering me items that Aileen refused.  The little human maid girl has been accommodating in explaining to me your people’s customs.  She spoke of this mysterious cotton candy substance that is of such worth that even priceless gems are meaningless before its value … Although, I do not see why gems would be priceless.”

Culture, Elinor laughed.  Cotton candy, hmm?  That would be something priceless for Aileen, and she’s not wrong; much like spices and other items that enhance the quality of life, sweets are an addiction in the world we’re from.

“She offered to share her first batch with me.”

Cute.  What about the Ri’bot?

“They call me this strange name … Supreme Chief.  Aileen says they’re funny and talk about this human Indian … thing; she couldn’t really explain it well, other than she saw it in a museum her parents took her to in a place called America.”

Elinor’s fingers lifted to press against her forehead with a small smile.  Well … Aileen is a twelve-year-old German girl—I know that doesn’t mean much to you.  She knows some things, but she wouldn’t be the authority when it comes to U.S. history.  Ri’bot do have some tribal comparisons to the Native Americans, but you could say the same for several Earth cultures, I expect.

“Hmm … It is all quite strange.  I had this … meat item that Aileen took me to Antonietta to try … something called ‘jerky.’”

Oh?  Did you like it … Can you eat?

“I suppose … it had a strange texture that was … somewhat uncomfortable in my mouth, but I ate it, and the taste was a little … How would I explain it … sour?”

Jerky is sour to you?  Taste buds are strange, Elinor mused.  I’m glad you’re having fun.  In fact, why don’t you contact Leonora, our Artist, and have her paint you.  We can hang it in the commons area to give everyone something gorgeous to look at when you aren’t around.

“I do not mind.  I have been enjoying all of these new experiences.”  Sari’aél’s tone turned curious.  “I have noticed many male and female human eyes lingering on my chest, thighs, rear, wings, halo, and feet in order of interest.  The Children of the Sun do resemble humans in many regards.  What is this fascination?”

Uh … Well, Elinor sighed with a wry smile while remembering the Seraph’s curves.  To humans, you are very attractive … in a sensual way.

Sari’aél paused, analyzing Elinor’s tone, emotion, and other minute details that slipped through the Nexus link.  “You … experienced these sensations before, when we were inside the bath.  I do not understand these words … sensual and attractive.  I suppose I will need to learn them.”

Pulling in a sharp breath through her teeth that drew Theresa and Violet’s gaze, Elinor scratched her temple while thinking about the Seraph’s father.  You … should stay with Aileen.  Hmm … Ah, Theresa, she prompted, pulling the surprised woman into the conversation.

“I am at your service.”

There is a … delicate matter needs to be addressed when we return, which might prove somewhat … uncomfortable.

“Oh?”  Sari’aél was more than a little fascinated by her response and wished to learn everything about the words.  “Uncomfortable … I suppose that would be the word to describe some of the men and women that look at me.  Do I provide an uneasiness within humans?”

Theresa was swiftly connecting the dots, but Elinor decided to be direct.  Sari’aél needs to learn about humans and sex … How we reproduce, and the desires that we experience from that.  I don’t expect that to change anytime soon.

“I see,” the motherly woman giggled.  “I will have a discussion with her upon our return.”

And, Elinor brushed back her fingers through the end of her braided hair, pulled around her front, while in the process, could you show her how to bathe?  She will need a teacher since she has never touched water in her life.

“Oh … of course.”

A harmonic rumble breathed through their connection to the Seraph.  “Water … to clean one’s self is such a unique idea.  Bacteria can actually touch me in this form … So strange,” she whispered, likely looking around herself at the microscopic organisms she could sense.  “I have so many wonderful things to learn … such as this new word … sex.  Hmm.”

Mhm … until then, Elinor shook her head, just spend time with Aileen.

“Some Ri’bot kids have challenged us to a race,” Sari’aél chuckled.  “Aileen seems to have postponed it since your departure to the Nalvean Empire.  They say flying is against the rules.  Oh, and I get an edible leaf if I win?  How fun.”

Not having a clue how Aileen wound up in a Ri’bot racing contest, to begin with, and even roping in the Seraph, Elinor let it go.  Have fun, and rest up.  You have a challenging fight in two weeks.

“I will not fail.”

I have no doubt.  Try to let them have a chance at winning.

“Fascinating.  Giving the kids a false sense of confidence in their speed is considered nice?  I will give it a try.”

The way the Seraph saw the world was so innocent that it made Elinor a little sad; she’d be exposed to its ugly sides in time, but for now, she could enjoy her time with Aileen.  Violet will also craft a new outfit with you.

Elinor sat back, glancing to her side as the Seraph responded.  “I have spoken to Violet, and we have plans to go over a new dress I wish to craft.  We will be working together to develop a lovely design that Ori’él mentioned to me several days before my death.”

I … look forward to seeing it.  The fact she was already spreading her wings and actively learning about Violet’s hobbies while making herself a part of them was surprising.  Sari’aél was too perfect; without trying, she was growing attachments to everyone and uplifting their spirits.  Violet was ecstatic to learn more about The Children Of the Sun’s fashion.  I’ll leave you to your race.

“They are setting more rules.  I cannot use my wings to propel myself forward.  Wonderful!  I love these restrictions.”

Elinor pulled away, shaking her head; the angel was in a class of her own; they’d only made it to Southeast Main Street.  This city is massive.  It was so impressive yet impractical, given the transportation methods they had.

A cute black-haired girl swiftly caught her attention as she begrudgingly followed a few teenage boys and girls.  Adoncia Vences hesitated a bit to curtsy upon seeing her, knowing Elinor could hear her silent greeting if she wanted to.  “Good morning, Empress … My brother has been trying to sneak away with his girlfriend for the past twelve hours.”

Smiling a little, Elinor giggled, connecting to her mind.  It must be exhausting.  You are a good older sister.

Forcing a smile, she brushed back her hair.  “I try to be; thank you for allowing me to be here for my family.”

Of course.  Have fun, too.

“I will try!”

Transferring to their massive gorilla guide, Elinor sighed.  How long will this take, Kumi’Relta?  It’s near the edge of the city.  Correct?

“We can increase our pace if you wish.”

I’d like to get there as soon as possible.

His side grew longer, speed rising to a run that her throne matched as best possible, and he reached the drone’s maximum gait while remaining stable.

It took an hour to reach the tunnel at the northern side of the fortress; it was enormous.  Her gaze wandered as they pushed forward, studying the partially built stone walls, thick metal gates that could be pulled shut, and even ground, but her attention moved to the train cart the Elite Hunter directed her to once they arrived.

“This will help us reach our destination within eight minutes.”

Elinor lifted an eyebrow as they entered the massive cart built to accommodate the Quen’Talrat.  I thought this wasn’t operational?

“High Ruler Edmon discovered the proper terminal to turn it on for a short period of time, but with the current power leftover in this part of the fortress, it will not last more than a few days.”

Acceptable if we find someone that can repair it.  How fast are these trains?

“We will reach a max speed of 300 miles per hour, but it takes two minutes to speed up and slow down, or else it would be quicker.”

Perfectly acceptable, Elinor whispered, impressed at the speed.  We have one that runs around the inside of the city?

“Yes, but it is not currently operational.  Much of the 10th floor of the city is dedicated to the rail system.”

Excellent!  Elinor smiled.  I was concerned about that, but if it’s already built, we just need to have someone that can operate and repair it, which is the purpose of our mission.  Let’s go!

She couldn’t even feel the climb to 300 MPH, but it wasn’t as bad as she thought.  There weren’t any windows in the vehicle, which didn’t surprise her.  Ke’Thra’Ma indulged in every luxury given his position, and the Quen’Talrat were all about classes, which meant those sent to this mine weren’t meant to have any comfort.

When she disembarked, Elinor was greeted by Delro'Kosa, an Elite Warrior of Amra’Cora’s unit.  “Empress, we’ve been expecting you.  The Commander has gathered as many bodies as possible.”

Taking a deep breath as she was guided into the well-carved caving system, she marveled at the grandeur of a simple mine but understood the Quen’Talrat had to make everything massive to accommodate their size.

Right at the mine entrance, she found herself looking into a vast caving system with red magma falling out of areas and stone housing built into the pillars meant to keep the strip-mine stable.  However, dozens of the large columns were shattered from the earthquake that shook the mountain.

She peered off the edge in wonder, seeing structures that could house thousands of Quen’Talrat.  Is that lava?

Delro'Kosa followed her gaze.  “Hmm … No, Empress.  That is liquid Bloodstone.  It is a material harvested for a purpose I am unaware of.  I do know it is valuable, which is why the streams were diverted into pools to be collected.  The Ke was in the process of fashioning a pipeline, but his designs were never seen, as far as I know.”

Bloodstone … interesting.  Very well, take me to your Commander.

She was guided across the vast bridge to another halfway, leading into an audience chamber meant to house thousands of Quen’Talrat with a grand podium in the center.  Elinor felt her artificial heart stop at the mass of bones being brought in from the lower entryways by the Unintelligent Undead workers—the floor was littered with skeletons.

Amra’Cora smiled as she entered.  “There are so many more, Empress.  The brightest might not be among them, but they should be more than competent for what is required to operate and rebuild the city.”

This is … everything I wanted.  Perfect, Amra’Cora … perfect.  Violet?

“I will explore what I can while you work, Empress.”

Elinor activated Herald of the Empress, sending dozens of flaming butterflies to hover around the mass graveyard while walking around the bones, some larger than her.  Amra’Cora hadn’t been wrong; they weren’t the strongest physically, but scanning for their intelligence, she found far higher Grades than she expected, and by tuning her desire, she was able to discover who would be best at what.

Now came the issue—her current Death Pool and how much this would increase her daily cost.  She needed grunt, Unintelligent workers, and supervisors.

1,500 Death Energy is my current limit on raising them, which means if I raise all Heroic … they cost 410 Death Energy apiece.  I need to focus on the Rare … five specialists and thirty-two Rare-Grade manual labor Unintelligent Undead to have the physical skill and dexterity to manage the work.  Rare is the best cost-per-Death Energy spent.

Elinor was a little annoyed that she didn’t consult with Edmon on which specialists they needed the most.  Amra’Cora, what are the things we struggle with in rebuilding the city?

“Hmm?  Ah, currently, power infrastructure is a major problem with power systems management.  The rail system has been a concern for supplies … Hmm … Water treatment and the agricultural systems are two other areas that need to be addressed.”

Elinor scratched the top of her head with annoyance.  Five slots … I didn’t realize ‘how’ specialized your race was.  It seems like so little, but we must start somewhere, and I can continue to raise what we need each day.  Anything else of critical importance?

“I believe … the High Lord wanted a defense systems monitor to address any threats and monitor our surroundings.”

That does seem immediately necessary, Elinor mumbled.  Six … I wanted a few more in the workforce, but I can get more tomorrow if needed.”

Scanning for each station, she rose the closest to Heroic-Grade that she could find.  It cost her 1,260 Death Energy to raise the six Intelligent Rare-Grade Quen’Talrat, leaving her with only seventeen Rare-Grade Unintelligent to aid in the work that needed to be done; she expected heavy lifting to be required as they restored the fortress’s facilities.

She returned with each, noting them with pursed lips on the train ride; their addition would increase her daily cost by 164 Death Energy.

Daily Maintenance Cost:

  • Lich’s Conquest: 25DE (If in a territory conflict); -15% Total Cost
  • Artificial Body: 9DE
  • Nexus Of The Empress: 75DE
  • Monarch of Death: 150DE
  • Intelligent Minions: 3,288DE
    • Rarity: # Minions / Individual DE
    • Uncommon: 3x / 8
    • Rare: 20x / 16
    • Heroic: 12x / 32
    • Epic: 2x / 64
    • Legendary: 1x / 128
    • Mythic: 1x / 256
    • Transcendent: 4x / 512
  • Unintelligent Minions: 1,123DE
    • Poor: 908x / .5
    • Common: 465x / 1
    • Rare: 51x / 4
  • Total Daily Cost: 4,645DE
  • Total Daily Cost: 3,969.5DE (If Lich’s Conquest is active)

The Power Infrastructure, Power Systems, and Water Treatment specialists were black-furred while the Rail Systems specialist was yellow-furred.  A green-furred Quen’Talrat was the Defense Systems Monitor, and a red ape worked on the Agricultural Systems.

Elinor also learned that most of the race didn’t have multiple limbs or even heads; in fact, excluding their small tails, the 14-foot to 16-foot tall gorilla monsters were just that, gorillas, albeit with impressive muscles and size.

She put them to work immediately once they arrived, sending the group to Edmon to teach him each aspect of their profession.  Intrigued, Elinor happily left for the Entrance Hall of the palace, where Tiffany was preparing the big spectacle.

Well, I suppose the good news should be told in public, and what better place to announce the victories than in public?

Contacting Tiffany as she made her way there, Elinor’s heart felt light; they’d done it.  The Empire was on the rise.  Tiffany.

“Mhm!  I’m so excited!  This is everything I’ve been working toward!  Oh, and I heard about the good news.  You found everything we need!  Isn’t this a cause for celebration?!”

It is!  In fact, I will be announcing the good news.  We are on a solid path to becoming secure in our new nation.  The Nalvean Empire has recognized us as allies, and we have the means to restore this city to its former glory, perhaps greater, in time.

I will be raising Quen’Talrat and humans all this week to support the cause—including the two Nalvean women Imiunarus wanted to have a second chance … He was a good man, after all, Elinor whispered; she wanted to honor the Nalvean that had been instrumental in gaining the Nalvean Empire’s support.  Without his articulate speech, she would have come off as a bumbling fool, trying to speak their language.

In addition, those that have loved ones from the new human group that has joined us will have the same option as I offered before.  I expect Tal’tamine to be joining us soon, too, which means we must clean our new home … This is our home.

Tiffany’s heart softened at her statement.  “You see this as home?  I’m elated.  I will have everything prepared for your speech to your people!”


Next Chapter


Darth Mole

Happy birthday!